marijuana question.

About a month, is the usual answer. It depends on your metabolism and physical characteristics though.
When you ask the question “How long does marijuana stay in your system?” you need to take into account the fact that there is no simple answer to this question. Quite simply, it’s argued both that THC never leaves your brain, as well as that there are several different factors which can affect whether or not you test positive for marijuana use.

The speed at which marijuana leaves your body depends both on the speed of your metabolism, as well as on the half life of THC. Unlike most other substances, the half-life of THC can vary quite a bit, depending on who is using it, when it’s used, and several other factors. For example, it’s estimated that THC can have a half life that ranges anywhere from 1-10 days. It’s almost impossible to find out what that half life is, which means that it is very difficult to use it to calculate how long it will take for all of the THC to leave your body.
From 3 to 30 days depending on metabolism. Google "tetrahydrocannabinol half-life"...
It also depends on the frequency of use.
For example, if you haven't smoked it for several months or so, and you go and get high a few times in a few days and then stop, the MJ leaves your system in like 5 or 6 days. However, if you smoke habitually, day in and day out, then it's more like 30 days to get out of your system.
If you're worried about a piss test, they are easy to defeat, depending on who you're testing for.
If you're testing for a parole officer, my suggestion is to just stay clean.
If it's for a company, just chug water >4 hours before you have to take it. Your kidneys just bypass the water straight to your bladder. All you're pissing is water.
Oh, and the less body fat you have, the better. THC sticks to fat cells.
To the ones who say the sample would be too clear:
1. Tell them you drink a lot of water because you exercise.
2. Take a double dose of vitamin B12. That will give your urine a bit of color so they don't get suspicious.

I did this in the Marines and I know it saved my ass more than once. Of course, since you are encouraged to drink water/stay hydrated, clear urine aroused no suspicion.
If you're a habitual smoker than it can be up to 3 months. It's fat soluble and will saturate your body. If you only smoke it once, it'll be only a few days.
I've been succesfully rejecting marijuana for the past year or so to keep my system perfectly clean for upcomming urine tests, but let's just say (hypothetically of course :) ) that last night I had a lapse in judgement and took one single, long drag of some very good stuff a friend of mine had. I'm curious how long a usage this small will stay in my system, anyone got a guess? A few days, weeks?
Well...I was just hired permanent at my job and I have to pissed test sometimes next week. I've smoked once 2 weeks ago today, and once the weekend before...before that I was smoking every day. (Dang good thing my "guy" went out of town) I bought some detoxifier at the head shop, and am going to use it the day of the test...just to be sure....can't afford to lose my job.
Won't work. It takes a good 4 weeks. Even then it depends on what test they use. The tests have differing sensitivities. Pick up testing kits at the head shop too, and then you'll know ahead of time if you will pass.
Well...I was just hired permanent at my job and I have to pissed test sometimes next week. I've smoked once 2 weeks ago today, and once the weekend before...before that I was smoking every day. (Dang good thing my "guy" went out of town) I bought some detoxifier at the head shop, and am going to use it the day of the test...just to be sure....can't afford to lose my job.

How common is this? Do they really test someone when hired for a job, or at the workplace? I have never heard of anyone that ever had to do that.
pre-employment drugs screens are common....but are pretty useless. I obviously have excelled at my job, or they wouldn't have converted me from a temp. Just cause I smoke a doob during the last cowboys game means nothing to my work performance.
I dated a guy who's brother went on vacation. They piss tested him the first day back. FIRED!!!
He went to Amsterdam and they knew it.
I suggest when they give you the cup to piss in you do a shit in it instead.
You can be like "oh piss, I thought you said shit" and the tester will be too grossed out to check the shit.
Make sure when you're doing the shit that you don't do a little piss as well, they'll see it in there and they won't even think twice about draining it off the shit and testing it.
pre-employment drugs screens are common....but are pretty useless. I obviously have excelled at my job, or they wouldn't have converted me from a temp. Just cause I smoke a doob during the last cowboys game means nothing to my work performance.

wow, I really have never met anyone that had to do that. I wonder if things are different in Canada :shrug: