Mac's Final Relativity Thread

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Hi geistkiesel & welcome back to the "SR wars." I assume you are on MacM's side or even more anti- SR as I recall you think the "absolute reference frame" not only exist but can be discovered. Is that your current POV?

Please take a look at post 118 where I think I have, using only "MacM approved" analysis proceedures, shown MacM's SR is self contradictory. I would welcome your comments.

Nothing you have said is relevant to MacM's complaints about special relativity. Take it to another thread, please.
You've presented a convincing demonstration of that point already, Mr. Spinning-Head-Avatar.

Sorry ro be slow gang but went back in the hospital Thurs and just got home today.

So it seems absolutely clear that the attacker really has no basis for his diatribe.
This analogy with the Doppler effect for sound is actually quite useful in working out what you think.

What you're saying is that a physical effect that can be measured by instruments that are not dependent on human perception, is only "apparent reality" and not real. You claim that the higher frequency of the train whistle heard by an observer on the track (or his frequency meter) is an "illusion of motion". But it isn't. If you rely on the supposedly illusory frequency to trigger off an alarm, say, or perform some other automated function, then it will work. And the alarm on the track won't trigger at the frequency of the whistle when it is at rest. So, there's no illusion involved.

You claim that what you have shown is "not physical reality for the whistle". That's a very interesting and revealing choice of words. You were very careful to include "for the whistle" there, weren't you? What your statement would say if you expressed it more explicitly is just this:

"The frequency shift of the whistle's sound is not heard in the whistle's rest frame."

But that's just a statement about one frame of reference. And nobody disputes that statement, either. What I, and all physicists, dispute is your claim that what is true in this one particular frame is true in ALL reference frames. As it happens, it is an empirical FACT that a frequency shift does occur in every frame other than the whistle's rest frame. And, importantly, the "perception" of whatever is measuring the frequency cannot be separated from the "reality" of what frequency is measured. In the track frame, the whistle's frequency really is different from its frequency in the rest frame.

Until we can sort out this major misunderstanding of yours, there's no point discussing Einstein's theory of relativity. So, from now on I propose we stick to discussing the classical Doppler effect until you are able to comprehend the reality of the frequency shift. Ok?

Actually you seem to have your head buried so deep in the SR sand that you can't see reality. This will be addressed below.

But as for that part of your post now highlighted in red.

[/b]Absolutely not[/b][color] your habit of extrapolating your comments beyond any factual basis and making negative innuendo does not grant you a superiority position. It shows you to be weak and apprehensive discussing the issue.

Rubbish. You can observe the Doppler effect for yourself very easily. Just go out on the street and listen to the engine sounds of cars as they go past you. You'll REALLY hear that frequency shift. Then, jump in your car and drive past a ringing bell or alarm or railway crossing. You'll REALLY hear the reciprocal frequency shift there, too.

Oh yes lets all get in our cars and listen to the distant church bells ringing at 3,000 hz and traveling to us at 1,100 fps = V1. Now lets drive to the church at 60 Mph (88 fps= V2) and notice that the church bells now ring at 3,240 hz), then lets stick our heads in the sand and claim that the bells changed frequency.

Bull S....: You can pretend your favorite theory is soundly based it is BS.

1 - The bells still ring at 3,000 hz.

2 - Your hearing a different frequency has to do with your added velocity.

V1 + V2 = 1,100 fps + 88 fps = 1,188 fps.

The shift in apparent frequency is not a changed in the bells vibrations but 240 hz added by your motion.

If you don't believe me, and have never noticed the Doppler effect over the course of your life, then I'm sure plenty of other people here can confirm that it occurs and that they have empirically observed it themselves.

A really stupid comment

Nonsense. A simple formula allows you to calculate the shift precisely, and it only depends on relative speeds, the speed of sound and, importantly, the known whistle frequency in some other frame.

We couldn't agree more but what you said does not describe reality of the bell orv whistle it onl describes the "Apparent" bell or whistle frequency due to an illusion of motion.

GPS doesn't use a preferred frame; it uses a few different frames for convenience, but they are not "preferred" in the sense you mean. I won't bother discussing GPS with you, since it is now apparent that you can't cope with the basic Galilean relativity of sound waves, let alone special relativity, let along general relativity.

Oh my. You don't want to discuss GPS because I made you look ignorant and stupid before. Just as you now seem to insist on remaining ignorant.

