Luminiferous Aether Exists!

I see no reason for caution. If you look at Mazulu's claims, that a medium made out of "frequency" waves is responsible for everything, you will find that it is just a bunch of words strung together that make no sense. Maybe it is because he had to translate them from non-verbal space alien mental impressions. Add to this that he is time after time found to not know what he is talking about, and I think I can safely say he is outright nuts.
But it leads to an experiment. If everything is made of aether waves which are made of electromagnetic frequency waves, then guess what! Those are your building blocks of reality. Even a child can understand that you can build things out of building blocks. I am attempting to build a gravity field out of electromagnetic waves. I made an observation that gravity fields cause gravitational redshift. The experiment is to try this in reverse. Using electromagnetic waves that frequency sweep (a linear frequency chirp), is it possible to get back a gravity field? I won't know until I perform the experiment.

I got the idea of aether waves from quantum waves. Quantum waves are mathematical descriptions of what? Probability amplitudes? What are those? Those are part of nature. I just borrowed probability amplitudes and called them aether waves. Then I borrowed the invariance of c, combined it with $$c=\lambda f$$, and said that aether waves obey the speed of light c as a characteristic.
But it leads to an experiment. If everything is made of aether waves which are made of electromagnetic frequency waves, then guess what! Those are your building blocks of reality. Even a child can understand that you can build things out of building blocks. I am attempting to build a gravity field out of electromagnetic waves. I made an observation that gravity fields cause gravitational redshift. The experiment is to try this in reverse. Using electromagnetic waves that frequency sweep (a linear frequency chirp), is it possible to get back a gravity field? I won't know until I perform the experiment.

I got the idea of aether waves from quantum waves. Quantum waves are mathematical descriptions of what? Probability amplitudes? What are those? Those are part of nature. I just borrowed probability amplitudes and called them aether waves. Then I borrowed the invariance of c, combined it with $$c=\lambda f$$, and said that aether waves obey the speed of light c as a characteristic.

If you do a google search for "radar chirp" you will see that the experiment has been done many times. In fact it is a common occurrence. Granted radar operators are not expecting a gravity beam. Apparently no one noticed anything odd. I see that they even make chirp generators specifically for radar.

No one is stopping you from doing your experiment. But at the rate you are proceeding it will never get performed. It has been weeks and you have only turned on your signal generator and pondered a WiFi antenna. I think you are stalling because you really expect the experiment to fail. Avoid the inevitable. Do you even have a timeline for the experiment? Probably not. Maybe after your favorite TV program you might find time. Or after you make a few more posts on the forums.
If you do a google search for "radar chirp" you will see that the experiment has been done many times. In fact it is a common occurrence. Granted radar operators are not expecting a gravity beam. Apparently no one noticed anything odd. I see that they even make chirp generators specifically for radar.

No one is stopping you from doing your experiment. But at the rate you are proceeding it will never get performed. It has been weeks and you have only turned on your signal generator and pondered a WiFi antenna. I think you are stalling because you really expect the experiment to fail. Avoid the inevitable. Do you even have a timeline for the experiment? Probably not. Maybe after your favorite TV program you might find time. Or after you make a few more posts on the forums.
What's the rush? Why do I have to hurry? Maybe I enjoy talking about the idea on the forum.

On the other hand, I have the scale and the antenna in my truck. I have a frequency chirp on my USB drive. When I go to work tomorrow, I'll check to see if the AWG transmits the intended signal and at what voltage/power level. I have to talk to my boss about attaching the antenna. There are other tests being performed in the building. The spectrum analyzers take weeks to test. if I emit a lot of EM radiation and cause their tests to fail, the engineers my get very annoyed with me. I don't want that. Any way, I'll talk with my boss about scheduling a time to test it. I don't expect to detect anything.

I don't expect my WiFi antenna to work. Eventually, I'm going to look up an RF antenna website and see if there is a formula I can use to create a unidirectional antenna at the frequency range I want. Then I'll try the experiment again. Maybe I'll detect something. If not, I'll have to get an amplifier to boost the signal. Then I'll try again.

Anyway, all of you are much smarter than I am. I had to ask the aliens for help. I had to ask them how to build a gravity drive. I have very little money and I'm not very smart. If the experiment works, it will mean that other things are true.
You are bringing concepts into the argument that are beyond the scope of the argument. Mazulu's aether argument has nothing to do with transients or possibility. He is making a statement that something is the case without qualification. In his idea, aether is an underlying causal source for all phenomena. Not some phenomena or only under some cases, ALL.

