March of the Pinko’s


Registered Senior Member
“if it feels good, do it”, “ how can something that feels so good, be so wrong” ...proclaim to the bra burning, masculine, effeminate seniors with there green saggy cotton pants, and tell those has been hacks of the 70s & 80s who spent their lives on vanity. Ask them, where have your children gone?, ask them, how many coke sniffing, irresponsible deadbeat fools have slipped from between there fingers, or better yet from between there legs. There is no wrong or right, only shades of gray, yet most who say that are in the black, and have sinned against god many times.
Your children’s, children paced back and forth, smoking everything on the table, immersing themselves in pornography, and self mutilation, continually convincing themselves that there is no god, and to there inward conviction they meditate... “Nothing can stop me now cause I don’t care anymore.” ,chanting to their fallen idols who have squandered their wealth, and smoked their brains to nil, they hold them up high, while they bring them down to darkness, where they themselves are. The seed of this generation is hardly without hope, I see 12 year olds questioning their sexuality, materialistic, yet lazy, always in want and work is for fools, they look at there parents in disgust they think there teachers are stupid, and everyone in the 9th grade knows each other intimately. Look at the flag, and stiffen your necks on high and proclaim “free at last, I’m free at last, thank ...ummmm the pinko’s, I’m free at last! :rolleyes:

Your local defector;
-Jeff the Learner

P.S. To you phonie Christians who have turned are houses or prayer to houses of gossip, and after hour meat markets, your not without blame either. Peace out, Yo!
what? you are making blanket statements that can't possibly be right. you sound like someone who has been seriously brainwashed by a oppressive/repressive religious sect.
Oh yes I'm brain washed by... ? ummm ...well ummmm, it cant be TV or the media, nope mostly all shows have a materialistic/hate people of faith/homosexual agenda, nope cant be that ...ummm radio?, nope cant be that cause most music is about sex and drugs, well maybe its my friends or work buddies? nope, cause most of them are sexual freaks, and do massive amounts of drugs and want nothing to do with god, hummm I dont know it I who am brainwashed? I dont think I am. It may be my dogs fault.
Jeff, read your bible, all the things you have listed in this thread that are evil are dwared by atrocities approved by the bible such as:

Human sacrifice
Child beating
Child execution

I'm sure I could go on and on if I did more research...
Wow... those things listed would be a great conclusion for anyone who has never read the Bible. I'm so glad your so miss informed as those Christians you constantly characterize as ignorant. You should read the Bible, then make a judgment, and if you say you have, Ide say your full of it.
Ive read the Bible many times and the things listed, are listed, but an understanding of God is required to know what your taking out of context.
First of all many times in scriputre God speaks of delivering people from there oppressor, as a matter of fact He delivered the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt. And even on a symbolic level the name meaning of Egypt means "double straites" things used to put in bondage.
second of all you have not seperated the behavior of the follower of God, and God.
Carefuly read and gain understanding;
Mat 19:7 They said to him, "Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?"
Mat 19:8 He said to them, "Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.
... anyway as for child beating, I say one who does not love his child, does not disipline his child, And if one does love his child and does not disipline the kid, its a foolish man raising a foolish child.
Ken next time you do research read the word, not part, not 2 scriptures, read at least a whole book, or the whole book front to back.

P.S. I know testosterone prevents you from not taking a jab at me, so do so, and take my advice.
Wether or not they are taken out of context, you can not argue with the bluntness of the quotes. Plain and simple; written there in black and white; the word of God. These things are OK according to the Bible.

The Bible say's it is OK to kill the following:

Kill People Who Don't Listen to Priests
Kill Witches
Kill Homosexuals
Kill Fortunetellers
Kill anyone who hits their parents OR swears at their parents
Kill anyone who commits adultery
Kill anyone who has unmarried sex
Kill followers of any other religion
Kill non believers (so long as it's not me)
Kill false prophets
Kill the Entire Town if One Person Worships Another God
Kill Women Who Are Not Virgins On Their Wedding Night
Kill People for Working on the Sabbath

What's keeping you? Oh, I know... Go get your SLAVE to do the killing for you... That is, after you have beaten your child for being disobedient.
Sinning is not the monopoly of non-believers. Need I mention Pat Robertson's connection to terrorism?

