Man-made UFOs?

What do you believe?

  • Flying saucers are alien-made.

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Flying saucers don't exist.

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Flying saucers are man-made.

    Votes: 7 46.7%

  • Total voters


Reality is in the Minds Eye
Registered Senior Member
Alot of ideas have circulated around since 1947 of "UFOs" being aliens. (The " " because I mean flying saucers when I say ufos)And there has been a TON of magazines, books, and TV shows that claim that it is aliens. But has the general public gotten thier beliefs on aliens because they have deducted this themselves by their own encounters? Or have they "duducted it" through the media?

I believe it is illogical to say that aliens have come here to earth from such HUGE distances. (dont get me wrong, Im not saying its illogical that they exist.. just that they aren't here)

And don't come on this thread suggesting that they could come here via bending space.. because its a theory and we are working with fact here. Because one can EASILY make up a "what if scenario" that makes it easy for the aliens to be here. No "what ifs" please.
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well i dont think its unreasonable to believe that aliens might have superor propulsion systems that run on theorys we havnt quite got the hang of yet.

But i think most of your post is true, why do most folks think its more likely that flying saucers are from an alien civilization rather than say some secret terrestrial orginization?
The fact that there is no proof of aliens.. the fact that it IS "hard" to travel over HUGE amounts of space.. the fact that there IS proof of flying saucers. Those are the facts.
what if they..... :D

well, as you and i have discussed several times before, i still hold my conclussion that while i have seen them with my own two eyes, no matter what book i read (wether it be pro/anti alien, government, etc.) it still doesnt change the fact that to me, it's an un-idetified flying object.

i'm not saying their are aliens, because while i agree with manmade on aliens (why travel an entire universe to spy and not be known?), i cant totally say that i know the secrets of the above powers, but with the established idea (notice i didnt say theory), that there are no aliens here, i can safely say that the government is more likely than not behind it in some way.

still though the point i was trying to get at, is that there is no real way of knowing the intentions behind these odd ufo's. i've yet to meet an "alien" (nor have i met a political ufo pilot) and considering the source, most the people who claim to have been abducted dont seem very credible.
i dont know, all of this "proof" is pretty shady stuff. dots on photographs and stuff.
Well.. I have recorded some flying saucers on my video camera. Very fast... the way they manuever... it cant be birds and it can't be planes.. especially with no wings.
Originally posted by ManmadeUFOs
...the fact that there IS proof of flying saucers...

I have recorded some flying saucers on my video camera...
Can we see this proof?

:m: Peace.
that is the point i was trying to make, fish.

proof is rarely widely known. he see's proof you dont, therefor he believes you dont. i'm the same way, and nothing i could say can convince you but for what it's worth, once you keep your eyes open, you can see a lot more than you used to be able to.

it's usually something people have to observe for themselves
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What. I can't see a video tape that conclusively
shows a flying saucer. Too bad for me, I guess. :rolleyes:

:m: Peace.
Originally posted by dr. ski wampas
proof is rarely subjective

Ur... if proof isnt subjective then why did you go on to claim that proof is different things to different people? Hence trying to assert that it IS subjective...
Originally posted by goofyfish
What. I can't see a video tape that conclusively
shows a flying saucer. Too bad for me, I guess. :rolleyes:

:m: Peace.

i bet the reason youll never get to see this proof is because you are too closed minded and wouldnt blieve it anyway :p really why is this conclusive evedence alywayse right around the corner but no one who dosnt already believe gets to see it?
Ski wampas is right.. if you keep your eyes open you will see alot more than you used to (keep your eyes on the sky if you REALLY want to see somthing) The fact is.. I have proof.. I also have no means to get it to you... and I don't care whether you believe I have proof or not.

"The facts of reality are what they are, irrespective as to whether you know them or not." -Ayn Rand
Originally posted by ManmadeUFOs
if you keep your eyes open you will see alot more than you used to

"The facts of reality are what they are, irrespective as to whether you know them or not." -Ayn Rand

have you ever heard of the law of fives? Its states that everything of any significance is related directly or indirectly to the number five. Ive seen pages and pages and pages prooving the occult significance and mysterious sinchronicity of important events and the number five. But the thing is the law works with any number, or any word. The point of the law of fives is to display to somone (after making them read a fair amount of noncence) that the more you look for something, the more you find it. It dosnt matter what it its, if you are willing to bend over backwards and take any uncertainty as a potential area where proof for your claim is hiding, then you are going to be able to construct some argument for why you are right.

what you really need is something that isnt open to interpretation, like video of a UFO up close and personel, or the UFO itself, or things like that. Not things like "The department of navle intelegence flounderd on its explaination of what X phenominon was, hence it must be an alien craft because thats what im looking for"
Well put spy moose. Its true the rule of five does apply. And I am always recording the skies in search for the one video footage that doesn't look like I was trying hard to believe it was a flying saucer. I have some footage... but the thing is, the rule also applies to those who disbelieve the existance of flying saucers. I have heard things and I have seen them.. alot of them may have been the "winning stuff" had I been able to record it but until then..... certainly the rule of fives doesn't effect the video recording... only those who watch it
Originally posted by ManmadeUFOs
Well put spy moose. Its true the rule of five does apply. ... but the thing is, the rule also applies to those who disbelieve the existance of flying saucers.

darn, some times people dont realize that when i say it and i get to win the argument. :p
I DID say that the rule of fives does apply to people.. but to video footage it is the same nomatter how you look at it.
man made? I thought we are working here with logic?

saucers move at 22000khm and so told can instantly move those speeds with no accel lets see the latest plane went umm what 750mph lol we are not even close

even if its not aliens then simply its not Ufos and they are fake because for us too even hide an invention such as that would be impposible

Think of how many scientists would have too work on such a project and lol we all know scientist cant keep their mouths shut

And about the fact thing an Alien could be human

technically an outsider is a alien no?

I am in America if its the russians piloting it then either way they are aliens too me since they are not from were I live.

Take this fact into consideration though. Nasa spends million of dollars on research too send a tiny rover onto mars. WHILE HIDING A CRAFT THAT CAN TRAVEL INSTANTLY 22000KHM lol WHY DO THAT? HAHAHAHA ITS FUNNY TOO ME. How the hell can a being from earth even servive such instent accel and if your asnwer is you dont know most likely no one on this planet does either .

its either aliens from not here or their is no Ufos here one or the other I dont favor either but the fact is that our fastet ship is the columbia space shuttle and its only really fast in space sooo thats it.
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