Lynn McTaggart:The Field(I really need help from experts, here)


Registered Senior Member
Hello, everybody!
Has anyone Lynn McTaggart's book named field-is this a good book where they talk about experiments and facts, or just another attempt to alternative scientists to find God?

I really need physicists help, here.

Also, has anyone heard for William Tiller, whois a physicist (I bet, he is n alternative)-he supposedly proved that human intentions alter reality???
Here is the website: -please, read what William Tiller says about the experimental results and the experiments themselves.

Can anyone help me, here, please???

What scientific experiments have been made about human intention altering reality, and what are the true results of scientific experiments that are made by those made in Lynn McTaggart's book "The field"?

Also, what do scientists, real physicists (not some pseudo-physicists) say about human intention?
Is anyone in continuity with these researchments???

Big thank you for any physicist-expert who can help me here.

I just needed to see the headline, and know for sure, what this scientist is saying is for sure.

The mind affects matter. I have been saying this for years. Not only me, but many before me too.

The mind, when you concentrate it on a certain function, i.e. a particle, and try to locate it to a certain position, an infinite amount of conditions are rallied for its paths. Because of this reason, one can locate a particle, if one is able to pin-down all of its possible paths.

On the other hand, we have the collapse.

Many here will say that it is psuedo, when we consider an observer. But the truth is, is that we existed long before any mechanical counterpart. In fact, we may have been for the very existence of the universe, according to the Anthropic Principle (which is gaining more and more interest)... Even with Dr. Hawking.
Also... Intent is a fabric of science.

you just need to know about the ''Delayed-Choice Experiment,'' to know exactly what intent and choice is.

If choice and intent are the same thing, then one can see that even emotions effect the world around us.
Also... Intent is a fabric of science.

you just need to know about the ''Delayed-Choice Experiment,'' to know exactly what intent and choice is.

If choice and intent are the same thing, then one can see that even emotions effect the world around us.

Here is why I completely disagree with that, I always will.
First, mind is function of brain.
Second, brain is made of matter.
So,when someone saqys that mind affects matter it's absolutely wrong since the mind is function of the brain, brain is made of concentrated matter-which actually says that mind which is basically made of matter affects matter.
Meaning, matter affects matter- no spiritual causes.
''First, mind is function of brain.
Second, brain is made of matter.''

Right on both accounts... but very narrow.

You see, the mind is more than this. Dr.'s of physics throughout have proven that ''Memory,'' - which is just a stored information - doesn't actually locate to the mind alone. In essence, the math infamously shows that information is stored within the vacuum instead. If this is true, then mind curves into reality by an intent of being and of tensors described by relativity.

''So,when someone saqys that mind affects matter it's absolutely wrong since the mind is function of the brain, brain is made of concentrated matter-which actually says that mind which is basically made of matter affects matter.
Meaning, matter affects matter- no spiritual causes.''

This is where you become erreneous.

The mind does affect matter. We know this./ It has been proven.
''First, mind is function of brain.
Second, brain is made of matter.''

Right on both accounts... but very narrow.

You see, the mind is more than this. Dr.'s of physics throughout have proven that ''Memory,'' - which is just a stored information - doesn't actually locate to the mind alone. In essence, the math infamously shows that information is stored within the vacuum instead. If this is true, then mind curves into reality by an intent of being and of tensors described by relativity.
''So,when someone saqys that mind affects matter it's absolutely wrong since the mind is function of the brain, brain is made of concentrated matter-which actually says that mind which is basically made of matter affects matter.
Meaning, matter affects matter- no spiritual causes.''

This is where you become erreneous.

The mind does affect matter. We know this./ It has been proven

What on earth are you talking about ? I think it is common knowledge that memory is stored information in the brain, so why introduce a vacuum ? What purpose does it serve ? What form does the information take ?

Lastly, I take it you know that if there is something in a "vacuum" it ceases to be a vacuum
''First, mind is function of brain.
Second, brain is made of matter.''

Right on both accounts... but very narrow.

You see, the mind is more than this. Dr.'s of physics throughout have proven that ''Memory,'' - which is just a stored information - doesn't actually locate to the mind alone. In essence, the math infamously shows that information is stored within the vacuum instead. If this is true, then mind curves into reality by an intent of being and of tensors described by relativity.
''So,when someone saqys that mind affects matter it's absolutely wrong since the mind is function of the brain, brain is made of concentrated matter-which actually says that mind which is basically made of matter affects matter.
Meaning, matter affects matter- no spiritual causes.''

