Master Theory (edition 2)

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Nonsense, you do not understand the basic principles of GPS, see here. The periodic adjustments are due to ephemerides, the frequency calculation is done using GR effects (for a list, check the reference). The rest of the fringe stuff you posted about time dilation is just as bad.
Anyways, time dilation is tested directly thought the experiments on transverse Doppler effect.

Tach, I think you missed the point of my post. A quote from the abstract you linked pretty much says it.
This paper discusses the conceptual basis,​
I would add to that the theoretical basis.

I did not read the whole paper but in searching through I found no reference to the actual method used to synchronize satellite clocks with ground based clocks. The theory is absolutely based on relativistic effects. The mechanics of actually maintaining some measure of synchronization? I have never found any reference that put the actual process as a computation of the relativistic divergence. It could not be done on a satellite or a GPS receiver as that calculation would require a significant time on a super computer. Those kinds of resources are not committed to the everyday operation of the GPS system.

I don't see where experiments involving the transverse Doppler effect involves time dilation. Even so, as it, as far as I know, involves astronomical observations, it is subject to the same issues that the muon decay reference would be. They are both dependent on assumptions that the underlying theory and models are accurate.

It any case, I never said at any point that time dilation and even length contraction do not occur. All I said is that the evidence we currently have supporting either or both is not such that it excludes all other possible known or unknown causes. And that for that reason I began with,
Masterov, does present a valid point of view above, though not a generally accepted one. (Generally accepted is not always the same as accurate!)
Sometimes it is better to read a post within its larger context than to respond to isolated statements.

Incidently, I have not posted what I believe...
I propose to discuss one of these 'paradoxes'.
Please don't get distracted. Please continue the conversation on this topic.

Rocket's time slow down when it goes from one (A) an inertial reference frame to another (B). Einstein's theory contend that it.

If the rocket return back into the original reference frame, rocket's time slow down in relation to B. As a result: we have two a times, wich have different speeds.

How this can be possible?

For any other theory this paradox would be a death sentence, but not for Einstein's theory. (For some reason.)

It's hyperbolic geometry.


So my claim is that a) $$\Delta \tau_{CA} \ge \Delta \tau_{BA} + \Delta \tau_{CB} $$,
Since I am emphasizing hyperbolic geometry, I choose to parametrize the 12 coordinates thus:
$$\begin{eqnarray} t_C & = & t_B \; + \; \xi_{CB} \, \cosh \eta_{CB} \\ x_C & = & x_B \; + \; c \xi_{CB} \, \sinh \eta_{CB} \, \cos \phi_{CB} \, \cos \theta_{CB}\\ y_C & = & y_B \; + \; c \xi_{CB} \, \sinh \eta_{CB} \, \cos \phi_{CB} \, \sin \theta_{CB}\\ z_C & = & z_B \; + \; c \xi_{CB} \, \sinh \eta_{CB} \, \sin \phi_{CB} \\ t_B & = & t_A \; + \; \xi_{BA} \, \cosh \eta_{BA} \\ x_B & = & x_A \; + \; c \xi_{BA} \, \sinh \eta_{BA} \, \cos \phi_{BA} \, \cos \theta_{BA}\\ y_B & = & y_A \; + \; c \xi_{BA} \, \sinh \eta_{BA} \, \cos \phi_{BA} \, \sin \theta_{BA}\\ z_B & = & z_A \; + \; c \xi_{BA} \, \sinh \eta_{BA} \, \sin \phi_{BA} \end{eqnarray}$$

Since $$I_{CB} = c^2 \xi_{CB}^2 \, \left( \cosh^2 \eta_{CB} - \sinh^2 \eta_{CB} \, \left( \cos^2 \phi_{CB} \, \left( \cos^2 \theta_{CB} + \sin^2 \theta_{CB} \right) + \sin^2 \phi_{CB} \right) \right) = c^2 \xi_{CB}^2$$ and similarly $$I_{BA} = c^2 \xi_{BA}^2$$, we automatically satisfy all of the inequalities related to traveling slower than the speed of light. And we guarantee $$ t_A \; < \; t_B \; < \; t_C $$ by requiring $$ \xi_{BA} > 0 \; , \quad \xi_{CB} > 0 $$.

