McDonalds, McNuggets, and Corporate Greed

Get off your ass and go inside; or better yet, dont use these corrupt, crappy, thieving companys at all. Oh hey maybe someone is bleeding out needing emergency assistance, while others call 911 because they cant go to the grocery store and cook themselves something to eat. Wait, then they wouldent have something to bitch about.
God I love people..
this is stupid, tripple 0 (911, 666, 999 ect) is NOT there for this any more than someone needs an ambulance for a fish bone stuck in a tooth (true story). If you actually need the police for something like this then you should be calling the NON emergency number, however a better number to call would be the equivlant of the state office of business and consumer affairs or the ACCC.

leave the emergency numbers for emergencies please

The woman was being robbed of her money.

Were there multiple options she could have chosen? Sure. And calling 911 was one of those options.
milkweed, triple 0 is for LIFE THREATNING SITUATIONS. There is in australia a 13 number for the police which is specifically for non life threatning police atendence. ie if you come home and your car is stolen you DONT CALL TRIPLE 0, you call 131 444 who will then dispatch an officer, detective ect when they become avialable if required.

Yes she had the right to take action, however triple 0 is limited in the number of calls it can take and there for is used ONLY FOR URGENT, LIFE THREATNING SITUATIONS.

Basically what would have happened if she had to wait till the next day for a cop? nothing, she would still get her money back.

however the ACCC, OBCA ect are better bodies for dealing with this sort of situation rather than the police.

Your right, she had a right to call the police. She DIDNT have a right to waste an emergency dispatchers time however. I hope she got her money back, however i also hope they charged her and she is given a VERY steep fine for using 911
Well, with the constant use of billions of drive-thru windows in the USA, obviously your experiences are NOT normal. If everyone had your experiences all the time, like you claim, no one would use a drive-thru.

Baron Max

I think it has more to do with the local area.
I live in a midde class area and my neighbors are realy bitchy. Due to this all the fast food places near me do any and everything to make you happy.

I work in lower class area and I can see the difference. I have had fast food 3 times in the last month from 3 different places and every time it was wrong, or cold.

The work force in that area just doesnt seem to care, and the costomers are so used to it they just dont bother to demand better service.
milkweed, triple 0 is for LIFE THREATNING SITUATIONS.

Your right, she had a right to call the police. She DIDNT have a right to waste an emergency dispatchers time however. I hope she got her money back, however i also hope they charged her and she is given a VERY steep fine for using 911

First, we are talking about an incident in the USA not australia.

911 is number that has been pounded into peoples heads to report crimes to.

As has been established by other posters, it is against the law for a merchant to offer a different item than advertised and REFUSE to refund the money when the customer does not want a different item.

The actions of this particular McDonalds left the woman with no choice but to report a crime in progress.

I am disappointed the police took the actions they did, issuing a ticket to a person who was not being equally protected by the laws. If she would have brought in a Coke bottle (as an example) and filled it up with the same kind of soda from McDonalds fountain, she would have been charged with theft, and the mcDonalds employees would have used 911 to call the police.

This particular McDonalds broke the law when they refused to refund her money for the product she purchaced, when she exercised her right to refuse a different item.

The appropriate action for the dispatcher would have been to send an officer to investigate whether a crime was being committed.
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you would call an emergency phone number for •99?

It was $2.99 if I remember right. It was the big bunch of nuggets.

It would never have occurred to me to call 911. Up until reading the article that is.

But I dont have a cell phone so I would need to borrow one from the employee, and probably ask him/her to show me how to use it. :)

It would be fun to see the look on their face as I use their phone to turn 'em into 911. A kodak moment.
First, we are talking about an incident in the USA not australia.

911 is number that has been pounded into peoples heads to report crimes to.

The appropriate action for the dispatcher would have been to send an officer to investigate whether a crime was being committed.

911 has been pounded into peoples head so that it is easy to remember in an EMERGENCY situation. It is quite easy to find and remember your local non-emergency number.
An appropriate action would have been for the dispatcher to tell the lady to come in and write a report then hang up.. Officers have much more important things to do. Especially than having to waste tax dollars so that someone can get 3 dollars back.
If your that hard up for money than dont waste it on a little bit of crappy food that costs too much. When it is much cheaper to go and buy healthy food and cook it yourself.
This country is full of idiots who cant handle anything themselves, all anyone wants to do is sue each other and have others put in jail or to lose all of their possesions. Such a sad sight to see, this world of cry baby :bawl: helpless individuals.
they're not all useless, just most of them. lets not spit upon the elite few who actually get ur meals right and give u hot fries. i work at maccas, i cook, i take care to only serve shit that's edible.

You mean there's one of you that actually does their job right???? *faints*.
It was $2.99 if I remember right. It was the big bunch of nuggets.

It would never have occurred to me to call 911. Up until reading the article that is.

But I dont have a cell phone so I would need to borrow one from the employee, and probably ask him/her to show me how to use it. :)

It would be fun to see the look on their face as I use their phone to turn 'em into 911. A kodak moment.