This is where you become erreneous.

The mind does affect matter. We know this./ It has been proven

What on earth are you talking about ? I think it is common knowledge that memory is stored information in the brain, so why introduce a vacuum ? What purpose does it serve ? What form does the information take ?

Lastly, I take it you know that if there is something in a "vacuum" it ceases to be a vacuum
''First, mind is function of brain.
Second, brain is made of matter.''

Right on both accounts... but very narrow.

You see, the mind is more than this. Dr.'s of physics throughout have proven that ''Memory,'' - which is just a stored information - doesn't actually locate to the mind alone. In essence, the math infamously shows that information is stored within the vacuum instead. If this is true, then mind curves into reality by an intent of being and of tensors described by relativity.
''So,when someone saqys that mind affects matter it's absolutely wrong since the mind is function of the brain, brain is made of concentrated matter-which actually says that mind which is basically made of matter affects matter.
Meaning, matter affects matter- no spiritual causes.''

This is where you become erreneous.

The mind does affect matter. We know this./ It has been proven

What on earth are you talking about ? I think it is common knowledge that memory is stored information in the brain, so why introduce a vacuum ? What purpose does it serve ? What form does the information take ?

Lastly, I take it you know that if there is something in a "vacuum" it ceases to be a vacuum

Please, tell me when this has ever been proven?
Memory is stored in the entire brain. as simple as that. That's why no matter what part of the brain you cut there will be memory served.

It has been proven that mind is the function of brain. All the thoughts, actions and everything else is a function of brain.
Sure... Dr. R. N. Boyd has shown this evidence.
He says:

''According to the Vedas and the Upanishads, matter is composed of infinitesimal particles called "bhutatmas" which are also the smallest units of Consciousness. In Kashmir Shaivism, which is based on the Vedas, matter is composed of “tattvas” which are units of consciousness and are also considered a type of energy. Furthermore there are many layers of consciousness in this system, where the most dense forms refer to matter. We have evidence that something like these infinitesimal particles, these “units of consciousness”, exist. The researches of Gariaev, Poponin, , show that the vacuum itself has a memory. The measurements done by this group indicate that the agency responsible for retaining this memory must be smaller than the Planck length, in other words, smaller than 10 e-33 cm across. In the paper describing their results, they describe coherent energetic entities called “solitons”, which are comprised of a loosely coupled coherent system of subquantum entities. This coherent solitonic system of loosely coupled entities can be viewed as a partial description of Consciousness.

Eminent neurophysiologist Karl Pribram proved that the memory of the human being is not localized in the brain at all. His experiments proved that the memory is distributed in space, not necessarily contiguous with the physical form, in a holograph-like manner. This means that there exist multitudinous copies of any memory object in the volume of the hologram.

The Pribram model of memory is like a hologram. When you cut a small piece out of a hologram and shine the proper light on it, a complete copy of the original hologram, albeit smaller, is observed. This understanding was completely at odds with the then prevailing views of consciousness, which had the view that memories resided at particular and exclusive locations within the physical brain. Due to this mistaken view, many experimenters subsequently made many attempts to disprove Pribram's results by means of cutting out various parts of the brains of laboratory rats which had been trained to run through mazes, thinking that if they cut out the correct part of the rat's brain, that it would lose its ability to negotiate the maze. Such results would support the old notions of localized memory. Attempts to disprove Pribram’s hypothesis by the method of cutting out and removing various brain segments all failed.

Later, some researchers did things like take the rats’ brains completely out and turn them sideways, upside-down, backwards, and all manner of directions. The rats which were treated in these barbaric manners never lost their ability to negotiate the maze. Later on, out of sheer frustration that Pribram's expressions might be right, one research team went so far as to remove the brain from a rat and put it through a blender. Then they poured the resulting liquidic slurry back into the poor rat's skull. When the rat awoke from the anesthetic, it effortlessly ran the maze, and otherwise went on about its business. These researchers thereby turned about to support the Bohm-Pribram holographic model of memory.