1 = The ECI [colo=red]IS
a preferred frame since it does not allow reciprocity. It is infact a locally absolute frame. Both facts which you historically and apparently still wish to ignore.

Further this is not just a Macm idea several hundred indeed over a thousand scientist agree - just not those advocating SR.

************* Extract ************************

In the meantime, I received several interesting papers by Ruyong Wang at St.Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota, discussing how the observed operation of the Global Positioning System violates two of Special Relativity Theory's (SRT) fundamental principles.

Basically, GPS equations show that (1) Signal speed is independent of the sources translational motion relative to the Earth-Centered Inertial (ECI) frame if the receiver is stationary. (2) Speed is dependent on the receiver's translational motion relative to the ECI frame if the source is stationary. (3) Speeds are different for reference frames moving uniformly relative to the ECI.

Therefore, the ECI frame is a preferred frame near the Earth, contradicting the principles of there being no preferred frame, and of the constancy of the velocity of light. (In line, however, with alternative models described in the sources above, in which the Earth's gravitational or magnetic field in face constitutes a local "ether" that the speed of light is constant with respect to.)

************************ End ********************8

****************************** Extract ***************


Contrary to the assertion of Special Relativity, the speed of light is not always constant relative to a moving observer. The Global Positioning System (GPS) shows that the speed of light in the Earth Centered Inertial (ECI) non-rotating frame remains at c relative to the frame—but not relative to an observer or receiver moving in that frame. When a GPS receiver changes its translation speed relative to the ECI frame, the speed of light measured relative to the receiver changes. A crucial experiment of the constancy of the speed of light relative to a moving receiver could be conducted in the following way: Let two GPS satellites and two airplanes be positioned in a straight line. Let the two airplanes travel at the same speed directly toward one of the two satellites and directly away from the other satellite. The travel time differences of GPS signals arriving at the two airplanes is measured and recorded with the airplanes flying first toward one of the satellites and then flying the opposite direction toward the other satellite. The travel time differences obtained as the airplanes fly in opposite directions are compared. If the travel time difference is the same when the velocity of the airplanes is changed, then the speed of light is indeed constant relative to the moving airplanes, otherwise it is not. The calculation using the GPS range equation and the results of a Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) differential GPS test have shown that the constancy of the speed of light relative to moving airplanes is not correct. The change of the time difference could reach about 10 ns for subsonic airplanes and 30 ns for supersonic airplanes. The result of this crucial experiment is not only important scientifically, but also indicates the possibility of a new way to directly measure vehicle speed relative to the ECI frame.
*************************** End *************************

And let us all not forget the great flip flops in past discussions.

James R asserted that GPS used both SR and GR. But then later argued that orbit is constant acceleration and hence , not inertial and SR didn't apply therefore my claims had nothing to do with SR.

Which is it James?

1 - Does GPS use SR?

2 - Is orbit inertial, it is a form of acceleration?

3 - If orbit is not inertial then SR doesn't apply.

4 - But orbit is a form of free fall and free fall is also considered inertial.

5 - The fact is that SR is not even valid theory since it can't be tested or do you have a practical proposal where we can equip a rocket or something and reach 0.8c and then emperically show that the lab clock on earth changed tick rate as a result.?

I didn't say "Appeared" to change tick rate, I said "Changed" tick rate.

Pick your answer carefully because I can post different opinions by other scientists.

But you have always held the poistion that it did matter who says what and what their education , experiences, etc is if they disagree with your view then they are wrong.
You know JamesR I have always held the greatest respect for your opinions, scientific and other wise and still do.
You have macM by the proverbials on the issue of his sound analogy and admit I was too quick to offer support for it. As I see later you intend to make use of it... congrats... [ still doesn't deal with our misssing photon :eek: but congrats any ways...]

Now I would like to see an admission of error if appropriate on MacM's part so that I can congratulate him also on being so fair minded.:eek:

IMO it would be worth sticking just to the sound doppler effect issue until one of you guys has the balls to admit a mistake. Now I have rarely seen MacM back down and of course JamesR rarely makes a mistake to back down this may prove rather interesting .:)

I hope my response to James R clairifies. The problem is that what James wants to call reality is the perception of a moving observer in complete disregard of what emperical data (and common sense) supports. When two clocks are at common rest and one "Switches Frames" they have relative velocity and both may "See" the other as dilated but the fact is only the one that accelerated so as to switch frames is.

