Luminiferous Aether Exists!

I can tell you are having fun with the aether, and I do too. I don't look at it as something that you have to convince anyone else of, and I post my ideas as Pseudoscience and don't deny being deluded and the trolls either leave me alone or get ignored, while you are more intent on changing the minds of the scientific community. No one in that community is going for a physical cause of gravity or a mechanical explanation for how it works without some testable hypothesis. Mathematics is sufficient for them. But if you are going to have a story and you want to promote it, at least make it seem like something feasible. Jets from a giant black hole is supposed to be able to give us the Hubble view we have? There is too much wrong with that. And the concept of gravity being the aether pushing down on matter that is displacing it, and that matter is condensed aether, and that aether is the spewing dark energy of the jets; even one as deluded as I am is not going close to that. And your answers to my questions are evasive. Until you get responsive and explain how I could be wrong about these things and what your involvement or interest in the papers and links is or what your motivation is for drawing from other peoples papers and piecing together your unconvincing story, I'll just have to concede to you my title as most deluded.

The following article is referring to the aether 'displacing back'. If you are too deluded to understand this then that is on you. There are scientists where are beginning to understand there is a wave which passes through both slits in a double slit experiment. Some of the scientists are beginning to discuss what waves as the aether. If you are too deluded to understand it is the aether which waves in a double slit experiment then that is on you.

'An Extended Dynamical Equation of Motion, Phase Dependency and Inertial Backreaction'

"We hypothesize that space itself resists such surges according to a kind of induction law (related to inertia); additionally, we provide further evidence of the “fluidic” nature of space itself."

The aether is, or behaves similar to, a superfluid with properties of a solid, a supersolid, which is described in the article as the 'fluidic' nature of space itself. The 'back-reaction' described in the article is the displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward the matter.

'Interpretation of quantum mechanics by the double solution theory - Louis de BROGLIE'

“When in 1923-1924 I had my first ideas about Wave Mechanics I was looking for a truly concrete physical image, valid for all particles, of the wave and particle coexistence discovered by Albert Einstein in his "Theory of light quanta". I had no doubt whatsoever about the physical reality of waves and particles.”

“any particle, even isolated, has to be imagined as in continuous “energetic contact” with a hidden medium”

The hidden medium of de Broglie wave mechanics is the aether. The “energetic contact” is the state of displacement of the aether.

"the particle, precisely located in space at every instant, forms on the v wave a small region of high energy concentration, which may be likened in a first approximation, to a moving singularity."

"the particle is defined as a very small region of the wave"

In de Broglie wave mechanics there is a particle AND a wave. The particle occupies a very small region of the wave.

'Quantum mechanics rule 'bent' in classic experiment'

'For his part, Professor Steinberg believes that the result reduces a limitation not on quantum physics but on physicists themselves. "I feel like we're starting to pull back a veil on what nature really is," he said. "The trouble with quantum mechanics is that while we've learned to calculate the outcomes of all sorts of experiments, we've lost much of our ability to describe what is really happening in any natural language. I think that this has really hampered our ability to make progress, to come up with new ideas and see intuitively how new systems ought to behave."'

'New 'Double Slit' Experiment Skirts Uncertainty Principle'

"Intriguingly, the trajectories closely match those predicted by an unconventional interpretation of quantum mechanics known as pilot-wave theory, in which each particle has a well-defined trajectory that takes it through one slit while the associated wave passes through both slits."

A particle physically displaces the aether. A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. In a double slit experiment the particle travels through a single slit. It is the associated wave in the aether which passes through both. As the aether wave exits the slits it creates wave interference. As the particle exits a single slit the direction it travels is altered by the wave interference. This is the wave piloting the particle of pilot-wave theory. Strongly detecting the particle turns the aether wave into chop. The particle gets knocked around by the chop and continues on the path it is traveling.

