Mass media spread


In this new age, the internet mass media information technology is considered a big boon. But on the other side i feel it has disdain the culture of society. Like in years before 1999, there was no internet only tv with westerner entertainment channels. So in india very few people were knowing things like indecency, promiscuity,....!!! Now that there is 3G, indians who were shelved away from western culture are now somehow learnt all the bad things, even movie scenes, inappropriate contents nowdays they all like.....that even i didn't knew. So one billion population of india meaning half the population is all crooked looks, uneducated, low they have so much knowledge that is making me vomit.
I am myself so much educated that i am feeling backward in a sense...
Like this movie for example of year make 1993....deuce bigalo male gigolo...
..and many other parts deuce bigalo 2 and deuce bigalo in europe.
When these movies come to south asian star tv, they are edited cleverly even the sub-titles seeming comedy. So if you concentrate on the lips of the dramatics they seem different than what the sub-titles are written. Whereas the same movie in the internet is a non-edited adult version. Adult meaning all the explicit words that seems a big concern to me, that anyone could download it and learn all the things. And even spread these things in indian society. So once indian society was just viewing porn western films, now they have changed themselves incorporating explicit things in life.
What do you think then, such bad societies exists. Or are you making a fool of yourself and me too? As this is inappropriate....
Do you have any measures to 'contain' what has been spread?
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Hmmm, I'm curious. Why would it be up to others to contain what has been spread? Once again, ad infinitum, this is denying one's own responsibility. Not that there's anything right or wrong with this. I just find it quite fascinating and interesting to observe. But it certainly comes as no surprise given the continuous, ongoing mindset of today's global society. It's just the way the System has been designed, and this is how the System works - exactly as intended.

And as a side note: This constant need to serve the self at the expense of others while at the same time denying one's own responsibility is one reason why society is still not quite ready for freedom. Not only is it not ready, but actually, it is terrified of it.

So anyway, in short the simple answer to your question is choice, 100% choice.
As if there were no rape, prostitution, or sexual thoughts in India before the internet? What nonsense! This is the culture that invented the karma sutra! There are temples in India with more sexually explicit facades than Game of Thrones.
Thats what you think....but the question is not of any freedom nor any choices. I have childhood memories that india though rural was far more better than when mass internet media boon exploit. This is not freedom but stupidity perhaps ignorance in a sense.
Hmmm, I see.

You know analysts say that the U.S. is the fattest country on the planet. Now I wonder, would that be the fault of fast food restaurants through mass media and advertisement? Or would that be the fault of the individual? So far I have yet to see any type of law enforcement authority force anyone in the U.S. at gunpoint into a fast food restaurant forcing them to buy and eat 2 double quarterpounders with cheese, large fry, and a large coke. And I'm willing to guess that there is no authority breaking into the homes of Indian citizens forcing them to watch porn on the Internet. Now if you are discontent with the choices the majority is making, well then that is an issue that only you can work out within yourself. One thing is for certain, you cannot change others. You can only change yourself.

Now the massive global expansion of the Internet was an inevitability, and along with it comes all the wants, needs, and desires of everyone who partakes in it. Whether you agree with it or not, the Internet can actually be seen as the greatest thing to ever be introduced into society in all of recorded history. The renaissance pales by comparison. It would appear that you're focusing on mainly the negative aspect of the Internet, but at the present moment it's benefits far outweigh the negatives. Again, when you're participating in the Internet you are dealing with all aspects of society because it contains every culture throughout the globe, so it is only natural that the desires of one culture will easily spread to another.

Your question was, "Do you have any measures to 'contain' what has been spread?" And again the answer is choice. First of all there is nothing to contain. Everything is the way it is because of choice. Again this is the System "WE", meaning the entire global population, have formed. And unless one is living off the land in the middle of the mountains somewhere completely off the grid, all others are equal participants of this entire System whether we are pleased with it or not.
bellbottom said:
Thats what you think....but the question is not of any freedom nor any choices. I have childhood memories that india though rural was far more better than when mass internet media boon exploit
Unless very bad things happened during one's childhood, everyone's childhood memories are or should be of a community and social realm much nicer than their current reality.

forrest said:
Now I wonder, would that be the fault of fast food restaurants through mass media and advertisement? Or would that be the fault of the individual?
There are some complications here. The US allowed, for example, routine dosing of meat animals with antibiotics. This produced a continual supply of trace doses of antibiotics in meat - antibiotics which were added in the first place because they cause mammals to gain weight faster on less food. The US also cut way back on outdoor physical activity in schoolchildren's routines, restricted such things as swimming and walking long distances, allowed deliberate manipulation of appetite triggers in food additives (sugar, salt, fat, hydrogenated fat, food coloring, "mouth feel" ingredients, etc) to override natural moderation of consumption, and so forth. This biological overriding of the means of personal moderation and responsibility is not really the individual child's "fault", or even that of their parents, is it?