I_{CA} & = & c^2 \left( \left( \xi_{CB} \cosh \eta_{CB} + \xi_{BA} \cosh \eta_{BA} \right)^2 \right. \\ & & \quad - \left( \xi_{CB} \sinh \eta_{CB} \cos \phi_{CB} \cos \theta_{CB} + \xi_{BA} \sinh \eta_{BA} \cos \phi_{BA} \cos \theta_{BA} \right)^2 \\ & & \quad - \left( \xi_{CB} \sinh \eta_{CB} \cos \phi_{CB} \sin \theta_{CB} + \xi_{BA} \sinh \eta_{BA} \cos \phi_{BA} \sin \theta_{BA} \right)^2 \\ & & \quad \left. - \left( \xi_{CB} \sinh \eta_{CB} \sin \phi_{CB}+ \xi_{BA} \sinh \eta_{BA} \sin \phi_{BA} \right)^2 \right) \\ & = & I_{CB} + I_{BA} + 2 c^2 \xi_{CB} \xi_{BA} \left( \cosh \eta_{CB} \cosh \eta_{BA} - \sinh \eta_{CB} \cos \phi_{CB} \cos \theta_{CB} \sinh \eta_{BA} \cos \phi_{BA} \cos \theta_{BA} \right. \\ & & \quad \quad \left. - \sinh \eta_{CB} \cos \phi_{CB} \sin \theta_{CB} \sinh \eta_{BA} \cos \phi_{BA} \sin \theta_{BA} - \sinh \eta_{CB} \sin \phi_{CB} \sinh \eta_{BA} \sin \phi_{BA} \right) \\ & = & I_{CB} + I_{BA} + 2 c^2 \xi_{CB} \xi_{BA} \left( \cosh \eta_{CB} \cosh \eta_{BA} - \sinh \eta_{CB} \sinh \eta_{BA} \left( \cos \phi_{CB} \cos \phi_{BA} \left( \cos \theta_{CB} \cos \theta_{BA} + \sin \theta_{CB} \sin \theta_{BA} \right) + \sin \phi_{CB} \sin \phi_{BA} \right) \right) \\ & = & I_{CB} + I_{BA} + 2 c^2 \xi_{CB} \xi_{BA} \left( \cosh \eta_{CB} \cosh \eta_{BA} - \sinh \eta_{CB} \sinh \eta_{BA} \left( \cos \phi_{CB} \cos \phi_{BA} \cos ( \theta_{CB} - \theta_{BA} ) + \sin \phi_{CB} \sin \phi_{BA} \right) \right) \\ & \ge & I_{CB} + I_{BA} + 2 c^2 \xi_{CB} \xi_{BA} \left( \cosh \eta_{CB} \cosh \eta_{BA} - \sinh \eta_{CB} \sinh \eta_{BA} \left( \cos \phi_{CB} \cos \phi_{BA} + \sin \phi_{CB} \sin \phi_{BA} \right) \right) \\ & = & I_{CB} + I_{BA} + 2 c^2 \xi_{CB} \xi_{BA} \left( \cosh \eta_{CB} \cosh \eta_{BA} - \sinh \eta_{CB} \sinh \eta_{BA} \cos ( \phi_{CB} - \phi_{BA} ) \right) \\ & \ge & I_{CB} + I_{BA} + 2 c^2 \xi_{CB} \xi_{BA} \left( \cosh \eta_{CB} \cosh \eta_{BA} - \sinh \eta_{CB} \sinh \eta_{BA} \right) \\ & = & I_{CB} + I_{BA} + 2 c^2 \xi_{CB} \xi_{BA} \cosh ( \eta_{CB} - \eta_{BA} ) \\ & \ge & I_{CB} + I_{BA} + 2 c^2 \xi_{CB} \xi_{BA} \\ & = & c^2 \left( \xi_{CB} + \xi_{BA} \right) ^2 \\ & = & c^2 \left( \tau_{CB} + \tau_{BA} \right) ^2 \end{eqnarray}$$