My pond example was obviously not a non-linear system. It was an abstraction meant to be as simple as possible. You seem to trying to conflate your additional ideas and countering concepts with my pond in an attempt to disprove it. When all I was saying was that a medium is not a cause and gave an example. I think it is a very simple and true statement. Please address whether you believe that mediums (in the abstract) are causal. I will admit that some waves can occur in real world mediums but not without some amplification, or addition of energy, or some latent energy and a mechanism to release it, or a highly improbably quantum coincidence. Did I leave any cases out?

But cranks do exist and Mazulu is one of them. He is not proposing his aether wave theory for others to consider. He is stating it as an absolute fact that his aether waves are the basis for all existence of everything. He is right and everyone else is wrong. That is a hallmark of a crank. And add to that the fact that he claims to have received this idea telepathically from space aliens, and you have the makings of a mega-crank. Maybe even an ultra-crank. He is constantly trying to bring his aether wave ideas into other people's threads too.

I see no reason for caution. If you look at Mazulu's claims, that a medium made out of "frequency" waves is responsible for everything, you will find that it is just a bunch of words strung together that make no sense. Maybe it is because he had to translate them from non-verbal space alien mental impressions. Add to this that he is time after time found to not know what he is talking about, and I think I can safely say he is outright nuts.

Sorry mate, I think you mistook what my post was about. Just to clarify what I was commenting on, it was your responses and assumptions based on 'abstract' mathematical fields perspective which I was cautioning you about when attempting to criticize someone else's (doesn't matter who) real physical 'medium' perspective. That is a perfect example of the good old 'apples and oranges' cross-purpose comparison/criticism. I merely pointed out why you have to be cautious/cognizant of this source of invalid challenges to what the other person is saying (I make no comment on that from Mazulu or anyone else, I merely point to the need for caution when trying to 'prove him/others wrong' and calling him a 'crank' etc etc while basing your posts/stance on cross-purpose apples and oranges takes which differ crucially between the respective takes each of you is discussing).

I just gave an example of the different 'takes' possible which make any 'dogmatic' statements from either side unhelpful unless the distinction is made clearly between the two takes on fields/mediums, one abstract and one real, as I explained already. The 'systems', whether linear or not, whether infinite/eternal or not, will have INHERENT dynamics/properties which we can discover but cannot impose by whatever theory we choose to 'model' it with. So the natural systems having complexity/chaos/emergence at their fundamental basis will naturally give 'spontaneous' effects/waves etc irrespective of what we call the field/medium for these effects/waves to arise in and be observed (or not) according to what we are 'assuming/looking for' with our observational/mathematical constructs.

Unless and until we know how 'far down' into 'fundamentality' both our 'real and our 'math' we get to before reaching the 'end' of theory/observation/extrapolation, we can't be dogmatic either way. That's all I cautioned about.

In any case, whether Mazulu is a crank or not, only the proper apples with apples and oranges with oranges exchanges/challenges/evidence will tell. In some areas he may be 'crank', in some areas not so much. The point is that the current science explorations/discoveries are pointing more and more to SOMETHING beyond just the 'abstract' mathematical 'field' label. There is something 'there' underlying all phenomena. Whether we call it field' in our 'math modeling'; or whether we call it aether-'medium' in our physical analogies etc, it remains to be seen which is ultimately most revealing of the reality, as distinct from some 'convenient' and 'useful' abstraction.

Mazulu must discuss his perspective with you on that basis. And you, or anyone else purporting to constructively and scientifically 'criticize/challenge his perspective, must also come to the discussion on the same basis....else you will be at cross-purposes from the word 'go'. :)

That's all I wanted/needed to point to and caution about. Nothing else intended.

Gotta go. Back later/tomorrow. Cheers!
You make some very good points. You see, I started from the assumption that gravity drives already exist. I worked backwards by simply trying to figure out how can we curve space-time locally and productively. In my belief system, I want results. Results are most important to me. I don't care about a bunch of mathematical mumbo jumbo or logical nonsense. I wanted a gravity drive because the whole idea of FTL space travel is exciting. The physics community is light years away from ever coming up with anything. I wanted results. So I thought, "Hey! What if UFO's and aliens really are real?"

The funny thing is, I came up with an experiment and a basic flow of ideas that would support the existence of gravity drives. When the time is right, I test it. I will improve upon my test. If it doesn't work, I know that I gave it my best efforts. I can live with that. If it does work, I'll post the video on
You make some very good points. You see, I started from the assumption that gravity drives already exist. I worked backwards by simply trying to figure out how can we curve space-time locally and productively. In my belief system, I want results. Results are most important to me. I don't care about a bunch of mathematical mumbo jumbo or logical nonsense. I wanted a gravity drive because the whole idea of FTL space travel is exciting. The physics community is light years away from ever coming up with anything. I wanted results. So I thought, "Hey! What if UFO's and aliens really are real?"

