Male Rape Experiment

Do you know a man who was raped by another man?

  • I know a man personally who was raped by another man.

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • I know of a man who was raped by another man.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • I know two or more men personally who were raped by other men.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I know of two or more men who were raped by other men.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've never known any men who were raped by men, but I have heard about it.

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • I don't know of any men at all who were raped by other men.

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • I am a man and I was raped by another man.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a man who has been raped by other men, and I know of men who were raped by other men.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • i am a man who was raped by women (or more)

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • I know of a man who was raped by a women.

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
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xev a case i herd of with a pencil comes to mind

and it wasnt inserted rectaly

also my ex was terfide some girl would get me drunk\spike my drink (i belive a lot of girls fear that happerning to THEM)
Rape is every penetration of another persons body by any means with a sexual intention and without the conscent of the victim. This act must also be considered severe enough by society.

The definition rules out gynaecologists and dentists (no sexual intention) and things like French kissing or penetrating an ear with a pencil by some fetisjist. (not considered rape by society).

So it is possible for women to rape men.
duh its possable

as cirten things are reflex all she has to do is suck

of corse if its to a guy then its the guys fault not hers

i mean how many girls would acept there BF saying he drank a spiked drink and was raped by a girl????
I think you missed the point of my thread, Asguard.... as did those who were offended by this thread. I don't care if they were offended to be honest. That isn't because I am being insensetive, but because I feel others were being oversensetive. I was trying to make a point and lay out reasoning here on a subject. For the purposes of this thread, men raped by women were not a relevant statistic and therefore not applicable to my point.

I am VERY disturbed that political correctness has become a factor here, and muddying the waters on this thread to take away from the whole purpose... then again as I said earlier, it is a very typical political tactic. My point has been made, and the strong resistance to my idea if anything just makes me feel more like people have something to hide.
Originally posted by Asguard
well as i have had 2 members come to me who WERE raped (and i MEAN raped, not "but i didnt mind, RAPED") by women complaine about this thread what did you want me to do?????

you people dont get the complaints, i do

we have lost 3 members from this site that i know of because of lady and a few other peoples posting

one from the stupidity of the post/ threads here now

one because they were fed up with the pure bias

and the third for both

how many members do we want to lose?

these members nor you own this thread. it is xevious's thread. he can include "dogs raping men" in the poll if he wants to.

stupidity is a prerogative of every member of sciforums. registration does not screen for iq!

if the alleged members are that shortsighted, flaky and unaware of how forums operate, we are better off without them. your scare tactics are extremely juvenile.

so is this what we can look forward to in your forum? all posts vetted and approved by you? are you even aware of what you are attempting to do here?

what other issues do you have? what are the other posts/ threads that you have an issue with? speak! i am ready for a good laugh!

could it be that a gay faction has now taken control of a forum and are ready to push their agenda on others. going as far to delete/edit post/threads that do not pass muster? :D

** This is something interesting and the public doesn't hear much about it. And many of us wanted more depth and understanding of this topic.Whether it be on this fourm or not. But your interference makes no sense? Perhaps you should start a thread on the many faces of homosexulity and why it is the greatest thing in the whole wide world to you. You fear that the men raping other men where homosexual? Right? And this will somehow cast a shadow on this thing you find so great? Correct?
Originally posted by Xevious
I am trying to find useful data on male rape. It is my hypothesis that male rape by other men is a major if not the biggest reason that homosexuality is such a taboo amoung men. I offer this for two reasons. First is that 50% of men are anti-gay, and in turn 50% of men who are raped were raped by men. By percentile it seems the two line up.

I think that what shapes those anti-gay feelings is when men who were raped by men admit what happened to them to their fellow males. I am not expecting to find data on wether or not anti-homosexual feelings result from this, considering the liberal nature of the majority of posters on this board... but I am wondering if you ever heard about men being raped by other men on a community basis... that is grapevine, from a friend, ect.

Again, if you already have your statistics, then what is this poll about? And also if your statistics are correct, but not 50% of the male population have been raped by other males, the numbers do not 'line up', you're flat out wrong on this.

Also, if this were the cause of homophobia, there would certainly be a much larger steryotype of gay men as rapists, as opposed to just sissies perverts, and overly promiscuous indeviduals. None of it is there, you're really going out on a limb to convince yourself of all of this, and I have to think that there must be some sort of personal experience biasing your view in all of this.
Originally posted by Lady

** This is something interesting and the public doesn't hear much about it. And many of us wanted more depth and understanding of this topic.Whether it be on this fourm or not. But your interference makes no sense? Perhaps you should start a thread on the many faces of homosexulity and why it is the greatest thing in the whole wide world to you. You fear that the men raping other men where homosexual? Right? And this will somehow cast a shadow on this thing you find so great? Correct?

Once again, lady you make a complete ass of yourself, and sicken me with your blatant stupidity.

I don't support Asguard's editing of this poll, either, but I can't sit here and let you spout your filth and let you get away with it.

Asguard is not acting to defend this thing which is 'great' he's acting to defend this thing that IS, period. Xevious seems to be trying to steer this in such a direction as to imply that homophobia is justified because homosexuals rape straight men, let's just come out and say it, that's the point he's trying to make here. In the attempt of that he's trying to say that homosexuals are mostly rapists, and add that into the very idea of what a homosexual man is, essentially trying to push his agenda to redefine what the term is to justify hatred toward homosexuals.

The Idea that men are also raped by women is an EXTREEMLY relevant point in this discussion, as if we see a comparable number of men being raped by women, then the whole idea weakens, as there clearly isn't a huge fear and hatred among straight men toward women (At least not in that sense). Add into that the fact that the numbers just don't add up, and the whole damn thing becomes invalid, and practically laughable. Asguard was trying to prevent this thread into being a long and overly abusive tirade that ends up trying to come up with a completely ridiculous and hateful conclusion.
Well, thank you for admitting that the subject matter troubles you. It does explain a lot.

No, I am NOT saying that Homosexual rapists are the reason that many males are homophobic. I've tried to say this hundreds of times, but apparently that isn't sinking in. Sure, some are saying my thinking is out on a limb and I'll admit that there is plenty of room to doubt me on this, but that doesn't invalidate my desire to honestly kick the issue around.

If you want to accuse me Mystech of stating that homosexual rapists are the issue, that is your own personal opinion. You do NOT have anything to back up the claim.

If you feel that the rape of men by women was relevant, then you need to explain WHY and engage in proper intelligent discourse. It was totally wrong to simply change the poll and say "In the interest of fairness." You don't just change the rules of the debate without showing proper and just cause. It is totally wrong to attack the issue I am bringing up here without laying out your reasoning FIRST.

If I didn't know better, these are the very tactics I would expect from lots of fundamentalist groups - smokescreen and cover yourself later when you have a better explanation.
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To be fair, I'm not the one who changed your poll, nor did I try to defend this action, I only offerd up my opinion on why I think Asguard felt the need to do it.

let me offer this story of a brutal homosexual rape! the rape of an innocent member of a forum by a megalomaniacal moderator. ................................the victim being a man of principle couldnt stand to have a constant reminder of his ordeal. he thus requested the supermods to close the thread! perhaps he live happily ever after. perhaps he did not! we will never know because ......... ....................!
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As I see it, this thread has completely lost its purpose for which it was posted.

For that reason, (note the THAT REASON) this thread will be closed, NOT because Asguard has requested so.
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