martial artists on sciforums?

Maybe try some style that works with weapons instead of legs? with hands only it is box and it sucks, is very harmful for ones health.

For what do you want a martial art, self defense?
If it's not self defense, then some sword or heavy stick (jo or bo) using art,
they don't really do kicking. (the problem is with taking the stick with you everywhere if it'd be for a self defense)

Or maybe use just one leg, the uninjured one for kicking!
You won't loose much. I've had a badly strained leg a few times, but I still could do good fighting with using one leg and two arms.
And you can still have a good and enjoyable practice training.
I dunno about self defence, but after dealing with whatever job you have (ie-taking calls in a call center all day) I imagine shouting and practicing different methods of painfully crippling other humans is a great stress reliever..
taylan007 said:
Since you've asked if i had anyother questions, let me see if you can answer me this.

Ever since the age of 11 almost every night i would train(do weights, sit ups, press ups, ect ect). I had this, almost relegious, routine till i was about 20, i started to smoke more weed and got lazy. Recently ive gotten off the weed, but im still finding it hard to get back into any kind of regular training.

The problem isnt that im not training, it that when i dont train i cant seem to sleep properly, eat properly, feel worn out most of the time and generaly feel unheathy.

I get much more exercise than any normal person but this doesnt seem to be enough just to keep normal body functions at optimum level. I only feel good when i tyre myself to sleep almost everyday. My question is have i got myself into a routine for life, because of the amount of training i done when my body was growing, why does my body need to train regularly just to keep normal functions in a good state???

you live in tottenham thats why you feel bad alot. its not you thats the problem, there is alot of pollution in that area i work nights sometimes in ponders end, brimsdown industrial estate, east duckleys lane, theres so many factorys there the qi energy is bad, i suggest geting out of the city for training sessions atleast once or twice per week in a forest area or area with alot of grass/water/rocky structures/ plain grassland, (not a park in the city or around it thats still bad energy you need pure energy to train in close to the earth) i dont go to the KO classes in archway i go tot he other venue in bethnal green globe road, its closer to me than archway, but you should come down to the shaolin temple and check that out aswell go there and ask about Qigong sessions, i train outdoors alone or with a training partner more than i train in clubs/gyms/dojos, i take knowledge from all arts and use all of there teachings in my own time outdoors in the nature, i go to hainult forest sometimes and other places outside of londons boarders,

ile tell you some more soon and yeah good that you quit smoking i still smoke weed sometimes, i heard north is a little dry with the bud from my man jason in edmonton, droughts,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
does anybody do any martial arts or combat training here? if so wich style/method/type do you study, do you cross train?, and do you lift wieghts and go to the gym aswell as martial arts training?

i do shaolin gong fu, cross train with muay thai, boxing, jeet kun do, and taiji/bagua. i also lift wieghts and do other types of gym training/aerobics/circuit training etc


I did once now I use the power of words to overcome many of the problems that happen my way. It would seem that many problems can be done away with using common sense and listening to where to go and not go when your out and about.
Agree, people who rely on their physical force to win an argument are pathetic and dumb.
Other thing is if you're attacked. Avatar prefers running away rather than risking a fight. :p
Well you see training the body also stenghens the mind. It lets you think clearly under pressure. Just because your strong doesnt mean your gonna resort to violence each time your in a bad situation.

When i was doing martial arts i remember being more peaceful, i remember i tried talking to one guy and even after taking two punches in the face and i was still trying to get him to change his mind about fighting but finnaly had to knock him out when i saw him swinging the third. Some idiots cant be reasoned with.
Well you see training the body also stenghens the mind. It lets you think clearly under pressure. Just because your strong doesnt mean your gonna resort to violence each time your in a bad situation.
Of course, I agree.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
you live in tottenham thats why you feel bad alot. its not you thats the problem, there is alot of pollution in that area i work nights sometimes in ponders end, brimsdown industrial estate, east duckleys lane, theres so many factorys there the qi energy is bad, i suggest geting out of the city for training sessions atleast once or twice per week in a forest area or area with alot of grass/water/rocky structures/ plain grassland, (not a park in the city or around it thats still bad energy you need pure energy to train in close to the earth) i dont go to the KO classes in archway i go tot he other venue in bethnal green globe road, its closer to me than archway, but you should come down to the shaolin temple and check that out aswell go there and ask about Qigong sessions, i train outdoors alone or with a training partner more than i train in clubs/gyms/dojos, i take knowledge from all arts and use all of there teachings in my own time outdoors in the nature, i go to hainult forest sometimes and other places outside of londons boarders,

ile tell you some more soon and yeah good that you quit smoking i still smoke weed sometimes, i heard north is a little dry with the bud from my man jason in edmonton, droughts,


I spose living in the city doesnt help do my health much justice. Now that you mention it I live outside london for a while and i do remember being at the top of my form even though i was smoking weed almost every night. I lost about 15kg once i moved back into london. I think you migh have a good point there. Never realy though about that side of things.

Im definately gonna go and give shaolin kung fu a try.

I havnt exactly quit smoking weed, more like cut down. only do it once or twice a week now a days.

Do you feel smoking effects your training???
alot of people will argue with what im about to say but, no smoking pure weed does not effect my training, i actually get motivated alot more when i smoke a zoot, it gets me more intouch and lets me perform taiji more relaxed,

and about the other thing, yeah your surroundings are very important, you have to train your Qi just as much as your body, there are a few wooded areas around north london i suggest you take a couple trips to any wooded area without pollution and buildings everywhere, and just train take in the nature as you do it, read up about Qigong and how to control your Qi, its not hard you could even learn a good deal from the internet, look up goodle and type in Qigong methods, or Qi control, or correct qigong breathing, and practise soem of the methods, also weapon training is very effective, not just for using and wielding weapons, training with a heavy staff/club/hammer/anything that you have trouble wielding, will greatly improve your overall strenth,

have you got anymore questions i will help you out anyway i can, i always try to take care of felow martial artists want to know anything just ask.
