Mathematically Determining a Dimension for the Mind

You claim to be able to 'do' quantum mechanics. Where have you 'done' it? Give a link to a thread or two or answer a few of the many questions I've provided.

You claim to be able to 'do' vector calculus. Where have you 'done' it? Give a link to a thread or two or answer a few of the many questions I've provided.

You claim to be able to 'do' relativity. Where have you 'done' it? Give a link to a thread or two or answer a few of the many questions I've provided.

You claimed to be able to 'do' group theory. You were caught plagerising.

You claim to be able to have looked into doing string theory research. Where have you 'done' string theory?? Give a link to a thread or two or answer a few of the many questions I've provided.

I ask you to put your maths or physics where your mouth is, you 'throw an eppy' and refuse. Every time. The attempts you have made to do maths, you have demonstrated you don't know basic vector calculus (like this thread) or that you 'spend days' on developing a 'universal equation' which says $$0 \not= 0$$.

So my conclusions are supported and yours are not. I've been laying this accusations at your feet for months and in all that time you've posted loads and loads of nonsense essays and not done a single thread on actual mathematical physics. Even this morning, you posted a huge list of Einstein quotes. I bet that took much more time to compile than it took me to do that vector calc question in this thread. And yet you claim you've so much homework you cannot do those questions, which you claim are within your ability.

See how inconsistent you are?
All i see, is a free-loading, loud-mouthed string theorist jippo trying to get attention.

What's wrong Alphanumeric? Is life so boring, you need to attend to these pointless assertions and debates?

I say pointless, because you prove nothing, nor can i assume any logical reasoning why you even waste time pertaining a defence with someone so unwilling to have a decent conversation with you.

There was a time you called my an attention whore... i could say the same about you now. Somehow, you find relevance in these meaningless debates, trying to poke answers out of someone who is completely resistant and unwilling to participate in your childish games.

As for your information, i neve plagerise, and it was out fault of mine i used work that wasn;t associated to my own research... which i got confused, and made an error. You kept asking me for grades... which i continuously tried to ignore you, until i cracked, and saw the error of my ways. The third error is this very post. The more i retaliate, the more i feed your trollish behaviour.

The universal equation was to attempt a solution to an understanding which was currently, misunderstood, but since you continue to raise 0≠0, will make sense if you ever asked or considered the following conclusions...

What is the existence of the universe before the dawn of time? Big bang states there was nothing. ziltch, absolute zero 0. And now, there is something. A collapse in the wave function giving a value of 1, so somehow, big bang is promoting 0=1. There is something clearly wrong with this.

I now state that 0 is in fact something, so zero might not be the correct value to use at all, but since we can't ascribe anything at this point, we can treat 0 as a passageway for infinity.

How can we interpret the illusion of existence?

There is one way, by saying there is a symmetry in time: a big crunch, when everything, even entropy is reduced back to the infinite gravitational singularity. In theory, when you add all the energy and matter in the universe, it should come to a big fat zero (E=Mc^2)+(E=-Mc^2)=0. Strange this nothingness?

Just imagine, that reality as we see it today, has no real value in the long run. But before big bang, there was a value, so we can now switch the coordinates of 0=1 around 1=0, but to make sense of this, we are then saying that 0=1~1=0, which means, 0=1 is the same as 1=0. Another way to write this is: 0 ≥ 1, which seems like a strange calculation you would never come across in any sensical or intuitive equation. So here, both sides of existence which pre-existed time itself, has the same ultimate value of 1, or 0. But you wouldn't understand this, since your conceptual horizon of physics, is so mathematically rigid ans verticle, it fits nicely into no originality at all.

But, besides all this, you refuse to operate like a modest physicist, never mind any physicist who act ''competent'' as you put.

Maybe you just need a good fuck. Why not go out and find a girl, and get rid of all the tension, because you would do us all a favor.
All i see, is a free-loading, loud-mouthed string theorist jippo trying to get attention..
How am I freeloading?

And which of us posts essay after essay after essay on multiple forums and ignores all corrections?

And how am I a 'jippo'? I'm aware of the slag, though it might vary from the meaning I know to the meaning you know. 'Jippo', at least in the south half of the UK, means someone who is poor, scruffy and of bad personal presentation.

I'm none of those things.
Is life so boring, you need to attend to these pointless assertions and debates?
Do you think I do nothing else with my time? Unlike you, I've got time to do more than a few physics homework questions.
I say pointless, because you prove nothing
I just proved I can do basic matrix algebra. Very basic matrix algebra. More than you've proven.