What waves in a double slit experiment is the aether.
There is no evidence of a 'before' the Universal jet. That doesn't mean there was, or wasn't, a 'before' the Universal jet. Just that there is no evidence of a 'before'.
Lol, you want my title, don't you. I'll have to settle for second place on the deluded rankings then for awhile, but you'll be gone and I reclaim the title.
Lol, you want my title, don't you. I'll have to settle for second place on the deluded rankings then for awhile, but you'll be gone and I reclaim the title.

There is no evidence of a 'before' the Universal jet. There is no evidence of another, or other, Universal jets. There is no evidence of an 'outside' the Universal jet. That does not mean none of the previous existed or exist.

The Big Bang is what happens when mainstream physicists decide to make stuff up.

The evidence of a Universal spin and evidence of directionality to moving galaxy clusters are both evidence of the Universal jet we exist in.

'Was the universe born spinning?'

"The universe was born spinning and continues to do so around a preferred axis"

The Universe spins around a preferred axis because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is in, a jet; a larger version of a black hole polar jet.

'Mysterious Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Tracked Deeper into Universe'

"The clusters appear to be moving along a line extending from our solar system toward Centaurus/Hydra, but the direction of this motion is less certain. Evidence indicates that the clusters are headed outward along this path, away from Earth, but the team cannot yet rule out the opposite flow. "We detect motion along this axis, but right now our data cannot state as strongly as we'd like whether the clusters are coming or going," Kashlinsky said."

The clusters are headed along this path because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is in, a jet.

The following is an image analogous of the Universal jet.

The reason for the 'expansion' of the universe is the continual emission of aether into the Universal jet. Three dimensional space associated with the Universe itself is not expanding. What we see in our telescopes is the matter associated with the Universe moving outward and away from the Universal jet emission point. In the image above, '1st Stars' is where aether condenses into matter.

Dark energy is aether emitted into the Universal jet.

It's not the Big Bang; it's the Big Ongoing.

'Mysterious Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Tracked Deeper into Universe'

"The clusters appear to be moving along a line extending from our solar system toward Centaurus/Hydra, but the direction of this motion is less certain. Evidence indicates that the clusters are headed outward along this path, away from Earth, but the team cannot yet rule out the opposite flow. "We detect motion along this axis, but right now our data cannot state as strongly as we'd like whether the clusters are coming or going," Kashlinsky said."

The clusters are headed along this path because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is in, a jet.

You don't have much of a discussion technique, but to be honest you have conveyed your message, and I don't think you are trying to evolve it. Sure, I hear you saying, it has a few bugs, but every dog as a few fleas. And dark flow is as yet unquantified and I have been keeping my eye on how the data is shaping up too. It means two completely different things to each of us, and if it seems to begin to look like dark energy aether jets instead of the possible intersection and overlap of two expanding big bang arenas, well, I just hope we find out in the next few years, given I just turned ... who cares, lol.
You don't have much of a discussion technique, but to be honest you have conveyed your message, and I don't think you are trying to evolve it. Sure, I hear you saying, it has a few bugs, but every dog as a few fleas. And dark flow is as yet unquantified and I have been keeping my eye on how the data is shaping up too. It means two completely different things to each of us, and if it seems to begin to look like dark energy aether jets instead of the possible intersection and overlap of two expanding big bang arenas, well, I just hope we find out in the next few years, given I just turned ... who cares, lol.

You can make up stuff all you want. There is zero evidence of a big bang, so there is zero evidence of two big bangs.

The spin about a preferred axis and the directionality of moving galaxy clusters is evidence we are in a larger version of a black hole polar jet.
Maxwell's displacement current is a physical displacement of the aether.

g_a's bowel movement is a physical displacement of aether.
g_a's bowel movement is a physical displacement of aether.

"Doth not this aethereal medium in passing out of water, glass, crystal, and other compact and dense bodies in empty spaces, grow denser and denser by degrees, and by that means refract the rays of light not in a point, but by bending them gradually in curve lines? ...Is not this medium much rarer within the dense bodies of the Sun, stars, planets and comets, than in the empty celestial space between them? And in passing from them to great distances, doth it not grow denser and denser perpetually, and thereby cause the gravity of those great bodies towards one another, and of their parts towards the bodies; every body endeavouring to go from the denser parts of the medium towards the rarer?" - Newton

Newton is referring to the state of displacement of the aether.

