Massive Bus Crash

The question was: where was God? God was there. How was He there? Through the people who shared His love. It does not take belief in God to be unselfish, that is a human attribute available to everybody, but it takes obedience to God not to be selfish, to exercise that attribute even when you have no reason to. The people June talked about were definitely not "sitting down, talking to the clouds".

What do you do when people fail you? Do you fail them? You have every right to, unless for some reason you don't think you have a right to.

The fact that the man was an atheist might only be incidental. But you - Snakelord and Master of illusion - show that it might not be. Do you want to know what is hypocritical? That you think you have the right to blame Christians for the evils of the world while denying any good that might come of it, and that you find no fault with atheism, but that it is somehow irrelevant to what that man did!

Are things only relevant when you like them to be? Here you have a Christian who honestly told you how she and other Christians handled things that do not make sense, and you criticize her? Snakelord, you should know better, having lost a child yourself. I think her anger is justified. Master... she told you how her son helped those people, and how God helped her. Do you deny the validity of her testimony because you don't think God could have been involved. How does anything she said make you think that that the tragedy itself glorified God - that they were working against God by helping those people? Where there would otherwise be no consolation, no hope, no love, there was, because of these people.

Your beliefs have very much to do with how you act. The are not decisive, but they have an influence. They shape your nature and and mold your intentions, so that when push comes to shove, it comes out as acts.
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Bus Crash

Thank God for you! That was kind of you to step up and help me out. It breaks my heart for things I say to be taken so far out of context - or to be used as evil when I meant them for good. Thank you for seeing that in my text. You clarified what I was unable to make clear. You took the time to respond and I am grateful for that. May God bless you richly for what you said and did.

Master & Snakelord:

Out of a broken heart God calls us to be helpers to others whose hearts are broken. I think there was some part of me that wanted others to know that there were a lot of great things that happened related to this bus crash. The only way any good could have come out of this at all is because of faith in God. So many people experience bad things and then choose to turn away from God out of anger or disappointment. I want others to know that even if that is where they are today, that is not where they have to be tomorrow. Like the story of Peter walking on the water. It was his belief that enabled him to walk. Once he questioned he sank. When I see unbeleivers, I see people sinking and my heart - my very Christian heart - is compelled to help by holding out a stick for someone to grab a hold of. If you so choose to take that stick and break it in half - that would be your choice, which God gave you when He gave you free will. However, I will continue to hold out my stick. When I became a Christian, Jesus promised that I would walk in his shoes. He was criticized, jeered, laughed at, condemned, and ultimately killed because people chose not to see who He was. Nothing has changed. You might find it difficult to beleive, but I truly rejoice in the sufferings of Christ, because it makes me more like Him. And that is the ultimate goal.


It was difficult after my loved-ones were murdered. It was gruesome and tragic and I nearly lost my mind. I fell into a deep depression that nearly took me out. It nearly distroyed my family, and every day I wanted to die. I has been nearly two years and there are still days when I drive by the college and I am remined that Scott (17) would be going to that school if he were alive. Some days it hits so hard that I all I can do is sit and cry. But then I am reminded and assured that I will see him again, and that I will see his mother, Jeanette, who was my best friend for 20 years. I know that if they could see me they would want me to be happy and not to waste my life away. I see my now 16 year old son and I know that he heard the last screams of his cousin as he ran for his life after seeing his step-father blow 4 holes in the chest of his mother. I crumble under the thought of what he must remember and the pain that must creep up on him on a regular basis. Then I cringe at the knowing of what he saw at the scene of that bus crash. He didn't pass out. He remembers it all - except for a few short seconds after impact. I can not print here what was seen by him but use your imagination and then remind yourself that it was far worse than that. Yes, I could be very mad at God. But I see this incredible kid - which was the whole reason for my original message in the first place - who is stepping out beyond himself and his pain and is working in the name of Jesus to help others. That is awesome! I have seen his stuggle - forget about mine or my husbands - this kids stuggle surpasses anything I could even know - and he has shown me how to reach higher, how to reach beyond my own limited understanding, how to fight to remain in God's perfect will even when we don't understand. I only wanted to share that with 'Ender' who asked 'where is your God now?' I wanted to respond to that question and let people know that my God is right here, even when I'm mad and I don't understand. There is no amount of anger that I could show God that would make Him turn His back on me. It is only me who turns away for a brief time.

I think the fact that this murderer was an atheist is very significant to me. And I am sorry that it is personal to you. I knew Jerry for 11 years. He was my best friends second husband. He was my nephews step-father. He was always an athiest as long as I knew him although he was raised Catholic. Don't get me on the differences between Catholic and Christian because that is another message board entirely - but he was very bitter. Jeanette was Christian all her life, but Jerry ridiculed her for beleiving in God and condemned her by calling her weak and stupid. She stopped going to church and only spoke of her deep faith to me over those years because Jerry made it so diffucult for her. He did the same to Scott and spoke harshly to him for his beleif. But Scott found ways to go to church on his own and his faith grew in spite of his difficult homelife. Jerry was very controlling and this was the only area of Scott and Jeanette that he could not control. It made him angry and Jeanette told me about it often. A few months before the murders, Jeanette began going to church again at the request of Scott. The Sunday before she was killed she re-dedicated her life to Christ. Jerry was livid. Don't let me steer you was not soley because she was a Christian and he was an atheist that the murders took place. There were other circumstances involved. But the fact that Jerry was an atheist has haunted me. I want to know if I could have said anything that would have made a difference. I want to take back all those times when I was quiet and didn't ask him about his bitterness, I didn't offer him a safe place to talk about what had made him so bitter. I just ignored the subject for the most part because I didn't want to make things more difficult for Scott and Jeanette. I wonder if he was a Christian and beleived in eternal life somewhere - either heaven or hell - would he have been able to kill them and then kill himself? I don't know, but I wonder, and I guess that is what compelled me to answer to this board at all.


It's like a doctor takes an oath to do all he can to make those under his care better, a Christian feels compelled to help all those around them who are suffering. You may not see yourselves as suffering, but a Christian simply sees that if one doesn't believe than there must be suffering somewhere. I'm sure that it must be aggrevating to have someone want to help you when you don't see that you need any help - when in your eyes you are perfectly fine. There is no offense meant toward anyone, it is just my 'job' so to speak, to speak the word of Christ. In this vein then I suppose that there will always be a rift between beleiver and non-believer. I can't feel responsible for healing the rift, the rift exists because there is right and wrong, good and evil, and God and Satan. Those who say they don't beleive in Satan, are still falling into the lie of Satan that there is no God either. Satan doesn't care if you beleive in him or not, he only wants to make sure that people don't beleive in God, so he throws himself in there as sacrificial bait. Yes, Christians are guilty of trying to convert everyone. That is the only commision on earth worth anything. Someday, every knee wil bow, how much greater and easier that our knee should bow now. If you're driving down the street and you see an accident should you stop and help? Are you more compelled to stop and help only if the person is conscience and asking for help? Are you let off the hook if the person is unconscience and is unable to ask for help? If Christians are pushy then let me be pushy. I beleive someday that your very soul may be reminded of these words on this message board and that your spirit may be moved by them - towards Christ. Maybe not. All I know is I am compelled to write them now.