What have you proved in this thread? I have asked you repeatedly for you to link to a thread where you do actual maths, demonstrate you're capable of even high school physics or maths but you haven't provided.

Why not? Is posting a link too hard for you now?
why you even waste time pertaining a defence with someone so unwilling to have a decent conversation with you.
You're an easy target and I wouldn't want someone who wants to learn physics, actually learn it, come across one of your posts and be infected by your nonsense. So the same reason I keep repling to StevenA's nonsense on PhysOrg.

Claiming you can 'do' relativity and then posting garbage like this thread means you are deliberately trying to mislead people.
As for your information, i neve plagerise, and it was out fault of mine i used work that wasn;t associated to my own research
Two problems.

Firstly, you don't do research. Certainly not research into group theory.

Secondly, are you so terrible at comprehension that you cannot recognise your work? That what you posted didn't match your posting style? Your grammar and syntax? That you were utterly unfamiliar with anything to do with the topic itself? When I reread stuff I wrote years ago I might not remember writing every word of it, but I recognise my style of posting, my grammar and punctuation constructs.
You kept asking me for grades... which i continuously tried to ignore you, until i cracked, and saw the error of my ways. The third error is this very post. The more i retaliate, the more i feed your trollish behaviour.
I asked you your grades because you made comments implying you were at university. Or that you had obtained a PhD place. Then, upon being pressed, it turns out you just want to do to uni and want to do a PhD.
What is the existence of the universe before the dawn of time? Big bang states there was nothing. ziltch, absolute zero 0. And now, there is something. A collapse in the wave function giving a value of 1, so somehow, big bang is promoting 0=1. There is something clearly wrong with this./QUOTE]You know nothing about the specifics of wave functions and you know nothing about space-time dynamics in relativity. Oh I'm sure you could post 10 pages of wordy nonsense but if I asked you to solve the Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric for particular conditions to describe inflaton dynamics, you'd fall flat on your face. I asked you a simple question involve Dirac's bra-ket notation, you couldn't do it. The solution took 3 minutes to work out and you couldn't do it. And yet you claim to understand wave function behaviour of curved space-time. The fact quantum processes in the ultra-early universe are bearly understood in mainstream physics doesn't seem to bother you. It's all just 0 or 1.

Here is the kind of stuff cosmology students do, for inflating universes and quantum processes within that kind of space-time. Can you do any of that?
There was a time you called my an attention whore... i could say the same about you now
I don't post my own threads proclaiming to have answered it all. When I do claim to have my own results, I don't explain them at all and the results I claim to have are just a tiny tiny tiny section of a small part of one bit of string theory. Not a 'universal equation' about the wave function of the universe. Like you.

I'm not vying for people's attention. I just correct things when I see mistakes. And you post a lot. And you post a lot of mistakes. Repeatedly.
But, besides all this, you refuse to operate like a modest physicist, never mind any physicist who act ''competent'' as you put.
If someone asks me to back up my claims, I do. If someone says "Where did you get that result from", I'll explain. Rigorously. If someone says "What makes you think you can do field theory" I'll explain and can demonstrate working knowledge. Like a good physicist, I can provide evidence.

Every time I've asked you to even just post a few links, you don't.
Maybe you just need a good fuck. Why not go out and find a girl, and get rid of all the tension, because you would do us all a favor.
Ah, the assumptions people make. I keep smacking you down for the BS you post, it must just pent up sexual frustruation, nothing to do with the garbage you post. My sex life isn't as active as I might like but it's not empty.

Getting laid or not, I can still justify my physics claims. You could get ****ed tonight but in the morning you'd still not be able to do any physics.

No doubt you'll whine and complain again, maybe call me a few names but I bet your next post won't actually demonstrate you've working knowledge expected of even high school students.

You said you have homework questions to do. Post one of them here. I just want to see what you're actually doing. I'll post a problem I'm doing, we can compare ;)
I can't even be arsed reading all of this. All i will say is you are all talk, and no action, in real life. Something i have measured with you, is that you love fullfilling some need you don't get in real life. This could be anything from your sexual life, to just your remedial acceptance. I bet your friends are limited and few.
Besides... whoever would listen to you, but the people who suck your arse? Shame is you hog it. You are so up your own arse, there is no need to share.
I was going to reply with something longer, but it's enough that you just proved my point. You'll insult and whine but you never actually show I'm wrong about my comments about you.

