Massive Bus Crash


Registered Senior Member
there was a bus crash in Texas fillesd with church kids (middle and high school students).

6 teens died, and 35 severly injured.

Where is your god now?
Not that I believe in these, but ...

- He works in mysterious ways
- All part of some divine plan
- they'll be much better in heaven
- they deserved to die

there's loads of explanations/excuses
What did you mean by "Not that I believe in these..." You don't believe in stories like this? (It really happened. Ender didn't just throw out a hypothetical situation.) Or you don't believe in Gods?

Heh. "loads of explanations/excuses"... whatever. Pardon my language (for you sensitive-types out there), but all of these "explanations" are bullshit.
- He works in mysterious ways - preys upon your ignorance ("You just don't understand!!!")
- All part of some divine plan - again, preys upon your ignorance ("Really! He knows what he's doing! You just don't understand!")
- they'll be much better in heaven - makes you feel better when you realize they aren't suffering
- they deserved to die - makes you feel better when you realize they are getting punishment for the way they acted in life

All of these explanations/excuses are to make you feel comfortable and not dwell on the subject of death. Nothing more.

Incidents like this are a reason I don't believe in a higher power that cares for us. Why would someone allow their children to die for no reason? Or more importantly, why would someone allow innocent people to go on living while suffering from disease, birth-defects, severe strokes, etc...?
Before the invention of lightning rod, guess which kind of buildings get the most love from lighting strikes? ;)
Originally posted by tomzyk
What did you mean by "Not that I believe in these..." You don't believe in stories like this?
LOL, you should pause before going off on one, make sure your grounds are justified (which they're not, at me, anyway).

What I meant was I don't believe any of those excuses, I agree they're bs, but some I was giving an example of what some Christians might reply.
I didn't understand what you were saying up there. Now I do. Sorry for the confusion. Groove on. :cool:

You don't believe in stories like this? (It really happened. Ender didn't just throw out a hypothetical situation.)

I'm aware that this happened. That is why I said this. This wasn't in a mocking tone. I'm sorry if you thought I have a really sick and cold mind that would just think of these things and throw them out!!

My point is that If you god is a god of love, Why would it kill four people unider 18, and a bus driver, send one person into critical condition (I'm sure they are in sever pain, or are unconcious) and injure almost 35 more people. People that would "build the knigdom of heaven." Why would he kill/hurt all these people? Why would he make pain on people. Why would he kill people that love him? Why would he put a town of people in irreversable pain and torture of not knowing if thier childern are ALIVE?

Where is you god during all this?

Is he saying "I've still got it!!"

Why tomzyk? Why?

Think about it....
My theory is that god has a 'hands off' approach to things. Something created the universe, he did, but then he decided that he didn't want to fuck with everyone, so he laid off and made heaven or 'whatever.'
""""""there was a bus crash in Texas fillesd with church kids (middle and high school students).

6 teens died, and 35 severly injured.

Where is your god now?""""""

The same place he was last week. From what I have read, about a million people die a week. There have been countless murders, crusades, wars, witch hunts, hate crimes, deaths from natural disasters, diseases, etc. What makes belief in God different this week?

Don't get me wrong. I do not wish to undermine the sadness or the tragedy of the story. I read in the paper today that a bus from my own home town crashed on the way back from Niagra Falls and 5 people died. Its a sad story. But your question is framed in the "now" as if tragic stories do not occur regularly or are a new invention.

That's cool. I was a deist for a while.


Well said, as always. This tragedy merely raises a pre-existing question.
I was just using this as a present example that could be used for every death/tradgy in all history and future!
bus crash in texas

Just so you guys know...My son was on that bus...2nd worst day of his life...2 of the 4 kids killed were friends of his...As for my son, he flew from the back of the bus to the front of the bus and suffered minor injuries compared with many of the others. He did have short-term memory loss for about 6 months after that and still suffers back pain but refuses to do all he is supposed to do because he suffers survivors guilt and doesn't really want to get better.

But more to the point here...This accident came 10 months and one day after my son was at the scence of his Aunt and Cousins murder, at the hands of his Uncle, where his father was also shot but luckily was able to flee and survive. My son also fled and survived. Then comes a bus crash where 4 kids are killed and many are seriously injured. All of these tragedies came after my son was literally abandoned by his biological father who has left him feeling dejected for most of this life. And this incredible kid was then raised by a mom who made some serious mistakes along the way.

If you want to know where God is in all this? Just take a look at my son the day of the incident. He was running around ripping his clothes to use as turnikins (?) for the injured. He gave his shirt to one of the kids who had brains on his clothes. He got down on his knees in the middle of the highway and praised God as all of this was going on. For the weeks and months after this event the survivors of this crash went to the hospital beds of those who were injured and to all the funerals of those who were lost. There have been incredible stories that have come out of all of this tragedy. God has a way of allowing every terrible event to be used for His glory. So many people have chosen to let God work miracles in their lives after this event. Some still choose not to hear the word of God on their lives, but most are seeking God out and not just waiting for Him to come to them.

Why does God let this stuff happen to his children? Because He gave us free choice. He gave that bus driver free choice to decide if he was going to do valium and cocain before driving those kids that day. But the bible says He knows the number of our days. It was no surprise to God that those 4 kids lives were lost to us on that day. But it is our selfishness as human beings that insist on answers to questions we will never receive. We are called to walk in Faith. If we must have all the answers before we choose which road we will take then there is really no faith required. But God does require faith meaning that there will be questions that we will never - this side of heaven - know the answers to. Faith is the most wonderful gift we have been given, we only need to choose it.

