Man really did land on the moon

Did man land on the moon

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 95.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 5.0%

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Not enough brain space
Registered Senior Member
Hi all

I've seen alot of threads posted about how man didn't land on the moon, i thought i'd open one that offers the alternative view. Now the same old arguments come out, With sceptics claiming one thing and then the believers trying to refute it but here i want an intelligent debate.

For example if your going to make a claim to support the view that man didn't land on the moon, please back it up with scientific facts and preferably links aswell. If your going to make a claim to support the view that man did land on the moon then same goes for you too.

Ultimately i want everyone to have a good discussion thats based around facts and not theories. At the end i want everyone on both sides to be a little more enlightened on the Apollo moonlandings

I guess i'll start with the first opening shot, Although i believed man landed on the moon, something has niggled me a little bit. The amount of photo's taken. From what i've read it seems that an impossible amount of photo's were taken, i can't find the original site but here's the wikipedia article that mentions it (click on the photographs section). Now on average there were photo's taken every 50 seconds. But on the original site that i found, in the later apollo missions people were taking photo's on average every 20-30 seconds.
People your thoughts please?
Indeed this has been discussed at Sciforums too many times to count. In the years I've been here almost every two or three months after the previous one has died there is a new "moon landing fake" thread.
Many of these have been discussed in depth and with scientific evidence, so I really don't see a need for yet another one. But of course that is just my opinion.
I think the best evidence that man wasn't on the moon are the moonrocks they brought home.


Everybody knows the moon is made out of cheese.

nuff said.
Do we have a copy and paste rebuttal and explanation for moon landing conspiracists? If not, then I should probably go through the last 6 threads in which the points usually raised are covered in detail and amalgamate them into one essay-type thing.
rocks could have been brought back by a robot craft.

the best evidence that america landed a man on the moon is the russians
if the russians had any evidence that we didn't land on the moon they would only be too happy to rake us over the coals.
Damn straight they would. Plus, there's a set of mirrors that I think Apollo 12 or 14 placed on the moon, they're small, but if you set it up right, you can bounce a laser right off of them and if the laser is hooked up to a computer, calculate the distance between the mirrors and your point of origin. I've seen it done once or twice on TV, and once in person with my Astronomy 205 teacher at like 3 in the morning when the class was out observing a meteor shower. If you have a good enough telescope, you can look close enough to make out the lunar landers, that is, if you have a good enogh telescope, a crappy one won't see jack, but a good one can make out some increadible details.
General_Paul said:
Damn straight they would. Plus, there's a set of mirrors that I think Apollo 12 or 14 placed on the moon, they're small, but if you set it up right, you can bounce a laser right off of them and if the laser is hooked up to a computer, calculate the distance between the mirrors and your point of origin. I've seen it done once or twice on TV, and once in person with my Astronomy 205 teacher at like 3 in the morning when the class was out observing a meteor shower. If you have a good enough telescope, you can look close enough to make out the lunar landers, that is, if you have a good enogh telescope, a crappy one won't see jack, but a good one can make out some increadible details.

Ask Nasa to have them point the Hubble towards some of the Apollo landing areas. Should be able to see a few empty beer cans scattered around a barbecue pit and maybe a few cigar butts too, if we're lucky. :D
leopold99 said:
rocks could have been brought back by a robot craft.

They were, by the Soviets!

the best evidence that america landed a man on the moon is the russians, if the russians had any evidence that we didn't land on the moon they would only be too happy to rake us over the coals.

Damned straight. There's no way they'd have let this one slip if it was a fake. This was all about prestige, and they weren't going to let the USA cheat to win. Not that the USA did 'win' the space race, they just got to the Moon first, after being beaten to everything else.
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leopold99 said:
rocks could have been brought back by a robot craft.
Technically yes, but the Ruskies did it that way and brought back only a fraction of the amount of rocks that the Apollonauts collected. Also, take into account the orange regolith. That could only have been found by a human, because otherwise the robot would have had to have landed smack in the middle of the orange soil, and brought back nothing but orange soil.
Communist Hamster said:
Technically yes, but the Ruskies did it that way and brought back only a fraction of the amount of rocks that the Apollonauts collected. Also, take into account the orange regolith. That could only have been found by a human, because otherwise the robot would have had to have landed smack in the middle of the orange soil, and brought back nothing but orange soil.

Too bad they didn't bring back part of that huge mysterious monolith that was discovered in the crater Clavius. That could have been interesting. Right Hal?:D
Man didn't land on the moon because flags dont blow in zero gravity, shadows are always parallel, rocks dont have numbers on them, there are no stars, you wouldn't get past the van allen belt without having a heart attack, neil arstrong was warned off by aliens, area 51 was used to film it and god wouldn't allow it anyway.
Face it the evidence is there, we didn't go to the moon!
phlogistician said:
Not that the USA did 'win' the space race, they just got to the Moon first, after being beaten to everything else.
i believe the US was first on some things, like joining two spacecraft together and changing their orbit.
but you are correct, the russians were kicking our butts.
america had to land on the moon just to break even so to speak.
leopold99 said:
i believe the US was first on some things, like joining two spacecraft together and changing their orbit.
but you are correct, the russians were kicking our butts.
america had to land on the moon just to break even so to speak.