Mathmatically disproving God could not Flood the world for Noah to build his Arch


Registered Senior Member
Can anyone validate this equation???

Mean radius of the Earth at sea level = 6371km

Elevation of Pikes Peak = 4,300m
Elevation of Mt. Everest = 8848m

Now, if the Earth truly were flooded like the stories say, we can reasonably assume the water level would need to rise to somewhere between these two in order to really kill off everything that was not onboard the boat. For argument's sake, we'll call it 6,500m.

So what we need to do here is find the volume of this larger sphere, which is Earth's radius + the extra 6,500m and then subtract the volume of the earth's radius at sea level.

Volume of a sphere is 4/3πr^3
Roughly, the volume of the earth is 1083206916845753700547 cubic meters.

Volume of Earth + 6,500m = 1086525719613182361802 cubic meters.

Subtract the first from the second and we get 3318802767428661255 cubic meters.

The tricky part here is to determine how much of this "shell" consists of land. The estimated average of Earth's exposed land is 875 meters, but the oceans cover approximately 71% of the earths surface. Crunching some numbers, we can take about 2806162187 cubic meters out of this shell. That leaves roughly 3318802764622499067 cubic meters that needs to be filled with water to flood most of the earth. That is 8.7673494 x 10^20 gallons.

876734940000000000000 gallons.

For comparison's sake, the Pacific ocean is about 187189915000000000000 gallons.

The total volume that would need to be flooded, going by my math, is roughly equal to 4.6 additional Pacific Oceans.

Where did that water go? Where did it come from? Well...

Where did that water go? Where did it come from? Well...

The answer is god is all powerful and isn't concerned with such technicalities.

Have you done the math on what kind of boat it would have taken to hold every species on earth ?

Oh and don't forget the dinosaurs LOL.
Can anyone validate this equation???

Mean radius of the Earth at sea level = 6371km

Elevation of Pikes Peak = 4,300m
Elevation of Mt. Everest = 8848m

Now, if the Earth truly were flooded like the stories say, we can reasonably assume the water level would need to rise to somewhere between these two in order to really kill off everything that was not onboard the boat. For argument's sake, we'll call it 6,500m.

So what we need to do here is find the volume of this larger sphere, which is Earth's radius + the extra 6,500m and then subtract the volume of the earth's radius at sea level.

Volume of a sphere is 4/3πr^3
Roughly, the volume of the earth is 1083206916845753700547 cubic meters.

Volume of Earth + 6,500m = 1086525719613182361802 cubic meters.

Subtract the first from the second and we get 3318802767428661255 cubic meters.

The tricky part here is to determine how much of this "shell" consists of land. The estimated average of Earth's exposed land is 875 meters, but the oceans cover approximately 71% of the earths surface. Crunching some numbers, we can take about 2806162187 cubic meters out of this shell. That leaves roughly 3318802764622499067 cubic meters that needs to be filled with water to flood most of the earth. That is 8.7673494 x 10^20 gallons.

876734940000000000000 gallons.

For comparison's sake, the Pacific ocean is about 187189915000000000000 gallons.

The total volume that would need to be flooded, going by my math, is roughly equal to 4.6 additional Pacific Oceans.

Where did that water go? Where did it come from? Well...

Thou shall not interpret the Hebrew bible as does Europe. Contemplate the text instead.

The flood involved only Noah's possessions [domestic animals/the text]. The size of the flood was regional only: viewed as global only from the POV of the people - this was their entire world. Tasmania and Canada never yet existed. This makes the text totally vindicated - even introducing an aerial map location of Mount Ararat for the first time.

Do you believe that Noah took two of every kind of animal onto his ark?

The answer is god is all powerful and isn't concerned with such technicalities.

Oh and don't forget the dinosaurs LOL.

I disagree. Every action requires an explanation.

Lol, my bro, i dont know what is up with the stories of your dinos'. but it sounds LOL :shrug:

Do you believe that Noah took two of every kind of animal onto his ark?

Its not what I believe, but what the text says. If the text preambles all of Noah's possessions, this would point only to a few domestic animals - which also matches the exacting stats of the boat's sizes. Arguably [duh!] we are refering to the greatest grammatical writings humanity possesses [relevant to its time - at least], so textual comprehension rules.

Now I wait for some smarty to say 'prove it' - which is proof they have not bothered to read it in the first place.
Sure. To the people in Noah's space-time, Tasmania never existed then.
Word salad.
Just because they were unaware of the existence of Tasmania etc doesn't mean it could be considered to have not existed at that time.

This is the mark of real and true authenticity in the texts.
What utter nonsense.

Imagine how you would flip if the text did consider Tasmania 5000 years ago!
So your contention would be that every single use of the word "world" and "Earth" simply referred to the portions known at the time?
Word salad.
Just because they were unaware of the existence of Tasmania etc doesn't mean it could be considered to have not existed at that time.