And all your talk about friends and sex. Subconciously projecting your problems there?
''I was going to reply with something longer''

Oh, thank fuck you didn't.

''And all your talk about friends and sex. Subconciously projecting your problems there?''

Well, i am the one with the psychology degree. I'll be the judge of that.
Well, i am the one with the psychology degree. I'll be the judge of that.
So now you've been to university and have a psychology degree? I thought you'd not been to uni yet? And you wanted to do physics? You don't even have A Levels yet.

Yet again, you lie through your teeth. Obviously there's something wrong with you emotionally if you are compelled to tell such transparent lies.

Are you on psyc medication? Maybe you should see a therapist.
You attutude is ugly. And for your information, i got passed my course at college. I never mentioned university, so again, you come up with false illusions.
I never mentioned university, so again, you come up with false illusions.
So how did you get a psychology degree? or did I imagine you saying "I am the one with the psychology degree".

The false illusions seem to be in your head.
I will explain this once, and then i am not returning to this thread, because this is getting no where.You've hijacked it, and then insult me continuously.

I went to college when i was 18, studied psychology for three years, and got my degree. In the latter year of attending, i also took up physics, which i had to drop out of.
I am now back doing physics, have been for a year now. Starting my second year will be bad, because i have found out that i need to take chemistry and biology as well as biotechnology on top of physics.

Now, fuck off. I have an education, and you continually saying i am lying about it is making me hot under the coller... simply because you don't know me. You don't know what i have done with my life, so how you can make any proclamation is beyond any logical sense.
I went to college when i was 18, studied psychology for three years, and got my degree. In the latter year of attending, i also took up physics, which i had to drop out of.
No university would let you actually take up physics if you didn't have the A Levels requried, particularly when you're in your 3rd year of an unrelated topic.
I am now back doing physics, have been for a year now. Starting my second year will be bad, because i have found out that i need to take chemistry and biology as well as biotechnology on top of physics.
So when you say 'college', you don't mean 'university', you mean a place where students go to do 1, 2 or 3 years of study between the end of compulsory education and university?
and you continually saying i am lying about it is making me hot under the coller... simply because you don't know me.
Your claims are constantly inconsistent.

You claim to have studied relativity, but you cannot do any. You claim to be able to do QM but even if you went to uni and did a year of physics, you'd not cover QM. You claim to know VC but don't know how to add vectors. You claim to know group theory but don't. You claim to have just 'picked up' physics in your 3rd year of a psychology degree, yet no university would allow you to do that, even joining the foundation year. You say you have to take biology and chemistry but no physics course makes you do that. The only kind of course which ends up as physics which does are things like Cambridge's 'Natural Science' degree.

So let's make this clear for future clarity :

Have you done A Levels or the Scottish equivalent? If so, in what?
Have you applied to and been accepted to a university (not a college, a university, as designated by such things like UCAS)?
If so, how did you 'pick up' physics in your 3rd year? You just read a few books, started turning up to lectures or you were officially enrolled in the physics course? You say you had to 'drop out', which implies it was the 3rd option.
If it's the 3rd option, how were you allowed to do so when you don't even have A Levels in the required topics?

I have to ask because your comments are inconsistent. And if you're so annoyed at my comments about your life, you'll answer those questions clearly and concisely.
ou don't know what i have done with my life, so how you can make any proclamation is beyond any logical sense.
And yet you call me a jippo and say I'm not getting any. Nice hypocrisy there dumbass.
I said i wasn't going to reply... but just for this insert

''You claim to have just 'picked up' physics in your 3rd year of a psychology degree, yet no university would allow you to do that, even joining the foundation year. You say you have to take biology and chemistry but no physics course makes you do that. ''

Is so wrong on many levels. One, lets state the word ''college.'' shall i spell it out for you, because i have mentioned it about 4 time to your within the last few days, but for some unfathomable reason, it just isn't sinking in.

Second, you can take any course you like while taking another in college.

Three, i have to take three other courses on top of physics, because that is what is required by the level of education. Why? Don't know. Don't really care other than knowing i have to.

Now, if you excuse me AN, i will say it one more time. I am sick of this thread, and will no longer entertain your trollish behaviour of ''hijack and insult''.
Perhaps Mathematically Determining a Dimension for the Mind will eventually help with the 'theory of everthing' inparticular the measurement problem!