It does not matter which frame you collect your data in. James might suggest otherwise but it doesn't. That is I can have "A" & "B" where "A" accelerates to 0.8c for 10 hours according to "B". I have established scenarios where this is confirmed by direct comparision of clock accumulated time in the subsequent common "B" frame.

James falsely want to claim that readng is frame dependant. IT IS NOT.

Consider two particles with precise decay times as clocks. (this is a bit hypothetical since particle decay is a statistical half-life). But we could justify this by simply stating that we shall use sufficient number of particles in each group to represent a clock. Statistically then a % the particles will have decayed,etc.

Now since the "A" group only acculumated 6 hours decay %, we can fire a second group to 0.8c almost instantly (close enough that the several hour test makes acceleration time negliable) and guess what when compared in the "A" frame "A" will still only have 6 hours decay while the "B" group still has 10 hours decay.

t matters NOT which frame you do you direct comparison, when direct compared the reality was the local tick rate as a function of who had motion due to acceleration and for what period or duration. Not a matter of the "Perception" of observers whicle in motion or of what frame you compare in.

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Sorry to hear you were in the hospital again. - I missed news of the first time. Hope you are OK now.
... It does not matter which frame you collect your data in. ...
Have you read post 118? It certainly did there where two differnt frames were used and ONLY your approved proceedures. I.e. you version of SR seems to countradict its self. (That does not prove the standard one is correct, I admit, but blows a huge hole in your version.)

Can you find a flaw in post 118 (i.e. where I did not follow your SR proceedures.)? If yes, please be specific as to where - quote my error and correct it if you can.

What you're claiming, essentially, is that church bells or police car sirens or whatever only have a "real" frequency in their rest frames, and that everything else is "illusion of motion". In that case, to be consistent, you ought to say that every inertial object has a "real" tick rate which is its proper time in its rest frame, and everything else is "illusion of motion".

However, when it comes to time dilation etc., you attempt to introduce a whole lot of extraneous factors to determine the "real" frame. No longer is the "real" frame always the rest frame for you, but now we supposedly have to look for a "common local rest frame". Let's discuss the problem with this in the context of the Doppler effect for sound.

A police car is parked next to a church. The bells and the car's siren have particular frequencies in this frame, which we can call the "common local rest frame" of the car and church.

Now, the police car accelerates to 100 mph. A person in the police car hears the siren sounding at the same frequency as when the car was at rest. However, the driver is not in the "common local rest frame", but in the moving frame of the car.

Question: is the frequency the driver hears an "illusion of motion"?

A person is standing next to the church, watching the car drive away. He hears a lower siren frequency. Is this person hearing an "illusion of motion"?

If the driver is hearing the "real" frequency, why is this frequency not referenced to the "common local rest frame" anymore?

Oh my. You don't want to discuss GPS because I made you look ignorant and stupid before.

No. We can ge to that once we've sorted out the classical Doppler effect for sound.

So, please answer the above questions.
Time dilation is the result of constant light speed which is
independent of its source. Look at the formula for gamma and see
only one factor, the ratio of v to c, with v being the speed of
the object. The light clock examples show this graphically. The
longer time unit includes time required to compensate for the
motion of the object/observer.
Calculate the time dilation in the fixed frame of the emission of
a photon (the event does not move), for two objects.
Now you can eliminate the common time frame and form a relative
expression between the two objects, and it appears the dilation
depends on the relative difference in speeds!
The problem in the example debated is proving C is not moving.

Given three observers moving along the x axis, away from a common
position D. Speeds for A, B, C are, .71, -.45, .20, respectively.
C will measure the speeds for A and B as .6 and -.6 respectively.
Time dilation (1/gamma) for A, B, and C are .7, .9, and .98
A and B are moving at the same speed relative to C, but have
different clock rates.
This is what is oft referred to as the 'jackpot question'.

I will attempt a rational model to explain the James R transfers of knowledge in time dilating(+,-) clocks. The questions builds its own framework for discussion and while I as a practice I do not generally pass out kudos to James R, the question is remarkable, perhaps this will prove to be a bold move into the third millenium.

His question is fine. His answers are not.

Keep on thinking with an open mind the world needs new thinkers. This hanging on AE's coat tails geets us nowhere.