Tasmania never existed 5000 years ago. Believe it if you are in Noah's time. Man on Jupiter's southern Hem also does not exist today. Believe it.

So your contention would be that every single use of the word "world" and "Earth" simply referred to the portions known at the time?

Absolutely. The subjective factor rules. When ancient man saw the world as flat, 1000's of years before telescopes emerged - they were right for their time. They were not ignorant or knew less than you, and any one of us here would be the same. If one does not see this as credible, they will find ridicule in Genesis - but that is not the fault of the writing - it is authentic: study the 'NAMES' in Noah's geneology - and consider why these pages were retained for future generations.
Why do you think god created sea sponges?:)

There is nothing superfluous in the universe. If there was, the universe could not exist - the single random particle would eventually catch up and set the entire mechanism in disarray. We think gravity keeps the earth in its spinning and revolving place, but it could be a host of factors combined in concert. Tomorrow we may discover that far away planets and galaxies put our entire solar system in a balance by unseen underlying impacts. But eventually, we have to confront what keeps the impacting impacting.

Let me give you Kabalistic brain teaser:


Go figure.
Now I wait for some smarty to say 'prove it' - which is proof they have not bothered to read it in the first place.

Read it.

Every day.

My father's an Assembly of God "decon". My brother's a Baptist minister. I went to a private--Baptist--school growing up. I know the Bible well. The old testament is all hyperbole written to give the Jews who were--at the time of the Pentateuch--escaping from Egyptian domination and coalescing into a unified, Hebrew identity. Why do you think that they "wandered" for forty years (a myth)? Because 20 years was a generation, and they wanted to teach people that God had them wander--not just to punish them--but to give them a distinct identity of their own, one which wasn't sullied by a generation that left Egypt. By the time they reached the holy land, almost none of the original slaves were alive and thus a "new" generation, one that is fully Hebrew, would reach the holy land. The authors wanted to give their people a distinct and--yes--superior identity from their former masters and those who they were invading.

Nothing empowers a people like "uniqueness", especially when that uniqueness comes from the Almighty. As for the "history", it obviously containes huge borrowings from the Hittites and Ancient Egyptians (Gilgamesh-Messianic-Redemer, Sun-God, Korban-Redemption Offerings, the Great Flood, consecrated foods, creation myth, etcl; all borrowed from surrounding tribes and altered to suit the Hibaru).

Thus the first five books of the Torah are spent telling the "history" of the Jews (most of it fabricated), what the law is in order to remain one, and how they are selected by God to be the greatest tribe on earth. It happened all over the world, the Jews just did it much better.

Tasmania never existed 5000 years ago.

Tasmania, the island, has been an "island" off and on for the past few million years (during maximum glacial expansion, the oceans were lower, and Tasmania was joined to the mainland). The land mass that we know of has been there for over a hundred million years.

Tasmania never existed 5000 years ago.
Utter tripe.

Man on Jupiter's southern Hem also does not exist today.
That is more than likely true.

Absolutely. The subjective factor rules. When ancient man saw the world as flat, 1000's of years before telescopes emerged - they were right for their time.
The Greeks knew the world was round.

If one does not see this as credible, they will find ridicule in Genesis - but that is not the fault of the writing - it is authentic: study the 'NAMES' in Noah's geneology - and consider why these pages were retained for future generations.
The main object I see here worthy of ridicule is you.

There is nothing superfluous in the universe.
That depends purely on how you define "superfluous".

If there was, the universe could not exist - the single random particle would eventually catch up and set the entire mechanism in disarray.
That's supposition.

Let me give you Kabalistic brain teaser:
Read it.

Every day.

My father's an Assembly of God "decon". My brother's a Baptist minister. I went to a private--Baptist--school growing up. I know the Bible well. The old testament is all hyperbole written to give the Jews who were--at the time of the Pentateuch--escaping from Egyptian domination and coalescing into a unified, Hebrew identity. Why do you think that they "wandered" for forty years (a myth)? Because 20 years was a generation, and they wanted to teach people that God had them wander--not just to punish them--but to give them a distinct identity of their own, one which wasn't sullied by a generation that left Egypt. By the time they reached the holy land, almost none of the original slaves were alive and thus a "new" generation, one that is fully Hebrew, would reach the holy land. The authors wanted to give their people a distinct and--yes--superior identity from their former masters and those who they were invading.

For me, the desert 40 year period is perhaps the most pivotal one for humanity: it made the first Monotheists, the Law, the first alphabetical books and a host of paradigms. The Israelites failed in the beginning with Monotheism when they were sorely tested - Moses challenged God by putting his life on the line, and they recieved help. Thus I say a non-Jews' belief is in one sense more powerful - more input. But it is not possible to write the Hebrew bible by desert wonderers - the math therein is so formidable, even a super computer would burst its fuses - even with alledged deficencies. Try naming all the names, dod's and dob's of your past five generations - even while using your PC? Nothing else makes the Jews superior than the notion they wrote the Hebrew bible some 3000 years ago, when most of humanity was negotiating grunts in many places. Its this mystery which compels me.

