Marrying more wives

hug-a-tree said:
no, I don't think she would be. When has a women ever had more then one husband?

Well, in the movie "Paint Your Wagon" a woman had two husbands! And it worked out pretty well. Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin shared a woman, and both seemed to get along quite well. :)

However, just because it's not been widely done is not sign that it couldn't or wouldn't work. But all-in-all, I think women are too emotional for it to work well ...women have to feel "looooovvvvvvee" (and all that other mushy, gushy, emotional crap!). Men just want dinner on the table and a willing woman on the bed with her legs spread ..much more than that isn't necessary!

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Men just want dinner on the table and a willing woman on the bed with her legs spread ..much more than that isn't necessary!
Baron Max

Oh, that's just great.
Yeah, it is if you can find the right woman! Too damned bad that our society has put all that equality crap into their tiny, little brains. :)

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Yeah, it is if you can find the right woman! Too damned bad that our society has put all that equality crap into their tiny, little brains. :)

Baron Max

I'm offended.
hug-a-tree said:
I'm offended.

June Cleaver, Beaver's mom, was not offended in the least. Why should you be offended? My own mother was happy and contented being a "submissive" housewife and mother ...and housekeeper, cook, laundress, dishwasher, gardener, etc., etc. In fact, just before she died, she told me that raising her family was the single most important and satisfying thing in her entire life.

Offended? Why?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
June Cleaver, Beaver's mom, was not offended in the least. Why should you be offended? My own mother was happy and contented being a "submissive" housewife and mother ...and housekeeper, cook, laundress, dishwasher, gardener, etc., etc. In fact, just before she died, she told me that raising her family was the single most important and satisfying thing in her entire life.

Offended? Why?

Baron Max

That's different from what you said before. There is nothing wrong with staying at home to rasie your children.
No, hug-a-tree, I don't think it's different to what I said earlier ...just maybe more clearly noted. But our society and social values have turned us all into adversaries, instead of partners. And I don't mean to demean women at all, never have. But just like some men are more suited to some tasks, women are also more suited to some tasks. It's my opinion that our society has turned women against being stay-at-home moms raising their children in a happy, contended environment. Women have now been "forced" by society to seek something for which they may not be suited ...and that's a damned shame as far as I'm concerned.

Baron Max
Fraggle Rocker said:
The men are just being adolescents who never had to grow up. Screw as many women as you can to show how macho you are.
I think it shows power in very visible ways; leaving out the poor, weak, non-socially connected to fend for themselves. if all the "choice" woman are taken, the riff-raff get the leftovers, they get to live like kings, they get more offspring, while we has less, its 'social darwinism"
I think it's the women who willingly enter those relationships who are out of their minds!
that may be a little harsh, except for modern Westernized women that would accept that system.
I think that the cultures that have perpetuated these systems, rely on 'infantilizing' women, so that they are viewed as just so 'weak', 'childish' &/or 'wild', thus needing strong male characters to properly 'control' or 'protect' them (in legal marriages).
brainwash the victims & perpetrators & the ease in which both accept whatever "rules" they have to obey to live in that society
Baron Max said:
No, hug-a-tree, I don't think it's different to what I said earlier ...just maybe more clearly noted. But our society and social values have turned us all into adversaries, instead of partners. And I don't mean to demean women at all, never have. But just like some men are more suited to some tasks, women are also more suited to some tasks. It's my opinion that our society has turned women against being stay-at-home moms raising their children in a happy, contended environment. Women have now been "forced" by society to seek something for which they may not be suited ...and that's a damned shame as far as I'm concerned.

Baron Max

My mom stays at home, she loves it. And I love her for doing that for me. There's no problem there. I just don't like the whole "someone to feed me, and someone to knock up" thing.
hug-a-tree said:
My mom stays at home, she loves it. And I love her for doing that for me. There's no problem there. I just don't like the whole "someone to feed me, and someone to knock up" thing.

Well, you have the not only the wrong attitude, but the wrong idea of marriage and family and home.

My Mom MADE our home ...she MADE it a happy home, a loving home, a clean home, a warm home, ........ Oh, sure, Dad worked and provided the money for it all, but he could NOT have done what Mom did ...he simply could not have done it. Dad could not have provided any of those things she did.

I assure you, Hug, Mom was a lot more than just someone to feed kids and to get knocked up! Please take some time to analyze and adjust your attitude about housewives/homemakers/stay-at-home mothers. Perhaps that's one of the things that's cause so much trouble in civilizations today ...we ain't got no real moms!! We have "fake moms" ...ones who pretend to be moms.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Well, you have the not only the wrong attitude, but the wrong idea of marriage and family and home.

My Mom MADE our home ...she MADE it a happy home, a loving home, a clean home, a warm home, ........ Oh, sure, Dad worked and provided the money for it all, but he could NOT have done what Mom did ...he simply could not have done it. Dad could not have provided any of those things she did.

I assure you, Hug, Mom was a lot more than just someone to feed kids and to get knocked up! Please take some time to analyze and adjust your attitude about housewives/homemakers/stay-at-home mothers. Perhaps that's one of the things that's cause so much trouble in civilizations today ...we ain't got no real moms!! We have "fake moms" ...ones who pretend to be moms.

Baron Max

What? I never said that. My mom is more then that, of course. Your the one that said that. I was just saying that I don't like it the whole "women are here to privide me wth food and sex" thing.
"Yeah, it is if you can find the right woman! Too damned bad that our society has put all that equality crap into their tiny, little brains.

Baron Max"

There is nothing wrong with it....

its just that woman dont like it... and in western countries, men are all pussy wiped, and have no hope of dominating their women again.

so if they cant do it... why should you, is their attitude.

i would love to have 3 to 7 wives.... but the only problem is, my first wont allow it.

I've halfway talked my wife into accepting the idea...
though it would initially be for short term contracts
and the additional wife/wives would be under her
authority so as not to undermine her place in the
grand scheme of things.
Rather than taking power from her, (the first wife)
this scenario would empower her by placing the
new wives under a heirarchy in which she was dominant.
yes... there is the issue... the power and position of the women... in their minds.. and amoungst each other...

and so normally it would be up to the man.. to slap that bitch back into the harem and make it clear what the power structure is as you dictate it... as the Alpha male.

But... luckily for women.. those days of abuse and decadense and obedience are long gone.... generally.

Saint said:
Why it is considered wrong to marry more than 1 wife?
Why polygamy is wrong? What is the criteria?
I guess we humans just like to create a lot of rules, a lot of them senseless.
in ancient china, during feudal system, only men who are rich, who owned lands and properties, will be able to marry more wives.
more wives means SUCCESS.