Made in the Image of god


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What does god look like?

I ask the question because the first chapter of the book of Genesis boldly declares that we are made in the image of god. We human beings, that is; we are made in the likeness of god.
what does that mean as far as we know god is non-carporial, supernatural, do we take it to mean that physically and literally our bodies have the shape and form of god,so why does he need eyes or a mouth a nose or any limbs?.

Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

or do we take it as symbolically and poetically to mean that our nature and disposition as humans imitates and displays the very nature and disposition of god.

And if we human beings are made in the image of god, do we really bear from our conception and birth the taint of Original Sin -- that curse thought up by early churchmen to explain the obvious and widespread presence of evil and wickedness, the unlikeness to God, among many humans? Does the image of God contain original sin?

if we are to believe it to be a symbolical and poetical image then is this where the hatred for others stems?.

In the beginning, god created human beings in god's own image. No, said the Christians; only Christians are created in that image. Heathens and pagans and heretics and Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists and Confucians do not bear the image of our (Christian) God. And so we may attack and persecute and suppress and forcibly convert them. And even today, centuries after the raids of the Teutonic Knights and the military conquests in Spain and the Americas and the conflicts with Islam and the work of the Inquisition, some fundamentalist Christians hold the view that only the image of the satan is to be seen in millions of their fellow human beings who hold faiths different from their own.
its more MAN making 'god' in HIs image. and declaring through his idea/myth that he can dominate Nature...'having dominion over''''" which he is still doing big time and making a right cock up (pun intended) of the dynamic balance of Nature, and causing much conflict between peoples as you yourself point out at the end of your post
whys this 'God' only an image of male--though some argue he is saying "male and female created he them" interpreted as we are both male and female. but you see Hebrew myth always puts males on top

and what about plants, animals, ....where do THEy come in to it. ar they superflous to their 'God'.? YES. in earth religious paganism and shamanism animals and plants were included in gods characteristics. but even patriarchal paganism put paid to that. for example the Olympian gods of Greek myth shed their 'tails' etc. meaning they shed any connection with Earth

so myths like that and tother DIVIDE us from Nature. and that aint good
audible: That has been a question, buging me for a long time.
however I think you'll find it must be the physically and literally idea as the bible scriptures definitely teach that Jesus is in the image and glory of God. Paul says that he "is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature." Col 1:15 We also read of Christ "being the brightness of his (glory), and the express image of his person..." Heb 1:3 and "Christ, who is the image of God..." II Cor 4:4

We are told that Jesus was "raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father." Rom 6:4 "And we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father." John 1:14 Also Jesus said: "And now O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was." John 17:5 Paul said: "For it pleased the Father that in him (Jesus) should all fulness dwell." Col 1:19 so it would seem that it can not be anything but physical.
anyone who says otherwise is clearly deluding themselves, so yes it is strange as to why a being without a physical body would create man with a physical body.
it 'bugs you' cause you are trying to understand a superficial literalist story, and dont seem also aware of where this idea originated, which is with the Orphics--who influenced th very structure of Christianity

Like 'Christ', the Orphics deified 'Dionysos'

Listen, the deeper story is that Dionysos and Jesus were an hallucinogenic plant. ie., physical!

For ORIGINARY Dionysiansim, which was an EARTH religion, the eating/drinking of 'him' was CELEBRATORY. the celebrants became 'ossessed' by the god. they beCAME him. what the Orphics did was philosophically conjure up an earth NEGATIVE dogma which split 'spirit' from Nature, an divided the individual into a 'bab' Titanic' 'animal' part and a 'divine spark', 'Dionysos, which tthey believed was their true self and was trappeed in matter/Nature. so they sought to escape through 'purification' ritual to finally return to Dionysos. They thus now deified him and in their myth he was raised up from the Underworld. the same theme of Jesus. where the latter differes, howeve, in the Christians created the idea Jesus had been raised PHYSICALLY. and thus so would his followers who believed this nonesense

More DEEPLY what is raised up, as the ancinet celebrants knew, and modern experiencers (some) is not a physical body, but a feeling of being ecstasized, enspirited
What exactly is God? I believe genesis is Sumarian origin. Where is Garden of Eden located? Tigris and Euphrates are two of the rivers that flew in and out of the Garden. Abraham is from the city of Ur, which is in the intersection between Tigris and Euphrates. Sumarian civilization is very strange. They were advanced ahead of their time, and their language is not related to any other languages nearby like it just all in a sudden appears. There were a lot of historical documents written in Sumarian language about interaction with God and Angels. Those historical documents appear to be myths mixed with real historical event, but today many historians don't think they are writting myths at all. Sumarians call their Gods as "Annunaki", which was translated into Hebrew as "Elohim". The Jews said Elohim is the name of God, but that is incorrect. Elohim is plural and Eloha is singular. Both Annunaki and Elohim mean sky to earth. According to Sumarian documents, Annunaki make "men" according to their image and then tempered with humans in some way. According to the bible, the first prototypes lived 930 years, and then they kept shrinking. Many historians believe humans are indeed created by "intelligent design" by not in the way that the religious folks think.
it is good you are curious about all of that, rather than just accepting A belief and then following gullibly without constantly questioning. it's questioning that helps us not get cuaght up in authroitarian mindsets

I howver think you are barking up the wrong tree imagining a super-intelligence design, if i think what you mean is ET intervention

You are a little right about Sumarian--how the civilization sprung up, but in my notes somewhere i remember that it was NOt THE first set-down language

about 'Elohim":