As for my angry words, I am sorry and I was wrong. There is a difference between anger and righteous anger. Anger expressed because of an offence is wrong whereas righteous anger is okay. God and Jesus, along with some other "greats" have utilized righteous anger. I got the two mixed up in my mind. I was angry because there was an attack on my God and I was called to defend Him - righteous anger. Like when Jesus overturned the tables in the sanctuary because they were defiling the house of the Lord. But then when Master said my son was f'd because he fell to his knees and worshipped God in very midst of the bus crash - that was personal anger and I responded. My son was not falling to his knees in worship because kids had died and pain and suffering were everywhere around him. That would be messed up for sure. But when you know that God is in control your wisdom is expanded. Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Job 13:15 "Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him" and best of all Job 38:4 "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me if you understand." In the worst of times God calls on us to praise His name. Why?!?! Seems like a reasonable question - one that every Christian has had to ask and answer for themselves. The answer is found throughout the Bible. I can not answer that question for you or any other person, but I know that there are millions upon billions who have chosen to find that answer for themselves over these past centuries and I would obviously highly encourage you to seek that answer for yourselves also. It is usually in times of deep dispair and agony that these questions are answered for anyone. It is everyones choice to seek the truth or hide in the darkness. Seeking the truth hurts like hell, there is no free ride - not even for Jesus. But to attack my son with such hatefulness, rudeness, and malice because he chose to do something that every Christian would respect and aspire to do themselves, was wrong no matter what your religious affiliation. Everyone learns from experience. Christians are no different. We have extreme faith because we have experienced that God does answer us, we are patient and have learned to wait on the Lord. My son's experience was such that he already understood by the time the bus crash happened that God is in control and that nothing happens outside of the will of God. He also understood that just because we see things as tragic does not mean that God meant them for evil. What my son did understand that moment was that what Satan intends for evil, the Lord will turn to good. We praise God because we have faith that a good work is coming in spite of our pain. Disagree if you must, you have that choice, but don't say my son is f'd. I am a Christian, and I am also a mother.
I also got offended whith Snakelord's response stating who cares about dead people and the implication that I was using this as a bandwagon to advertise my 'pathetic religious garbage'. Is the remark supposed to mean that dead people don't matter. So sorry for you to feel this way. To me dead people do matter. God knows the number of our days - Job 14:5, Daniel 12:1 '.....But at that time; your people - everyone whose name is found written in the book - will be delivered. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake; some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt" It seems to me that God does care about the dead. He knew each one of us before he created the earth. All people, from the beginning of time to the end of time - as we know it - are extremely important to God. To write someone off just because they are dead shows our very limited ability to only have faith in what we can see, feel, hear and touch. When we choose to live in such narrow confines - only our own understanding - we really miss out on so much. I hope you truly do not feel the way you imply in your message. Whomever you have loved and lost along the way does matter. As for using this as my opportunity to advertise what I is that any different than what any of the rest of you are doing. Remember, this all started because someone asked where is God now. Hopefully just one person will read this stuff and have a tiny glimmer of hope where there was none before. It may take 50 years, till your on your deathbed, but that will be okay. Remember, I beleive that everything happens in Gods perfect timing. Today is just my time to put these words on some message board. Who knows what He will do with them tomorrow.

When I used the words cowards, fools, and swine, I was actually thinking of words that Christians used in the bible to describe non-beleivers. My quote from the bible about not casting your pearls before swine seemed appropriate to me. I was not ever going to come back to this board again because I felt like it was a complete waste of my time. My heart was pure, my motives were good, and then some took it and made it ugly and meanspirited. But then I thought about it and realized that Satan is the lier. I know that, so I hear the lie that not one person cares loud and clear. But you know what, so be it. Like I said, maybe 50 years from now one person will be changed. I consider my understanding of God to be a gift and a priviledge that I should share with everyone Gop puts in my path. I could not have drifted away on a raft from the Titanic without everyone on board that could possibly fit. Hang off the sides if you have to, but don't leave anyone behind. I should not have used the words I used so generically. I have no idea the condition of any one person's heart, but God certainly does. Callilng someone names is wrong, like coward, because it only implies how I personally feel about a person. Calling someone fool or swine however, is biblical, and it is a clear discription of one who does not beleive in Chirst. The bible is clear on it's teaching of who and where we are to spend our time. I will not linger here for long, because I have nothing to prove. I simply wanted to answer the question that was posed.
Out of a broken heart God calls us to be helpers to others whose hearts are broken.

Ya know..... without the guidance, without the "call", i too can and have helped others. Some of us refer to it as 'humanity'. It's when people help others- when they need help. There is nothing to suggest a god/s play any part in it.

Accidents will happen.... or "acts of god" as they are most often labelled in england. When an act of god occurs it is the 'humans' that get together and solve the problem. There need be nothing mysterious and invisible directing the scene, or bursting his heart out with sorrow. It is the humans that get to be sad, and it is the humans that save the lives. Yes, there are times when we survive against the odds. That does not mean some invisible trio being saved us.

Yes atheists can help people too. it's not because god called them but because they want to. I find i don't need an excuse to help others.

The only way any good could have come out of this at all is because of faith in God.

So, if everyone there had have been a bunch of atheists no good would have been done?

"Oh well how thankful i am the christians are here. Without them this would have been a disaster." *pukes*

but I truly rejoice in the sufferings of Christ, because it makes me more like Him. And that is the ultimate goal.

That's very healthy- we all need rolemodels. Mine was Samuel Clemens.

who is stepping out beyond himself and his pain and is working in the name of Jesus to help others

That's all very noble and worthy of the respect but you use it as if without jesus nothing would ever be ok. I have for the past 5 years been in some big ass depression over the death of my son but nowhere in that need jesus name appear. I founded an organisation dedicated to the loss of children- (for men- something vastly unseen in england). It didn't require any ancient beings, just my own humanity. Just me, wanting to help others. Yes i still think about my son and it pisses me off having it on my mind every day. That does not stop me from helping others and nowhere in any of that need there be an ancient jew. If that's what it takes to be helpful then fair enough. I find i can be helpful without it.

There is no amount of anger that I could show God that would make Him turn His back on me. It is only me who turns away for a brief time.

Yeah but be careful when you turn away. He might kill a few people because of it. I'd hate some poor innocent chap to be the victim of your wrong-doings.

I think the fact that this murderer was an atheist is very significant to me. And I am sorry that it is personal to you.

It's not personal, i merely asked the question. I'm sorry you mistook it for something other than a question. If i was to recount the story of a murderer tell me why i'd need to include his religious preference/his beliefs within that text? Does his religious belief somehow make the murder more murderous? I guess so.

Don't get me on the differences between Catholic and Christian because that is another message board entirely - but he was very bitter.

Well from here it sounds like you are very bitter. I can feel the angst and tension over his religious views which are, in my opinion, hardly of concern. It sounds very much from this angle that you feel guilty for his actions, and indeed that somehow you could have prevented them if only you had got your beliefs across in a better way. I wouldn't worry yourself over it. It's in the genes. They control everything and so it would seem - even god can't stop it.

Jeanette was Christian all her life, but Jerry ridiculed her for beleiving in God and condemned her by calling her weak and stupid. She stopped going to church and only spoke of her deep faith to me over those years because Jerry made it so diffucult for her.

This would go down great at "pick on an atheist" day. We could all have a barbecue and sing kumbaya. However, i fail to see how it matters. god knows what's inside and will judge a person on that, not on what they're forced to believe, (or so i've been told several million times).

People want to follow in jesus footsteps and are already open to the 'fact'? that they'll be ridiculed/condemned/laughed at etc. As such surely they would expect and be prepared for a bit of negativity along the way? What i'm getting at is to say that if a belief is so deep rooted you will accept the insult and the pain but you will still profess the belief.

But the fact that Jerry was an atheist has haunted me

I can understand that. Probably similar to the other people who have watched their loved ones die due to belief. Planes into buildings, people chopped up for not being of a certain religion etc..... It's a funny old world.

I want to know if I could have said anything that would have made a difference.

Ah! We smack the nail on the head. What do you think? I'd really like to know. Here's a quick question in the meantime: I love rock music. Now tell me to like hip-hop. Think you could?

I want to take back all those times when I was quiet and didn't ask him about his bitterness, I didn't offer him a safe place to talk about what had made him so bitter. I just ignored the subject for the most part because I didn't want to make things more difficult for Scott and Jeanette.

Sounds to me like you just so much wanted to help him. But tell me, what would you have spoken about if you had have got the chance?

I wonder if he was a Christian and beleived in eternal life somewhere - either heaven or hell - would he have been able to kill them and then kill himself?

