Magen David Ambulance Dispatch: “Is it an Arab or a Jew?”


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
We walked into a scene of angry Palestinians shouting up the side road toward two of the settler buildings. From the bottom of the road, we could see some religious settler children staring down. We began asking questions. The explanation we received was that the Palestinians had been attacked by the settlers who were throwing stones at them. Sure enough, I noticed one man lifting another man’s shirt to examine his bruises. I noted how calm and patient he was after being hit in the back with stones.

Later I discovered that earlier that morning settlers had broken into the As-Sabbagh family’s home and attacked them....That was when I heard a child crying, and as I walked over to him, I saw why he was crying. At his feet was another child, not more than 12 or 13 but possibly 10 or 11, lying on the ground. As I listened, I realized he too had been hit. At a minimum, I could see his knuckles were bleeding, but I knew there was more to it than that as he wasn’t getting up. He didn’t cry, didn’t shout, he just lay there waiting for help.

That was when I heard what I couldn’t believe… honestly, you read about this kind of thing, but you never realize how serious it is until you hear it for yourself. The policeman called for an ambulance. The ambulance, over the radio, responded by asking in Hebrew “Is it an Arab or a Jew?” Immediately an angry woman (presumably the injured boy’s mother) shouted “OF COURSE! OF COURSE That’s what they ask… Because if he’s an Arab, WHY SHOULD THEY COME?” I couldn’t believe my ears. I didn’t understand… Why would an ambulance dispatcher ever pause to ask the ethnicity of an injured child before rushing to pick him up? At that moment, I was overwhelmed and had to step away from the situation. I imagined my own son lying in pain and bleeding, no matter how severe, with an ambulance dispatcher asking in the background for clarity on his religion or ethnicity. I believe that the original dispatcher who asked the police officer about ethnicity was from the Magen David (the Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross). In the end, two ambulances came, the Red Crescent Society came first (The Red Crescent Society is the Red Cross equivalent in the occupied Palestinian territories). I returned to take photos as the Red Crescent Society arrived to carry the child away.

-Andrew Kadi in the West Bank

excerpts from:

So, how many ambulances in the free world pick up patients by ethnicity? Is it a new trend?
"..... We began asking questions. The explanation we received was that the Palestinians had been attacked by the settlers who were throwing stones at them. ..."

So he believed what the man said without evidence of any attack? Surely people lie, don't they? Surely Palestinians lie, too, right? So, ....why would he believe the man's statement?

Is this how the "human rights" people do their investigations? ...just believe whatever some Palestinian says? Then accuse the Israelis on the international courts ...with no evidence other than the word of "the enemy"?

"..... Sure enough, I noticed one man lifting another man’s shirt to examine his bruises. I noted how calm and patient he was after being hit in the back with stones."

But the bruises could have come at any time of the incident. Bruises don't usually have time/date stamps on them! How could he have known when the bruises occured? Again, no evidence, yet this guy believed what the Palestinians were telling him. Is that how the "human rights" people investigate incidents???

So, how many ambulances in the free world pick up patients by ethnicity? Is it a new trend?

In Iraq, the US Army ambulances/medevac couldn't pick up wounded Iraqis without special permission from the Iraq gov officials. They had to call an Iraq ambulance ....even if the wounded man was bleeding to death!

If I recall correctly, Israel and Palestinians do have some "understandings" about that ambulance and hospital issue ....who calls who, and when.

Perhaps, SAM, you're making more of this than is warranted usual. Welcome back.

Baron Max
Can you think of any reason why an ambulance dispatch would need to know the ethnicity of an injured child?

So he believed what the man said without evidence of any attack? Surely people lie, don't they? Surely Palestinians lie, too, right? So, ....why would he believe the man's statement?

Because its the West Bank. Where nonviolent prostestors get arrested for "arms possession" if they collect the spent gas grenades fired at them:

Abdallah Abu Rahmah, a school teacher and coordinator of the Bil’in Popular Committee Against the Wall, was indicted in an Israeli military court yesterday. Abu Rahmah was slapped with an arms possession charge for collecting used tear gas canisters shot at demonstrators in Bil’in by the army and showcasing them in his home.

