Master Theory (edition 2)

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Experiments in particle physics demonstrate with some significant accuracy that as you increase the velocity of a particle with mass it requires an exponentially increasing energy to further accelerate it?
That does not prove that the energy of relativistic particles well increase exponentially. Moreover, you know that the momentum and energy of relativistic particles do not grow indefinitely, if the particle velocity approaches the speed of light. You understand that this proves the fallacy of Einstein's theory. You have the motivation to not tell the truth too.

Calling Eimstein a liar on such flimsy reasoning and more than 50 years after his death is almost as bad as attempting to invoke his name as proof of some knowledge, experiment or idea that he had no knowledge of...
1. This forum has not honored courtesy. (Have you noticed it?)

2. To protect SRT used inadmissible methods. Medieval Inquisition applied these methods to protect the religious doctrines. Einstein's theory is not a scientific theory. Einstein's theory is a religious doctrine. This religious doctrine imposed to us. This forum demonstrates it.

Knowledge does not make you a scientific. All scientists are motivated to learn the truth. You have another motivation. Einstein did not had the motivation of a scientist too.

You have not science interested. You are interested in your position of Science.

I would not be fair to you if you answered the questions, but refuse to give an answer.
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1. This forum has not honored courtesy. (Have you noticed it?)

Yes, I noticed it when you said, "I think you have the same motivation to lie, what was Einstein."

I do not think you are lying. I think you are too ignorant to know that what you are saying sounds like the ramblings of a fool.
1. Einstein says that mass and energy increases without limit, if the particle velocity approaches the speed of light. It impede to disperse the particles in an accelerator, to velocities greater than the speed of light. Einstein's lying, and you know it: the mass and energy increases indefinitely on paper only.

The concept that mass cannot travel at c as proposed by SR has been shown experimentally to be accurate. Yes, the amount of energy needed to accelerate a particle increases at an increasing rate the closer you get to c. Again, this has been shown to be true over and over. That you would accuse Einstein of lying about this when it has been experimentally proven time after time shows your willful ignorance.

This monstrous energy give ridiculous zilch in a calorimeter . (Speed up by accelerator a particles faster of light is impossible because the accelerating fields propagate at the speed of light: relativistic particle ceases to interact with these fields (due to the Doppler effect), because source of these fields is stationary.)

Pretty much meaningless word salad.:rolleyes:

2. Time is absolute. Otherwise violates the principle of causality is violated or equality of inertial reference systems. But Einstein says (not having reason for it) that the cross-scales (as opposed to a longitudinal scale) is absolute.

Again, the time dilation affect has been shown experiemntally to be true time and time again. It is an affect that reveals itself in every GPS system in use. The fact that you ignore the obvious is an act of willful ignorance and frankly embarrassingly foolish.
I do not think you are lying. I think you are too ignorant to know that what you are saying sounds like the ramblings of a fool.
Question can not be stupid, but an answer can be stupid.

I ask question to you. You have no clever answer.

Who is stupid?
The concept that mass cannot travel at c as proposed by SR has been shown experimentally to be accurate. Yes, the amount of energy needed to accelerate a particle increases at an increasing rate the closer you get to c. Again, this has been shown to be true over and over. That you would accuse Einstein of lying about this when it has been experimentally proven time after time shows your willful ignorance.
Give a (modern and reliable) experimental results of direct measurements of energy and momentum of relativistic particles.

Einstein says that energy and momentum infinitely rise, when the particle velocity approaches the speed of light. You know that this is false. But you can not substantiate a negative result. It forces you to lie.

You claim that you were able to speed up an electron to monstrous energy, as measured TEv. But this is false. You know it.
Pretty much meaningless word salad.:rolleyes:

Again, the time dilation affect has been shown experiemntally to be true time and time again. It is an affect that reveals itself in every GPS system in use. The fact that you ignore the obvious is an act of willful ignorance and frankly embarrassingly foolish.
The clocks of GPS-satellite differently make mistakes. One clocks outstrip. Other clocks behind time. Patterns are observed. A clocks synchronize when the GPS-satellite passes perihelion.
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Einstein says that energy and momentum infinitely rise, when the particle velocity approaches the speed of light. You know that this is false. But you can not substantiate a negative result. It forces you to lie.

You have no theory. Experimental evidence shows that SR is correct for the amount of energy needed to raise the speed of a particle near the speed of light. You willful ignorance on this points forces you to be an idiot.

You claim that you were able to speed up an electron to monstrous energy, as measured TEv. But this is false. You know it.

This is not false. You are too stupid to know it.
You have no theory. Experimental evidence shows that SR is correct for the amount of energy needed to raise the speed of a particle near the speed of light.
The energy of relativistic particles is important. An energy that was spent on heating of the experimental setup is unimportant.
You claim that you were able to speed up an electron to monstrous energy, as measured TEv. But this is false. You know it.
This is not false. You are too stupid to know it.
This is an argument?

No. I do not think so.

Think again.
Large Hadron Collider?

Give several options to choose from. (If possible.)

The entire experiment demonstrates that the closer you approach the speed of light you have to add more and more energy and it is asymptotic as you approach the speed of light. That is one of the fundemental aspects of accelerators, if you are going to willfully ignore that fact I really can't help you.:shrug:

All should be a description of the experiment to measure the energy of relativistic particles in the calorimeter.

