Man Has Never Set Foot on Moon

Have we been to the moon?

  • Of course not.

    Votes: 26 13.1%
  • Of course so.

    Votes: 173 86.9%

  • Total voters


Registered Member
I do not beleive that we have ever been to the moon. there is just too much evidence. Photo inconsistencies, mostly. Too much radiation to survive. Plus the fact that our government lies constantly (Roswell, Area 51, etc.). Is it possible that I am wrong? Ehh, maybe, but probobly not.
US lies about area 51? They just don't say anything about it.

I wish the US didn't go the moon. So much money just to go to the moon and back :(
I think the handle 'BrainWithAGun' says it all.
There is tons of evidence that we have been to the moon. There is NO credible evidence that it was a hoax. Fairly simple decision we have here.
come one people this is like the 4th fake moon landing thread ive seen in like two weeks.:rolleyes:
There IS a contraversy over whether or not the film and photos of the moon landing are authentic but there is no question whether man walked on the moon, we definately did.
The president was worried because there was difficulties arising over being able to get photos and so on and he actually did set up a fake photo session just in case, but I think in the end they figured it out.
I saw a documentary on the subject.
sorry if im not origional new here. lol

its ok I forgive you;)
The photos are real. The moon landing was real.

All so-called "inconsistencies" in the photos and other information surrounding the moon landing which have been pointed out by the conspiracy theorists have been convincingly explained.

If you have only read the conspiracy theories, I suggest you start by taking a look here:
Every full moon this subject surfaces on forums and I give my usual explanation:

Don't you think the Russian KGB experts would'nt be happy to expose this American moonlanding medialie at the height of the cold war, iow: the russian experts believed America went to the moon. They are not stupid and probably would have spoiled the american party if they could...
Sure I think a bit of both perspectives are necessary, so I propose this scenario.
What did they find when they got to the moon?
Check the paintings that Buzz did of the moon, full of color and beauty, but that is not what we saw in the pics and footage, but that is what he remembered it looking like.
They got alot of money for the moon program, if something or someone didn't want us to go back to the moon, then they would be more inclined to fake the last moon shots. With the advent of space odyssey and new filming techniques at the time, maybe they did fake the last ones.
They did see some anomalies that we can't explain. They did also ping the moon and it rang like a hollow barrell.
So I am of belief that we did go to the moon, then they did a bunch of goofy filming that is faked to keep the money coming in.
But the big question remains, if they did fake a bunch of it because they couldn't go back to the moon, why?
Note: A private company is building a moon orbiter to be launched soon. It will take many high res pics of the front and back lems, as well as drop a time capsule of earth items.
Oh by the way, maybe the Russians couldn't go back to the moon either. See these from their Lunokhod Rover mission They may have found more to the moon than we did with many, many of their rover pics unreleased even to this day.
If we have not been to the moon, then I will be a believer of WTF BULLSHIT and thats just the start. Revolution(my name?!) is in order.

I love the USA but maybe its time for a change..............

Give me some proof........Off Art Bell though......
the mirror doesn't lie

evidently, one of the items left behind on the moon is a mirror. as proof that we where there, scientists can shoot a laser, whos beam will travel back to the earth after striking the mirror.
wouldn't you be able to see the old landers with a good telescope?

Maybe if you had 100 people looking round the clock for 10 years.

The moon is a very big rock and the landers are incredibly tiny in comparison. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack that is over 1/4 the size of earth. :)
Originally posted by fadingCaptain
Maybe if you had 100 people looking round the clock for 10 years.

The moon is a very big rock and the landers are incredibly tiny in comparison. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack that is over 1/4 the size of earth. :)

Given that the exact landing co-ordinates should be known (Or how did they do the sums to get back...) and the Hubble telescope can see further than anyone can imagine I don't think that would pose too much of a problem.

Oh yes - the guys that own the telescope have too much to lose!!!
Given that the exact landing co-ordinates should be known (Or how did they do the sums to get back...) and the Hubble telescope can see further than anyone can imagine I don't think that would pose too much of a problem.
Good point, gnasher.

This is entirely conjecture...but I believe the hubble is designed for deep space...I don't think it will work/focus on something so relatively close.

Also, it might be that only the most powerful telescopes on earth would be able to spot a lander...and even then it might be hell getting the exact coordinates, etc. Due to the line of scientists waiting to get time on these 'scopes, maybe the scientific community feels their time is better spent doing something else.
I suggest you work out the angular size of a lander on the moon as it would be seen from Earth. Next, work out how big a telescope you would need to resolve an object of that size at that distance (e.g. use the Rayleigh criterion).
my two cents?

actually many people use the refence to the picture .
But the picture proves nothing, it may actually prove that we dint go and the moon is just one big fabricated story.
1) you clearly see foot steps on the sand. Stange, because on the surface of the moon, wind speed is tremendous. Therefore, footsteps were supposed to be removed in a flash.
2) there shouldnt be any shadows on the moon and in the picture its clearly shows Armstrong with our great old glory and its shadow.
*darkness falls*