Massive 8.8 Quake Hits Chile. End times?


A devastating 8.8 earthquake struck Chile this morning shattering buildings and bridges, killing at least 78 people and setting off a tsunami that threatened every nation around the Pacific Ocean--roughly a quarter of the globe.
It's the most powerful quake to hit the country in a half-century and plunged trucks into the fractured earth. Homes fell, bridges collapsed and buildings were engulfed in flames. Injured people lay in the streets or on stretchers.

The Bible prophecies an increase in quakes and disasters. Do you think this is another indication of the end times, or just a quake?
Look, If you mistrust me as a god, from another god, you shall never enjoy coming real from me. That is a promise, and you shall have my word there will come a day when only I can give that gift to many, many of you. That is where you fail. All gods should be treated for what they are. believe in me if believing in a god and I will do what I can when the time comes.
Lets see over 1 million people were killed when the Tsunami hit over in Thailand and Indonesia, that was over 10 years ago. Then other earthquakes have struck as well as a volcano blowing up over the last 10 years all over the world. Then recently the Haiti earthquake killed over 300,000 people and none of those incidents had anyone clamoring about the end of days so why would this earthquake make anyone think otherwise? Throughout history major natural disasters have happened and we humans are still here, does that only DISPROVE the Bible and its tales of the end? So just because nature has struck again we should believe that some supernatural power caused it to happen? I'd think NOT!
If it had ended now it had been remarkeable; I became of the real dimension not long ago. Allas I have not felt enough for it to be able to end. Now a local end, like an end of the earth, would not have been remarkeable. But The End? It cannot be, I'd have experienced all things in eternity by then, that is why it cannot happen, end of story.
Their not coming true. Its just vague bullshit that people will make fit to whatever they want.No prophecy has ever come true

Vague? They are specific and hundreds have come true. I know this freaks non-believers out so they just deny, but it is true. I do not think the world will end in the next year but I do believe we are in the end times. There are just way too many prophecies coming true--especially about Israel.

People have been thinking we are in the "End Times" since the concept of the "End Times" was created.

It pretty much happens anytime there are a couple of natural disasters in a short amount of time.
People have been thinking we are in the "End Times" since the concept of the "End Times" was created.
It pretty much happens anytime there are a couple of natural disasters in a short amount of time.

I dunno, Mac. Maybe. I do think the magnitude of these events is increasing as are the deaths, destruction etc.
There's been end of times sayers for centuries now and none of them were ever right. Now because some other bullshit story was extrapolated out of the Bible we are to believe it is only now true and none of those times before were? Allot of WOO WOO to me. :p
Vague? They are specific and hundreds have come true.
its all vague un limited guesses. they do not come true.
I know this freaks non-believers out so they just deny, but it is true.
Its doesn't freak us out. its bullshit. No prophecy has ever come true.
I do not think the world will end in the next year but I do believe we are in the end times.
and that is why people like you shouldn't be any where near a position of power.
There are just way too many prophecies coming true--especially about Israel.
You give me 10 prophecies and I will show you ten items of bullshit. these kinds of prophecies are written so that no matter what happens their right. Its bull shit to prey upon the gullible and the stupid.
that's the way it ways with the oracle at Delphi and that's the way it is today.

no prophecy has ever come true.