Obviously. We're all christians inside..... :bugeye:

I don't know, but I wonder, and I guess that is what compelled me to answer to this board at all.

There's probably a lot more to it than that. Ask yourself, or call my offices.
SnakeLord has answered June24's post very well, far better than what I probably could have done.

Like the story of Peter walking on the water. It was his belief that enabled him to walk. Once he questioned he sank.
This is just another story, a myth from the bible. It never happened.

When I see unbeleivers, I see people sinking and my heart - my very Christian heart - is compelled to help by holding out a stick for someone to grab a hold of.
Yes, you are a very good Christian, you want to help prevent non believers going to eternal torment in a hell that your God created.

When I became a Christian, Jesus promised that I would walk in his shoes. He was criticized, jeered, laughed at, condemned, and ultimately killed because people chose not to see who He was.
How many pairs of sandals do you have? Wasn't he killed because that was God's master plan? The ultimate sacrifice?

You might find it difficult to beleive, but I truly rejoice in the sufferings of Christ, because it makes me more like Him. And that is the ultimate goal.
I find it impossible to believe the mistruths and myths of the bible. Jesus as portrayed in the bible wasn't so great anyway. If he was God, think of what he really could have achieved.
You may not see yourselves as suffering, but a Christian simply sees that if one doesn't believe than there must be suffering somewhere

LOL Trust me, I'm not suffering- In fact my life is going quite well. June, just because I do not see things eye to eye and believe the exact things you do mean that I'm suffering.

Those who say they don't beleive in Satan, are still falling into the lie of Satan that there is no God either

Really? I know people who don't believe in Satan yet they believe in God.
Obviously. We're all christians inside.....
Now we get to the heart of it. On his mission, Paul told the Corinthians: "I have resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."

If you can drop the term "Christianity" for a moment (it is only a label, anyway), what did Jesus (whether you believe he was real or not) really appeal to? To our humanity.

You are doing God's will when you exercise your humanity, whether you believe in Him or not (and whether you like it or not).
what did Jesus (whether you believe he was real or not) really appeal to? To our humanity.

Cool, you ask a question and then answer it for me? Here's my would be response:

When one asks what jesus would appeal to, when one asks what david koresh would appeal to, what scientology would appeal to etc..... this is my answer:

Weakness of individuals. Seemingly, people are most often indoctrinated into a belief at a time when they are at their most mentally fragile. We're all vulnerable at times, and it is this vulnerability that people work on. Admittedly it does help vulnerable people but it's based on someones belief which isn't openely questioned at the time. It is acceptance instead of study and has caused the deaths of countless people because of it. We're not in a position to state david koresh was a liar- and many people believed what he said, that doesn't make what he said a fact. If someone is in a position where they wont question, but will readily accept, they truly have no position with which to make claims. Once their mind has accepted something they will not find fault with it. If jesus did exist, and knew the biblical texts well, he would be able to manipulate public perception. He would talk like a well learned man, being able to recite accounts and events concisely. When someone needed an answer he would have been able to provide it. If David Koresh was there, he would have done the same.

You are doing God's will when you exercise your humanity, whether you believe in Him or not (and whether you like it or not).

You're in no position to make that claim. Speaking for yourself is fine, i find it rude and misinformed. For example i will now say: You are doing the giant green headed turtles will whenever you excercise your humanity, whether you believe in him or not. It's unfounded, pointless and has no bearing on reality. It's just your belief- do not try and state it's mine aswell, whether i like it or not.
I was talking about Jesus' message - what he asked from those who followed his teaching. Whether his message appeals to you personally or not makes no difference to his message or what we know about him. Why they chose to follow him or not, is a different story.

Apart from your assumption that only weak-minded people are susceptible to religion, you imply that Jesus exploited his followers to get them to follow him. But clearly his influence must have run deeper than superficial brainwashing if he was still believed after his death. And his knowledge of Biblical texts would have had no relevance to the poor and illiterate, and those who knew the Scripture felt jealous or threatened by it. His influence would have waned after he left if it there was only insincerity or personal charisma involved. Perpetua's testimony indicates otherwise.

You also ignore the fact that Jesus' first followers were Jews. They already had a religion, and they weren't in any impressionable state when he called them to follow him. The accounts we have are about him, not by him.

Does David Koresh have any new followers?

PS. Your giant green headed turtles are unfounded and pointless by your own admission. I make no such admission about Jesus or God. I know you don't have a relationship with God. My point was that that does not mean you can't act according to His will, even if it is unintentional or unwittingly.
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I was talking about Jesus' message - what he asked from those who followed his teaching. Whether his message appeals to you personally or not makes no difference to his message or what we know about him. Why they chose to follow him or not, is a different story.

His message? What he asked? Later on in your post you tell me it wasn't by him, it was about him. So we're now relying on a second hand account of what jesus said or didn't say. If jesus had have sat down and wrote his own biography we'd know his message, we'd know what he said. All it takes is one man to have misheard what he said, or to modify what he said and it's not a completely accurate account. And tell me, what do you know about him? Only that which you have been told in a book written by someone you don't know, but can only guess at. If he did exist and did say what is written my estimation would be: he's a guy pissed off with the tax system. He hates anyone who takes his money and labels them all demons. He's a guy pissed off with violence, (like the worlds first CND member). He's obviously an educated man, unlike many, and seriously pissed off with all the politics. He made threats of a desperate man in order to get people to listen.... and it worked. Fear was the victor.

Apart from your assumption that only weak-minded people are susceptible to religion,

I don't remember saying 'only', but whatever.

you imply that Jesus exploited his followers to get them to follow him. But clearly his influence must have run deeper than superficial brainwashing if he was still believed after his death.

The same can be said of David Koresh, Joseph Smith, etc.. Has anyone even met L Ron Hubbard? And yet how many scientologists are there? There is a lot of political material in what jesus apparently said and did, and thus people will connect with it, people will agree to it, and people will continue it even after the originator's gone the way of the dodo.

And his knowledge of Biblical texts would have had no relevance to the poor and illiterate

Of course it would. Just because someone is poor or illiterate doesn't make them retarded. I once had a great discussion with a guy who couldn't read or write. I could have very easily sprouted my own view on the bible- and it would have been all he'd know. He couldn't read it to make his own opinions, he would rely solely on mine.

and those who knew the Scripture felt jealous or threatened by it.

Who exactly? Everyone?

His influence would have waned after he left if it there was only insincerity or personal charisma involved.

Who said he would have been insincere? I'm sure the people who flew a plane into the tt's were sincere, but i'm also sure there's still people who think that was a good thing.

You also ignore the fact that Jesus' first followers were Jews.

Yeah, and L Ron Hubbard was once a christian, as was David Koresh... What's the point? Is that to imply that nobody ever changes religion? Nobody ever finds a "better truth"?

They already had a religion

Ok, so what is the NT? Isn't it just an addon to their original beliefs? Same god- just a new covenant. When did the religion actually change? These people still would have been jews- just including some additional information that had just become available. Before Noah, no jew would believe in the flood.... once it happened it would be added to the list- but they'd still be jews. Right?

The accounts we have are about him, not by him.

That makes it all the more credible. There's also many written accounts about count dracula. How many things did count dracula write himself? How many things did jesus write himself? They both score the same.

Does David Koresh have any new followers?

Indeed he does. And he's dead.

PS. Your giant green headed turtles are unfounded and pointless by your own admission.

As is your version.

I make no such admission about Jesus or God.

And that means..... what exactly?

I know you don't have a relationship with God.

I have a relationship with the giant green headed turtle.

My point was that that does not mean you can't act according to His will, even if it is unintentional or unwittingly.

I can't act according to his will. He doesn't exist. What you don't realise is you're acting according to the will of the giant green headed turtle. :bugeye:
Where is your god now?

Oh Ender, your new and insightful evidence against the existence of God is so moving. I totally agree with you now.

Yeah, right. Since when has God stopped people from dying? People have been dying since the world began and they'll be dying until the end of it. Your discovery that humans are mortal and bad things happen is astounding I'm sure. Try not to let it go to your head.