BTW: If you weren't aware Tom Flandern died recently.
I did not say SR cannot be tested. In post 103, said: “Your setup only allows for the tick rates wrt to C's clocks to be measured. It is not possible for A to measure B's tick rate wrt to A's clocks.” That does not “falsify SR,” just your set up is inadequate for such a measurement; however, I now extended your set up to show that the “MacM version of SR” contradicts itself, so it is false. (I apologize in advance for being careful, using defined symbolic terms, etc. to specify in detail everything, but you should read anyway and try to find a SPECIFIC point where I have not followed the procedures that your agreed to in post 93.)

To show that your POV is false, I need two clocks, A & B and two inertial frames C & E, which have respective motion at speed Vce along a common “X-axis” line. The origin of E, designated as E(0,0), is already far to the right of the origin of C and the separation between these origins is increasing. All motions I will use are along this same X-axis line. Before proceeding to my proof, either read blue text or skip it and refer back as needed.

]I expended some effort to clearly understand your version of SR and then summarize various cases. One was case (2b), which you quoted in your post 93 as follows:
“When there are two clocks, A & B, with constant relative velocity, both of which were once at rest in a frame, and they have no acceleration now wrt to that frame, then the Time Dilation, TD, of each is calculated ignoring the other as in (2a). This results in their respective “physical time dilations” PTDa & PTDb. If either were to have its time dilation correctly measured by observers, which are at rest wrt to the other, they would also measure the same PTDs. For example, if observers stationary wrt to clock A measure correctly the TDb they find DTb = PTDb.” {This is same as your first post quoted above, but more procisely stated in your terms and my math symbols.}

And you replied in post 93 with the single word: “correct.”
Just to remind others and you, if needed, case (2a) was a single clock now steadily moving wrt a frame that it was once at rest in earlier. We all agreed that such a steadily moving clock is ticking more slowing than other clocks that are stationary in that frame where the moving clock was once at rest and that conventional SR calculates the reduced tick rate, TD, correctly using its speed wrt that frame.)

Here is the current (also called “first”) situation:
Clock A is at rest at frame C’s Cartesian coordinate system origin, but B has steady speed along C’s negative X-axis equal to VBc . I.e. clock B is steadily crossing C’s “Y-axis” grid lines and clock A is stationary at C(0,0). Thus we all agree that it would seem correct to calculate the Time Dilations of clock B, TDb, compared to clock A’s tick rate via the standard SR equation using the speed VBc.

Here is what had happened a little earlier:
Both A & B were stationary at the origin of frame E, I.e. were at E(0,0), so were co-moving away from C(0,0) at speed Vce. (If you forgot what that is, see 2nd paragraph again.) Then both accelerated (in separate rockets, a & b) in the negative X direction (towards C’s origin) exactly the same until their C coordinates was very large and positive, for example the point C(100000, 0). At this point they are co-moving towards every more negative X locations with speeds wrt to C(0,0) of VAc = VBc or since identical, just Vc, which happens to be VBc as given just above in the “current situation,” I.e. Vc = VBc at this point. And of course, their common speed wrt to E(0,0) or Ve = Vc + Vce = VBc + Vce. At this point clock B stops accelerating and just forever coasts, but clock C begins to de-accelerate so that its speed is zero just as it reaches C(0,0), where it remains “forever.” I.e. this is how the “first situation” came to exist.

Now since both A & B started from rest together in frame E, we realize that the procedure (2b) (See blue text) must be used to compute their time dilations separately and then take the difference to find TDb, the Time Dilation of B wrt to the tick rate of clock A which is now stationary in frame C at C(0,0). I.e. we use the standard SR equation to calculate B’s actual “physical tick rate” with respect to the place where it was stationary with clock A, namely E(0,0) or their “common rest frame.”

To do this calculation for clock B, we use B’s speed wrt to that common rest frame. I.e. we use speed of VBe = Ve = VBc + Vce, from bold of prior paragraph. I will designate the results of this calculation, with VBe = Vce + Vce as PTDbe, the Physical Time Dilation of clock B wrt any of frame E’s stationary and synchronized clocks where clock B & A were once mutually at rest at E(0,0).

Likewise I use the std SR equation to calculate PTDae with the speed of clock A wrt to E(0,0) which is simply Vce as C is at C(0,0) forever now. Now in accordance with MacM’s agreed procedure, the Time Dilation of clock B wrt to the tick rate of Clock A, which is stationary at C(0,0) or “TDb” is just the difference in their Physical Time Dilations evaluated by std SR equations when their speeds wrt their “common rest frame” or in this case wrt E(0,0) is the speeds used in the calculations. I.e. TDb = PTDbe – PTDae. (This is a positive time dilation as PTDbe > PTDae since in either frame and certainly in frame E clock B is moving faster than clock A so has greater dilation.)

