Mathematical Proof of Solving Wigners Friend's Problem

No doubt Reiku is whining over on that other forum.
Not just whining, he's the science mod on that forum, and controls the "scientific content".
As soon as I found that I cancelled my account there.
Which didn't stop him, in typical Reiku fashion, continuing to reply to my previous posts in an effort to make it look as if I couldn't respond to his points... yet he knew that I'd left because he PM'd me to say who he was, not realising who I am (was) here, trying to make out he'd left here voluntarily - no mention of multiple bans for crank posts/ sockpuppetry.
yet he knew that I'd left because he PM'd me to say who he was, not realising who I am (was) here, trying to make out he'd left here voluntarily - no mention of multiple bans for crank posts/ sockpuppetry.
Yes, you do have to wonder about that sort of thing. Usually when a crank lies again and again, even to your face about things you supposedly said, I assume its all for show, that they don't want to lose face or admit to a mistake they've made and I've pointed out but Reiku appears to take this further. He has asked me via PM and commented to someone else in a PM (which the person posted for people to see, I can find it if needs be) why I'd not asked him for help with something I was doing as part of my research. I'd asked a question in the physics forum and said what it was relating to so he knew the kind of thing I was considering. The fact he asked why I didn't request his help in a PM, so there's no invisible forum lurkers reading it, really surprised me. It means he isn't doing it for show (at least that's not his only motivation), he really believes he can do this stuff despite knowing full well he's not read many (if any) books, he's making his posts up or copying them from elsewhere and that he's lying about his college work (ie it wasn't GR, as he claimed).

Despite my dismay at them I give cranks enough benefit of the doubt to view them as simply liars and frauds who know they are such but it would seem this is not applicable to Reiku. Does he rationalise his actions somehow, giving himself an excuse why its okay for him to just make stuff up or copy others, he actually knows the material deep down? Or does he compartmentalise his thoughts so much he effectively forgets he's just made up all he's typed and then blanks out any criticisms of it so as to view himself as unchallenged (a behaviour seen in Jack too)?

Knowingly lying is one thing but to be so deep into your own delusions you believe what you make up to be the truth is entirely something else. I hesitate to make any kind of personality 'diagnosis' but its certainly a behaviour far outside the norm, even for cranks.
Not just whining, he's the science mod on that forum, and controls the "scientific content".
As soon as I found that I cancelled my account there.
Which didn't stop him, in typical Reiku fashion, continuing to reply to my previous posts in an effort to make it look as if I couldn't respond to his points... yet he knew that I'd left because he PM'd me to say who he was, not realising who I am (was) here, trying to make out he'd left here voluntarily - no mention of multiple bans for crank posts/ sockpuppetry.

That forum has less than 300 registered users, so I wouldn't loose to much sleep over it if I were you.
Not just whining, he's the science mod on that forum, and controls the "scientific content".
As soon as I found that I cancelled my account there.
Which didn't stop him, in typical Reiku fashion, continuing to reply to my previous posts in an effort to make it look as if I couldn't respond to his points... yet he knew that I'd left because he PM'd me to say who he was, not realising who I am (was) here, trying to make out he'd left here voluntarily - no mention of multiple bans for crank posts/ sockpuppetry.
I just had a quick look over onto that forum to see if Reiku was whining still, so I could get a chuckle and the thread is deleted. Looks like he didn't believe his own rhetoric after all. To see if he'd moved it somewhere I looked into the parent forum and one (of many) of the threads he's made is this one where he posts a link to a different forum saying how someone else has done something interesting and when you look at said link its precisely the same stuff Brennus posted here, which we now know Reiku wrote!! Same nonsense using Latex to put complicated but meaningless equations into his post, same rambling about what is bookwork he's lifted from elsewhere and doesn't understand. Same delusion his writing standard is up to that of a paper or thesis.

Even on his own forum he doesn't say "I wrote this", he has to do slights of hand so people don't realise its his 'work' and thus don't instantly know its bullshit (assuming they didn't know any science to see its bull anyway). I knew SciForums weren't his own haunt but it seems he just types up nonsense and then spams it everywhere. I thought he'd at least not be so stupid as to expose his stupidity to even more people like that. When you have to pretend stuff you wrote isn't your own work on your own forum so as to not instantly get the reply "Its your work and you always write shit so its shit" from everyone you know you're in trouble. In the almost 3 years since he and I crossed paths he could have learnt huge amounts of physics (such a time frame is that of a standard undergraduate degree!) from books and honest discussions on forums but he's wasted it writing and spamming all that nonsense. Doing 3 years of "Make up your own physics" has prevented him from doing 3 years of "Learn actual physics". That's what makes it so sad, if only he hadn't tried to convince everyone he already knows some physics then by now he might have actually known some physics!!
When you have to pretend stuff you wrote isn't your own work on your own forum so as to not instantly get the reply "Its your work and you always write shit so its shit" from everyone you know you're in trouble.
Unfortunately he seems unlikely to get that sort of response on that forum, and not just because he's the *cough* (I still can't believe he found someone so gullible) science mod there.
The majority of the posters seem to care (or know) little about actual science - it's nearly all "I feel this should be true, so I'm taking it as scientifically proven".
Pity really, because the founder of the site appears to be genuinely interested in actual philosophy and the site's got side-tracked into being a mutual back-slapping society for cranks and "mystics".
and not just because he's the *cough* (I still can't believe he found someone so gullible) science mod there....
Pity really, because the founder of the site appears to be genuinely interested in actual philosophy
Ouch, I thought he was the person who set up the forum and that's why he's a mod. The notion he might have conned someone with an interest in science into
thinking him a worthy person of a moderator-ship didn't even cross my mind!!

Unfortunately he seems unlikely to get that sort of response on that forum
Whether it was someone there agreeing with us or the fact he was stupid enough to draw attention from other forums to his ignorance by making that thread its clear that he wasn't man enough to say "I was wrong". I imagine its partly to do with the fact he has to keep his self delusions going (and such a thread would not fit well with his views of himself) and partly to do with the fact if he's posting that crap everywhere he's made a large emotional investment in it and doesn't want to admit it might have been misplaced.

And its not like that's a rare thing for cranks to do. Not sure if you've heard of him but an example would Farsight. In case you haven't, he spent months saying how he'd got all the answers and would soon revolutionise physics and then proceeded to post his nonsense on just about every physics forum under the sun (even stuff like Richard Dawkins' forum, which isn't about physics!). When people pointed out its failings to admit he'd overhyped his work on all those forums wasn't something he was willing to do. Despite people on different forums independently giving the same criticisms (making it clear it was not just nay-sayers making up unfounded complaints) he couldn't admit he was wrong and just stopped posting on forums. He's back now, months down the line and having spent his own money on self publishing his work as a book (since no reputable journal accepted it), but only at irregular intervals, lest he have to face "Told you so!" from everyone.

At least Farsight crawled back under his rock, Reiku seems to want to draw attention to his ignorance. I really don't understand what he hopes to achieve. But then I suppose its a good thing I have little inside into the mind of Reiku, his approach to science is not a good one.