March of the Pinko’s

Christianity isn't worth shit. It has nothing to do with Jesus, and even if it did, I doubt most people would understand. The president is a born-again bully that brings violence to the world and murders Iraqi children in their mother's womb. You ridicule others because you are essentially a chicken-hearted man. Christianity has dominated western life for 2,000 years, and in that time we have wrought more death and destruction than primitive man could ever concieve of. "Moral" men created weapons that will kill everyone in the end, and heaven is just a con game to get us to step into the meat grinder willingly. God is a destructive idea, worse than a cocaine addiction, and you are a spiritual terrorist.
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^Can you back up what you're saying or you prefer to just throw insults and ramblings that someone planted in your head?
Oh yes, I'm evil, you know... the loving you enemy part, ..yes I blow you a love kiss, and you call me a terrorist. Also Bush dont act like a Christian, you know the part where he says all gods and faiths are the same, the "mush god theory". Boasting of putting a Koran in the White House …yea some Christian. I'll not get into Bush completely abandoning his whole conservative base. I bet you dident know that true scripture was witheld from beleavers for 100's of years, thats what the whole reformation thing was about, Yes the Catholic Church exploited beleavers telling them to kill people in the name of god and not having scripture or knowlege how were they to know.My point is you got a great hate for Christians but you shouldn’t, you should be angry with the fake Christians because they dont follow gods word, get in high positions and manipulate many. A real believer would not kill, would not steal, rob another, sleep with your wife, or take the food out of your children’s mouth, but they would rather do so to themselves for your sake.
you are correct, jeff...on the last statement of your most recent post.

however, i would like for you to show me one of those people. i have met TWO in my entire life that i would call a "follower of the teaching of jesus".

jesus was a great guy. its too bad most christians dont even look into the things he said.

and dont EVEN get me started on bush.
People keep saying things like read the bible then make your judgement. But i thought the whole point of the bible was WE cant make the judgement god does? Sounds like somebody is trying to play god ;) haha.
Authentic scripture was called Gnosticism. I don't hate Christians, I just think the majority of them are stupid hypocritical sheep like Jeff. His Christianity is a moral code, just like Judaism, and a dubious scheme of cosmic forgiveness for simply being human.
spidergoat said:
Authentic scripture was called Gnosticism. I don't hate Christians, I just think the majority of them are stupid hypocritical sheep like Jeff. His Christianity is a moral code, just like Judaism, and a dubious scheme of cosmic forgiveness for simply being human.

you have a good point spidergoat

he sounds like a protestant from what he said about the reformation

protestants have completely amputated the spiritual part of Christianity

they only see the corrupt Roman Catholic Church, but they ignore the fact that apart from it was the real Orthodox Church which had already exposed and condemned the Catholic heresy about 6 CENTURIES before that.

Real Orthodox Christianity is not a moral code like you say, it's about the healing and ascent of the soul.
Actually its all about the Word, the Bread of Life, you all dont understand that I'm an odd ball, and not denominational, I do the Sabbath like orthodox Judeans, and 7th Day Adventist, but I dont believe many of their doctrines, and as a matter of fact I dont trust many preachers, or teachers, Jesus said "you call Me Teacher and Lord and you say well for so I AM" and he also said that "no servant is greater than his Master", I know people think its weird, but if you notice through out the many scriptures God says many times "harken unto My Word", if you understand this, you understand the spiritual context of the death and resurrection and why, and the prayer in chap16-19 in (John) if you were to notice when (the spoken Word of the Father) = Yeshua, talks about the Word and focus on that but still read the whole prayer not taking anything out of context... the Spirit would show you something. ...Thank the Lord and give Glory to the King of Glory!

-Spidergoat, I have many copies of pseudepigraphic, apocryphal, and D.S.S. bibles and I have looked into Gnosticism, and that was most definitely a theology, dating after Jesus, and just like the theologians of today that learn much about the bible, by commentaries of historical church figures. and doctrines of this and that, but not actually studying the Bible and Gods Word, became distorted in the knowledge of Truth like those of today. Jesus did come in the flesh, and no angle took his place, like the Muslims and Jehovah witnesses think.

P.S. God also did not obtain Godhood either like the Mormons think, He did not create himself and all the heavens and earth, and then obtained the Godhood after the fact to have the power to create. Its kind of dumb.
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^You should look into Orthodoxy, but you need sources from the Old Calendarists because the New Calendarists are traitors.