For whatever reason - you interest me. I don't see your arguements as vindictive or full of malice. I only know a few things for sure and they are these...I know you're wrong, I think your views are skewed, I know you have been deeply wounded, and I understand that you are very angry. Still, it seems like an intellectual difference / something I am compelled to win at here - for your sake. Have you ever seen the Ben Stiller / Ed Norton movie Keeping The Faith? It's pretty simple but cute anyway. Basically it is about a Jewish Rabbi and a Catholic Priest - two completely different views (even tho both do beleive in God) but they are able to maintain a friendship and a respect for eachother regardless of their differences. I have no anger specificly towards you as a person. Things have gotten heated at times and I just felt like I needed to let you know. I have thought about you alot and I wonder why. I know you don't beleive in God, but because I do, then I feel what us Christians refer to as 'laying on the heart'. I think God has laid it on my heart to care for you, and so I do.

Master dude however you're a different story. One full of so much hatred, just spewing out whatever you want to for the sole purpose of being hateful and vindictive. There is absolutely no redeeming value in what you portray yourself to be. Not because your opinions are different than mine - I'm a big girl and can handle a difference of opinion. But I also do have some degree of self respect and Master - you simply are not worth my time or effort. Some day you will see what Jesus really did accomplish on this earth. The difference between you and Snakelord is this. One has questions / doubts / opinions / no proof / no evidence / no direct contact and therefore no reason to beleive. The other is sacreligious and irreverent, full of venum - much like Satan himself. There is a difference between evil and mistaken.

Snakelord: Two points I feel compelled to respond to - the others appear to be just arms of a drowning man flailing against the opens seas. Let me throw you a raft.

Your statement about the NT being just an add-on to the Old. Not necessarily true. There is way too much to talk about here but the basic truth is this...The old Testament was about an old covenent. One that God knew from the beginning would be broken - on our part - but He gave it to us anyway because we demanded it from Him. However, from the beginning, He planned a different covenent - one that was impossible for us to screw up - that is the NT. We had to go thru the old to understand and appreciate the new. It doesnt' take a brain surgeon to understand God's thinking here. It's simply human nature. God knows our nature better than anyone - obviously - He created us. So He fully knew what it would take to get us where we needed to be. He also understood all that would be required on His part to redeem us - and He was willing to do it all even before Adam was created. More than your brain can handle isn't it. I mean, it truly is awsome when you think about it - but even more awsome when you realize that it is really true.

But even more to the point is this. Jews, Christians, Islams, all beleive in the same basic God. They all - on the surface - agree on the same God up until Abraham and his sons. Ishmael, is the fork in the road. Islam beleives that Ishmael was the chosen one of God where Jews and Christians beleive that it was Isaac. Big differences because the Bible says that the line of Ishmael will be cursed. Look at the Arab nations today and tell me it ain't so. Then you get to Jews and Christians. The basic difference here is law and grace. Jesus came to say that He was the fullfillment of the law. Law is still very important today, but it is so because we love and want to fulfill the law, not because it is mandated. Like loving your spouse. It is so much nicer to want to love them rather than to have to love them. The point here is that your statement was not correct. I find this often. That people throw out general statements about Christianity without knowing the actual truths involved. There is much to be known and much to be understood. Once one fully commits to understand then the truth becomes exceedingly clear. Not because we are brainwashed or led astray or even because we are desperately flailing in the waters looking for any kind of answer. The truth becomes so clear that it is impossible to beleive anything else. I can not convince you what the truth is. I can not write anything any more poweful than what has already been written. It is up to you to look inside and find the answers and the truths that are already waiting for you. You previously stated that you think you know the bible better than I. It doesn't appear so. The bible is far different than a book with some words written in it. If you did a short study on the facts of the bible you would find that the known facts of the bible make it unlike any other book ever written. If you go by the theory that it is just a book, then it is by far the most intelligent peice of literature ever written. It is so complex, it has answers to every question, it spans information across miles and miles of territory and thousands of years of time that are confirmed realities by todays standards. It is an accurate history book. Not one peice of information within this book has ever been proven to be false. Some may choose not to beleive in it but there is not one peice of evidence that can point to an inaccuracy within it's entire border. There are new archeological finds constantly that point to more and more biblical truths. Entirely relavent also is that the flood is the only story, of any kind, to ever span the entire globe. The story remains the same no matter where you go on the planet. Different languages, different names, a few small changes, but the story of the flood, God's wrath, the wiping out of human-kind, the ark, the rainbow, all the same. It is also the only story in the bible that points to a worldwide catastophe and not a regional experience. Amazing how the only biblical account of a worldwide event is also the only worldly account of a worldwide event. If you just look at the book itself, there is power and awe in it alone.

Then you get to the real meat of the matter. You asked 'what do you know' about this Jesus. I wish I could tell you all that I know about Jesus. He is not just a name in a book. He is not a historical figure. He is active, present, and working in my life as I speak to you now. I have witnessed miracles, real live miracles that people say don't happen anymore. I have seen the faces of demons - I know for a fact that they exist because I have really, literally seen them. Say what you want, that I'm nuts, belong in a rubber room, whatever, but your words will not change what I have seen with my own eyes. I have felt the presence of Jesus sit on the corner of my bed to calm my fears after seeing these demons because I asked Him to come to me personally and He did because He knew the level of my fear. I have called upon the name of Jesus when I have needed to overcome things in my life and He has worked just as the bible says He will. I have heard the voice of God communicate with me, I know Him when He speaks. He has walked past me twice in my lifetime and I have felt the breath of the Holy Spirit upon my face. I know a tangeable God, one who lives today, not a mythic figure in a book. That is what most Christians know and why they are adament. It is impossible to discount what someone sees, feels, breaths, and hears, as a mere myth. The very real and very sad thing here is that there are those who either have not had this experience or have chosen to discount it for one reason or another.

People want to know why He doesn't come in the form of burning bushes any more, or why miracles don't happen like they used to. I wonder where peoples eyes are. Miracles happen all the time all around you, but they are only relavent if they happen to you. I suggest that you at least open your mind to what is really going on around you. Ask yourself if it is possible that it is a miracle instead of just some scientific reason for it to be happening. Who do you think created science anyway? Why would someone expect that God would not work within the scientific process that He himiself created? When someone says there is a scientific explanation for something it blows my mind because God is science and sceince is God. How in the world could the statement 'there's a scientific explanation for that' mean that God does not exist. The more we learn the more things point to God, not away from Him. Evolution is now laughable, by far more people than just Christians, the big bang theory is scientifcally impossible because of whatever theory that is that states that nothing can come from nothing. Leaving anything to it's natural state will always conclude in a deterioration. I forget exaclty how it is worded, but if you were interested it is a common enough scientific principle that you could easily find it. I would look it up for you now except that I don't know how to get in and out of all this computer stuff without loosing what I already have in here. Carbon dating is highly controversial. There are so many scientists that won't even use carbon dating because it has way too many inaccuracies to be used as a scientific tool. If carbon dating is inaccurate, and often times off (scientifically proven) by millions or billions of years, then the dating of the creation of the earth is obviously inaccurate. Some people say that the bible can't be accurate because the world is scientifically proven to be billions of years old where the bible says only 6 - 8 thousand years old. However, now there is a more accurate dating method, currently in huge debate in the scientific arena, which proves the carbon dating of the world is not correct and puts the date of the earth at the same time the bible does. These are scientists, not preachers who are stating this new evidence.