The effects of poor and careless regulation of commercial enterprise on a society can be insidious and pervasive - those who seek profit are by nature less inclined to moderate and curb their activities, take losses or accept diminished expectations on vague grounds of prudence or ethical assessment, than those with more complex and socially interwoven goals. The machinery they set into motion, the business models and operations they launch, omit such considerations accordingly. One has no intrinsic or internalized social curb on their behavior, and must impose order from without - commerce is psychopathic, in a sense, and if allowed into deeply personal realms unmoderated can do quite serious damage in ways one would not expect from sane human behavior.
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Thats what you think....but the question is not of any freedom nor any choices. I have childhood memories that india though rural was far more better than when mass internet media boon exploit. This is not freedom but stupidity perhaps ignorance in a sense.
So popular culture is OK, but popular US culture is not?
It makes me think funny, that wisdom and knowledge are now two different things, like one is advanced phd knowledge but doesn't know or diagnose the realities in life is infact a foolish person. Or perhaps one person who is less educated but has wisdom so he is wiser to think in life.
Or in other words, society which is less educated but is endorsed with a heavy amount of wisdom which is very unwise useless, how degrading or modernize it may seem. Or some society which have medium amount of knowledge but no use of brain whatsoever could be happy?
A Long and Necessary Estrangement

Bellbottom31 said:

It makes me think funny, that wisdom and knowledge are now two different things ....

They always have been. I'm not certain to whom I should attribute the example, but it's pretty clear:

"The difference between knowledge and wisdom is simple enough. For instance, I have the knowledge that smoking cigarettes will kill me. But I also smoke."

It is one thing to be aware of information (have knowledge), and another to actually use that information (apply wisdom).
There are some complications here. The US allowed, for example, routine dosing of meat animals with antibiotics. This produced a continual supply of trace doses of antibiotics in meat - antibiotics which were added in the first place because they cause mammals to gain weight faster on less food. The US also cut way back on outdoor physical activity in schoolchildren's routines, restricted such things as swimming and walking long distances, allowed deliberate manipulation of appetite triggers in food additives (sugar, salt, fat, hydrogenated fat, food coloring, "mouth feel" ingredients, etc) to override natural moderation of consumption, and so forth.


This biological overriding of the means of personal moderation and responsibility is not really the individual child's "fault", or even that of their parents, is it?

Yes. It is, whether voluntary or not. I know it may seem like it isn't, but that's how extremely effective the System is, as it should be of course.

The effects of poor and careless regulation of commercial enterprise on a society can be insidious and pervasive - those who seek profit are by nature less inclined to moderate and curb their activities, take losses or accept diminished expectations on vague grounds of prudence or ethical assessment, than those with more complex and socially interwoven goals. The machinery they set into motion, the business models and operations they launch, omit such considerations accordingly.

Why do you suppose that is?

One has no intrinsic or internalized social curb on their behavior, and must impose order from without - commerce is psychopathic, in a sense, and if allowed into deeply personal realms unmoderated can do quite serious damage in ways one would not expect from sane human behavior.

Exactly! But is this in reference to the individual, the institution, or both? - Rhetorical question.

Truth is, we rely on the System just as much as the System relies on us.
Here what it seems that you said that internet is about world of various communities globalization. Like suppose japanese chinese somehow managed to lift their baddest pie and threw on america's face. After a hit, americans got provoked but said they wouldn't had tasted before. So they too in their communion pool destranged themselves and made their own pies. Now the worst part is that indians never knew about pies so the cooks put up first recipes in their kitchens. The US consumer market sought for globalised outsourcing manpower. They were in disbelief that indians now could make pie but would never eat themselves. So they too threw on some one? The US then had to taste what indians cooks now learnt who never even ate pizzas in their lifetime. Every now and then the US made some community rituals, that they make themselves good pies and throwback the leftovers to others. But said we are this and that, we never sent leftovers to indian consumers. The indian consumers complained what we had to do eating loathsome of pies all for free. But still ate.
forrest said:
\ This biological overriding of the means of personal moderation and responsibility is not really the individual child's "fault", or even that of their parents, is it?
Yes. It is, whether voluntary or not. I know it may seem like it isn't, - -
To fault children for the antibiotic content of their food removes all meaning from the term "at fault".

bellbottom said:
The indian consumers complained what we had to do eating loathsome of pies all for free. But still ate.
So it's all loathsome? You're sure?
Here what it seems that you said that internet is about world of various communities globalization. Like suppose japanese chinese somehow managed to lift their baddest pie and threw on america's face. After a hit, americans got provoked but said they wouldn't had tasted before. So they too in their communion pool destranged themselves and made their own pies. Now the worst part is that indians never knew about pies so the cooks put up first recipes in their kitchens. The US consumer market sought for globalised outsourcing manpower. They were in disbelief that indians now could make pie but would never eat themselves. So they too threw on some one? The US then had to taste what indians cooks now learnt who never even ate pizzas in their lifetime. Every now and then the US made some community rituals, that they make themselves good pies and throwback the leftovers to others. But said we are this and that, we never sent leftovers to indian consumers. The indian consumers complained what we had to do eating loathsome of pies all for free. But still ate.