b) that the equality only holds when all three segments are colinear in space-time, ,
Note that for equality to hold across all of the previous statement, we need the following three conditions to hold:
$$ \eta_{CB} = \eta_{BA} \\ \cos( \phi_{CB} - \phi_{BA} ) = 1 \\ \cos ( \theta_{CB} - \theta_{BA} ) = 1$$
which is equivalent to saying that the velocity vector corresponding to both intervals is the same.
c) that $$\Delta \tau$$ is the elapsed time between any two events in the inertial coordinate system where there is no change of spatial coordinates, thus justifying the common name of "proper time.",
Rotate by $$-\theta$$, Rotate by $$-\phi$$ then use a Lorentz transform corresponding to hyperbolic angle $$-\eta$$. Done.
It is instructive to compute:
$$\left( c^2 (\Delta \tau_{CA})^2 - c^2 (\Delta \tau_{BA})^2 - c^2 (\Delta \tau_{CB})^2 \right)^2 - \left( c^2 (\Delta \tau_{BA} + \Delta \tau_{CB})^2 - c^2 (\Delta \tau_{BA})^2- c^2 (\Delta \tau_{CB})^2 \right)^2 $$
It's also always greater than or equal to zero.
You can't have an educated discussion unless both sides are educated. Otherwise, it's arguing with ignorance.

True, and yet!

It often seems to me that what is passed off as discussion even educated discussion, often represents no more than the lowest form of argument, in which the "debate" becomes a personal exchange with no intent or possibility for the exchange of ideas, perspective or information.

But this now begins to diverge from the topic of the thread and adds nothing to anyone's understanding of practically anything.
Note that for equality to hold across all of the previous statement, we need the following three conditions to hold:
$$ \eta_{CB} = \eta_{BA} \\ \cos( \phi_{CB} - \phi_{BA} ) = 1 \\ \cos ( \theta_{CB} - \theta_{BA} ) = 1$$
which is equivalent to saying that the velocity vector corresponding to both intervals is the same.

Actually there are some other cases, but correspond to some sign flipping, such as anti-parallel directions and flipping the sign of eta.
Yet another case is associated with the coordinate singularity of spherical coordinates (i.e. East and West don't matter at the North Pole -- there is only South).
Actually there are some other cases, but correspond to some sign flipping, such as anti-parallel directions and flipping the sign of eta.
Yet another case is associated with the coordinate singularity of spherical coordinates (i.e. East and West don't matter at the North Pole -- there is only South).

Oh that is good !! I am going to use that . Please don't sue Me
You are making the solution more complicated than it needs to be.

Perhaps you would care to expand on that by displaying how your calculation results in the requested inequality in $$\tau$$ not $$\tau^2$$.

I can rewrite the section in parentheses in terms of just cosh and cos.
$$\frac{1}{4} \left( \cosh ( \eta_{CB} - \eta_{BA} ) \left( \cos( \phi_{CB} - \phi_{BA} ) \left( \cos( \theta_{CB} - \theta_{BA} ) + 1 \right) + \cos( \phi_{CB} + \phi_{BA} ) \left( \cos( \theta_{CB} - \theta_{BA} ) - 1 \right) + 2 \right) \right. \\ \quad \quad \quad \left. - \cosh ( \eta_{CB} + \eta_{BA} ) \left( \cos( \phi_{CB} - \phi_{BA} ) \left( \cos( \theta_{CB} - \theta_{BA} ) + 1 \right) + \cos( \phi_{CB} + \phi_{BA} ) \left( \cos( \theta_{CB} - \theta_{BA} ) - 1 \right) - 2 \right) \right) \\ = \cosh \eta_{CB} \cosh \eta_{BA} - \sinh \eta_{CB} \sinh \eta_{BA} \left( \cos \phi_{CB} \cos \phi_{BA} \left( \cos \theta_{CB} \cos \theta_{BA} + \sin \theta_{CB} \sin \theta_{BA} \right) + \sin \phi_{CB} \sin \phi_{BA} $$

