Me and my Christianity

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Is it me... or is there no evil in the world except for those who see it?

What of the victims of war and exploitation? Is it really so easy for you to ignore their plight while you soak up your Western Materialistic Middle Class Consumerism. I guess it is easy for you to rest content with your own happy lot. Nobody is dropping bombs on you. Nobody is shutting down your business to make way for Foreign Imports. Nobody is making you choose between working 80 hours a week for a subsistence wage or just plain starving to death. I guess you live in quite a little Rose Garden.
Leo Volont: What of the victims of war and exploitation? Is it really so easy for you to ignore their plight while you soak up your Western Materialistic Middle Class Consumerism. I guess it is easy for you to rest content with your own happy lot. Nobody is dropping bombs on you. Nobody is shutting down your business to make way for Foreign Imports. Nobody is making you choose between working 80 hours a week for a subsistence wage or just plain starving to death. I guess you live in quite a little Rose Garden.
M*W: Leo, you give me far more credit that I am due. First, the question was rhetorical.

Second, I was not implying that I 'see no evil' in the world.

Third, I've seen war and exploitation through my own eyes, and I don't ignore the plight of the downtrodden. Quite the contrary.

Fourth, I've just taken an early retirement from medicine to work on two new historical MSS.

Fifth, I spend most of my time researching for the real Jesus and his wife. In my spare time, I'm on sciforums.

Sixth, I've never been one to 'soak up' Western Materialistic Middle Class Consumerism, as you put it. Aside from the outstandingly beautiful body I've been given, I am a non-conformist as well as the different drummer that some people follow. I haven't fully utilized Western Materialism as much as I could have. I have had the means to acquire worldly possessions, but they mean nothing to me. I am not waiting til I die to disburse all this crap. I'm giving it to my grandchildren now. The less I have, the happier I become. I hate dusting. A simpler life is what suits me. I have very little need for Western Materialistic Middle Class Consumerism. I guess I could grow my own food in that 'Rose Garden' you think I'm in!

Seventh, I've been told I intimidate a lot of people -- those who don't really know me. Others have said I'm a legend in my own mind. The people who really love me call me 'Mom' and 'Nannie.'