Makes Me Feel Poor...

I'd have to agree with Wes on this one. The more genes you pass on, the better you're doing. Fuck society, it's about the individual.
I am an individual. Cooperation isn't about giving to the group, it's about getting the most from the group.
Thats parasitism actually.
Being social is about contributing to the group in order to attain benefits from it. Just getting the benefits is being a parasite. Which is fine, except any efficient group would rip you off with tweezers.
Ofcourse, as I have illustrated there is nothing efficient about this group and they are undoubtedly too out of it to notice you, so leech on in comfort and security. Just know what you are.

Being an individual in the real sense would require somehow removing every thought in your head that came from other human beings, every bit of knowledge that isn't yours, your tools and clothes, anything you didn't independently invent would have to be thrown aside and you would have to go live out in the woods and try to survive off nature. Even then you would be collaborating with other living organisms and the weather etc so not really an individual.

Society isn't something I want to contribute to either, because its so fucking incompetent. I'd be more inclined to work with it if it did things like spaying this whore and euthanising her children.
Actually if everyone in the group is trying to get the most from the group, then everyone reaches their peak theoretical strength right?... since in order to ever get anything from the group you have to take it, or have it offered to you, which means the group is taking from you, or you are offering stuff to them... and since they're demanding stuff from you, you have to do stuff to get it to them... in fact, you have to do as much stuff as to meet the demand they place on you or you'll be in deficit and they will possibly hold you accountable, etc. etc.

This encourages strength from adversity, and the weak to die off, become strong, "survive" or try to kill the strong and likely die in the process. The "strong" still try and successfully profit more from the weak than the weak do them. In fact, that's why we call them strong.
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gendanken said:

If she were a toad or a grunion, then you have a point.
But you don't.

HA, little do you know.

My point was originally just to dig at Lou (and partially you too, for your crassness (which of course I find amusing)), pretty much for the hell of it.

Then I went and go all bonafide and such.

Check it:

" nanny nanny, boo boo. "


You can't touch this.

*lame music*
Well, I believe capitalism centers around selfishness, and it seems to work alright.
Communism tried out that "contribution" thing, and it turned out parasitic.

The truth is, doc, people are naturally selfish.
Which is obviously to their advantage!

Which in turn is evidently an evolutionarily successful strategy, as it is through selfishness that genes are passed on.

I would say though that selfishness at some point turns outward, as it is not in my advantage to have you weak, as you need to be able to produce the goods I need from you and vice versa.
I can understand it from a genetic reproduction standpoint, but it's still disgusting. It's disgusting because society says its disgusting. That disgust is our way of balancing the unfettered desire to spread our genes. Obviously, she hasn't been properly instilled with societal disgust patterns and should be culled from the herd. And her get should be observed to see if they have similar problems accepting the norms of society. 5 children is bad. 10 children is horrible. 15 children is just disgusting. She differs so vastly from the norm that society dictates she must be culled for the good of the species.

I didn't look at the link before. I just did. It says she was married at 17 and had her first child at 21, that shows some restraint waiting 4 years (if it was a decision.) That picture disgusts me. This cow has a herd of children and they present her with an award and treat her like a valued citizen? Maybe the whole state of Arkansas should be culled from the species.

edit: I'm not completely serious about this, but I'm close to it.

edit again: I forgot to mention the oddity of naming all 15 children J names. More evidence that culling is necessary.
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Roman said:
I am an individual. Cooperation isn't about giving to the group, it's about getting the most from the group.
Dr Lou Natic said:
Thats parasitism actually.
Nope, that is mutualism. Parasitism is a win-lose situation. The situation that Roman described is a win-win situation, which is mutualism.

Well, I believe capitalism centers around selfishness, and it seems to work alright.
Communism tried out that "contribution" thing, and it turned out parasitic.
Communism failed for two reasons:
  1. It tried to force people to co-operate, which is just plain silly
  2. Communism in practice created corruption
The truth is, doc, people are naturally selfish.
I guess we learn to be selfish with our parents. We learn everything with our parent, even to fear.

The whole economy is bades on selfishness. I actually learnet that in economy class (we call it "self-interests")... :rolleyes:

Note: Crap, the "s" in this keyboard is not working properly... :mad:
(I'm on a workstation in college...)

My point was originally just to dig at Lou (and partially you too, for your crassness (which of course I find amusing)), pretty much for the hell of it.
Lick a lightswitch, bitch.

Well, I believe capitalism centers around selfishness, and it seems to work alright.
Communism tried out that "contribution" thing, and it turned out parasitic.
Both- all- human systems are parasatic as all can only function under a government in some form.

The remedy is a scientific handling of power which has never in all of man's history graced the face of our planet- this makes the motive aesthetic, not political.

In other words, Gendanken would make a powerful hegemon free of parasites by using a simple, scientific principle of positive reinforcement- a Walden Three.

Communism failed for two reasons:

It tried to force people to co-operate, which is just plain silly
Communism in practice created corruption

No, it failed becuase of motive: prestige.
Jesus Christ! Not only has she had 15 children and called them all names starting with the letter J, but she also dresses them all the same. And she may have more. I'm trying to decide for which atrocity this woman and her husband should be killed for first.
I think they want to breed an army. What else do you need so many kids for?
And all uniformly dressed :eek:

They are planning an invasion, better look out.
My grandparents had 12 children. I have almost 50 cousins.
I'm just glad I'm related to them instead of all the hate-filled, skull-splitting "only" children out there.
Note, your grandparents are from a different era. Depending on your age, they most likely fit into the norms of their time. Still seems somewhat excessive but what can you do? Are you catholic by any chance? Stupid pope and his contraception ban anyway.
Nope, not Catholic.
I'm just saying there are advantages to being part of a large family.
It isn't practical for everybody, but it isn't all misery either.
(And, of course we should average out to two children per couple.)
sideshowbob said:
My grandparents had 12 children. I have almost 50 cousins.
I'm just glad I'm related to them instead of all the hate-filled, skull-splitting "only" children out there.
Same here. 12 uncles and aunties on 1 side and 7 on the other. Couldn't count my cousins.
Haha, pretty funny after what I've said in here.

I guess if i'm to remain true to my traditionally natural world view I should be saying people with small families should be culled. Thats the way it should be and would be in a wild natural world. My family could beat your family and so we would, we'd take your land, some of the more attractive females, kill the rest of you and expand on our kingdom.
I just think with the world in the state its in now its so fucking irresponsible to have a family that big. We'll never return to territorialism or mob rule, unfortunately. The thing is we still have those instincts, and this horrible explosion of human beings is the result.
I wish me and my army of relatives had a territory on lock, living off its bounty and defending it from rivals. But we live in big, gay, societies, so this massive family has no purpose.

There are many benefits of having a mass family, I think you develop to understand humans better than a single child with relatives over seas would. Because having this collective extended family is the natural state of the homo-sapien, so observing the behaviour of the group at christmas parties and weddings is observing the real natural behaviour of the social animal that is the homo sapien.
I'm from a family of fourteen I have twenty nephews and nieces and and ten great nephews and nieces and it's absolutely fantastic to have such a large family and only one of my sisters is remotely religious. we are not rich just normal people but money has never been a problem because if one has a problem we all rally round and dont expect anything in return because this is family.
There are seven children in my family and we have all attended at least two years of college. Four of us will have degrees at the end of this year thanks to Uncle Sam. We have all stuck together and helped each other when we needed it. There were times growing up that I wished that there were fewer of us but when I look around at the families of friends I am glad that there were enough of us to look out for each other. If she is financially capable of raising them more power to her.