Marriage Reform that makes everyone happy . . .

Well, RubiksMaster, I was wondering when ya'd stumble across this thread. It took ya a while, and all ya had to do was scroll down. :p


I'm 16 years old. I am in the middle of high school. I'm under my mother's custody until I'm 18. Answer me honestly. Do you seriously think it's that easy for me to leave?

Even if I were over 18, think of all I'd have to do to live in another country. I'd have to gain citizenship status in another country. I quite possibly have to learn a new language, or get better at the language I'm currently learning. I have to learn all the laws of the new country. I have to totally change my life. Answer me honestly. Do you seriously think it's that easy for me to leave?

No, I'm not leaving. You leave. I hear the Ukraine has just elected a conservative leader.

I think that if your idea of civil unions became a reality, and had no basis in religion or tradition, people (even complete strangers) would all go out to get a civil union so they could get tax breaks and legal rights.

Um . . . Can't people do this with marriage as well? I seriously doubt people will go through all this trouble.

This could potentially ruin the economy, . . .

Isn't our economy already becoming ruined?

Ah, RubiksMaster. Desperately always-unrealistically-looking-on-the-dark-side RubiksMaster. Tsk tsk.

. . . completely change our legal system, . . .

And this is a bad thing how?

. . . and generally change the structure of society. Is it really necessary to do all that?

Ya want a blunt answer? Here it comes. Hold on to yer computer chair.


Off topic: Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Ben! :)
It is America’s greatest strength the fact that our system encourages our people to address and change/repair the system whenever it is necessary.
It is America’s greatest strength the fact that our system encourages our people to address and change/repair the system whenever it is necessary.

Ya got that right!
It is America?s greatest strength the fact that our system encourages our people to address and change/repair the system whenever it is necessary.
Amen to that. Hey, Athelwulf, we finally agree on something! :D
Don't get me wrong, I admire your effort to make everyone happy, I just have doubts about the effects and effectiveness of it.

Even if I were over 18, think of all I'd have to do to live in another country. I'd have to gain citizenship status in another country. I quite possibly have to learn a new language, or get better at the language I'm currently learning. I have to learn
Doesn't it make you realize how priveleged you are to live in such a great country?

I hear the Ukraine has just elected a conservative leader.
Good for them! I'm not leaving, though. I love the freedom I have here. I love the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the democratic process, the food, the TV stations, the radio, the diversity, the geography, the education system. . . I AM NEVER LEAVING!

Um . . . Can't people do this with marriage as well? I seriously doubt people will go through all this trouble.
They can do this marriage. Although it is much more rare because it is not as easy to get married. With your renaming scheme, it will be much easier to get a "civil union" and get these benefits. There are a lot of people who actually would go through all this trouble (because it is really not much trouble)

Ah, RubiksMaster. Desperately always-unrealistically-looking-on-the-dark-side RubiksMaster
I am just being realistic (if a bit extreme) to contrast your overly-idealistic approach to the problem.

off topic:
Off topic: Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Ben!
Thanks. It's funny how we can get into heated arguments on the internet, and then be nice to each other!

Hey, Athelwulf, we finally agree on something! :D


Don't get me wrong, I admire your effort to make everyone happy, I just have doubts about the effects and effectiveness of it.

Well . . . At least I have admirers! Just what a Leo like me wants deep inside. :D Thanks, dude!

Doesn't it make you realize how priveleged you are to live in such a great country?

I'm not totally convinced. Europe seems a bit better than us, in my opinion.

Good for them! I'm not leaving, though. I love the freedom I have here. I love the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the democratic process, the food, the TV stations, the radio, the diversity, the geography, the education system. . . I AM NEVER LEAVING!

A prime specimen of a typical American . . .

Well, at least our feelings are pretty much mutual on this issue.

They can do this marriage. Although it is much more rare because it is not as easy to get married. With your renaming scheme, it will be much easier to get a "civil union" and get these benefits. There are a lot of people who actually would go through all this trouble (because it is really not much trouble)

So let's ruin it for everyone, kuz some people can't handle the responsibility.

:rolleyes: That's not my philosophy, man.

I am just being realistic (if a bit extreme) to contrast your overly-idealistic approach to the problem.

Oh, so ye'r contrasting me on purpose? That's funny!

I believe I'm being realistic as well. And how can something be overly-idealistic?

Off topic:

It's funny how we can get into heated arguments on the internet, and then be nice to each other!

I know, it's kinda funny when ya think about it. Who ever knew a right-wing nutjob and a liberal weiner could ever get along so well?!
RubiksMaster said:
Doesn't it make you realize how priveleged you are to live in such a great country?

This is a rather innane diversionary tactic. I realize you're just a kid, but I've heard this sort of thing before. A good country America may be, but faultless it is not, and it is some of those faults that we are talking about here.

RubiksMaster said:
Good for them! I'm not leaving, though. I love the freedom I have here. I love the Bill of Rights, the Constitution. . .

I usually ask this of people who make vague appeals to the constitution, and certainly to those who just say they love it, but I also ask it in this case because you've been arguing against equal protection under the law in other threads, but have you actually read the constitution?

RubiksMaster said:
They can do this marriage. Although it is much more rare because it is not as easy to get married. With your renaming scheme, it will be much easier to get a "civil union" and get these benefits. There are a lot of people who actually would go through all this trouble (because it is really not much trouble)

How difficult is it to get married, exactly? In a legal sense it's not much more than just a bit of paperwork, if anyone wants to try their hand at abusing the protections it provides then there's really nothing to stand in their way. You really haven't got any leg to stand on if you want to claim that Aetherwolf's proposed alternative would make this more or less difficult.