The whole point to all of this? Is that most Christians do have facts, data, and information to back up what the bible says. Most of us are not simply blind leading the blind. We love our God and beleive in Him because He is real to us in very tangeable ways. Not only does the scientific data prove that there is a God, but the stories of our lives prove that there is a God. Many of us study the bible, using other methods - history - to help us to understand the reality of the bible also. We are not believing in two headed turtles, david koresh, or any other non-god. If the bible is so accurate in so many other proven ways (again I say proven because I defy you to find one real peice of misinformation contained within it - people have been trying for thousands of years and continue to fail here) - then why would anyone want to risk the beleiving in any other god - david koresh - at the risk of going to hell. Nothing points to koresh as being anything other than what his own words attributed him to be. Whereas, Jesus was spoken of from the beginning of time, He was referred to in the opening passeges of Genesis which was most likely written abround 1400 BC in the time of Moses, all the way throughout history and even into the present times. All by different people, of different cultures, and different languages. There is nothing to disprove here, it is a simple and very real fact. I always wonder where the deception comes from? There are many truths that point to God / Jesus / Holy Spirit as being real. Why the fascination with not beleiving? Why is it easier to not beleive than to beleive?

Faith. Why do some have it and others don't? Is it a choice? I don't know. But I do know that God says without it, you will not find the truth. Jesus said that those who were with Him and saw Him would be truly blessed, but how much more blessed would those be who did not see Him, and yet still believe. People want evidence to have faith, God has provided it, and yet people still choose not to have faith. There's not a lot more He can do. We acutally have to participate in the process of faith. There are times in our lives when this is difficult at best, I understand, but it is still a requirement. If I were not willing to meet the requirements of my God, then I would be totally selfish, believing that I somehow deserved something when I was not willing in turn to give anything. I expect things of my children, God expects things of His. The funny thing here is that I expect far more from my children than God does. He has grace where I fail. He just wants us to beleive.

I can only tell you that it is a most remarkable journey. And that it is very real. I would not be able to spend a lifetime arguing for or against the two headed turtle. But I can certainly spend a lifetime arguing for Christ. He is real because I know Him and because He knows me by name. I have not been led astray, I am not grasping at straws, I am not weak, I am simply absolutely positive that I know what I know. I couldn't tell someone who had seen a UFO that UFO's don't exist. I could only say that I don't know what they saw but I choose to not beleive in UFO's for whatever reason. I would understand that they saw something, and that because of their experience, they know something that I don't. But to tell them that they did not see a UFO would be foolish and pointless. That is how it is with God. No one can tell me that I have not heard His voice, and no one can tell me that I have not felt the presence of Jesus Christ himself, and no one can tell me that the Holy Spirit is not working in my life today. He actually has three heads instead of just two like your turtle.

I am curious, although you may not wish to go here, and if not I understand and respect you for it. But I am curious if you ever believed in God? I am also curious about your child and if that has anything to do with your feelings now.

Aside from any relationship between religion and the death of your child, if there is any at all, I am sure that you must have deep grief over what happened and I am terribly sorry for whatever happened. Like it or not, yeah I'm gonna pray for you. I understand that you have a support group extablished and that is very admirable. It takes courage to try to help others and I think that is pretty cool. I know you don't need my approval, but I think it is important to be affirmed and encouraged along the way. I have hopes of a grief ministry and I have been working at it little by little over this past year. My vision is huge and I hope to do as God calls me to do over these years ahead. It might be interesting to keep up with eachother over time. If you run across a Christian who needs help you could always send them my way, and vice versa - tho in my circles I don't run across alot of people who don't beleive - just some people who are really mad. Just a thought.
Originally posted by June24th
Master dude however you're a different story. One full of so much hatred, just spewing out whatever you want to for the sole purpose of being hateful and vindictive. There is absolutely no redeeming value in what you portray yourself to be. Not because your opinions are different than mine - I'm a big girl and can handle a difference of opinion. But I also do have some degree of self respect and Master - you simply are not worth my time or effort. Some day you will see what Jesus really did accomplish on this earth. The difference between you and Snakelord is this. One has questions / doubts / opinions / no proof / no evidence / no direct contact and therefore no reason to beleive. The other is sacreligious and irreverent, full of venum - much like Satan himself. There is a difference between evil and mistaken.
I'm not full of hatred, you are misinterpreting my words. It's nothing personal. I had no idea I was portraying myself as anything at all, other than an atheist. Do you hate atheists simply because they don't believe in your fairytale God?

Jesus, being a mythical character didn't achieve anything. His creators and proponents have propagated a religion based on lies and a greed for power.

BTW, if I was not worth your time and effort, why then did you bother to write your diatribe against me?

How about debating the issues, rather than personalise every issue.
For whatever reason ............... etc etc

It's a wonderful first paragraph, and i sincerely hope it didn't take too much of your time. Personally i see a few faults in your psychoanalysis of me but we can't get it right all the time. Your line about me being deeply wounded..... It's the very first thing you ever need to say to anyone. Let me ask you June, have you ever seen a loved one die? Oh, silly question really- excuse me. What i'm getting at is that particular sentence having no bearing on anything. Everyone- regardless of what they believe, or where they're from, get's deeply wounded at one time or another. I'm afraid to say you don't get any medals for stating i've been deeply wounded, we all have.

The "you're angry" statement is a little bit misguided. I'm not angry, more truthful unto myself. You make claims to someones mental state and then proceed with typical religious advertising, in my opinion it would be better to have some education within psychoanalysis before you start making those claims- Everyone could do it, and without a gifted insight, or some learned knowledge in the area you come across as simply looking desperate.

Watch this.......

You often feel introverted- feeling subconciously that you are superior to most people, and as such you don't feel comfortable around them. The only person you have ever actually looked upon as more superior was/is your father, whom you love very deeply. However he wasn't around too much during your younger years, and you don't often see eye to eye-even now. This upsets you inside, because you don't want to debate or show him to be wrong- He does understand, don't worry. Fathers always do. You're strict with your son, more so than many people, and i can see you even having conflicts with those who teach him. Your father was also very strict with you, But you know/knew how to answer back to him- because of your principles- the principles he taught you. You notice often that your son does the same, and it doesn't anger you like you feel it should- because you see yourself in him, and your father in him.

*quick sigh* Ok now the psychoanalysis is out of the way can we get back to the topic? Good, thanks.

I'd like to proceed with a particular statement you made:

I only know a few things for sure and they are these...I know you're wrong

It's amazing but this is no different from anyone else.

Of course, people don't usually feel the need to state that out loud unless they're feeling insecure and threatened. I will do the following as simply as i can, not because you're incapable of understanding, but because i don't want this to slip through without being noticed.

We have things that we observe. This would include seeing, feeling, touching, smelling, hearing....

We have things we can't see at all.... (microscopic bacteria etc).

I must ask you quickly: Have you "observed" god? his could be in any of the ways shown above?

Obviously i need to proceed without your answer so i will look at both

IF you haven't observed god in any way, shape, or form everything you say is an assumption. You have a book, written by some old folk who didn't know too much, which is your sole guide to stating this god is there and real.

IF you have observed god in one way, shape or form, you have reason to 'believe', or should i say 'know' of his existence.

Now..... I'm sure you're a wonderful, trustworthy person, but tell me why there would be any credibility if you told me you saw, (etc), god? Much that you wouldn't trust me if i said i saw the tooth fairy, i can't do the same in return. You must respect and understand that. So, IF you did observe this being, i can't be expected to until i also observe this being. With me so far? If we look back to the biblical copies we will see, (in the OT), that people openly observed god, (apparently). I cannot take their word on "faith" because then i might aswell take every ancient story on faith- including dragons, vampires, werewolves, fairies, banshee, mothmen, loch ness monster, bigfoot etc etc.. That's a little too much to just accept without proof.

Now..... IF you haven't observed god in any way, shape or form you are actually simply making assumptions. The fact you haven't observed it, means you are as clueless to facts as anyone else. If that's the case why should i just accept what you say? There would be no difference between accepting what you say and accepting what Bob the alcoholic, who believes in flying invisible munchkins, says. Ok, one could argue that bob has no evidence- so hereby stating that evidence is of importance... Well, bob might be lacking but i can think of much evidence, on par with your own, to suggest bigfoot exists, to suggest aliens, werewolves, vampires, and giant snakes bigger than the planet exist. A person needs, at this stage, to be aware of everything. Mere acceptance for the sake of it, solves nothing. Before you know it i'd be seeing monsters in my closet, funny rabbits running round putting eggs in a basket every april and a whole host of irrational things. Sure, they might be true- they might exist- but we can only work with that which is observable.