They deserved it. This is the most callous statement made by anyone. We are all called not to judge. We can have no idea of what or why anything happened on that day. But the nature of God is of Love and not of evil. Do good people deserve to die? The bible says that some are taken young to spare them from the pain of this world. If we beleive in God and Heaven, the we must beleive that they did not loose anything. They gained a new life, they gained what we are all waiting for. They got to go, we have to stay here. They deserved it? - yes I beleive they did deserve to go to Heaven and sit in the presense of Jesus. How awsome and Praise God for it! I pray I deserve it someday too.

You want to know where God is? He's at work all around you, you just have to open up your eyes and choose what you will see...The tragedy or the miracle.
Re: bus crash in texas

Originally posted by June24th
He got down on his knees in the middle of the highway and praised God as all of this was going on.
That sounds like a pretty fucked thing to do.

People from dysfunctional families tend to believe in all sorts of nonsense, you have confirmed this June.
There have been incredible stories that have come out of all of this tragedy.

Oh how easy it is to just let that roll off the tongue when you ain't the one wearing your brains on your t-shirt. Who gives a fuck about dead people as long as you get to advertise your pathetic religious garbage because of it.
Re: bus crash in texas

Originally posted by June24th
God has a way of allowing every terrible event to be used for His glory.
How does the kidnap, rape and murder of a 5yo girl for instance glorify God?

How does the killing of innocent people by terrorists glorify God?

Belief in the mythical Jesus can make people say the dumbest things.
I suppose you missed the point where I told you that our family had just recently lost 2 people we loved very much because the athiest husband decided to murder the wife and 17 year old son. No, I wasn't the one running around the bus crash with brains on my shirt, I'm just friends with his mother. No, I wasn't the one shot while trying to save someone else, that would have been my husband. No, I wasn't the one trying to save other peoples lives by stopping blood flow and praying, that would have been my son. No, I wasn't the one shot to death, while my husband ran for his life and my son fled to call 911. I was just the one sitting in the middle of my kitchen floor for two hours while the police sat outside my home because they thought me and my two small children were the next to be killed as they thought the murderer had escaped his house and was on his way to mine.

You so foolishly ask how is God glorified in certain evils done to small children. If there were no God to help the survivors through the pain, if there were no God to offer hope and the very real future of seeing and being with that person again, if there really and truly were no God, then this world would be in utter chaos. It takes courage to look Satan in the eye and say he is to blame. It takes a coward to blame it all on God.

"Don't cast your pearls before swine". Now I utterly understand what God meant. Not only have I wasted my time, but I am sickened to know that people actually beleive the lie that Satan throws out there. I mean really beleives it! I can only pray that someday you see the truth. It makes not one difference to me that you have no respect for me as a person. What actually makes me want to throw up is that you have no respect for the God who created you. There is no way that you have read the bible, because the truth lies inside of it. What you are attacking in something you don't even begin to understand.

Cowards! Fools! Hypocrites! Swine!
Originally posted by June24th
I suppose you missed the point where I told you that our family had just recently lost 2 people we loved very much because the athiest husband decided to murder the wife and 17 year old son.
Nice touch. Why are there proportionally more Christians in US prisons than non believers?

You so foolishly ask how is God glorified in certain evils done to small children.
Why is this a foolish question? You said previously that "God has a way of allowing every terrible event to be used for His glory. "

If there were no God to help the survivors through the pain, if there were no God to offer hope and the very real future of seeing and being with that person again, if there really and truly were no God, then this world would be in utter chaos.
There certainly isn't any Christian God, there's only the belief that it exists. The world is arguably in chaos to some degree, but not in utter chaos.

It takes courage to look Satan in the eye and say he is to blame. It takes a coward to blame it all on God.
Satan, like your God, doesn't exist. Who's blaming God for anything anyway?

It makes not one difference to me that you have no respect for me as a person.
What makes you think this? It's only a message board.

What actually makes me want to throw up is that you have no respect for the God who created you.
Your mythical God didn't create me, my mother and father did. I have no respect for the God as portrayed in the bible.

There is no way that you have read the bible, because the truth lies inside of it. What you are attacking in something you don't even begin to understand.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but I have read it. I probably know it better than you. I think that you believe the nonsense that unless one has the HS as a guide, it cannot be understood.

Cowards! Fools! Hypocrites! Swine!
That's mighty Christian of you!
Originally posted by June24th
Cowards! Fools! Hypocrites! Swine!

While I mean no disrespect to you and not taking lightly the events you encountered, June... You have proven exactly what sickens me about the bible and christian views- If people don't agree, try selling them on the idea of eternal salvation, if that doesn't work, scare them with the threat of hell, and if that does't work...result to calling them names. Yep, that about sums it up. :D
If there were no God to help the survivors through the pain, if there were no God to offer hope and the very real future of seeing and being with that person again, if there really and truly were no God, then this world would be in utter chaos.

Let's rephrase that....

If there were no people to help the survivors through the pain etc etc etc...

It is people who end lives, It is people who save lives.

Sitting down, talking to the clouds does not save lives.

Finally, out of curiosity, was there a reason to mention this killer guy was an atheist?