With every due respect, I am doubtful the subtlies in the text would be adequately picked up by the Baptists - because their focus is elsewhere. Ask why the Israelites failed after witnessing the greatest FX miracles the mind ever imagined. This is because miracles, which bend nature, are soon forgotten [39 days with the Israelites] - but when something goes in real time - that is never forgotten. This is the underlying reason for the 40 years - else a few spoons of holy water would do the trick.

Nothing empowers a people like "uniqueness", especially when that uniqueness comes from the Almighty.

Agreed. This may be a test for both - the Hebrews and those who confront this uniqueness issue, which raises the greatest hatreds - and the Jews have no control of it: try parading downtown Paris in the garb mandated in the Torah - not eating in a friend's house when invited - its a surety for hatred in return. This is the meaning of THY SEED SHALL BE IN BONDAGE - a dire pledge made before the nation of Israel was even born, let alone merit any crimes. The Hebrew first family itself began in brothers killing their brother - same reason, repeating itself in history. Yet Joseph had no control of his powers in reading prophesies.

As for the "history", it obviously containes huge borrowings from the Hittites and Ancient Egyptians (Gilgamesh-Messianic-Redemer, Sun-God, Korban-Redemption Offerings, the Great Flood, consecrated foods, creation myth, etcl; all borrowed from surrounding tribes and altered to suit the Hibaru).

Its the uncommon denominator which rules: no head bashing dieties battling for supremecy in the Hebrew. The flood story in Gilgamesh' dating has been revived - its less old than originally imagined, namely post Abraham. So it acts as an affirmation only.

Thus the first five books of the Torah are spent telling the "history" of the Jews (most of it fabricated),

You must say, 'percieved' as fabrication. Nothing therein has been disproven; over 70% has been proven.

what the law is in order to remain one, and how they are selected by God to be the greatest tribe on earth. It happened all over the world, the Jews just did it much better.

This looses it by omissions, though its beginning to sound like a religious thread - but I am only responding to a post in the thread. The Jews never had it so good compared to the others - no land, oil, substance or power. I doubt Christianity or Islam would change places - and have no lands and substance, a place not viewable on the map unless zoomed in a 100 times, and with a daily targeting of being wiped off the earth. Your welcome - take the unique.

"NEXT TIME PLEASE CHOSE SOMEONE ELSE" - The fidler on the roof.
That's your best response to everything I posted?
Well done.
There's plenty enough water to cover the earth, if you flatten it out a bit.
God can do that you know. Luke 3:5
Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth....

Or, put more scientifically:
The deepest ocean is found in the trenches where the plates are subducted, the Mariana Trench is 11,035 meters deep (compared to the 8848 meter height of Mount Everest). If the solid earth were made into a flat plain, the seawater would cover the entire earth to a depth of 2440 meters. If all of the water vapor in the atmosphere were converted to liquid it would cover the smoothed earth surface by about an 1-inch.
With every due respect, I am doubtful the subtlies in the text would be adequately picked up by the Baptists - because their focus is elsewhere.

With all due respect, you have no clue what you're talking about. "Baptist" is a catch name for any number of independent churches, many with VERY diverging interpretations and beliefs, except in one are: baptism in the name of Christ is the only way to get to heaven; belief in the trinity, Satan and the return of Christ in the end times. Everything else is optional.

A focus on the Torah was paramount in their teaching. Memorization and understanding of entire tracts of versus was demanded.

The core reason behind the alleged "wandering" is much debated, but the prime reason--even amongst Jews--is to get the Egypt out of the Hebrews even after the Hebrews had already fled Egypt. Two generations left almost no one alive from the original slavery and enough time to drive the lessons home.

Ask why the Israelites failed after witnessing the greatest FX miracles the mind ever imagined. This is because miracles, which bend nature, are soon forgotten [39 days with the Israelites] - but when something goes in real time - that is never forgotten. This is the underlying reason for the 40 years - else a few spoons of holy water would do the trick.

It was "forgotten" many times even after the arrival in Canaan. And the "FX miracles" are, again, hyperbole and the figment of many a man's imagination.

The flood story in Gilgamesh' dating has been revived - its less old than originally imagined, namely post Abraham. So it acts as an affirmation only.

As stated by. . . . . . .?

You must say, 'percieved' as fabrication.

Nope. I don't. Science has already demonstrated that most of the nonsense in the bible is the meanderings of many layers of human imagination.

Nothing therein has been disproven; over 70% has been proven.

Except the part about the earth being a few thousand years old. Creation, in general.

Name a single lofty claim in the bible that's been proven? See, the bible and Christians are the one's required to show proof, it's not up to the doubters to disprove idiotic claims maid by religious kooks.
