Major Networks Starting to Report UFOs: a Sign of Something?


Registered Senior Member
I've noticed something on network tv. I'm seeing more and more networks (Foxnews, CNN, MSNBC) are starting to report about UFOs. Is this something that's coming to light or, is the industry finally opening up its eyes to it?
It's because of that movie Signs. If the last bvig freaky movie was about giant living vibrators, there would be more stories on the news about that instead. Since we had a big UFO movie, they've jumped on that bandwagon for a while.
Is this something that's coming to light or, is the industry finally opening up its eyes to it?

The industry is simply cashing in on the delusions of others and are laughing about it all the way to the bank. ;)
When I was a little kid, in '66, it was an intense period of ufo sightings. I was inculcated with an intense curiousity and found myself subscribing to "UFO News" and the like. The mainstream media was largely silent. Hynek was The Man.

But nowadays, I find the whole "Roswell Rods" thing to be equally mind-bending, and yet, but for one or two Discovery Channel type treatments--nothing. Has there been a single mention of this intriguing topic on any major network news broadcast? Seems to me that a show like "Nova" would at least try to debunk the whole thing...
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Ya.. I just don't know what to think of it. I mean its a good thing major networks are showing the stuff, but then again, why?
I dunno...I don't really go to the TV for my news, but I find that the way that the networks manage the notion of what is and isn't news to be somewhat disconcerting.
maybe it's propaganda.. keeping the people busy with UFOs while Bush's screwing up in the Middle East.. :D
Remember when Stalinism was crumbling in the early 90's, and suddenly the (former) Soviet media was filled with stories of 8 foot tall space aliens popping up all over? Truth!
nope don't remember that at all...

anyway I heard on the (dutch) radio (538) this afternoon (not on the news, just on the show itself) that 7 UFO's have been spotted over a city in the kaukasian state of Georgia, near Russia that is. "Prime News" would have It is supposed to be filmed for 10 minutes :eek: by someone in the town, and there were more eyewhitnesses. They said they were 50 metres across each...

I'm not yet able to find anything about it yet on the internet so I'm not sure if this is true.. would be a bad joke but anyway I found it disturbing news...
One has to wonder why, certain people are so fast to dismiss anything that deals with ufo, aliens or anything paranormal. They are so quick to call for evidence but, they fail to prove they don't exist. Does this make them feel superior? It only showcases a closed mind. If they just don't believe why do they come to a place where these subjects are discused? These same people claim to believe in evolution but only believe this could happen on Earth or do they think that we have attained the peak of scientific advancement? I mean really who in their right mind could think that life could evolve elsewere and exceed us in technology so far as to make intergalactic travel possible? Fools!
Then again some believe in God, so there couldn't possibly be life outside of our planet! If there were life outside of planet Earth God would have spoken of it in Genesis, Maybe God feels it's none of our business. Would God simply create all the stars and planets for nothing?
A scientific mind is an open mind one with no preconcieved notions, not to say though that a scientific mind accepts everything at face value.:D
It only showcases a closed mind.

In Praise of Close-Mindedness

How, one might ask, did close-mindedness get such a bad rap? It's the tyranny of the majority, dear reader. You see, idiots vastly outnumber clear-thinking souls like ourselves. A moment's reflection will make this clear. Think, for example, of intelligent design theory, evolutionary psychology, and Star Wars missile defense. We are awash in a flood of filtered, purified drivel that erodes our ability to think critically and leaves us gasping for rational exposition. The loonies are everywhere, demanding our attention in a compulsive need to spread their viral stupidity. They don't want you questioning the rationality of their ravings. They don't want you pointing out obvious logical flaws. No! When we rightfully blow them off they decry our haughtiness and froth over our unreasoning hatred of different points of view. In this manner they have fought to make discretion unfashionable and dragoon otherwise reasonable individuals into hearing them out.
My point isn't that you should believe but just keep an open mind. By ther way you are obviously paying attention to the purified drivel because you've taken the time to comment. Interresting quote, I've never actually read anyone espouse closemindedness. What a bunch of bull pucky!
Originally posted by lowefly
One has to wonder why, certain people are so fast to dismiss anything that deals with ufo, aliens or anything paranormal. They are so quick to call for evidence but, they fail to prove they don't exist.

We've got a bit of a breakdown in logic, if everyone is quite content and can see rather clearly for themselves that there is indeed nothing, and you claim that there is something, the burden of proof doesn't lie with them, it lies with YOU. If we were to beleive EVERYTHING that there isn't proof for we'd all be running around beleiving in unicornes and magic faries. In other words It's a one way street, if you want to prove that something is different then the common preseption, you need to be able to (and I know this is really forign to a lot of people) back it up! Where as common preseption is backed up on it's own by the lack of what you claim acctualy being there, you can't ask people to just have FAITH that somehow you have special knowledge of the way the universe REALLY works. Do keep that in mind.
Is it like, if everyone believes in God and you dont, then the burden of proof is on you to prove the negative?