The results of Pribram indicate that the memory of the human being is a hologram-like system, which does not reside in the same volume as the brain. Pribram’s clinically derived results support Bohm’s notion of the universe as a hologram. Then we want to know, where is the medium in which this hologram can reside? Such a medium is described by Gariaev, Poponin, , in terms of solitons in a system of loosely coupled subquantum particles. What we see now, is the possibility of a hierarchical system of hologram-like solitons which reside in a medium of loosely coupled subquantum particles. This takes us back full circle to expressions regarding the “tattvas” and “bhutatmas” of the Vedic system.''
Sure... Dr. R. N. Boyd has shown this evidence.
He says:

''According to the Vedas and the Upanishads, matter is composed of infinitesimal particles called "bhutatmas" which are also the smallest units of Consciousness. In Kashmir Shaivism, which is based on the Vedas, matter is composed of “tattvas” which are units of consciousness and are also considered a type of energy. Furthermore there are many layers of consciousness in this system, where the most dense forms refer to matter. We have evidence that something like these infinitesimal particles, these “units of consciousness”, exist. The researches of Gariaev, Poponin, , show that the vacuum itself has a memory. The measurements done by this group indicate that the agency responsible for retaining this memory must be smaller than the Planck length, in other words, smaller than 10 e-33 cm across. In the paper describing their results, they describe coherent energetic entities called “solitons”, which are comprised of a loosely coupled coherent system of subquantum entities. This coherent solitonic system of loosely coupled entities can be viewed as a partial description of Consciousness.

Eminent neurophysiologist Karl Pribram proved that the memory of the human being is not localized in the brain at all. His experiments proved that the memory is distributed in space, not necessarily contiguous with the physical form, in a holograph-like manner. This means that there exist multitudinous copies of any memory object in the volume of the hologram.

The Pribram model of memory is like a hologram. When you cut a small piece out of a hologram and shine the proper light on it, a complete copy of the original hologram, albeit smaller, is observed. This understanding was completely at odds with the then prevailing views of consciousness, which had the view that memories resided at particular and exclusive locations within the physical brain. Due to this mistaken view, many experimenters subsequently made many attempts to disprove Pribram's results by means of cutting out various parts of the brains of laboratory rats which had been trained to run through mazes, thinking that if they cut out the correct part of the rat's brain, that it would lose its ability to negotiate the maze. Such results would support the old notions of localized memory. Attempts to disprove Pribram’s hypothesis by the method of cutting out and removing various brain segments all failed.

Later, some researchers did things like take the rats’ brains completely out and turn them sideways, upside-down, backwards, and all manner of directions. The rats which were treated in these barbaric manners never lost their ability to negotiate the maze. Later on, out of sheer frustration that Pribram's expressions might be right, one research team went so far as to remove the brain from a rat and put it through a blender. Then they poured the resulting liquidic slurry back into the poor rat's skull. When the rat awoke from the anesthetic, it effortlessly ran the maze, and otherwise went on about its business. These researchers thereby turned about to support the Bohm-Pribram holographic model of memory.

The results of Pribram indicate that the memory of the human being is a hologram-like system, which does not reside in the same volume as the brain. Pribram’s clinically derived results support Bohm’s notion of the universe as a hologram. Then we want to know, where is the medium in which this hologram can reside? Such a medium is described by Gariaev, Poponin, , in terms of solitons in a system of loosely coupled subquantum particles. What we see now, is the possibility of a hierarchical system of hologram-like solitons which reside in a medium of loosely coupled subquantum particles. This takes us back full circle to expressions regarding the “tattvas” and “bhutatmas” of the Vedic system.''

Here is the problem with this theory-it's 26 years old. I don't buy what Pribram and Boyd, the same thing with collective consciousness.
Newer discoveries have changed the views of memory.
The idea that physiological changes at synapses happen during learning and memory was first introduced by Donald Hebb.
t was in fact shown that activity at a synapse leads to structural changes at the synapse and to enhanced firing in the postsynaptic neuron. Since this process of enhanced firing lasts for several days or weeks, we talk about Long Term Potentiation (LTP). During this process existing synaptic proteins are altered and new proteins are synthesized at the modified synapse. What does all this have to do with memory? It has been discovered that LTP is most easily generated in regions of the brain which are involved in learning and memory - especially the hippocampus, about which we will talk in more detail later. Donald Hebb found out that not only a synapse of two neurons is involved in LTP but that a particular group of neurons is more likely to fire together. According to this, an experience is represented by the firing of this group of neurons. So it works according to the principle: “what wires together fires together”.