The funny thing is, I came up with an experiment and a basic flow of ideas that would support the existence of gravity drives. When the time is right, I test it. I will improve upon my test. If it doesn't work, I know that I gave it my best efforts. I can live with that. If it does work, I'll post the video on

Who knows what OTHER things serendipity may bestow upon brave 'explorers' of unusual ideas when one may least expect it? It's happened before and it may happen again to anyone who is doing/thinking. It does not happen to anyone who does neither because they are afraid of failure and don't even bother.

The LHC 'explorers' do it their way, you and others do it your/their ways. NO biggie. Plenty of room for 'left field' brainstorming and speculating and experimenting and just goofing about with things.

One can only learn more from trying and failing than from just accepting and going to sleep.

Good luck to you and your efforts, Mazulu ('the explorer')! :)
Who knows what serendipity will bestow on brave 'explorers' of unusual ideas?

Good luck to you and your efforts, Mazulu ('the explorer').

There are designers with PhD's in antenna design. They use expensive software. Here I come along and I need a directional antenna. I'm trying to grasp the basics of antenna design. I think it all starts with a single metal wire with an electric field that makes the charge oscillate along a path. From there, an EM wave emerges. I dunno any thoughts?

As for being an explorer, I am continually journeying through the land of the trolls. ;)
There are designers with PhD's in antenna design. They use expensive software. Here I come along and I need a directional antenna. I'm trying to grasp the basics of antenna design. I think it all starts with a single metal wire with an electric field that makes the charge oscillate along a path. From there, an EM wave emerges. I dunno any thoughts?

As for being an explorer, I am continually journeying through the land of the trolls. ;)

"Any thoughts?" Many. The trouble is that I'm in the middle/near the end of my own major TOE completion/publishing project and cannot get involved in too many discussions. At the moment I only have time/health for those discussions which have a direct relevance to what I am 'finalizing' in my project that I haven't fully covered.

I will read your future reports/discussions as I get time. They are thought provoking irrespective of what anyone may think of the likelyhood of success with your experiment/approach to gravity drive possibilities/avenues.

Really gotta go now. Good luck in your travels in the land of the trolls! Been there already; done that already....and survived. Don't take any 'wooden theories' from any of those trolls, Mazulu! :)

"Any thoughts?" Many. The trouble is that I'm in the middle/near the end of my own major TOE completion/publishing project and cannot get involved in too many discussions. At the moment I only have time/health for those discussions which have a direct relevance to what I am 'finalizing' in my project that I haven't fully covered.

I will read your future reports/discussions as I get time. They are thought provoking irrespective of what anyone may think of the likelyhood of success with your experiment/approach to gravity drive possibilities/avenues.

Really gotta go now. Good luck in your travels in the land of the trolls! Been there already; done that already....and survived. Don't take any 'wooden theories' from any of those trolls, Mazulu! :)


Good luck to you with your TOE. :D
Sorry mate, I think you mistook what my post was about. Just to clarify what I was commenting on, it was your responses and assumptions based on 'abstract' mathematical fields perspective which I was cautioning you about when attempting to criticize someone else's (doesn't matter who) real physical 'medium' perspective.

Unless and until we know how 'far down' into 'fundamentality' both our 'real and our 'math' we get to before reaching the 'end' of theory/observation/extrapolation, we can't be dogmatic either way. That's all I cautioned about.

It is very clear to me that there are many more discoveries to be made and much to understand about the subject. From what little I have read it appears there will be some exciting ideas coming. Unfortunately for Mazulu, his ideas will not be contributing to these advances. If Albert Einstein had announced his ideas on relativity with no more justification than he received them through telepathic communication with space aliens, it would have delayed the the advancement of physics by a considerable amount of time. After such an announcement even a correct fully explained theory would have difficulty being accepted. Whether aether exists is either a true or false proposition. Predicting the correct answer with no justification or reasoning is not a useful theory.

When taking examinations in school, the correct answer was often not as important as the work you did to get it. Sometimes, writing down only the correct answer was worth a small percentage of the possible points. Often the explanation is the answer. If you wrote "because space aliens said so" on the paper, I would expect you to get zero points whether your result was correct or not. In fact you would probably have to stand in front of the instructor and explain yourself.

When Mazulu first explained his idea, I was actually very interested in it. Not because I thought it would work, but because I was hoping some one would offer some fundamental principle that I had not heard of explaining why some laws are reversible but others are not. Something other than just citing entropy. I think that most here, and probably even you, do not believe Mazulu's idea will work. There are just too many problems that it would cause. I assume that the energy needed to bend space and time any appreciable amount (without moving mass around) would need to be very large. And yet he thinks he can just plug a signal generator, and amplifier into mains power in his garage and do just that. So there should be ways to get free energy out of his experiment if it were to work. He does not dispute this. In fact he thinks this just adds value to the theory.