An indictment was filed in a West Bank military court yesterday for incitement, stone throwing and arms possession charges against Bil’in Popular Committee coordinator, Abdallah Abu Rahmah. On receiving the indictment Adv. Gaby Lasky, Abu Rahmah’s lawyer said that “the army shoots at unarmed demonstrators, and when they try to show the world the violence used against them by collecting presenting the remnants – they are persecuted and prosecuted. What’s next? Charging protesters money for the bullets shot at them?”

These are the "Arms" he posses:


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Can you think of any reason why an ambulance dispatch would need to know the ethnicity of an injured child?

Yes! So they'd know whether to send a Palestinian ambulance service or an Israeli ambulance service. Ditto for which hospital to take the injured. As I've said earlier, in Iraq, it was a condition imposed by the Iraqis on the US Army that ...ONLY... Iraqi ambulances were to be used for wounded Iraqis.

Because its the West Bank. Where nonviolent prostestors ....

Back to your old obsession, SAM? Don't you get tired of repeating the same ol' accusations, over and over again, when so damned few people in the audience care?

The Pals' terrorist actions have made it difficut, if not impossible, to give them sympathy. I'm sure that there are tons of people that could easily go over to the Pals' side of this issue .....but each time, the Palestinians resort to some other horrendous terrorist act ...and loses more possible sympathy.

SAM, you have an obsession, and that's not good for you.

Baron Max
Shocking. Sounds like something you'd see in Iraq or Pakistan. Or Afghanistan. Iran. Palestine.
Perhaps the Baron can explain why it would matter which ambulance was sent to pick up a child in the west bank, which is under Israeli occupation since the soldiers at the scene, were all IDF and not PA
Perhaps the Baron can explain why it would matter which ambulance was sent to pick up a child in the west bank, which is under Israeli occupation since the soldiers at the scene, were all IDF and not PA

Let me be as clear as possible, okay?

If an injured Palestinian kid was picked up by an Israeli ambulance with Israeli medics, as soon as the ambulance drove off, the Palestinians would be accusing the Israelis of injuring that child ....claiming that he wasn't "that" hurt before the ambulance arrived. And then the Pals would call that Goldstone character, and he'd send in a report to the UN accusing the Israelis of war crimes, violations of human rights, child abuse, criminal negligence, driving an ambulance without a lisence, operating a vehicle without proper identification,..........., and anything else he could dig up from the all-Palestinian witness list.

Now, SAM, if you were Israelis, would you help that child or would you call a Palestinian ambulance? Or if no such ambulance exists, then call a "special" ambulance that had tv cameras to record every single possible thing that could possibly go wrong so that Goldstone couldn't accuse the Israelis of anything.

See, SAM, how the Pals have fucked up even the most simple of things?

And they continue to do it. For all we know, that kid was injured by the Pals just so they could "get" the Israelis and accuse them of war crimes, human rights violations and all those other things.

If it had been someone like me there, they'd have stood there and watched the little kid bleed to death. So tell me, SAM, would you rather have the Israelis there or someone like me?

Baron Max
See, SAM, how the Pals have fucked up even the most simple of things?
Uh, I was with you right up to that sentence. In a situation as tense as this where violence had already occurred, if I were sending an Arab paramedic to pick up an injured Jewish child I would want some Arab cops to go along, and vice versa.

But at this point I place the blame on both sides for fucking up the Israel-Palestine conflict. They demonstrate the old adage, "No matter how bad something is, if you really work at it you can make it worse."

Of course there's plenty of blame to go around. The Brits started it by "donating" somebody else's homeland to the Jewish WWII refugees, instead of demanding that the governments of the continental nations take their own people back.

