
420Joey said:
Just so you guys don't get the wrong idea, I'm not a playstation.. I don't load every day -

topic kidnapping:

Is there something wrong with masturbating every day? Or multiple times a day?

Any research done on this topic?
The fact that it's draining and better things could be done in that time? :)

-- Long live the Female Messiah!
If you do it too much, you'll go blind, then, you'll sprout pubic hairs on your palms and eventually your dick will fall off... nah, only kidding.

Sexual intercourse within a loving relationship is preferable to masturbation of course, but it depends on your age, health and circumstances. If there is a good reason why you can't have regular sex with a partner and your libido demands sexual release, then go for it, the important thing is not to feel guilty about it and that it doesn't simply become a habitual obsession.
I was just wondering if anyone actually researched the effects of masturbation frequently opposed to masturbate rarely, or not at all.

I think it would be an interesting study.
My own observations, conclude that regular masturbation may diminish creativity, intergrity/consciousness and work ethic, but not to any critical degree. Masturbating rarely, enhances creativity and seriousness, but contributes to depression.
Tab's observation is totally misleading, masturbation does lead people to be more productive, and it increases creativity, intergrity, and awarness of self so therefore "consciesness". And it surely as hell!! does not contribute to depression, nothing can be further from the truth!!. It has recently been found that masturbation contributes to avoidance of prostate cancer, so therefore ejaculating is healthy, and a way to release stress, therefore contributes to fight depression.

There the above links may help Tab's erroneous views of ejaculation, and for those who may tend to believe bs with out backing it up!!.

The trouble with not reading a post properly, leads to the wrong conclusion. I said that masturbating rarely, as in not often, may lead to depression. I still think it diminishes creativity and the rest if do it too often, but NOT to any critical degree.

Saying that it INCREASES creativity, intergrity and consciousness is something i never observed, in fact, I observed the opposite, so what makes you think that?
Somebody once told me, that we can transfer our sexual energy into a creative one and that is indeed what I noticed. When you're on a creative run, you're so totally focused on your project that you don't even think about sex, well not as much anyway and occassional release is always nice, without affecting the creative flow, but if your focus turns to very frequent sex or masturbation, then it's reasonable to assume that it may affect your creative output. I could be wrong and it could be that it is other factors that come into play when your creativity is diminished; after all, everything's based on your state of mind.
Tab, after posting I did some more research in the matter, I've found that basically I was speaking in moderation, that is ejaculating in moderation may lead to more creative, self awarness, etc.. However I also found out that there are those whom over due, the moderation therefore becoming obsesive, in ejaculation, which does lead to less creative, time wasting, energy waste, so therefore when confronted with a potential mate, the individual may loose interest in sexual desire.

And there was no trouble reading your post, I answered in haste. Due that I'm an atheist, I see many theist here coming up with potential negative views upon male/female ejaculation. (My Bad!!)

Tabs not only the state of mind but also age, a younger individual male for instance thinks of sex, a whole lot more for instance than an elderly male. I too know for a fact that you can channel that sexual energy into productive work, for instance I can go without sleep for several nights in a row, if I'm under pressure to get some work done, however my age difference has or perhaps has something to do with it, I'm 40 years old, my sexual drive is healthy, however if I'm pressured by some outline at work, the sexual drive takes a dive untill the project is completed, after that watch out!! ;)

tablariddim said:
Sexual intercourse within a loving relationship is preferable to masturbation of course, but it depends on your age, health and circumstances. If there is a good reason why you can't have regular sex with a partner and your libido demands sexual release, then go for it, the important thing is not to feel guilty about it and that it doesn't simply become a habitual obsession.

I'm not sure why it would necessarily be preferrable, rather than a mix of both.
I have regular sexual intercourse with my partner (as much or more than any past relationship) and I still masturbate fairly regularly.
Masturbation can be a creative, healthy aspect of your sexuality.
Besides that, it is wonderful to share with your partner (whether or not your partner is in the room with you).
I didn't read this topic completely. Is it indicated here that what happens to sperms, prostatic fluid etc., if we do not use these for long?