Major Networks Starting to Report UFOs: a Sign of Something?

Wow what the hell is that? While the page was loading it looked just like a meteor while it was still but I saw a meteor last night and you only see those things for a split second...
macbone that was interesting. It certainly didn't look like a airplane but I don't think we could jump to the conclusion that it is ET but it could be. I think it does merit some thorough investigation.
Mystech it's quite interesting that science holds such high standards for paranormal phenomenon but yet darwin proved nothing and was drank up like pepsi cola? Hmmm does this smack of a double standard.....I think so. Can you recreate evolution in your lab, I can't. Boy there sure are a lot of "crack pots" believing in evolution.:eek:
Can you recreate evolution in your lab, I can't. Boy there sure are a lot of "crack pots" believing in evolution.

I can, get me a lab and come back in 500 million years -
I think its a plane. Suspicious that its right as the sun is going down, and it appears to be seen in the west. Probably its the sun reflecting off the bottom of the plane and the vapour trail.

But, if it had done a loop, accelerated quickly, or solved world hunger, I'd have a different opinion.

although i am a believer in theory of evolution,i fail to understand why we are not evolving anymore. and also these missing and non befitting pieces of evidences from the past take me looking for other explainations.
Take for example that bridge,was it made by Dinos?
as recorded there is no prior evidence of civilization before ICE ages,yet pierre Reis maps depict Coastline features taken from the maps that root back to Asoka's time in India...what are these things?as we have discussed earlier in our discussion in past civi thread about Annunaki who believed in Viracocca and Quatzicoatl...who were these people??who were these fair people who taught breeding,agriculture,animal husbandry to the people(there is a city in honour of these beings who could fly through the air)...and if the evolution is supposed to take place at a pace then why arent the other Specied developing into higher concious beings...??

just few questions...?

Actually, it's you who are opening your eyes to it. My wife and I were the first on our block to get a VCR ($1,000!) in the early '80s and I started taping UFO shows, documentaries, news reports, etc. I have about 40 videotapes, some with complete shows and some with just UFO segments, particularly those of news reports. So, no, there is nothing new out there. You could say there are flaps in which it seems the way you perceive it. This usually happens before, during, and after such a show as the Roswell b.s., TAKEN b.s., UFO conventions b.s., natural events such as the recent Booster Rocket mis-identified as a UFO, etc. UFOs have been with us since time immemorial and they going to continue being reported whether the report is real or a hoax.
We too have that JVC hernia buster....faithfully retired.

Hi Zion:

I think, our next step of evolution is a merge between AI and us and a mental connection to artificial devices that reshape reality. This will happen in the next 100 years and continue on...

Except a few biological enhancements, IMHO, our DNA is at the end of the road from natural selection. It is upto us, how much enhancement we can do, physically. I do not think an IQ of 1000 is possible as a biological entity without device agumentation. But we can maintain a body builder's physique without exercise by gene manipulation. I am in the process of designing a system that can enhance ones decision ability 100 fold for use by security officials.