The Germans, French, Poles and other Europeans were so abjectly sorry for the thousand years of antisemitism that practically defined Christendom, that they were willing to do absolutely anything for those poor people... anything except welcome them back to live among them.
Let me be as clear as possible, okay?

If an injured Palestinian kid was picked up by an Israeli ambulance with Israeli medics, as soon as the ambulance drove off, the Palestinians would be accusing the Israelis of injuring that child ....claiming that he wasn't "that" hurt before the ambulance arrived. And then the Pals would call that Goldstone character, and he'd send in a report to the UN accusing the Israelis of war crimes, violations of human rights, child abuse, criminal negligence, driving an ambulance without a lisence, operating a vehicle without proper identification,..........., and anything else he could dig up from the all-Palestinian witness list.

Now, SAM, if you were Israelis, would you help that child or would you call a Palestinian ambulance? Or if no such ambulance exists, then call a "special" ambulance that had tv cameras to record every single possible thing that could possibly go wrong so that Goldstone couldn't accuse the Israelis of anything.

And again, do you think the cop called Magen David instead of Red Crescent? Or did he call an ambulance? Think a little.

As for the Palestinians, if a burglar breaks into your house and walls you and your family into the fireplace for his safety, what person in his right mind would consider it legitimate? Thieves don't really have the right to self defense against the people they steal from, do they? Not even if they are certifiable lunatics.
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S.A.M, it seems you're assuming the worst. Simply because the ambulance officers asked about the injured's ethnicity does not mean that they would have denied them treatment if Arab. For all we know, the officers didn't know how to speak fluent Arabic,, and though it would be better to call for paramedics who did.

And again, do you think the cop called Magen David instead of Red Crescent? Or did he call an ambulance? Think a little.

From what I understand, two ambulances arrived. One from the Red Cresent, and the other (I'd assume) from the Red Cross. The one from the Red Cresent arrived first, which isn't surprising, since they are located in Occupied Territory.

I'm not saying that there isn't discrimination here, but I'm not going to jump to any conclusions while there are still reasonable alternative explainations available.
Lets see:

The ambulance, over the radio, responded by asking in Hebrew “Is it an Arab or a Jew?” Immediately an angry woman (presumably the injured boy’s mother) shouted “OF COURSE! OF COURSE That’s what they ask… Because if he’s an Arab, WHY SHOULD THEY COME?”

Sounds like the voice of experience.
As for the Palestinians, ....

I think the Palestinians should continue fighting for at least four million more years, perhaps a little longer. I mean, it's only right and just for the Palestinians to want their children to grow up in an environment of war and bloodshed and hatred and killing and desperation and...

And it's especialy good for their children to grow up knowing that the war and fighting has been going on for millions of years with no end in sight. the little bastards something to look forward to, don't it. :D

Baron Max
From S.A.M's source:

In the end, two ambulances came, the Red Crescent Society came first (The Red Crescent Society is the Red Cross equivalent in the occupied Palestinian territories). I returned to take photos as the Red Crescent Society arrived to carry the child away.
Magen David = Israeli Red Cross.
Red Crescent Society = Palestinian Red Cross.

Two ambulances showed up to pick the one boy up, presumably one from each.
How does that change the question asked?

This is Sheikh Jarrah we're talking about

Because it backs up the assertions made by Fraggle Rocker, and I believe Baron Max as well, that in order to know which ambulance service to dispatch, the dispatch operator must first know the ethnicity of the person requiring the help.

Seeing as how you love the Maori so much...

The equivalent would be if in New Zealand we had two ambulance service - St Johns, and - let's call the Maori ambulance service Bro' Repairs.

I would then expect the dispatch operator to ask either the ethnicity, or the preffered ambulance service of the person requiring assistance.
How does that change the question asked?

I've told you already, SAM!! Don't you listen? If an the victim was Palestinian, then to send an Israeli ambulance would just cause more problems at the site of the incident. The dispatcher wanted to know the victim's identity so they could sen the ...APPROPRIATE... ambulance so as to limit the possible issue of ME accusations, etc.

Baron Max