Master Theory (edition 2)

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If I were found the answers to my questions (wherever you sent me again), I would did not asking questions you.
Come on. I will show the answers already in that section.
You question:
Is the speed of light is constant in your theory?
Answer in the section 1.2:
c) The velocity of light is not the same in every referential, it follows the vector additive classical law described above:

ç2 = ç1 + u

where u is the velocity between the referentials.

Here and ever in the text we adopt ç as the symbol of light velocity.

ç is not a constant like c.

d) The Emission Theory which proposes that the velocity of light depends on the velocity of the source is then necessary valid (Michelson-Morley experiment).

The final velocity is:

ç = c + u

where c is de light constant at which the source emits photons, u is the velocity of the source and vector addition is assumed for the velocities (bold means vector).

The Emission Theory is analyzed in Chapter Eight.
You question:
Is time absolute?
Is the mass, number Pi, acceleration - absolute?
Whether space is isotropic?
Answer in section 1.2:
b) It is considered the Classical space and time where the space is the Euclidean one where the distance is the Euclidean distance, and the time t is an independent variable that measures the temporal interval between events. Particularly, the addition of velocities is the classical one:

w = u + v
I mean the theory has the same basis as Classical Physics.

You question:
Exist an ether in your theory ?
Do I even mention aether? Of course not.
You question:
How is your theory is fundamentally different from Einstein's theory?
Well for this you must have to read some more of the theory.

A strange arguments.
Seems you are new in the forums. I have years (since 2005)...
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Come on. I will show the answers already in that section...
Your text is not readable.
Word "referentials" is absent in all dictionaries. (For example.)
(Your English is poor.)

Write your formulas by Latin only.

Please answer my questions briefly.
Seems you are new in the forums. I have years (since 2005)...
I'm programmer-mathematic from 1979. Web-master - 1995.
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Word "referentials" is absent in all dictionaries. (For example.)
(Your English is poor.)
Sorry, english is not my natural language.
Word "referentials" is absent in all dictionaries.
By referential I mean frame of reference. Is that too bad? Nobody has complained me about this never.
Your text is not readable.
If you don't understand what I say we would not be able to discuss.
I'm programmer-mathematic from 1979. Web-master - 1995.
But how long have you been discussing about Relativity on physics forums?
I had too much discussion for all those years on that section 1.1 about Relativity. Everybody just stucks on it.
At this time I would like to discuss things about the theory itself and not on Relativity.
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Sorry, english is not my natural language.
I'm too.
By referential I mean frame of reference. Is that too bad? Nobody has complained about this never.
2 years by Russia.
If you don't understand what I say we would not be able to discuss.
How? In what way, if I don't understand you?
But how long have you been discussing about Relativity on physics forums?
2 years by Russia.

"stucks" ????
I'm from Russia.

I using Google translator.
That's why it looked strange to me. But you know, nobody here complained about your english in your posts making a good effort to understand you properly on what you really mean and not how do you express it. I also did this. You could also try to do it on my english if you think something on my theory in the site or something I post here worth for you.
That's why it looked strange to me. But you know, nobody here complained about your english in your posts making a good effort to understand you properly on what you really mean and not how do you express it. I also did this. You could also try to do it on my english if you think something on my theory in the site or something I post here worth for you.
1. Open your own theme.
2. Describe it in his theory (short phrases).
3. Patiently answer questions.
(I never got an answer from you to your questions.)
How odd. I clicked on your link and found 11 articles.

When you run a search on arxiv you will often get a page with multiple hits. The only time I get a single hit is if I enter a document number or the exact title.
When you run a search on arxiv you will often get a page with multiple hits. The only time I get a single hit is if I enter a document number or the exact title.

But Masterov claims there were no hits.
I'm looking for an experimental podtverdlenie expression:

$$E = mc^2=\frac{m_o}{\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}}c^2$$

I'm looking for an experiment, which did a direct measurement of the energy of relativistic particles.

According to this expression: the temperature of the calorimeter will grow without limit when the velocity of a relativistic particle approaches the speed of light. In this case: temperature do jump up, while the particle velocity varies only slightly.

Help me find an experimental results that demonstrate it.

I admit that I was looking bad. My experience of here is negligible.

Maybe someone will perform a search better then I?

Help me.
I'm looking for an experimental podtverdlenie expression:

$$E = mc^2=\frac{m_o}{\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}}c^2$$

I'm looking for an experiment, which did a direct measurement of the energy of relativistic particles.

According to this expression: the temperature of the calorimeter will grow without limit when the velocity of a relativistic particle approaches the speed of light. In this case: temperature do jump up, while the particle velocity varies only slightly.

Help me find an experimental results that demonstrate it.

I admit that I was looking bad. My experience of here is negligible.

Maybe someone will perform a search better then I?

Help me.

No one here is going to help you expose the vast conspiracy to hide the truth.:rolleyes:
I'm looking for an experiment, which did a direct measurement of the energy of relativistic particles.

I am not a particle physicist...

I am not sure you can make a direct measurement of a subatomic particle, in the way you are describing. These measurements are carried out in particle accellerators and various detectors, but they almost always contain background noise and both statistical and measurement margins of error.

I do think that CERN may have some similar data from gold and lead ion collisions, but I am not sure that is even what you are looking for. Some of the news releases involving heavy ion collisions have mentioned plasma temperatures. You might try searching for papers that mention quark-gluon plasmas or heavy ion collisions.

That's the best I could offer.

CERN also conducts proton on proton collisions, that may also work for you.
I am not sure you can make a direct measurement of a subatomic particle...

I do not talked about subatomic particle.

Is electron a subatomic particle?

No! I do not think so.
but I am not sure that is even what you are looking for
Bertozzi conducted experiments on a model of an experimental assembly almost half a century ago. I'm looking for a modern realization of these experiments at an experimental assembly (rather than on a model designed for the demonstration).

I am interested in data that are obtained from the calorimeter.
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@Masterov --

Is electron a subatomic particle?

No! I do not think so.

What the fuck does this even mean??? Atoms are composed of protons, electrons, and neutrons. This makes an electron a subatomic particle by definition.
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