Marriage & Intimacy: Can I [_____]?

Not immoral!
Some religions may disagree.
Morality is much like a moving target.

In some places, it may be illegal.
If the husband and wife both agree, can they do anal and oral sex, or even torturing kind of sex like caning?
Is it immoral?
If the husband and wife both agree, can they do anal and oral sex, or even torturing kind of sex like caning?
Is it immoral?
Yes you should avoid all sexual contact unless for the express reason of gaining offspring and even then you must not enjoy it.
If the husband and wife both agree, can they do anal and oral sex, or even torturing kind of sex like caning?
Is it immoral?
Well, I wouldn't call "caning" a form of sex, although it's sometimes part of other games involving sex.

The only two people who can decide if it's moral is you and your wife. A common standard used is "safe, sane and consensual" - so if it's safe (i.e. doesn't involve amateur brain surgery or anything) sane (i.e. expectations are not completely unreal) and consensual (i.e. you both agree) it's OK.
Can I have oral and anal sex with my spouse?
Is it immoral?

Are you simply taking a poll? We can include one with the thread.

Otherwise, any number of questions arise: Where? and By what assertion of law? are the most prominent.

For instance: If you're taking a poll, my answer is No. As people have pointed out, consent is key.

Consensual violence as intimacy is perpetually dangerous but legal until it isn't. That is to say, one's assertion of another's consent can seem immaterial to a jury under various circumstances.

Then again, I live in the U.S., where lack of consent occasionally seems immaterial to a jury's consideration of rape.
If the husband and wife both agree, can they do anal and oral sex, or even torturing kind of sex like caning?
Is it immoral?
I apologise for my earlier reply I was being silly.
Morality is tied to your values not to those of strangers on the net.
I sincerely believe that the answers should be arrived at by discussion between you and your partner.
I think it would be immoral to force a particular view upon your partner and I think one would need to be sure that whatever is arrived at as a good idea between both parties and be careful that your partner does not go along through either fear of disappointing you, or fear of not meeting expectations.
If the husband and wife both agree, can they do anal and oral sex, or even torturing kind of sex like caning?
Is it immoral?
No kind of sexual activity between consenting adults is immoral. As long as there are no children or animals involved.
Isn't anal sex dirty?

Generally speaking, a little bit of self-exploration will answer that question for you better than anyone else can.

To the other, it's also a matter of how you define dirty.

For instance:

(1) The body produces natural rectal lubrication; it's not necessarily sufficient for intercourse, which is why there is such a breathtaking range of lubricants specialized for anal sex. Still, though, the point is that the body produces a natural lubricant.

(2) I think I'm safe in saying most guys, when we learn to admire and desire the concept of a "wet" woman don't really understand what we're dealing with. The lubricant effect is an evolutionary result, to be certain, but it's primarily―as in, its most common day to day purpose―a cleansing fluid, essentially removing perceived pollution.

→ When you stop and think about it, sure. But, you know, I admit it never occurred to me to think of it that way until the nice ladies from I forget which organization were explaining it to our daughters during the joint portion of the family menstrual training seminar, which term probably overstates the evening, but it's true I went to two different classes to learn how to deal with the fact that I was a father about to be giving a young woman advice on the whys and hows of her body's cycles and the effects thereof.

→ Whatever, I'm just trying to not say, "vagina snot", because that's (A) disgusting, (B) not quite right, and (C) most likely unwelcome among women who are probably tired of hearing it. At any rate, sorry, ladies; I just need that point, because―​

(3) ―it seems worth noting (no, it doesn't, but, you know, whatever) I'm pretty sure that while c + r > n, and c > n, so also is r > n.

→More specifically, I've had my tongue in more sunless places than noses. By far. Jus' sayin'.​

Or, rather, something goes here about how we define dirty.