Mars Algae Found!

While Nitrogen and like minerals are absorbed through the root system, Carbon for structure is decomposed from CO2 in the atmosphere.

Absorbtion through the roots usually yields H2O and other minerals found the the soil, which are necessary. But the stuff you are touching, the carbon structures that create cell walls, stems and such are largly composed by Carbon obtained through the atmosphere.
hmm greenhouses are known to evreyman and so are fertilisers, fertilisers are usually solids and somethime liquids that are absorbd in the ground and then in the plants. But in some cases when conditions aren't right usually to cold people use greenhouses, it wreally shouldn't be a problem to fill those greenhouses with a more carbon rich mixture so the inside atmosphere would be like 95% CO2. This would be verry enviromentel friendley because the gases can be purchased from poluding sources and the toxic atmosphere would elliminate all need for pestcontrole. This however has never happened because it yust isn't cost effective
It would be a fun little experiment. Maybe we should ask the government for a martian greenhouse grant?
Prokayotic cells would probably be the best to terraform with, but if the length of the Archaean and early Proterozoic is any judge of how long it takes to create an atmosphere with enough O2 to breathe, we're looking at something like 1.2 billion years.

Probably longer on a planet with an atmosphere that's less than 1/100th of the earth and no water.

It also lacks a magnetic field, so any atmosphere that is created will inevitably be stripped bare by ionizing solar winds.
The real problem with Mars; however, is it's lack of a magnetic field. Any atmosphere you could produce would get stripped bare by solar winds, as has been happening for a long time now.

++++ without a spinning internal planetary core to produce the magnetosphere that we so enjoy here on earth, anything produced would blow away pretty readily. that's why the atmosphere is so thin as it is.
who nows perhaps it's possible to make a artificial magnetic field. The power output could be quit modest if the magnetic coils are superconductive