Wrong. 911 is there for critical emergency situations. That is the fact that has been beaten into people's heads. That she was such an immature little bitch and wouldn't just dial 0 and ask for the police department ("non emergency please") warrants a sizable ticket, IMHO.

Asguard is totally right.


Instructions from Orlando website:

How do I report a crime, suspicious incident, etc.?

If you are in the city limits of Orlando, dial 911. Even if you do not think it is an emergency, use 911 because this reduces the amount of information the call taker has to enter into the computer.

Listen to the calls made:,2933,504125,00.html

The woman is calm and just wants her money back. No one tells her not to call 911. How long should she wait before calling back? How many people a day are treated this way?

I order chicken, I dont want to pay for hamburger.

Wrong. 911 is there for critical emergency situations. That is the fact that has been beaten into people's heads. That she was such an immature little bitch and wouldn't just dial 0 and ask for the police department ("non emergency please") warrants a sizable ticket, IMHO.

Asguard is totally right.


You are totally wrong.
When to call 911 – Emergencies Only
Calling 911 can save valuable time in an emergency. Some people aren’t sure when to call 911. They call 911 for reasons other than emergencies. To complain about barking dogs, to ask directions, to report the power is out, or to check on road conditions.

Remember, calling 911 is for real emergencies – situations when you need police, fire, or an ambulance in a hurry. When people don’t use 911 properly, or abuse the system making silent or abusive calls, they tie up the phone lines and make it hard for others who really need help right away to get through.

Making Silent or Abusive Calls to 911, Penal Code statute 42.061

(b) A person commits an offense if the person makes a telephone call to 911 when there is not an emergency and knowingly or intentionally:

(1) Remains Silent; or
(2) Makes abusive or harassing statements to a PSAP employee.

(c) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly permits a telephone under the person’s control to be used by another person in a manner described in Subsection (b).
(d) An offense under this section is a Class B Misdemeanor.

Personally i think a misdemeanor is wrong, it should be a fellony charge but that could be because i am going to be working in the emergency services and the number of times i have herd of cars being called out lights and sirens (cat 2), (which i might add puts the ambo's lives and the lives of other people on the road at risk but its a risk we accept if nessary to save someones life) for compleat wastes of time (i wasnt making up the fish bone stuck in the tooth story, it was a real case told to us in first year) is ridiculas and thats just the ambulance service.

Not to mention that your putting the lives of other pts at risk because if its a small town there may only be one ambulance with in an hours drive and you have just tied up that ambulance for a WOFTAM (Waste Of Fucking Time And Money).

This goes for the other services to, hell you call the ambulance or police direct numbers you actually go through to the tripple 0 call operator anyway, they are no different.
Personally i think a misdemeanor is wrong, it should be a fellony charge but that could be because i am going to be working in the emergency services and the number of times i have herd of cars being called out lights and sirens (cat 2), (which i might add puts the ambo's lives and the lives of other people on the road at risk but its a risk we accept if nessary to save someones life) for compleat wastes of time (i wasnt making up the fish bone stuck in the tooth story, it was a real case told to us in first year) is ridiculas and thats just the ambulance service.

Not to mention that your putting the lives of other pts at risk because if its a small town there may only be one ambulance with in an hours drive and you have just tied up that ambulance for a WOFTAM (Waste Of Fucking Time And Money).

This goes for the other services to, hell you call the ambulance or police direct numbers you actually go through to the tripple 0 call operator anyway, they are no different.

Ignoring the fact that your link was for a DIFFERENT state, she did not report any of the following (from your link):
They call 911 for reasons other than emergencies. To complain about barking dogs, to ask directions, to report the power is out, or to check on road conditions.

She was reporting being robbed of her money. I must assume you did not listen to the actual calls she made where the dispatcher informed her an officer would be sent, and no one informed her not to call again.

Get it thru your head. She was reporting a crime in progress. Whether or not you would do the same thing in the same situation is irrelevant. She used 911 within the boundries of its function. She committed no crime by reporting a crime.

Speculate all you want on "what if someone ... blah blah blah". Produce some actual information that this caller diverted anyone from a real emergency (cutting short a doughnut shop stop for the police does not count).

The reality is if she had left the mcDonalds and filed a complaint the next working day or whatever, she would have been told theres nothing we can do because... wait for it... A policeman didnt observe the actions you allege. We have no proof a crime occurred.
Asguard said:
(b) A person commits an offense if the person makes a telephone call to 911 when there is not an emergency and knowingly or intentionally:

(1) Remains Silent; or
(2) Makes abusive or harassing statements to a PSAP employee.

(c) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly permits a telephone under the person’s control to be used by another person in a manner described in Subsection (b).
(d) An offense under this section is a Class B Misdemeanor.
She didn't remain silent, and she didn't make abusive or harassing statements. You've just proven that she didn't commit a crime.