Marriage & Intimacy: Can I [_____]?

Isn't anal sex dirty?

Dirty as in unhygienic yes and may result in infection for both parties

Dirty as in UGG we shouldn't be doing this no

It would not be wise to practice anal to frequently

Apart from infection risk the anal sphincter may loose function leading to premature wearing of adult diapers
Dirty as in unhygienic yes and may result in infection for both parties

Dirty as in UGG we shouldn't be doing this no

It would not be wise to practice anal to frequently

Apart from infection risk the anal sphincter may loose function leading to premature wearing of adult diapers

This the best answer in my view.
the anal sphincter may loose function leading to premature wearing of adult diapers
I think this requires some citations before anyone goes asserting it as fact.

"...the consensus among sex educators is that anal sex does not carry a high risk of fecal incontinence"

"...hasn’t heard complaints about it from any of his clients who engage in anal sex."

"... there are no studies that show any higher percentage of anal prolapse, loss of bowel control, etc., in people who receive anal sex than in people who don't."
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I think this requires some citations before anyone goes asserting it as fact.

"...the consensus among sex educators is that anal sex does not carry a high risk of fecal incontinence"

"...hasn’t heard complaints about it from any of his clients who engage in anal sex."

"... there are no studies that show any higher percentage of anal prolapse, loss of bowel control, etc., in people who receive anal sex than in people who don't."

If I had the names and addresses of those I have looked after with such conditions I would pass them to you

With their permission of course

In any case the advice given here is for general consumption and as they say in the ads, and I forgot to to add in previous post, you should always check with your doctor or health professionals when undertaking a new body activity
If I had the names and addresses of those I have looked after with such conditions I would pass them to you
The webmd link actually makes the same implication that you seem to be making:
"...having worked in an assisted living facility, I have had to deal with some elderly women..."
etc, etc.

The very next responder asks the pertinent question, which is also pored to you "How do you know for a fact that these ladies problems are due to anal sex and not just age related issues?"
The very next responder asks the pertinent question, which is also pored to you "How do you know for a fact that these ladies problems are due to anal sex and not just age related issues?"

Would be because they told me (or other health worker) they indulge in such practice when their medical history was being compiled and following examination no other causes showed

Ages varied from the age of consent (which was of concern enough to be passed on to legal authority to investigate since the condition does not happen so quickly) to those in their 40s up to those aged 80+

Yes many were age related diagnosed from questions such as ' When was you last activity? ' ' When did the problem arise? ' and examinations

Minor problems were helped via specific exercise

Others surgery required (which most required eventually)

The responder asking the question seems to presume the patient goes to the doctor saying they have a anal problem and the doctor writes down anal sex as diagnosis

Little more involved than that
Dirty as in unhygienic yes and may result in infection for both parties
Dirty as in UGG we shouldn't be doing this no
It would not be wise to practice anal to frequently
Apart from infection risk the anal sphincter may loose function leading to premature wearing of adult diapers
Sounds like you (and anyone who can't take the usual precautions) should avoid it, then.
If the husband and wife both agree, can they do anal and oral sex, or even torturing kind of sex like caning?
Is it immoral?

If anal sex is safe, then it follows that you should not need a condom for protection. Also if anal sex is natural, you should not need any artificially processed lube, since nature will have made natural provisions to reduce friction. Once you start adding artificial prosthesis, then natural can be ruled out. It becomes a staged choice that works due to addenda. The game that is played is like saying, I can go into a combat zone, because it is safe. Then I put on two layers of body armor, and tell you not to pay attention to the prosthesis, and then reaffirm that going into a battle zone is very safe. Some people will just accept the illusion.

The way I look at, all forms of sex between a consenting husband and wife, is OK, if they both agree. Often more variety is needed, when sex is not longer naturally spontaneous. Then you may need gimmicks to trick the body, with grouse satisfying for many, due to the needed overcompensation. Ultimately, a good positive feeling and attitude, between husband and wife, goes a long way to the needs of their team.

The only restraint, I see is, don't ask and don't tell, what you do behind closed doors, since this will create problems for yourself and others. Not everyone will be cheering all things, if you make them look in your gutter. Most people are not looking in the gutter, when they meet friends or new people, until someone focuses their eyes in the gutter. Then problems can begin. Once imagination is confirmed, the stage changes. Why create problems?

Too much revelation is the downfall of the LGBQ community. If they went about their sex lives, in private, they would be treated more like everyone else, since most people's mind don't go there, unless led. But for some reason, this community likes to waive their privates in peoples' faces. Most straight people do not wear their sexuality, like clothing for all to see, unless they consider themselves a player. A player is not someone you can trust to be honest with you, or with themselves. Often the player is at the gimmick stage which means they are leaving natural and need your approval.
If anal sex is safe, then it follows that you should not need a condom for protection. Also if anal sex is natural, you should not need any artificially processed lube, since nature will have made natural provisions to reduce friction. Once you start adding artificial prosthesis, then natural can be ruled out. It becomes a staged choice that works due to addenda. The game that is played is like saying, I can go into a combat zone, because it is safe.
Crossing the street is part of normal life too, though it too has risks of done improperly.

By the above logic, you would suggest that we should not cross any streets because we were not evolved to do so without taking reasonable precautions.
Correlation does not imply causation.

Would be because they told me (or other health worker) they indulge in such practice when their medical history was being compiled and following examination no other causes showed

Diagnosis is not made just on one disclosure or symptom

Alternative causes are also eliminated via examinations and extensive questioning

After elimination of alternative causes and all that is left is anal sex the diagnosis is made along the lines

trauma to anal sphincter from sexual practice

loss of anal sphincter function from sex

While not funny for the patient some of the diagnosis caused mirth for the staff

Those involving soap torches barbbie water pistols provided staff with much to speculate about

Sorry but we are only human
By the above logic, you would suggest that we should not cross any streets because we were not evolved to do so without taking reasonable precautions.

By our neighbor's logic, vaginal intercourse is equally problematic.

He didn't really stop to think about that in part, I'm guessing, because he doesn't know a whole lot about either form of intercourse.