Ahhh very nice. So you have just metaphorically described the natural flow of life on this planet. ;)

Have you ever played the game Osmos for the iPhone or iPad? It's a pretty cool game. It kinda mimics life in general.

Humans are no different than any other organism on this planet. We perform and behave in the same manner. Some say humans behave in the same way as a virus, but actually so to does all other life. All organisms on this planet have the potential to overpopulate and over-consume. Ever see mice get out of control in Australia? Quite a site to see. What about frogs or locusts? Every now and then a group falls out of equilibrium with it's environment. And then eventually a balance is reestablished. A balance is always maintained. Always.

Since we are on metaphors. Here's one:

If you're caught in the middle of a rapidly flowing river you can either fight and struggle to exhaustion at the risk of drowning by trying to frantically swim directly to the shore, or you could flow with the river while steering yourself into the direction of the shore. Meanwhile, just enjoy the ride.... or not. The choice is yours. :cool:

Suppose i have ten eggs which farm to ten chickens, from it were twenty-five eggs from which came out more chickens, from twenty-five the ratio of birth went to seventy -five eggs....and went on increasing.
I read that america's population was some years back 700 million which now is somewhere to 800 million. Russian population is about 667 million. And china population were 1.5 billion now has alarmingly went to 2billion. India has a population of about 93million, which now is 1.2 billion. Whereas england has population 300 million and germany only 84 million.
So america is vast increasing nation, many states, many suburbs and many gullies. Whole lots of many faces on the streets uncountable, could get lost in america as there are so many many suburbs. If the population birth ratio were like chickens then the america population would had been increased from 700million to 1 billion very easily....
How will the american government would be able to curb the ever increasing population? Will they able to provide each and every families money, free bank accounts, free houses, free jobs, free cars...?
Suppose i have ten eggs...
How will the american government would be able to curb the ever increasing population? Will they able to provide each and every families money, free bank accounts, free houses, free jobs, free cars...?
I guess you aren't familiar with America, we don't give free cars, houses, or jobs. The answer is few people will be provided for, and we will suffer and probably die in increasing numbers. In this way, the population will decrease. It will happen as soon as we run low on oil, in fact it's already started.
Every now and then a group falls out of equilibrium with it's environment. And then eventually a balance is reestablished. A balance is always maintained. Always.
By horrific mass death, usually, setting up another boom. Even extinction, in this case of cultures that people are fond of.

There are various ways of balancing, and cycles of boom and bust, disaster and recovery, are not necessarily what anyone wants in human cultural evolution. The equilibrium they cycle around, the balance point, is almost always far lower than is available via cycle damping and appropriate feedback controls. They are maybe what morality and decency and sane ethical establishment garners value by preventing, eh?

Humans are no different than any other organism on this planet. We perform and behave in the same manner
Foreseeing and adjusting one's current cultural behavior in response to future circumstances not yet impinging is a uniquely human capability. The possibilities and niches made available thereby make as profound a difference as those attendant the capability of directed locomotion made, or the capability of accepting operant conditioning from sublethal environmental response to trial.

Consider, say, the enormous difference made to the species geographical spread by the capability of foreseeing the circumstances and needs of gardening in new lands - the Polynesian boat pioneers made space at considerable cost to carry their crops and tools and fishing gear into the unknown, rather than maximizing their colonizing population or even food and water for the journey of unknown duration.

bellbottom said:
I read that america's population was some years back 700 million which now is somewhere to 800 million.
Much of your posting here seems to derive from inaccurate and misled conceptions of America, as well as the rural culture of your childhood - the population is far less than 400 million now, and has never been higher, for example. And the movie Deuce Bigelow is not a dominant cultural influence here.
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By horrific mass death, usually, setting up another boom. Even extinction, in this case of cultures that people are fond of.

Yep, sometimes. But I don't consider it horrific. That's pretty much a matter of perspective. Again, this is all quite natural. If the human race consumed itself into extinction, I can assure you it would be no more a big a deal than any other species that have gone extinct before us.

How will the american government would be able to curb the ever increasing population?

They won't. They can't Again this is not the responsibility of the U.S. government or any institution.

Will they able to provide each and every families money, free bank accounts, free houses, free jobs, free cars...?