But we still have a ugly breakdown of this into cases to prove it is always >= 1.
Perhaps you would care to expand on that by displaying how your calculation results in the requested inequality in $$\tau$$ not $$\tau^2$$.

Easy, using your notation:

$$c^2(t_C-t_A)^2-(x_C-x_A)^2=c^2(t_C-t_B)^2-(x_C-x_B)^2+c^2(t_B-t_A)^2-(x_B-x_A)^2+2[c(t_C-t_B) c(t_B-t_A)-(x_C-x_B)(x_B-x_A)]$$


$$(c d \tau_{CA})^2=(c d \tau_{CB})^2+(c d \tau_{BA})^2+2c^2d \tau_{CB}c d \tau_{BA}-2c^2d \tau_{CB}c d \tau_{BA}+2c^2(t_C-t_B)(t_B-t_A)-2(x_C-x_B)(x_B-x_A)$$

You are left with proving that:

$$-2c^2d \tau_{CB}c d \tau_{BA}+2c^2(t_C-t_B)(t_B-t_A)-2(x_C-x_B)(x_B-x_A)>0$$


$$c^2(t_C-t_B)(t_B-t_A)-(x_C-x_B)(x_B-x_A)>\sqrt{c^2(t_C-t_B)^2-(x_C-x_B)^2} \sqrt{c^2(t_B-t_A)^2-(x_B-x_A)^2}$$

.....which is done by squaring both sides (since they are both positive).

But we still have a ugly breakdown of this into cases to prove it is always >= 1.

I don't think so, see the above solution.
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Ah .. a refresher on the law of cosines in hyperbolic and spherical geometry and we are done.

$$\begin{eqnarray} & &\cosh \eta_{CB} \cosh \eta_{BA} - \sinh \eta_{CB} \sinh \eta_{BA} \left( \cos \phi_{CB} \cos \phi_{BA} \left( \cos \theta_{CB} \cos \theta_{BA} + \sin \theta_{CB} \sin \theta_{BA} \right) + \sin \phi_{CB} \sin \phi_{BA} \right) \\ & = & \cosh \eta_{CB} \cosh \eta_{BA} - \sinh \eta_{CB} \sinh \eta_{BA} \left( \sin (\frac{\pi}{2} - \phi_{CB} ) \sin (\frac{\pi}{2} - \phi_{BA}) \cos (\theta_{CB}-\theta_{BA}) + \cos (\frac{\pi}{2} - \phi_{CB} ) \cos (\frac{\pi}{2} -\phi_{BA} ) \right) \\ & = & \cosh \eta_{CB} \cosh \eta_{BA} - \sinh \eta_{CB} \sinh \eta_{BA} \cos \Phi_{\textrm{spherical}} \\ & = & \cosh H_{\textrm{hyperbolic}} \\ & \ge & 1 \end{eqnarray}$$
Relativistic Maxwell

Since any differential operator is local (in close proximity), and (consequently) a finiteness of a propagation speed of the fields (in infinitely small distance) can not make adjustments to the equation. Therefore, Maxwell's equations in differential form in the context of the Master Theory would not be changed in comparison with the classics. Namely:

http: //

But integral Maxwell (because of a nonlocality of a integral operators) will have a fundamentally different (non-classical, but - relativistic) form. This is explained by the fact that Stokes' and Gauss' theorems:

http: //


http: //

valid only for stationary fields, or fields, the speed of which is infinite. Application of these theorems (for the output of the integral form of Maxwell's equations) can not be correct in the relativistic case.
OnlyMe, please, do not respond to AlexG's messages. His are not worth one's salt.