Send your mind back.. There was a time man didn't know about tiny little animals that are unobservable but do exist, (bacteria). When did mankind accept and understand their existence? Yes, you got it.... when they were observed. Until such a time where something can be tested and observed it has no relevance to facts, to truth. It might be true- but it doesn't become true simply because someone says it is.

As you can see, i'm not angry, i'm not confused- I just won't jump off the diving board until i know there's water underneath.

If that's too much to ask- then so be it. If i must burn in hell, then that's how it is- i will remain who i am- i can't change who i am any more than i can start disliking the music i like. I am the way i am for whatever reason- but there is nothing in this brain of mine that says i should accept anything anyone says simply because there's a benefit in doing so, or simply because they say so.

Don't get me wrong- i love the history of it, and i read the bible continually. From this viewpoint it is a great look at how stories pass from culture to culture. It's a great look at early humanity and how they coped with life. Nowhere in it, is there anything credible to suggest there's a giant invisible guy, snake or anything else.

Let's just say for a second i became really needy for an instant answer..... Who am i, and what methods do i have with which to choose? I could simply pick one from a hat, i could listen to my mother, or i could investigate them all and find the most suitable.

Tell me....... what exactly is involved with the word "suitable"? Do i look for the one that offers most? Should i seek out the one that tells me i wont burn in hell no matter what? Maybe i should join scientology? Maybe i should become an ancient greek? Their assumptions sounded quite nice..... I'm unsure.

But please... do not hesitate to tell me why i should pick yours. I mean..... surely there's some statement to get recruitees over other beliefs? Surely you have testimony that would give me your insight and make me deny all the other beliefs?

But you see..... this causes a problem to this brain of mine that is interested in history and science.. I mean surely if your god is real and the events portrayed are factual there wouldn't be earlier versions of the same story? Ok, god could have said it twice- but then why would he mix up the facts? Why, in the original versions would there be many gods, if god was only one? It's weird but gods of everything- from water, to the sun.

I could go with the majority.... Obviously i'd have to work by your basis of trusting old texts- in which case i must now state there is a sun god. I mean.... a god of the sun is in more cultural belief systems than anything else- thus it must be true.

I could claim yours is vastly superior in the fact you have a mortal guy who dies for you. The funny thing is, there's the same story in ancient Sumerian. So i'm in a position whereby i could believe either the Sumerians, the NT jewish people, the polynesians and a whole bunch of other folk who spoke of ressurrections. Then i need to weigh up whether everything that is written is fact. I mean wow, the minute we label something as a metaphor, what does that say for the rest of the bible? Sure, i'm a smart guy, but i wont sit here and state i can tell you the exact mood, meaning and feeling of people, who are not known, that wrote this book several eons ago.

Now.... those unknown people either observed god or they didn't. IF they did then they have reason to write about it, and believe in it. The same would not apply to me. I mean.... he seemed very active back then and in constant discussion with the humans- of course they'd know he was there. The same does not apply to me. IF they didn't then it can only be said they're working off the same assumptions as the inventor of bigfoot, mothmen, vampires, and the giant sexually promiscuous donuts of Atlantis.

As such i am stuck in a bizarre position. Maybe you have something to show me the credibility of your belief vs others?

Sure, about now you'd start listing strange miracle seeming occurences. Unfortunately i might aswell tell you in advance, i have heard the same from every different belief on this planet- including atheism.

Kindly note that this is a question. As such saying "jesus died for our sins etc etc" isn't of any help. I can get statements off everyone on the planet- they have no bearing to anything. I have read the bible, i'm well aware of what was apparently done or not. I do not require preaching, but convincing. Please, if you have the time, convince me. Hey, who knows, maybe that's why you like me, maybe that's the plan god has for you- so i hereby ask you to convince me. If you can we'll live in harmony together, if not i'm sure god has further plans.

Still, it seems like an intellectual difference / something I am compelled to win at here

Thank you for making me smile. It is said a smile a day keeps heart attacks away. I owe you my gratitude. Here, i offer the same in return:


I hope it made you smile. It certainly made me "rofl", (roll on floor laughing), for quite a while.

I feel i must apologise. I didn't realise this was a competition. If i had have known i would have worn my lucky hat. I would ask exactly how you rate intelligence. Do we include the ability to ask questions and seek answers in the realm of intelligence? We are an intelligent species- why? I mean.... surely at some stage, at the beginnings of human intelligence, man must have questioned who and what he was- and why he even existed. I feel so sorry for this guy- looking at the rain and having no idea what it was. Looking at earthquakes and wondering what was going on. And so on, and so forth. Ok, he might have been told everything by some benevolent invisible being. If he was told, then in one way or another he actually observed this being. He is lucky.... How can i just choose one without the same observation? If i do hear a voice in my head- and there's no doctors around to analyze, how can i be certain i am actually a sane individual? Of course- if it truly is god there would be no question in my mins as to my sanity. What if he told me to kill people? I've heard it's actually happened before- what would i do? I would be in a position whereby i could either refuse this being and land myself in the shit, or i could accept what he's asked. If i accept i only have a lifetime to worry about it. Now imagine me in my cell looking out into the world. After doing such a thing even the god believers turn against you.... Are they going to hell? No? Strange.... i was doing god's will..... Let's say you were the intended victim... Would you call me a lunatic? But then..... i was doing gods will... gods will was to kill you... you denied god. It's a bizarre situation the way i see it.

Of course- and here's the problem- i can't comprehend the situation any better without having knowledge of it. In the same way i can't understand the activity of southern californian sea slugs unless i was to study.

So..... i sit down, on a daily basis, and i study. The evidence points to something other than a god. Is that intentional? Do i have a problem with the english language? Maybe so, but then it is simply my ignorance keeping me from the truth- and i can't change that- my ignorance is what it is. I could go to a place of religious worship- in the hope it makes me less ignorant- but then....... what institution? I mean...... How can i be certain i've got the right one, and i'm not just worshipping some beings that don't exist? Sure.... i'd go back to the books.....

There's so many argg!!!

I'm really really lost. I've found two nearly identical which gives them more credibility because they pretty much say the same thing. Tell me... Do i go for the older version or the young version? I would, with my level of understanding, go with the older version because of several factors. That would make me a Sumerian. But why would i adopt their belief system without observing something to make it true? Without the observation i can listen to anyone's assumption- i can even make my own. What a dillema.

However, from the beginning, He planned a different covenent - one that was impossible for us to screw up

OK, now i've already said i trust you.... Can you tell me how you know this please.

He also understood all that would be required on His part to redeem us - and He was willing to do it all even before Adam was created

Again, i hate to ask, but i do trust you implicitly. Can you tell me how you know this please.

but even more awsome when you realize that it is really true.

Oh now i'm drooling. I'd love to be awed, only you can prove to me it's true..... and i am overwhelmed - i've even got the butterflies- because i know you're going to show me the truth.

But even more to the point is this. Jews, Christians, Islams, all beleive in the same basic God.

Damn you beat me to it, and it's no wonder you've found the truth. I'm still going through the list of gods- proving them fake one by one. I hate to ask, in fact i feel rude, but can you tell me how to navigate my way past god number 98,755, it's really got me stuck? Btw, you should also include Sumerians with that list. If you haven't read any Sumerian i'd be shocked. Seeings as it's the basis for the biblical texts i would assume it would be the first thing anyone would read.

where Jews and Christians beleive that it was Isaac.

Strange..... That's not what the bunch of jews down the local synagogue tell me.. hey but what do they know?

Big differences because the Bible says that the line of Ishmael will be cursed. Look at the Arab nations today and tell me it ain't so.