In any case, whether Mazulu is a crank or not, only the proper apples with apples and oranges with oranges exchanges/challenges/evidence will tell.

Mazulu must discuss his perspective with you on that basis. And you, or anyone else purporting to constructively and scientifically 'criticize/challenge his perspective, must also come to the discussion on the same basis....else you will be at cross-purposes from the word 'go'. :)

I have challenged his perspective. Over and over again I have challenged his assertion that space aliens have transmitted the gravity beam knowledge to him. There is little more to his theory than that. As others have pointed out, no actual frequency shifting of photons ever happens in his experiment. That can't happen. His RF chirp looks nothing like a gravitational field shifting the frequency of light. The idea is flawed on so many levels it has zero chance of working.

I think what you are trying to say is that we should all give Mazulu a break. But I disagree. I believe that Mazulu is willfully delusional. It is the worst type of weakness of character. The space aliens are just an excuse to not have to learn the mathematics and physics. He can just claim that the space aliens are so far advanced of us that we can't understand their science. That we should just accept them and and the messenger.
First you must seek God. Then you must understand God.

OMG. You are so full of *cough* wisdom *cough* it is starting to run down your leg and puddle on the floor. Maybe from now on you can refer to others in the forum as grasshopper, like that blind monk in the TV show Kung Fu did to Kwai Chang Caine. Then we could all be your disciples and bask in your holy light. Though your wise words are great, I much prefer the Buddhist saying, "if you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." Don't know what it means but it sounds cooler. More like what Samuel Jackson said in Pulp Fiction. "And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you!" And BANG! he blows the guy's head off. Now that is some cool religious jargon. Fire and brimstone gets my vote every time.
Can you explain how mathematics causes the natural world to exist?
I never said it did, neither did other theoretical physicists.

I asked my question because you're applying some assertion, that all things which exist have a cause for their existence, to light but not to other things you believe, ie god. You're inconsistent and dishonest.
The easiest way in which I can explain the proposed medium, is that it is made up of 'virtual photons', this is in reality a new slant on an old theory because QED, QM and the Standard Theory have maintained for sometime now, that the medium is made up of 'virtual photons', i.e., they are the mediators of the electromagnetic force. The only difference is that while the 'virtual photons' discussed by QM have a known life - time (less than 10 [sup] -15[/sup] secs) and can thus have arbitrary energies, the 'virtual photons' of the gestalt theory have known energies (i.e., less than 10[sup]-19[/sup] eV ) and thus can have arbitrary life times (i.e., they can exist almost forever.) This follows from Heisenbergs uncertainty principle relating to time and energy:

\Delta E\Delta t \geq \frac{1}{2}\hbar

There is experimental proof that 'virtual photons' do exist as shown in the Lamb Shift experiment , and that they are an integral part of atom structure and stability.

All scientific theories accept the existence of Conservation Laws, for instance QM and the Standard Theory, believe that light that was created during the Big Bang was (a) either absorbed by matter in the Universe or (b) that that light is still travelling through the Universe or exists as background cosmic radiation etc., So energy, like matter, can neither be created nor destroyed it changes from one form to another. Gestalt Theory holds that light created during the Big Bang occupied the entire Universe, it lent some of its energy towards the creation of matter, atoms, molecules etc., and later served as a medium through which matter aggregated into planets, stars, solar systems and galaxies, since it mediated the Gravitational force, so the theory does conserve energy.

In the gestalt Theory, the 'virtual photons' of the aether are randomly oriented until a real photon is emitted by an electron, at which time the 'virtual photons' along the line of propagation of the real photon form a line whose ends rest on infinity and the energy of the real photon travels 'intact' along this line of aligned virtual photons. However, in order to understand how this 'aether' works, you have to think of the manner in which energy travels along a line of linked condensors. Condensors store electrical energy. You remember those experiments that Benjamin Franklin did ? A line of condensors are connected together and the energy from the first condensor in the line travels along the linked condensors until it reaches the last condensor in line with its energy intact. The construction of the photon that I envisage, does in fact resemble a condensor, being composed of bands of electrical energy separated by a di-electric. This results in the formation of a solenoidal field around the photon, this construction, according to my thinking, explains: (a) how the photon keeps its energy intact over huge distances,(b) how it can possess both wave and particle like properties (c) how it is a particle of no mass (d) how it travels at the speed of light in a vacuum, the answer being that this is the maximum speed at which light (OR EMR) can travel along the lines of linked 'virtual photons' the direction of travel makes no difference. (f) How it can give up all of its energy at one time (g) how it is electrically neutral and so on.
I'm certain that anyone who isn't deluded - unlike you - can tell that. All it requires is a mind that works normally and a minimum education to recognize that everything you post on this site is pure garbage!

How come you don't feel any better after saying that?
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