I make a choice to treat everyone's opinions with the same respect and consideration. Even when I do not agree with either the facts or sentiment of their post. I would hope that others extend the same latitude to myself.

Alex and I do not always see things the same way, but generally I find his contributions to be thought provoking, which is why I come to these discussions in the first place.

That said, our last exchange (between Alex and myself) and this post are off topic.

Though I often disagree I have no problems with Alex's post. I don't think I agree with much of what you have presented.., still I find the discussion again thought provoking...

Anything that makes me think it over, is a good thing.
Relativistic Maxwell

Since any differential operator is local (in close proximity), and (consequently) a finiteness of a propagation speed of the fields (in infinitely small distance) can not make adjustments to the equation. Therefore, Maxwell's equations in differential form in the context of the Master Theory would not be changed in comparison with the classics. Namely:

$$\vec{\nabla} \vec{E} = \frac{\rho}{\epsilon \epsilon_0} \, ; \; \vec{\nabla} \vec{B} = 0 \, ; \; \vec{\nabla} \times \vec{E} = - \frac{ \partial \vec{B} }{ \partial t } \, ; \; \vec{\nabla} \times \vec{B} = \mu \mu_0 \left( \vec{j} + \epsilon \epsilon_0 \frac{ \partial \vec{E} }{ \partial t } \right) \, ; \; \vec{E} = \sigma \vec{j}$$

But integral Maxwell (because of a nonlocality of a integral operators) will have a fundamentally different (non-classical, but - relativistic) form. This is explained by the fact that Stokes' and Gauss' theorems:

$$\oint _L \vec{A} d\vec{l} = \int _S \vec{\nabla} \times \vec{A} \; d\vec{s}$$


$$\int _S \vec{A} d\vec{s} = \int _V \vec{\nabla} \vec{A} dV$$

valid only for stationary fields, or fields, the speed of which is infinite. Application of these theorems (for the output of the integral form of Maxwell's equations) can not be correct in the relativistic case.


Your conventions for dot product and integrals are a little unclear.

Your Maxwell equations are for linear, isotropic matter where
$$\epsilon = 1 + \chi_e$$ is the relative permittivity and $$\mu = 1 + \chi_m$$ is the relative permeability. This differs from the common treatment where absolute permittivities and permeabilities are uses and differs from the microscopic fundamental theory is that a linear theory for matter is used rather than modeling the matter in EM theory itself. For example, there is no expectation of isotropism in moving matter.

So, to be clear, the currents and charges are free charges and not the charges inside of atoms.

So $$\vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{D} = \vec{\nabla} \cdot ( \epsilon_{\textrm{rel}} \epsilon_0 \vec{E} ) = \rho_{\textrm{free}}$$, $$\vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{B} = 0$$, $$\vec{\nabla} \times \vec{E} = - \frac{ \partial \vec{B} }{ \partial t }$$, $$\vec{\nabla} \times \vec{H} = \vec{\nabla} \times ( \frac{1}{ \mu_{\textrm{rel}} \mu_0} \vec{B} ) = \vec{j}_{\textrm{free}} + \epsilon_{\textrm{rel}} \epsilon_0 \frac{ \partial \vec{E} }{ \partial t }$$ are not fundamental, but approximations to Maxwell's equations in isotropic, linear matter. Likewise, Ohm's law, is for isotropic, linear matter where time-varying currents are unimportant and is written as $$\vec{j}_{\textrm{free}} = \sigma \vec{E}$$ when $$\sigma$$ is conductivity.