SUMMARY: Now two “MacM approved” but different methods have been used to calculate TDb. To distinguish them I will rename the one of the “first situation” one, which used speed VBc, TDb1 and call the other TDb2. TDb2 used two different speeds wrt to E(0,0), THEIR COMMON REST FRAME, to separately calculate the Physics Time Dilations of clocks, A & B and then subtracted these two PTDs to get TDb2.

The standard SR equations for PTDs are non-liner so it is highly unlikely that TDb1 = TDb2, but I suspect that for some particular choice of Vce, this is possible. I am too lazy to do all this numerically. (Perhaps Pete will – he sometimes, at least years ago, did enormous amounts of SR calculations.) I will just note that if by rare chance and the first Vce I selected did result in TDb1 =TDB2, then I would just select a different value for Vce. I.e. replace frame E in my story with frame F.

Also to further drive the stake thru MacM’s version of SR, I note that I have not yet told the entire history of clocks A & B. They were both once at mutual rest in frame F, side-by-side at F(0,0), before accelerating and then mutually coming to rest in frame E at E(0,0). Thus frame E is not the only “common rest frame.” It just happens to be their last one. As clocks A & B were NEVER at mutual rest in frame C, it is not a “common rest frame,” yet the calculation of TDb1 was done in accord with MacM’s agreed procedure and by far the simplest to do. (Also in accord with JamesR’s & Pete’s too.) In fact as MacM likes to point out, TDb1 is the one case for which there is “empirical validation” of the procedure in Earth based experiments . Also, there could have been a “common mutual rest” frame G before F, etc. for an infinite set of “MacM approved” and mutually conflicting TDb which use their speed wrt to a “common rest frame.”.

Ahh but you fail to remember that I have repeatedly said that this +/- motion is not properly answered by a simple view either. i.e. - I readily have admitted I do not have the answer but only the appropriate questions.

You have not proven me wrong you are helping prove me right unless you can explain how either clock knows to increase tick rate physically instead of becoming dilated all as a function of the same motion.

Also read carefully my presentation about using radioactive particles as statistical clocks. I have shown that the clocks tick rate is not frame dependant. Regardless of the frame where the % decay is compared "A" or "B" frame the results are the same. So the physical reality is not frame dependant.

This can be made even more clear by adding control signals to the tests.

1 - "A" accelerates to 0.8c, in a ignorably short period vs the velocity affect test duration, and then becomes inertial for 10 hours according to the lab clock (frame C).

Knowing the distance and velocity of "A" from "C" , "B" which remained at rest transmits a test stop control signal to "A" to arrive after 10 hours "B's" time.

At which time "A" transmits a digital signal back to "B" as to it's % of decay.

After 10 hours "B's" time "B" records it's % decay. Upon receipt of the "A" % decay data "B" computes and transmits to the universe the accumulated time ratio by "B" accumulated time / "A" accumulated time by convertion of hours from the known linear decay rates of the isotopes and that ratio would be 10 hours / 6 hours = 1.59259...... .

This data is computed in the "C" & "B" frame.

2 - Now perform the same test but have "B" accelerate to 0.8c,in a ignorably short period immedialtely before the 10 hour duration in "C" frame. Now in a common inertial frame both "A" and "B" are moving at 0.8c relative to the lab "C". "B" records it's % decay as soon as it goes inertial and when receiving "A's" signal you will find that the computed ratio is still 10 hours / 6 hours with the ratio being 1.59259.....

In other words the reality of time dilation is not frame dependant but depends ONLY on which frame actually had velocity and for what duration by any inertial time standard - that is "C" may also be inertial to other frames.

If I were monitoring the test while moving relative to "C" frame (the lab) I would not agree that the test took 10 hours but the accumulated data of the cocks and the transmitted ratio in both cases is not affected by my relative motion to the test.

I would percieve a different result - i.e. 5 hours / 3 hours = 1.59259 ratio (ignoring that time dilation is a non-linear function).
Sorry to hear you were in the hospital again. - I missed news of the first time. Hope you are OK now.Have you read post 118? It certainly did there where two differnt frames were used and ONLY your approved proceedures. I.e. you version of SR seems to countradict its self. (That does not prove the standard one is correct, I admit, but blows a huge hole in your version.)