Following any learning event, the Long Term Memory for the event is not instantaneously formed. Rather, information regarding the event is slowly assimilated into long term storage over time, a process referred to as memory consolidation, until it reaches a relatively permanent state. During the consolidation period, memory can be modulated. In particular, it appears that emotional arousal following a learning event influences the strength of the subsequent memory for that event. Greater emotional arousal following a learning event enhances a person's retention of that event. Experiments have shown that administration of stress hormones to individuals, immediately after they learn something, enhances their retention when they are tested two weeks later. The amygdala, especially the basolateral nuclei, is involved in mediating the effects of emotional arousal on the strength of the memory for the event. There were experiments conducted by James McGaugh on animals in special laboratories. These laboratories have trained animals on a variety of learning tasks and found that drugs injected into the amygdala after training affect the animal’s subsequent retention of the task. These tasks include basic Pavlovian Tasks such as Inhibitory Avoidance, where a rat learns to associate a mild footshock with a particular compartment of an apparatus, and more complex tasks such as spatial or cued water maze, where a rat learns to swim to a platform to escape the water. If a drug that activates the amygdala is injected into the amygdala, the animals had better memory for the training in the task. When a drug that inactivated the amygdala was injected, the animals had impaired memory for the task. Despite the importance of the amygdala in modulating memory consolidation, however, learning can occur without it, although such learning appears to be impaired, as in fear conditioning impairments following amygdala damage. Evidence from work with humans indicates a similar role of the amygdala in humans . Amygdala activity at the time of encoding information correlates with retention for that information. However, this correlation depends on the relative “emotionality” of the information. More emotionally-arousing information increases amygdalar activity, and that activity correlates with retention.

Some researchers prefer to consider the hippocampus as part of a larger medial temporal lobe memory system responsible for general declarative memory (memories that can be explicitly verbalized — these would include, for example, memory for facts in addition to episodic memory). Some evidence supports the idea that, although these forms of memory often last a lifetime, the hippocampus ceases to play a crucial role in the retention of the memory after a period of consolidation. Damage to the hippocampus usually results in profound difficulties in forming new memories (anterograde amnesia), and normally also affects access to memories prior to the damage (retrograde amnesia). Although the retrograde effect normally extends some years prior to the brain damage, in some cases older memories remain intact - this sparing of older memories leads to the idea that consolidation over time involves the transfer of memories out of the hippocampus to other parts of the brain. However, researchers have difficulties in testing the sparing of older memories and, in some cases of retrograde amnesia, the sparing appears to affect memories formed decades before the damage to the hippocampus occurred, so its role in maintaining these older memories remains controversial.
You asked for evidence. This is what i showed.

If you entangle the two together, then i have no problem. Information is apart of space and time. If you neglect either one of them, then you have problems. The vacuum is matter and energy, which is just a collection of information. If information is space amnd time, then matter and energy fall into the mix.
''Also, what do scientists, real physicists (not some pseudo-physicists) say about human intention?
Is anyone in continuity with these researchments???''

Ironically here i am.
You asked for evidence. This is what i showed.

If you entangle the two together, then i have no problem. Information is apart of space and time. If you neglect either one of them, then you have problems. The vacuum is matter and energy, which is just a collection of information. If information is space amnd time, then matter and energy fall into the mix.

No offense, But I didn't see any evidence around there. Universe is not a hologram otherwise people wouldn't die.
Like I said before, this theory is 25 or 26 years old, that's why it falls to explain some other things.
And besides we're talking about one physicist and neurobiologist who obviously lost his mind. Material proofs and explanation are the only reasonable, it seems to me that these scientists lost their minds.
No offense, But I didn't see any evidence around there. Universe is not a hologram otherwise people wouldn't die.
Like I said before, this theory is 25 or 26 years old, that's why it falls to explain some other things.
And besides we're talking about one physicist and neurobiologist who obviously lost his mind. Material proofs and explanation are the only reasonable, it seems to me that these scientists lost their minds.

Take this as evidence, from a scientist.

The universe is hologram.