When there are no charges bound to matter, we have Maxwell's equations in this form: $$\vec{\nabla} \cdot ( \epsilon_0 \vec{E} ) = \rho \, ; \; \vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{B} = 0 \, ; \; \vec{\nabla} \times \vec{E} = - \frac{ \partial \vec{B} }{ \partial t } \, ; \; \vec{\nabla} \times ( \frac{1}{ \mu_0} \vec{B} ) = \vec{j} + \epsilon_0 \frac{ \partial \vec{E} }{ \partial t }$$

Instead of tracking 6 parameters throughout space and time, we can track 4 parameters if we write the above in terms of the scalar potential $$\varphi$$ and the vector potential, $$\vec{A}$$.
Then we define $$\vec{E} = - \vec{\nabla} \varphi - \frac{ \partial \vec{A} }{ \partial t }$$ and $$\vec{B} = \vec{\nabla} \times \vec{A}$$. Thus by definition, $$\vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{B} = \vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{\nabla} \times \vec{A} = 0$$ and $$\vec{\nabla} \times \vec{E} = - \vec{\nabla} \times \vec{\nabla} \varphi - \vec{\nabla} \times \frac{ \partial \vec{A} }{ \partial t } = 0 - \frac{ \partial \vec{\nabla} \times \vec{A} }{ \partial t } = - \frac{ \partial \vec{B} }{ \partial t }$$. So the physics content of Maxwell's equations reduce to these two:
$$\vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{E} = - \vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{\nabla} \varphi - \vec{\nabla} \cdot \frac{ \partial \vec{A} }{ \partial t } = - \nabla^2 \varphi - \frac{ \partial \vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{A} }{ \partial t }= \frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0} $$ and $$\vec{\nabla} \times \vec{B} - \epsilon_0 \mu_0 \frac{ \partial \vec{E} }{ \partial t } = \vec{\nabla} \times \vec{\nabla} \times \vec{A} + \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{ \partial }{ \partial t } \left( \vec{\nabla} \varphi + \frac{ \partial \vec{A} }{ \partial t } \right) = \vec{\nabla} \vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{A} - \nabla^2 \vec{A} +\vec{\nabla} \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{ \partial \varphi }{ \partial t } + \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{ \partial^2 \vec{A} }{ \partial t^2 } = \vec{\nabla} \left( \vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{A} + \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{ \partial \varphi }{ \partial t } \right) + \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{ \partial^2 \vec{A} }{ \partial t^2 } - \nabla^2 \vec{A} = \mu_0 \vec{j}$$.

Although we have less variables, by using the potentials we introduce a choice of gauge which does not affect the physics. So I may freely choose the Lorentz Gauge: $$ \vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{A} + \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{ \partial \varphi }{ \partial t } = 0$$.

So we have, $$\frac{1}{c^2} \frac{ \partial^2 \vec{A} }{ \partial t^2 } - \nabla^2 \vec{A} = \mu_0 \vec{j}$$ and $$- \nabla^2 \varphi - \frac{ \partial \vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{A} }{ \partial t } = - \nabla^2 \varphi + \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{ \partial^2 \varphi }{ \partial t^2 } = \frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0}$$

Finally, we can go a step further if we work in four dimensions, not three. Then we have a single equation in four-vectors:
$$ \partial^2 A^{k} = \left( \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{ \partial^2 }{ \partial t^2 } - \nabla^2 \right) \begin{pmatrix} \frac{1}{c} \varphi \\ \vec{A} \end{pmatrix} = \mu_0 \begin{pmatrix} c \rho \\ \vec{j} \end{pmatrix} = \mu_0 J^{k} $$

Furthermore, this last expression begins to suggest the concept of Lorentz covariance rendering the laws of physics invariant.

All of this is carried in a standard electromagnetism course and all of it is available in Wikipedia pages. I have labored to make the connections explicit.
Suppose we have a closed-loop surface S, which have a characteristic size L. Then the integral expressions of the classical Maxwell's Equations:

http: //

valid only in cases where a characteristic time of variation of the fields (and electric charge) in these equations are much smaller than L/c.

A similar can be said about the other pair of expressions.

http: //
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