Check the log in your own eye instead of judging others. The rigid and arbirary morality of Christianity is what makes younger people rebel against it, but as Jesus would tell you, rebellion is how we come to our own understanding of truth. Most Americans identify themselves as Christian, and porn is a multi-billion-dollar industry in the United States, so some Christians must be buying it.

I challenge you to answer my thread.

It's even more ironic that the Christian Taliban support the Republicans, when they are selling out our country to the communist Chinese. Their "free trade" philosophy is also responsible for the erosion of the middle class and the destruction of the small town communities we should rightly admire.
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Wow Ken, you got A.D.D. or something? Ive seen people listen, and yet not hear, you must be one of "those people". Its true I'm the bigot here, judging everyone with irrational statements. You know things like telling you all to quit killing the unborn for the sake of fear, greed and personal stability, stop doing tons of drugs and doing stupid things while under the influence like stealing, causing people social problems and vomiting all over the restaurant floor. Yea, I’m almost convinced most of you here are not really angry at just god, but authority or anyone who tells you that your stupid, pull up your pants and grow up. I take it some of you here think Christians are responsible for your mommy and daddy telling you not to poop on the floor, and are just a tad bitter because they rubbed your nose in it. ...the same type that hate cops, and think any law is against there freedom. Yes I suspect many of you are void of knowledge and don’t understand how things work. But anyway as far as pornography in the US goes its true many United State folk proclaim to be Christian yep many of them do it while there smoking a dooby, cheating on their wife, and getting freaky at the night club. Yes I’m glad you noticed there are many fake Christians, and Con artist they love to say their Christian too.

P.S. Pull up your pants Boy!
Why bring law into this? That is a completely different subject. Afterall you posted this in the religion section, if you followed the morals of the Bible you would find yourself in jail. If you want to talk about right and wrong then please explain why all things you preach about being sin are less likely to occurr in secular nations, such as abortions, low homicide rates, suicide and crime?
Jeff, I think the thing to recognize here is that God loves you, always has and always will--no one is exempt--you should know. Do yourself a favor and point your finger at that thing that's looking out at the world (your face.) Ask yourself why Christ died and for what sins he died.

Or you can tell me to go screw myself and we will let it go at that. :)
...sigh :/

Posts like this really aren't worth responding to, it's so full of ignorance I don't think anyone can help it...

First of all, you imply that not only are all athiests/agnostics sinners, but "smokers, self-mutilators, etc." First of all, smoking is NOT a sin. Smoking an sin in an area where it's illegal is, but other than that smoking is legal. Jesus used marijuana. Look it up.

Secondly, you imply that for someone to disagree with your beliefs (Athiests) they must have some enormous personal flaw. Well try me on for size. I've never smoked, drank, "self-mutilated," broken any of the ten commandments or any united states law really. I'm athiest. You can't explain my beliefs with your logical fallacies, however you'll likely try and pin something else on me.

Try to understand other peoples opinions instead of simply disregarding them, making blanket (and downright offensive) statements at a large group of people which just happen to be oposed to your beliefs.
Try to understand other peoples opinions instead of simply disregarding them, making blanket (and downright offensive) statements at a large group of people which just happen to be oposed to your beliefs.

Here,Here!! It's actually on both sides of the battlefield. Some militant atheists just call all theist dumbass, or ingnorant, brainless, idiots, when in actuality their not all that which we assume. However when the coin flips, they themselves use the same kind of mentality. In reality. Who gives a damn. They believe in "what we call fary tales" and we don't. It's simple as that.

Is their belief irrational? Certainly, It's irrational to believe in what you can't prove to exist. It's irrational to have false dreams, and hopes to think one will survive death.

Are they being manipulative? Certainly, they use every venue known to man to sell their beliefs, the pitch of fear of death, your soul, their moral standard.

Who's the victim here? Atheists, secularists, humanists, free thinkers, agnostics. We all pay dearly by the manipulative nature of theists, and the stronger religion of the land, sets it's laws on the rest of us. Prostitution, anti-drug laws, victimless crimes were noone has been wronged, only that it is ilegal according to their morals. They overwhelm society with their morals, ethics, and force these laws on the rest of us, wether there be victims or not.