Can you find a flaw in post 118 (i.e. where I did not follow your SR proceedures.)? If yes, please be specific as to where - quote my error and correct it if you can.

Thanks for the concern and no I'm not OK, which is why I'm back kicking ars about SR. I have Stage 4 lung cancer.

I read you post and have made a general reply. Point being my version is every bit as valid as SR because SR doesn't resolve the issue either.

What you're claiming, essentially, is that church bells or police car sirens or whatever only have a "real" frequency in their rest frames, and that everything else is "illusion of motion". In that case, to be consistent, you ought to say that every inertial object has a "real" tick rate which is its proper time in its rest frame, and everything else is "illusion of motion".

However, when it comes to time dilation etc., you attempt to introduce a whole lot of extraneous factors to determine the "real" frame. No longer is the "real" frame always the rest frame for you, but now we supposedly have to look for a "common local rest frame". Let's discuss the problem with this in the context of the Doppler effect for sound.

A police car is parked next to a church. The bells and the car's siren have particular frequencies in this frame, which we can call the "common local rest frame" of the car and church.

Now, the police car accelerates to 100 mph. A person in the police car hears the siren sounding at the same frequency as when the car was at rest. However, the driver is not in the "common local rest frame", but in the moving frame of the car.

Question: is the frequency the driver hears an "illusion of motion"?

The siren is physically real but to church bells decrease from 3,000 hz to the "Apparent" 2,648Hz is an "Illusion of motion". The church bells were not affected by the cars motion, they asre still ringing at 3,000 hz with the signal traveling at 1,100 fps but minus your 146 fps retreat "Sounds" like the are ringing at a lower frequency..

A person is standing next to the church, watching the car drive away. He hears a lower siren frequency. Is this person hearing an "illusion of motion"?


If the driver is hearing the "real" frequency, why is this frequency not referenced to the "common local rest frame" anymore?

The driver is only hearing the siren's true freqency. I have said this many times. Physical reality is ONLY in the local proper frame. Any other frame generate perceptions based on illusions of motion shifts
Now you can eliminate the common time frame and form a relative expression between the two objects, and it appears the dilation depends on the relative difference in speeds!

A and B are moving at the same speed relative to C, but have
different clock rates.

Likwise "A" and "B" can be launched from "C" to equal inertial velocities. They now have synchronized tick rates and both are equally dilated relative to "C".

It matters not if "A" and "B" were launched in a co-moving direction and had no relative velocity to each other OR in opposite directions so as to have a maximum relative velocity between them.

The mere relative velocity between such clocks is irrelevant time dilation is only relative to the common rest frame.

If the driver is hearing the "real" frequency, why is this frequency not referenced to the "common local rest frame" anymore?

The driver is only hearing the siren's true freqency. I have said this many times. Physical reality is ONLY in the local proper frame. Any other frame generate perceptions based on illusions of motion shifts

But the common local rest frame of the car and the church is the frame of the church in this example, since the car accelerated away from the church. Initially, they were both in the same frame.

So, why does the driver of the car still hear the "real" frequency of the siren, and not the "illusion of motion" frequency? I thought accelerating away from a common local rest frame was supposed to mean that your perception was not "reality" any more.

Please explain.
I will admit that I have a hard time understanding this as it is outside my field of work. I do have a question. If A = earth, B ship #1 and C ship #2. If B and C are launched from earth in opposite directions, 180 degrees apart, with both ships eventual speed reaching 0.7c relative to earth, but relative to each other they should be 1.4c as an observer on earth. Thus A light beam from ship and and ship B would be able to reach earth not would not be able to reach each other. I dont think I am stating this right but you get the gest. What about the clocks, relative to earth as well as each other...

But the common local rest frame of the car and the church is the frame of the church in this example, since the car accelerated away from the church. Initially, they were both in the same frame.

So, why does the driver of the car still hear the "real" frequency of the siren, and not the "illusion of motion" frequency? I thought accelerating away from a common local rest frame was supposed to mean that your perception was not "reality" any more.

Please explain.

? The only correct physical frame is the local proper frame. The driver and the church are in two different frames. As you and SR claim the drivers watch still ticks at it's local proper tick rate but unlike you and SR claim that tick rate is no longer physically the same as the observer still standing at the church's tick rate.