This is your method of ignoring the reality? Really? If you can't measure the energy of the particles in a calorimeter then it isn't real? Your ability to delude yourself knows no bounds. Rather pathetic.

Well at this point I don't know if this is an exercize in self delusion or just trolling.:shrug:
The clocks of GPS-satellite differently make mistakes. One clocks outstrip. Other clocks behind time. Patterns are observed. A clocks synchronize when the GPS-satellite passes perihelion.

Could you rephrase this? I don't know what point you are trying to make.
Give several options to choose from. (If possible.)
The entire experiment demonstrates that the closer you approach the speed of light you have to add more and more energy and it is asymptotic as you approach the speed of light. That is one of the fundemental aspects of accelerators, if you are going to willfully ignore that fact I really can't help you.:shrug:
With that I will not argue. No questions and no answers.

My questions:

1. Whereon expend heavy expenses power (that consumes the accelerator)?

2. How many has realy energy of relativistic particles?

3. Is the energy of relativistic particles increases indefinitely, as maintained by Einstein's theory?

Master Theory says: that Doppler effect impede acceleration of particles to superluminal velocities (but not the unlimited growth of the mass and energy of the particles, as maintained by Einstein's theory). Mass is absolute and not depends on speed.

All should be a description of the experiment to measure the energy of relativistic particles in the calorimeter.
This is your method of ignoring the reality? Really? If you can't measure the energy of the particles in a calorimeter then it isn't real? Your ability to delude yourself knows no bounds. Rather pathetic.
As you prove that energy is transferred to the accelerated particles, and not only warms the accelerator.

Master Theory argues that an increase in energy expended (nearly whole) on heating of the accelerator, but not for an particle acceleration.
The clocks of GPS-satellite differently make mistakes. One clocks outstrip. Other clocks behind time. Patterns are observed. A clocks synchronize when the GPS-satellite passes perihelion.
Could you rephrase this? I don't know what point you are trying to make.
Clocks have fortuitous errors.
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It is really difficult to argue with someone who is so adebt at deluding themselves with willful ignorance.

So, I say live your fantasy that one day the world will see your genius and adopt the Master Theory as the ultimate physics theory.;)
It is really difficult to argue with someone who is so adebt at deluding themselves with willful ignorance.

So, I say live your fantasy that one day the world will see your genius and adopt the Master Theory as the ultimate physics theory.;)
You are not able to answer questions. You give up? You capitulated?
I and many others have answered your questions you are unwilling or unable to understand the answers.
I offered you to publish the experimental results of the direct (of a calorimeter) measurement of actual energy of the relativistic particles. You are telling me that the accelerator consumes enormous energy.

Your answer:
Yes, the amount of energy needed to accelerate a particle increases at an increasing rate the closer you get to c. Again, this has been shown to be true over and over.
What should I understand your answer?

Master Theory demonstrate that speed up particles in the accelerator faster than the speed of light (through the fields, which propagate at the speed of light) it is impossibly (Doppler effect impedes for it). The increase in power consumption of the accelerator does not practically change the energy of relativistic particles. Direct (in the calorimeter) measurements of the relativistic energy is enough to verify this. I offered to publish any experimental results of the direct (in the calorimeter) measurement of actual energy of the relativistic particles. You are telling me that the accelerator consumes enormous energy. You report that requires a lot of energy accelerator instead of answering a question.

Bottom line: you know, that energy and mass of relativistic particles does not grow indefinitely (if the velocity of the particles tends to the speed of light), as claimed by Einstein's theory. But you are hiding this information. Why?
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Pinchoism (I state a reply as Pinchoism if it is not scientific, but based on my own theory. It can either be ignored, or thought about.)...

Propagation of light is like a Newtons Cradle, it is bump propagated. Imagine bulbs bumping together, and each time they bump they switch on, and the bump in rows like a Newton's Cradle. Now, in each bulb you drill a hole so that you can travel through the bulbs themselves. So light still bumps to switch on the bulbs, but mass has travel through the bulbs as a sort of liquid flow. Now mass has to push the other water along with it, but light only has to bump.

You are correct in one way, if you can get the flow moving with you, you can catch up with light, and you can overtake light, but you can't use the flow of light to help you. You have to use the flow of Aether to help you (the liquid in the bulbs). There are natural flows in the Universe, and they can be used to accelerate mass. The problem is that Aether is invisible, and so finding a flow to help you naturally will be difficult.
Bottom line: you know, that energy and mass of relativistic particles does not grow indefinitely (if the velocity of the particles tends to the speed of light), as claimed by Einstein's theory. But you are hiding this information. Why?

You have to be misunderstanding something here...

First Einstein never said that a particle's intrinsic or rest mass increases with velocity. In other words he never claimed that a moving mass has an increased gravitational force compared to the same mass/particle as rest. He and most physicists are referring to inertial mass or "relativistic mass" and most often don't even use those terms any longer as they create exactly the confusions you seem to be enjoying.

Second it would seem obvious that as long as we are using the terms inertial mass and relativistic mass they are most certainly limited, to less than infinite, since before they reach c we run out of enough energy to further accelerate them.
he never claimed that a moving mass has an increased gravitational force compared to the same mass/particle as rest. He and most physicists are referring to inertial mass or "relativistic mass" and most often don't even use those terms any longer as they create exactly the confusions you seem to be enjoying.
I speak about relativistic mass too.

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