So we got to fight!, for the right! toooo paaaarty! :D

jeff, the only thing you mentioned that the bible is against: cheating on your wife.

smoking a doobie, and getting freaky in the nightclub are both examples of someone who enjoys life.
nowhere in the bible does it say "thou shalt not get freaky in the nightclub", or "thou shalt not roll a doobie before playing the xbox."

so, in summation: you are a retard.
*points at the post above myself* right on.
Yes I’m glad you noticed there are many fake Christians, and Con artist they love to say their Christian too.
So, basically, Christianity is worthless. And you are a hypocrite, since the bible also tells you not to do exactly what you are doing. You are not a real Christian, you are simply defending your uptight fascistic culture with misguided condescension. You live in a fantasy world inspired by the post-war American dream, which has always been based on the lie of endless cancer-like growth, rape of the environment, and the assumption that the Earth is filled with a creamy nougat center of petroleum.

(I deleted my insult cause it was less than precise. More accurately, you have the comprehension of a mildly retarded pre-schooler recently kicked in the head by a horse.)
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Yea SpiderGoat, I was talking about many in this nation, and about 80% of Americans profess to be Christians, but you missed my point entirely, which I'm sure is not an uncommon thing for you, but putting that aside, my point was that many in the U.S. say they are Christians and dont live the life. heck, you would be surprised how many people there are who others look up to as "great Christians" and have not read the bible, they just know a handful of scriptures and play Preachers pet. Also I'm not sure if it was your intent to distort my comments by your quote, because the sarcasm above your recorded statement of me, made it clear, that I was not speaking in a positive light.
And Devil guy, Do you know what getting "freaky" is? and anyway it was not my intent to be specific, but to be slightly sarcastic and somewhat humorous in a cynical way.
And Godless, you may be Godless, but... your a rational thinker, so there still may be hope for you yet.
Kalypso, so post like this are not worth posting to, so you being aware of this still posted here? Anyway I'm a Marlboro man myself, but as for Jesus using weed, what bible translation are you reading? ...the Cheech and Chong Bible, the CCB? ...I believe The Father created it for its reasons by the Son "the Living Word", but it is still against the laws of the land which is biblical, and drunkenness is self-destructive, and something sneered at in many biblical instances, and I would love to quote bible scripture just read the book of Proverbs.
Bowser, it is the Word of God that delivers a man from sin "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God", "The words that I say to you are spirit and truth", "no one can enter the kingdom heaven but by me" ...which is Yeshua/salvation in Hebrew =Jesus the Word manifest as flesh, the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and TRUTH, The first of creation, and if God created by His Word, the Word is the Fathers first creation. Yes Bowser, I just hope you know.

P.S. SpiderGoat, I do not worship nations, its says in scripture that nations are but a drop in the bucket as far as God is concerned, as a matter af fact He goes on to say that nations are less than nothing to Him, and I agree His Kingdom is much better.
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spidergoat said:
So, basically, Christianity is worthless. And you are a hypocrite, since the bible also tells you not to do exactly what you are doing. You are not a real Christian, you are simply defending your uptight fascistic culture with misguided condescension. You live in a fantasy world inspired by the post-war American dream, which has always been based on the lie of endless cancer-like growth, rape of the environment, and the assumption that the Earth is filled with a creamy nougat center of petroleum.

(I deleted my insult cause it was less than precise. More accurately, you have the comprehension of a mildly retarded pre-schooler recently kicked in the head by a horse.)

What makes you say something like that?
Christianity's worthless because there are fake Christians?

There are fake ones in every group of people.

Your posts are full of anti-Christian hatred.
You have been brainwashed.
The Devil Inside said:
jeff, the only thing you mentioned that the bible is against: cheating on your wife.

smoking a doobie, and getting freaky in the nightclub are both examples of someone who enjoys life.
nowhere in the bible does it say "thou shalt not get freaky in the nightclub", or "thou shalt not roll a doobie before playing the xbox."

so, in summation: you are a retard.
*points at the post above myself* right on.

The Bible says that even thinking about having sex is commiting adultery and if you were familiar with the Christian state of mind you would know that.

Christianity is not a set of rules to make you behave in a certain way for someone else's purpose, Christianity is soul therapy which only starts from abstaining from damaging your soul furthermore.