You claim two different things about the drivers tick rate. you claim it is dilated because he switched frames but then you turn around and claim indirectly that it and the church tick in unison which is what artifically generates the requirement that in the drivers frame distance has contracted.

Emperical data shows the drivers clock was in fact dilated and accumulated less time which means the trip time recorded by the driver is only correctly accounted for if distance remained fixed in all frames.

Your Texas Two Step is by introducing a very logical (but in error) idea. That is that relative velocity is symmetrical. That is if I am moving away from you at 60 Mph you are moving away from me at 60 Mph.

Just as time is immeasurably affected at everyday velocity so is relative veloicty and it is perfectly ok to consider relative velocity as being symmetrical at everyday speeds.

But when you become relavistic and begin to measureably affect clock tick rates that is no longer true. Velocity is a "Computed" value based on the ratio of two properties: V = Delta Distance / Delta Time or v = ds/dt.

At relavistic velocities emperical data shows that t1 does not equal t2 and therefore.

v1 = ds/dt1

v2 = ds/dt2

v1 does not equal v2. That is the computed velocity by each observer will be different because their clocks accumulated time for the trip, over a common fixed distance, as taking different amounts of time. This is the propr physical view, not that distance changed because you can't tell your watch slowed down during the trip.
Thanks for the concern and no I'm not OK, which is why I'm back kicking ars about SR. I have Stage 4 lung cancer. ...
Very sorry to learn that. I had advanced cancer prostate removed 12 Dec08 and three months later my PSA was not measurable but last week it came in at 0.1 which is just at the margin of measurement error. (0.2 probably implies some cells escaped and still live in me somewhere.)

Your a fighter - so good luck. Unfortunately, it sounds like you will need it.

Years ago you had an idea for a better wind machine. As I recall your were thinking of getting a patent - You hoped to "Eat their cake" Did you ever get the patent? If yes, what is the number. If No, and you care to, PM me a little about it. I have always thought you very clever, both in your simple approaches to experiments on gravity and creation of defenses of your POV. For all I know you do have a good wind idea there too.
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Very sorry to learn that. I had advanced cancer prostate removed 12 Dec08 and three months later my PSA was not measurable but last week it came in at 0.1 which is just at the margin of measurement error. (0.2 probably implies some cells escaped and still live in me somewhere.)

Your a fighter - so good luck. Unfortunately, it sounds like you will need it.

Years ago you had an idea for a better wind machine. As I recall your were thinking of getting a patent - You hoped to "Eat their cake" Did you ever get the patent? If yes, what is the number. If No, and you care to, PM me a little about it. I have always thought you very clever, both in your simple approaches to experiments on gravity and creation of defenses of your POV. For all I know you do have a good wind idea there too.

Ditto from me to you. My more recent 5 days in the hospital was due to the fact that my portacath became infected and had to be removed. They implated a picline in my arm after removing the portacath.
Originally Posted by MacM
Thanks for the concern and no I'm not OK, which is why I'm back kicking ars about SR. I have Stage 4 lung cancer. ...
Hey Dan, Sorry to hear of your condition. I had been wondering why you had left sciforums alone for so long...and now back with a vengence I see.

Well good for you and go for it.

I hope your family is coping well.

Regarding your postion on Sound dopler issue of the two attributes displaying for each observer, that being local rest frame attributes and dare I say "remote" other frame attributes has something about it that has yet to be quantified adequately. I don't know what that is yet.

Physical tick rate vs observed tick rate the distinction between actual physical and observed physical, hmmmmm...something about it that sticks.

Either way best of luck and I hope you are not too uncomfortable and have the practical and emotional support you need at this time.
I have always held the belief I guess that the use of preferred reference frames in SR is a biased approach.
What I mean by prefferred is slightly different to normal interpretation.

If you have two objects traveling at relative velocity IMO it is illogical when considering that the space those two objects are in is effectively neutral and offers no resistance to their velocity, to ascribe velocity only to one of those objects and not equally to both objects.

i.e. There is no reason to take on the notion that one observer can unilaterally declare he is at rest and the other observer has all the velocity as he has no way of knowing what his velocity is except by reference to the other observer.
To say that the police car, in the example given, is moving away from the church and not that they are moving away from each other is a fundamental problem of logic IMO.

The reality of two objects in a vacuum is that the only logical conclusion one can derive is that both objects are undergoing closing or separating velocity in an equal fashion.

Just an old opinion that hasn't had any reason to change over the years.
[might help with this problem- never know:)]
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