Makes Me Feel Poor...

What are 15 kids good for?

Ok, you could eat about half of them and sell the rest, but I think it´s not worth the effort.

And believe me, they feel poor, so much money going to waste. :(
Dreamwalker said:
What are 15 kids good for?
Kids are fun. I bet it's also fun to make them. :D

And believe me, they feel poor, so much money going to waste.
They look rich. I mean... did you see the job the husband has? :rolleyes: :mad:
Man, I think that woman must have a rather worn pussy.

You think kids are fun? Perhaps, but not 15!
one to four, all right, but 15! seriously, I would sell some of them.

if you like kids so much, play with other people's kids. make only a couple yourself. then wait for grandkids.
15 kids is retarded. Above 4 and you are depriving the children as well as yourself a decent life. Some people just dont know when to quit the damn humping. No better than rabbits.
My neighbors infinite wisdom yeilded the following:

Never let them outnumber you.

So 2 is the limit unless you can swing some polygymous action.

I bet it's also fun to make them.

So you want to get it on with THAT thing o_O


I have to agree. Kids are like drains you just pump your life and money into only to have them end up hating you...sounds fun.
DAMN!! all those kids with names starting on J's and not one Julio!!?.
or Julian, Julie, yea, they can have more kids, untill he drives her to the grave.

They better hurry though, it get harder for her as she gets older.
I bet it's also fun to make them.
Yea but it can also be fun if they use condoms. And I'll bet my left nut, that she's not having too much fun delivering them either..

I have to agree. Kids are like drains you just pump your life and money into only to have them end up hating you.

Kids are only a drain if you don't plan to have them, and wether they end up hating you or not depends heavily on upbringing. I.E. My own mother is my best friend, she's old and fragile like a flower, I take care of her. I certainly don't hate her, neither does my brother nor my sister. I had good upbringing. ;)

It's people like that should be sterilized. What the hell do they think they're doing? We're not living in the 18th century anymore. Freaks...
I would totally agree with you invert.

But if you have fifteen kids, I bet you could sell some to cannibals.
They surely won´t pay bad. :D
The only reason animals have this many children is because they expect to lose some. So if she doesn't lose the majority of these children something has gone terribly wrong, I urge anyone who can to find this family and kill most of those children.
Preferably with a hammer while the mother is tied up watching.
Stupid whore.
I urge anyone who can to find this family and kill most of those children.
Preferably with a hammer while the mother is tied up watching.
Stupid whore.
Then tie her tits in a noose and hang her.

The stupid whore, however, is the person that drove all the way down to fucking Arkansas to interview her.
Split her skull in half, all of them.
Perhaps she is more fit that those who have fewer children? She is managing to flood the gene poor moreso that her genetic competetors... no?

Calling her a stupid whore doesn't make her any less genetically dominant (in sheer numbers anyway).
I think she instinctually realises what a bad mother she is, so, like a land crab (notoriously bad mothers) she just throws a million kids out there and hopes for the best.

But in the domesticated modern world this has no place, the majority or all of her children are likely to survive, not because she is a good mother or her children are 'fit' and deserving of life but because we as a species are going to handrear her offspring and keep them in temperature regulated habitats, monitoring their development and ensuring they survive. We as a species are like the good folks responsible for giant panda breeding programs, except the animal we are breeding is not endangered in any way shape or form. So we should be more like responsible pitbull breeders than panda breeders. Ie culling the fuck out of the organisms we produce.
This global human-mill we are running is just unethical and if there was a competing animal producing organisation they would snitch on us to the authorities and have us closed down.

You're making the mistake, wes, of comparing this to the wild world, this is the domesticated world, get with the times, and responsible breeding practices are essential in the business of domestic animals.
This woman would be a marvel in the wild world and deserving of your praise, but as it is SHE isn't doing anything worthy of admiration.
We are responsible for this litter, not her, she's a simple organism doing what we are allowing her to do. Her babies would rightfully die if we weren't involved, she only has 2 tits, we are putting bottles in her babies mouths. She is our bitch that gets on heat all the time and it turns out we are the low life white trash loser with puppies for sale in the classifieds every week.
If we were decent honourable people we would take this responsibility of ours seriously, keep the bitch caged in untill she's been X-rayed and health checked, tested and proven for functionality and working ability, lets see if she's a good example of the homo-sapien and then and only then lets consider breeding her. If we do breed her, examine her offspring, check for deformities and abnormalities, cull the weak and undesired, keep close tabs on the surviving offspring into adulthood and subject them to the same scrutiny their mother was subjected to, and so on.

Humans are domesticated animals, they are cared for and watched over by society, society is breeding humans. And society is proving to be an abhorrent unethical irresponsible backyard human-mill. Nature is a responsible breeder, the only mistake she's ever made was letting one of her productions get out of her sight and into the hands of the sparsely moustached, tracksuit wearing, gold chain exhibitting, hairy chested, tooth pick biting low life that is the homo-sapien collaboration.
Your objection is moot.

She passed her genes more than you have, nanny nanny, boo boo.
Perhaps she is more fit that those who have fewer children? She is managing to flood the gene poor moreso that her genetic competetors... no?
If she were a toad or a grunion, then you have a point.
But you don't.

She's a middle-classed factory specializing in breeding. Flood is a good word- catastrophes tend to wipe things clean with their mass, and this bitch multiplied by a million means a future earth collapsing from the weight of humanity.

Fourteen of those children will grow up to be parasites, the fifteenth may or may not kill himself from being around her too long. And he too dies a parasite.

Calling her a stupid whore doesn't make her any less genetically dominant (in sheer numbers anyway).
Maybe not, but it does a hell of a job of labeling what's obvious.