I always loved a bit of harmless stereotypical behaviour. Damn blacks- should all be slaves, damn chinese all slanty eyed and short, hey and don't pakistanis have such big noses?

Law is still very important today, but it is so because we love and want to fulfill the law, not because it is mandated.

Yeah..... funnily the athesist down the road think exactly the same thing. It's like..... they've got no need to obey the law- they just feel like it.... woah, this is one of those Ripley moments.

It is so much nicer to want to love them rather than to have to love them.

I agree completely. Wtf?? How can i agree? I'm a dumbass atheist, it's obvious i have to love my wife. Sorry, i thought i just loved her. - her beauty, charm, grace, mannerisms... I must be sorely mistaken.

The point here is that your statement was not correct. I find this often.

Whattya know... me too. But really, i am so thankful i have you here with you absolute words of wisdom to encourage and inspire me. I will start loving my wife immediately, and obey the law. I thank you from the bottom of my socks.

That people throw out general statements about Christianity without knowing the actual truths involved.

Well hey, that's why i'm here. I need a superior mind like yours to tell me the facts. Whenever you're ready, i'm ready. Shall we begin?

Not because we are brainwashed or led astray or even because we are desperately flailing in the waters looking for any kind of answer

It's weird..... but if i was a better psychoanalyst i'd say this statement has a great deal of relevance. Nevermind though- it's not important right now.

I can not convince you what the truth is.

I disagree. Without you i am too weak to find the truth. I beg, i plead, please help!! You can, you can, please don't run off, just try.

It is up to you to look inside and find the answers and the truths that are already waiting for you.

Cool. The one problem is i don't know what i'm looking for. I went to the airport to pick up a bag from a locker for a friend of mine. All i had was a key- and finding the door was a tough tough situation. It feels like that same situation right now- please direct me to the door with your knowledge, that i don't yet have.

You previously stated that you think you know the bible better than I. It doesn't appear so.

I do apologise. I was thinking of Stephen King's Rose Madder. You know, i've read so many books i can't even keep track anymore.

The bible is far different than a book with some words written in it.

Well then i must really be a muppet. How in the world could i confuse it with Stephen King's Rose Madder? I am truly ashamed. Damn it didn't even sound familiar. Ooooooh, it was the Sumerian texts that sounded familiar, my mistake.

you did a short study on the facts of the bible you would find that the known facts of the bible make it unlike any other book ever written.

Facts? Well bugger me, why didn't you say so earlier? Now i know they're facts, i can accept them. Cool, see you in church on Sunday?

It is so complex, it has answers to every question

I'd be inclined to disagree. I had this friend who asked why he feels like having a sex change. Unfortunately the bible didn't answer his questions, but the I Ching did. It's amazing, and ever since he's been a devout worshipper of ancient chinese books.

it spans information across miles and miles of territory and thousands of years of time that are confirmed realities by todays standards.

Sorry, what's confirmed?

Not one peice of information within this book has ever been proven to be false.

Wow....... I'd simply die of shock but the same can be said of 'Interview with the vampire'. OMG! It's dark outside..... runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

Some may choose not to beleive in it but there is not one peice of evidence that can point to an inaccuracy within it's entire border.

Oh, cool. I heard there was... but we've already established i know nothing. Ignore me.

There are new archeological finds constantly that point to more and more biblical truths.

Wow, they must be working their socks off. Can you give me an example of one please?

The story remains the same no matter where you go on the planet.

Oh man, am i a muppet or what? I thought it was 'cause they're reading the same book, and if they sat down and read books from other cultures there is no mention of a global flood, even predating that time. Still, what do they know, it's not like they were there........

Different languages, different names, a few small changes, but the story of the flood, God's wrath, the wiping out of human-kind, the ark, the rainbow, all the same.

All the same? Dagnammit, how did i miss the evidence? It could have been because stories from other cultures don't mention a global flood but just a small flood, not much larger than a puddle, but hey, what do i know?

It is also the only story in the bible that points to a worldwide catastophe and not a regional experience.

Woah..... so you're saying nobody was around to record the many large scale asteroid impacts that have hit this planet?? Oh nevermind, i've worked it out by myself-- god made man, then they got hit by an asteroid so god made man again.... and this happened many times until finally there were no more of those dumbass interfering asteroids and then man wrote the book. Now i feel like asking if Adam was really the first man on the planet. If he was i feel like asking why nobody actually mentioned the arrival of a big ass asteroid that hit this planet and would have, from the looks of things, destroyed pretty much everything on it. I can understand with one or two but seriously, you should check out nasa site or any site that deals with big ass asteroids.

Amazing how the only biblical account of a worldwide event is also the only worldly account of a worldwide event. If you just look at the book itself, there is power and awe in it alone

It is amazing. I mean why in hell couldn't t-rex just have sat down and written about the asteroid impacts? Man, are we asking too much? I hate t-rex.

I wish I could tell you all that I know about Jesus.

I have plenty of time, and i haven't put up any electrical fences, stone walls, or anything along those lines. See, i'm a nice guy- it's no longer just a wish- you have ample opportunity right now....

I have witnessed miracles, real live miracles that people say don't happen anymore.

Oh my love that's wonderful. Perhaps when i observe them i will state the same. Of course, i couldn't really concvince anyone of those miracles unless they too had observed them. Shit, miracles never happen when you want them to. Ever notice that?

I have seen the faces of demons - I know for a fact that they exist because I have really, literally seen them.

Stop it! You're making me shiver. However i'm also a curious guy.... Were they really red with horns? That's what i've been told by other witnesses.

I have felt the presence of Jesus sit on the corner of my bed to calm my fears after seeing these demons because I asked Him to come to me personally and He did because He knew the level of my fear.

I take it jesus is shy? It's just strange to me why you only "felt" jesus but you "saw"demons. Perhaps the demons don't have such advanced stealth outfits as jesus does.

I have heard the voice of God communicate with me, I know Him when He speaks. He has walked past me twice in my lifetime and I have felt the breath of the Holy Spirit upon my face.

Ah, so you've actually observed god... I wish it were the same for me- then i could finally have an answer. My door is always open.

It is impossible to discount what someone sees, feels, breaths, and hears, as a mere myth.

Ok. Now tell me.... Is it possible for someone who hasn't felt, seen, breathed, or heard to discount something as myth? I guess it must be, because you are implying you believe this because of the things you have observed. If someone hasn't observed then they have no reason to believe it. So, until that stage where you've felt, heard, breather, or seen god you are able to discount something as myth. If you wanted the "shrink" view, i'd tell you do discount it- with every breath you take. It's like your last line of defence against yourself, and the battle will always be raging from what i can see. These things that you have witnessed do seem incredible, and that is the only think holding you back. I hope you succeed in your battle.

The very real and very sad thing here is that there are those who either have not had this experience or have chosen to discount it for one reason or another.

Well, i thank you for agreeing with me that observance is actually important.

Miracles happen all the time all around you,

As do tragedies. Nobody sits down and says every tragedy is the work of the devil, so why say every good thing is the work of god? Or, for that matter, seeings as everyone seems to have a very low opinion of god, why would every tragedy be work of god? While i won the lottery on Saturday, (£500), i also had to see my son die. I wont state my son died because of god or the devil. I can tell you why he died if there's reason, but i also wont state my lottery win was god/devil. I did my sons birthday, my daughters birthday and my wifes birthday as the numbers and i won. Perhaps god planned my family to be born on those days so i could win £500 on saturday. No evidence would present itself and..... according to you and me..... observance is important.

I suggest that you at least open your mind to what is really going on around you.

This is the most insanely stupid statement to ever come out of the mouth of someone who has the truth. We are not lucky enough to have the truth- and thus our minds are as open as it can get. I'd like to be in your position. Your mind however, knows the truth already- and is thus closed to anything else, (which is obviously false because only you have the truth). Never tell an atheist to open his mind. It's as open as it gets.

When someone says there is a scientific explanation for something it blows my mind because God is science and sceince is God.

That's very strange considering the scientific faults in the bible, and there are many i can get into at a later time.

