Man Fined $5000 for Growing Vegetables

isnt that what i said? but i used lead rather than salmonella

And your point being ......what? That you got there first, so you're the winner .....and that I should be burned at the stake after being viciously castrated with a dull, rusty spoon?

Baron Max
I can't help but wonder about how differently people here would feel if dozens of people in the region died of salmonella poision and it was discovered that the food came from this "nice" man's garden?

Dear Gentleman Rapist,

I heart thee.

.....and that I should be burned at the stake after being viciously castrated with a dull, rusty spoon?

Baron Max

I had no idea you were so generous.
And your point being ......what? That you got there first, so you're the winner .....and that I should be burned at the stake after being viciously castrated with a dull, rusty spoon?

Baron Max

no, that it would be nice if you agnologed that we agree with eachother for a change:p
point is you have to know where the vegetables are coming from. sometimes people use human cocky for fertiilizer.
"mainstream tools for assessing fines and generating money for cash strapped local & state budgets."

It has nothing to do with your safety. Its about property taxes. Residential zoning is more money than agriculture. This man was turning it into agricultural and the threat existed for him to change his property tax base. And then his neighbors might try to do it.

The last couple of years this has been going on in my area and in western wisconsin. People owning 40 acres of land and haying it (to sell) were losing their agricultural status (hay isnt a crop in their minds). They had to get 3 pigs or cows. Chickens didnt count in that western wisc county.

A neighbor to me had this issue in MN. Crops counted, but he wasnt using enough of his 20 acres. So he got chickens and is selling the eggs. Chickens count in this MN county.
Too little information on the actual subject to generate an appropiate response, however in the UK we have "Tax Codes" that are applied to "zones", they define not just how much a zone should be taxed but what types of business can operate in the zones.

For instance an old Club in Peterborough was closed down because of the rabble making noise and fighting in the streets late at night, so the club which was under a specific zone got reclassified by the local council. The building was (and probably still is) up for sale and no longer can be used as a nightclub. The problem is there are a few other types of business that have the same zone type as nightclub that can't use that building now either. (Incidentally the zone for a club wouldn't be placed next to a residential zone because of noise pollution and alcohol consumption. With Farming although it's stated to be "organically grown", farms can pollute the water table which is why they aren't zoned next to residential usually unless they are approved)

Zoning is actually a demographic conundrum, on the one hand planning to identify what is requried in an area is in the interests of growth and prosperity. (Afterall if everyone wanted to open up a hair dressing salon, you'd have hundreds of hairdressers but no one fixing computers, selling fruit and veg, or selling clothing etc. Which means you've have both a demand for things that aren't available and a bunch of hairdressers going bankrupt because they don't have enough business demand.)

On the other hand you have people complaining about their absense of freedom to define what they want to do where ever they are.

point is you have to know where the vegetables are coming from. sometimes people use human cocky for fertiilizer.

many farmers in here, use the sheep poo as fertilizer, and actually works very well for them :p
well, organic farming is always better, since water melon and apples at sometimes were bad for the stomech, here, like, makes you go to thetopilet many times, organic agriculture have been encouraged alot more