

Registered Member
Well i have heard many things about marijuana from my friends. i was wondering what you think about it. Is it right? should they legalize it? i mean we have discussed it but they arent as intelegent as i think you are. I would like to know what you think about it from an intelegent point of view.

i dont think there is a case of it being right or wrong.i am strongly pro marijuana,as jb said its just a herb and the fact that a jail sentence for distributing it can be as long as for rape and many other horrific crimes seems absurd.also i think that weed is far less danger to society as a whole than alcohol.the jury is still out on whether or not smoking weed is worse for you than alcohol (i am of the opinion that if used in moderation,like alcohol it can be benificial).am in japan and so havent smoked weed for 3 months (they dont really make a distinction between drugs here so id be facing the same sentence for marijuana as for cocaine) and i miss helps me think,slows down my thoughts so i can deal with them one at a time.
Xellos said:
Well i have heard many things about marijuana from my friends. i was wondering what you think about it. Is it right? should they legalize it? i mean we have discussed it but they arent as intelegent as i think you are. I would like to know what you think about it from an intelegent point of view.

marijuana is not addicting like cigarettes are
and marijuana does lead to other drugs
i'll repeat that, does lead to other drugs

i doubt it will be legalized
i also believe a person shouldn't go to jail for having 2 or 3 joints in their pocket.
that situation should be treated like a traffic ticket.
the joints being confiscated and you paying a fine
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i think the only reason it leads to other drugs for some people (i know quite a lot of people who smoke weed and nothing else) is because it is illeagal and once that barrier is broken its like "why not?" with other drugs.also when you actually try it and realise that you have been fed bullshit about its effects and side effects by the government it makes you think they are lying about other drugs (they are) and makes you curious.but no it probably wont be legalized,which is a pity.
People who sit around at home and smoke pot harm no one but themselves. Do you believe that government should preserve our freedoms to do whatever we want so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone but ourselves? Do you believe that people should have the right to engage in risky behavior if they choose to?
(within reason) for example if someone is mentally ill they probably shouldnt be left to their own devices.
frankly i feel a person should be able to grow their own
without fear of going to jail for it

the situation is a little different when you take it outside your house.
leopold99 said:
the situation is a little different when you take it outside your house.
Why, exactly? As long as you aren't forcing it on people, giving it to children, or endangering people by operating dangerous machinery (ie, a car) while high, why shouldn't you be allowed to take it wherever you want?

Edit: It's probably worth pointing out that I've never actually used pot and don't really have a desire to. I just hate the thought of the government saying "Sorry, we think this is too risky for you to voluntarily do." I think that governments are supposed to be about preserving people's freedom from other people (or groups of people) who want to take it away.
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Nasor said:
Why, exactly?
i feel that this nation does not need to be a nation of drug users
therefor marijuana in my opinion should remain illegal

if you take it outside your house how does law enforcement know you are not selling it?
Nasor said:
Edit: It's probably worth pointing out that I've never actually used pot and don't really have a desire to. I just hate the thought of the government saying "Sorry, we think this is too risky for you to voluntarily do." I think that governments are supposed to be about preserving people's freedom from other people (or groups of people) who want to take it away.
nice disclaimer
kenworth said:
i think the only reason it leads to other drugs for some people (i know quite a lot of people who smoke weed and nothing else) is because it is illeagal and once that barrier is broken its like "why not?" with other drugs.also when you actually try it and realise that you have been fed bullshit about its effects and side effects by the government it makes you think they are lying about other drugs (they are) and makes you curious.but no it probably wont be legalized,which is a pity.

Indeed, that is why there is a difference between soft and hard drugs in the Netherlands, marijuana being a soft drug. Interestingly nicotine and alcohol are often labeled as hard drugs.

The semi-legal status if cannabis in the netherlands allows people to buy their joint in a coffeeshop or grow it for themselves without coming into contact with the criminal circuit. Neither will you end up in jail for doing something so innocent like smoking joint, while drinking alcohol is perfectly legal.

Of course on school there is usually a good drugs education program. So people know the real difference between heroin, cannabis and alcohol and not the perceived moral difference of some bible belt christian rednecks.

Interestingly cannabis was legal till 1937 in the US. Some suspicious voices might say that hemp became illegal because of corporate lobbying.
leopold99 said:
i feel that this nation does not need to be a nation of drug users
therefor marijuana in my opinion should remain illegal

You are a nation of drugs users. Maybe it is time to accept the problem and deal with it like adults.
Though I have never done any drugs, and hopefully never will on my own accord, I don't think it is the government's place to stop people from doing drugs. Where is the parent's responsibility in this? It's always the kid's friends, the schools, the videogames and movies, but the parent's are never at fault...McWTF?
As such, soft drugs should be made legal, but a "drug tax", and you have to own a license to carry and use it, much like with firearms (which kill more people than drugs, anyway).
and marijuana does lead to other drugs
i'll repeat that, does lead to other drugs

Haha, bullshit. Don't try and make marijuana out to be some bad thing that makes you try other stuff. ANYTHING that alters someone's mood leads to other stuff. This goes from getting that buzz off alcohol, to popping legal pills such as painkillers or the ungodly amount of "legal" drugs our society is on, to sniffing glue, to drinking energy drinks, or heck, just spinning around real fast to get a quick head rush.

Everyone loves that feeling. And for those that like that feeling, they'll either stick with their drug of choice, be it alcohol or whatnot, or yes, they'll choose to upgrade to something more powerful. A person that smokes pot is just as likely to try harder stuff as an alcoholic. The problem is with the person, not the drug.

And yes, marijuana was banned because hemp has so many useful qualities from herbal rememdies, to making paper, to making clothes, to making rope, has highly nutritious seeds, etc, etc. It's an all-in-one plant and it's why our founding fathers used to grow it and said every patriotic American should grow that wonderful plant. Too bad most people are brainwashed fools.

- N
I am against all drugs, including cigarettes and alcohol but i am also against people being told how to live by the state. If people want to pay to die then let them. After all "we all die anyway" the words of every person addicted to something that is killing them.
never mind 'marijuana' a DEROGOTARY' name coming from refermadness propaganda. never mind 'addictive', coming from psychiatric propaganda. sugur can be habitual and a killer, coffeee, alcohol, fat, chockolate, eating, etc

think on this. A plant has been made illegal by a fascist state, which in its irratonal way pushes alcohol, on youth, which is also a drug, and does much damage from its abuse

that blowis usually te favoured herb for espcially Black and ethnic communities. so ti THEy who become te most persecuted in this war on drugs. which is really war on PEOPLE!

so i dont care wheter yo fo or aginst. it is WRONG. we dont need confirmation. it is wrong from any intelligent understanding
Neildo said:
Haha, bullshit. Don't try and make marijuana out to be some bad thing that makes you try other stuff.
- N
i am not saying marijuana is bad neildo.
as far as drugs go it's one of the mildest out there
thats why it leads to other drugs