How in the world could the statement 'there's a scientific explanation for that' mean that God does not exist.

It doesn't mean god does not exist. Only you can answer to yourself why you would even make the question that god might not exist. Why the need for defence in that manner when you KNOW he does? You'd just say he does, and have no need to attempt a defence at your position. It seems you have a lot of internal questions that want answering. Only you can answer them. I already know in advance i've used the wrong English for this, and i apologise. My point will be lost among the realms of internet bandwidth. Fair enough.

The more we learn the more things point to God,

Of course you're speaking for yourself. There are many, many many, who disagree. Ok, it's obvious they are intellectually inferior to you, but that's hardly their fault- it's just the way they are.

Evolution is now laughable

Ummm evolution is a fact... Or are you talking about evolution theory which is something different to evolutionary fact?

Carbon dating is highly controversial.

Oh shit..... so the bible might only be 300 years old?? Damn, and there i was thinking it was a couple of thousand. Ok, sure, maybe i'm wrong... perhaps the religious "establishment" has some dating method completely unknown to everyone else that is obviously much better than everyone elses dating method. Excuse me for my apparent stupidity.

which proves the carbon dating of the world is not correct and puts the date of the earth at the same time the bible does.

It proves it??? Fuck i must have missed that newsreel. I will now trash every bit of Sumeriab texts i have. Ok, it predates the bible but obviously it's just a figment of my imagination that it exists, it actually doesn't. I thank you.

These are scientists, not preachers who are stating this new evidence.

Sorry but my computer has a google ban. I'm sure you'll be kind enough to provide links. Furthermore i am now really intrigued.. On your last statement it was "proof", now it's "scientists are stating this new evidence..." I'm sorry, but things do not add up.

Is that most Christians do have facts

Show me one fact please. I will mention that as it's a fact you can easily show why.

We love our God and beleive in Him because He is real to us in very tangeable ways.

It an amazing phenomenon that need to be researched more. You know.... i know my daughter exists. Not once in all my life have i sat down and said: "I believe my daughter exists." The same can be said of everything else that is a fact, complete truth. Maybe there's a deeper reason as to why people say "believe" to something that is a fact. I will start researching.....

Not only does the scientific data prove that there is a God

*cough* show me sites please */cough*

Many of us study the bible, using other methods - history - to help us to understand the reality of the bible also.

Read much Sumerian?

We are not believing in two headed turtles, david koresh, or any other non-god.

Don't you EVER insult the two headed turtle! What gives you the right???

He was referred to in the opening passeges of Genesis which was most likely written abround 1400 BC in the time of Moses,

Much that i like talking with you, i would ask you not to talk out of your ass. It's smelly. Thank you in advance.

Why is it easier to not beleive than to beleive?

Easier? How? Us poor fuckers struggling without answers vs you guys who know the absolute truth but somehow keep saying "believe". Personally i'd rather just know the truth like you do. Ok, we'd still differ- i wouldn't say "believe".

But I do know that God says without it, you will not find the truth.

Ok.... but god also knows that many people cannot just have faith. As such, as god knows that, he also knows we're going to burn in hell because of it. There's nobody to blame: we are the way we are because that's who we are.... god is who it is because that's god and thats what it is. Oh well, it's not an important issue.

Jesus said that those who were with Him and saw Him would be truly blessed

You're fucking kidding me??!?? So did the lunatic junkie who lives up the road.... Whoa, freaky.

believing that I somehow deserved something when I was not willing in turn to give anything

Like a child with his hands out asking "please sir, can i have more?"

I hate to disagree with you- but this mortal life is enough for me. If i have been given it then i am forever thankful- i don't need or want anything else..... deserve it or not.

I expect things of my children,

I already know that. Now tell me... why do they rebel? Perhaps there is more to being a parent than instruction. I understand your upbringing, but there's little need to inflict that upon your children, especially if you have a daughter. If you only have boys, it's not such a big deal.

I would not be able to spend a lifetime arguing for or against the two headed turtle.

Why ever not? He's a cool dood once you get to know him. From a "shrink" point of view i will ask why he's a two headed turtle, and indeed why he's a turtle. It's odd, but it has significance.

I have not been led astray, I am not grasping at straws, I am not weak,

It's ok! calm down, there's no need to convince me of your certainties. Only person who requires an answer to that is you.

I could only say that I don't know what they saw but I choose to not beleive in UFO's for whatever reason.

I feel we're really hitting the point sometime shortly..... But tell me please: why do you not believe in UFO's?

But to tell them that they did not see a UFO would be foolish and pointless. That is how it is with God.

So you agree it's all about observance? Well done, at least we understand.

No one can tell me that I have not heard His voice, and no one can tell me that I have not felt the presence of Jesus Christ himself,

I take it self doubt is a family trait? Nobody need tell you.... only you can tell you.

He actually has three heads instead of just two like your turtle.

Three? Ya know... much that psychoanalysis is complete and utter bollocks, would you like me to tell you why it has three heads INSTEAD of 2?

I am curious, although you may not wish to go here, and if not I understand and respect you for it. But I am curious if you ever believed in God? I am also curious about your child and if that has anything to do with your feelings now.

My son died. You know, for years it pissed me off..... Funnily enough it had nothing to do with god- but simply because my son was a rotting corpse. Undoubtedly it has made me a better parent. Or maybe not, maybe just a more concious decisio make when concerning my daughter. I would and could question that until my daughter phoned me yesterday. She's gone down to Devon with her mother who has some family issues for a few days... Anyway, this 4 year old girl phones me and says "Dad, i wish i had have stayed with you. I love you and i miss you so much." Now you know..... every failure, every fuck up i've made in my life, becomes irrelevant. I have someone who loves me beyond words. That's all i ever need. If a godly being made her love me- it's a fake, and i want no part. I love her back the same.... without the need for anything gigantic and powerful. Real love doesn't need a god, and real love needs nothing other than real love.

No, i have never been religious or a "believer" in a god/s. I was adopted..... i thought my parents were fucknuts, and i thought my adopted parents were fucknuts. Neither were religious but i'm sure if i sit down with them they'll tell me they do believe in something. However, i'd demand the same respect i show my daughter- I don't tell them what to believe, they don't tell me what to believe. It's a great way of dealing with a relationship- they can go synagogue, i can go wiccan mass, (whatever- i don't actually worship anything, it's mere rhetoric). If god is there, my daughter is smart enough to find him. I could assume my daughter is a thick fucker who can't find something as open and available as god, but i assume she is. My assumptions could be mistaken, but if i don't know the answer i am in no position to give her one. I could only damage her future by telling her my version of facts.

Aside from any relationship between religion and the death of your child,

Ya know..... I revently saw a fox die. It got splattered by a car- and much that my son didn't, i saw a vague similarity. They both died. My son didn't have a choice in the matter, so i can now assume he's happy in heaven or he's toasting like a mother fucker down in hell, (probably 'cause of my misdoings). I then looked at the fox..... Is the fox burning? Is the fox chilling in space? If not, one must ask where the fox goes, and why my son doesn't go exact same place...

You tell me..... did my son know more than the fox? In essence wasn't the fox superior? After all, the fox had more experience, more knowledge of life, and never did anything wrong. No, you can't say a fox murdered- it would have been designed to kill, and thus telling it not to is an act in futility.

Maybe my son had a spirit? Still, spirit or not, he had seen nothingm heard nothing, experienced nothing, The fox has more rights to heaven than my son does. Frankly i'd feel sorry for the fox if he is doomed to just die and rot while my son gets to play the harp.

I am sure that you must have deep grief over what happened and I am terribly sorry for whatever happened.

I did my four years solitary. He's probably in a worse shape than i am.

Like it or not, yeah I'm gonna pray for you.

Forget it, pray for him instead. Also, while you're there, pray for the fox.

tho in my circles I don't run across alot of people who don't beleive - just some people who are really mad. Just a thought.

Amusing last line, i like it.
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