Mass Murderers as objects of admiration

Merely because I happen to think of (several) ways of killing people without being caught does that mean I should implement them?

Actually the police have extensively profiled how to kill people extensively for years without getting caught except possibly by accident.

Its just that most people only kill for personal reasons and that is the #1 way that you get caught. Like if you went after norsefire. True psychopaths are so difficult because they often have no intelligible rhyme or reason to their acts.
The following statement (about Jack the Ripper) prompted this thread.

Should someone be admired for their ingenuity, regardless of what they've done?

"I really admire X, he was cool"
"But he killed 57 people, man"
"Well yeah, but he was good at designing nail bombs, you have to give him credit for that" :shrug:

I remember reading an article on biographies and how knowing that the visible genius of the persona is often overshadowed by the pettiness of the individual. Most people do not want to know that their idols have feet of clay. But it rarely changes how they regard their accomplishments.