"The cultic cry of the Bacchantes was the "paean", eleleu, eleleu. Th elements of this invocation can now be traced back to the same Sumarian words that gave the Hebrews the name of their deity Elohim, translated "God" in our Bibles. It was the combination of Sumerian E-LA, "strong water, juice", and IA-U/UIA, "juice of fecundity, spermatozoa", in other words, the common Semitic name fe for god, "El", combined with the tribal name Yahweh ("Jehova"). In this invocation the original E-LA is doubled, and it is precisely this form that came down in the Bible in the chant of praise "Halleluia"!(The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross. John M. Allegro)

In other words that term is connected with a sacred hallucinogenic 'plant' a mushroom

"We noticed...previously when discussing the mushroom as the "Morning Star", germinated by the dew that fell frem Venus before the dawn. It was pointed out there that the Rephaim were those "cast down from heaven", identified with the fallen angels of Genesis and Jewish mythology. According to the Bible, these "sons of God" were seduced by the beauty of mortal women and begot a race of supermen (Genesis. 6: 1ff.))" (Ibid)

I.e., these werent ETs. what is being referred to is saCRED mushrooms used for spiritual inspiration!
I am glad I am atheist,I would hate to think I was made, in the image of such an evil creature.
and a pizza, and a brick.
I ask again do you( that not personal you, it's a general one) believe we are a physically and literally image, or a symbolical and poetical image.
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We are literally made in the image of God. He is our father. We are genetically linked directly to him. God is not a force, vapor, or all encompassing blob. His image is that of a man. He has a head, body, arms, legs, and everything else we would associate with a man. His body is pure and glorified. He is immortal. The cells of his body are perfect and do not die. He is made of flesh and bone. He is as tangible as any form of matter. We are his literal offspring. We have Godly DNA but only in a fallen state. The spirit part of our bodies is immortal, only our physicle bodies can die. Once we are resurrected our bodies will be fused with our spirits forever and they will be one immortal being.
brutus then why would it have arms, legs, eyes, nose, mouth etc.
when it has no need of them.

Well he needs arms to hold things, legs to walk, eyes to see, mouth to talk, etc. He of course has other abilities as well. He has an infinitely more advanced brain, He can see everything with his eyes, and hear everything with his ears. He can talk with both his mouth and his mind. His mind has an unlimited capacity and infinite bandwidth. All contained in a perfect physical immortal body.
Brutus1964 said:

Well he needs arms to hold things, legs to walk, eyes to see, mouth to talk, etc. He of course has other abilities as well. He has an infinitely more advanced brain, He can see everything with his eyes, and hear everything with his ears. He can talk with both his mouth and his mind. His mind has an unlimited capacity and infinite bandwidth. All contained in a perfect physical immortal body.

so he's better than broadband then?...hehe

does he have an anus and a penis? a simple question. don't go all puritanical on me Brutus--i've used the Latin terms

He has everything a man does. He even has a wife and together they have spirit children that eventually come down here and get physical bodies just like we did. We were first spirit children concieved by our Father and Mother in heaven.

Notice that only the LDS church has an actual description of God. Most religions don't have the foggiest idea who or what God is. I can understand why atheists have a hard time believing in God because he is presented in such an unbelievable, unfathomable, and inconceivable fashion by most of the religious world.
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I think you could say that the whole universe is God's body. I really don't believe God is personal, has a wife, children etc... but symbolically you could say so.
Yorda said:
I think you could say that the whole universe is God's body. I really don't believe God is personal, has a wife, children etc... but symbolically you could say so.

pre-that idea was the more aesthetically and poetical plausible idea that Earth and universe ('cosmos') was the Great Goddess' body. which would imply immanence

Brutus' beliefs are completely ludicrous. and SO Bush's familiy vaules. i can see the Simpsons doing it. will contact producer RIGHYT away...haha. in fact i think they already have
Brutus1964 said:

You call my beliefs ludicrous? Please stop taking those magic mushrooms.

well i can READ what you say, yet you have never taken them, so how would you know?
brutus1964 said:
We are literally made in the image of God. He is our father. We are genetically linked directly to him. God is not a force, vapor, or all encompassing blob. His image is that of a man. He has a head, body, arms, legs, and everything else we would associate with a man. His body is pure and glorified. He is immortal. The cells of his body are perfect and do not die. He is made of flesh and bone. He is as tangible as any form of matter. We are his literal offspring. We have Godly DNA but only in a fallen state.
How is God's own DNA subject to corruption?

brutus1964 said:
He has everything a man does. He even has a wife and together they have spirit children that eventually come down here and get physical bodies just like we did. We were first spirit children concieved by our Father and Mother in heaven.
Without resorting to infinite regression, where did God's wife come from? What is the difference between creating a man and giving birth to one?
Well he needs arms to hold things, legs to walk, eyes to see, mouth to talk, etc. He of course has other abilities as well. He has an infinitely more advanced brain, He can see everything with his eyes, and hear everything with his ears. He can talk with both his mouth and his mind. His mind has an unlimited capacity and infinite bandwidth. All contained in a perfect physical immortal body.
He sounds marvelous. He also seems to be a contradiction of himself.
I can only assume he has light hollow bones for flying and thick heavy bones for absorbing punishment.

Does god defecate? If yes, what does it smell like? Good I bet. Would you eat it?
Being shaped like a human his buttocks must cause a build up of fecal matter around his anus. I would have opted for a dog butt if I was him.