The aether does not grow denser and denser. The aether is, or behaves similar to, a supersolid. However, Newton is correct, displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward matter is gravity.

"In several parts of this treatise an attempt has been made to explain electromagnetic phenomena by means of mechanical action transmitted from one body to another by means of a medium occupying the space between them. The undulatory theory of light also assumes the existence of a medium. We have now to shew that the properties of the electromagnetic medium are identical with those of the luminiferous medium." - Maxwell

Maxwell's displacement current is a physical displacement of the aether.

'Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein'

"space without ether is unthinkable"

"the state of the [ether] is at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places"

The state of the aether at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.

'Interpretation of quantum mechanics by the double solution theory - Louis de BROGLIE'

“When in 1923-1924 I had my first ideas about Wave Mechanics I was looking for a truly concrete physical image, valid for all particles, of the wave and particle coexistence discovered by Albert Einstein in his "Theory of light quanta". I had no doubt whatsoever about the physical reality of waves and particles.”

“any particle, even isolated, has to be imagined as in continuous “energetic contact” with a hidden medium”

The hidden medium of de Broglie wave mechanics is the aether. The “energetic contact” is the state of displacement of the aether.

A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. In a double slit experiment the particle travels through a single slit and the associated aether wave through both.

"It is ironic that Einstein's most creative work, the general theory of relativity, should boil down to conceptualizing space as a medium when his original premise [in special relativity] was that no such medium existed [..] The word 'ether' has extremely negative connotations in theoretical physics because of its past association with opposition to relativity. This is unfortunate because, stripped of these connotations, it rather nicely captures the way most physicists actually think about the vacuum. . . . Relativity actually says nothing about the existence or nonexistence of matter pervading the universe, only that any such matter must have relativistic symmetry. [..] It turns out that such matter exists. About the time relativity was becoming accepted, studies of radioactivity began showing that the empty vacuum of space had spectroscopic structure similar to that of ordinary quantum solids and fluids. Subsequent studies with large particle accelerators have now led us to understand that space is more like a piece of window glass than ideal Newtonian emptiness. It is filled with 'stuff' that is normally transparent but can be made visible by hitting it sufficiently hard to knock out a part. The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiment, is a relativistic ether. But we do not call it this because it is taboo." - Robert B. Laughlin, Nobel Laureate in Physics, endowed chair in physics, Stanford University

Displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward matter is gravity.
You can make up stuff all you want. There is zero evidence of a big bang, so there is zero evidence of two big bangs.

I was thinking that the raw redshift data was evidence that could be used to back track our observable universe to at least a tight cluster of hot dense energy
I was thinking that the raw redshift data was evidence that could be used to back track our observable universe to at least a tight cluster of hot dense energy

If you do that you are tracking directionality to the universe. If you do that then that refutes the big bang and is more evidence of the big ongoing.
There is no evidence of another, or other, Universal jets. All of the evidence we have is evidence we are in a Universal jet. That doesn't mean this is the only one or that there are more than just this one. There is zero evidence of other Universal jets.
Sorry to be the one to break it to you but there is no evidence of universal jets. The images that you think are universal jets are not actually jets, they are just interpretations of spacetime that are missing a dimension so when they draw them they just kind of look like jets. You just can't draw a transparent 3-d image that can be reshaped so that the 3 dimensions do not come out the wrong shape. So then if you drop one of the dimensions and only keep two space dimensions than you can draw a shape of the universe while the 2 dimensions of space still look to be flat, unaffected.
Sorry to be the one to break it to you but there is no evidence of universal jets. The images that you think are universal jets are not actually jets, they are just interpretations of spacetime that are missing a dimension so when they draw them they just kind of look like jets. You just can't draw a transparent 3-d image that can be reshaped so that the 3 dimensions do not come out the wrong shape. So then if you drop one of the dimensions and only keep two space dimensions than you can draw a shape of the universe while the 2 dimensions of space still look to be flat, unaffected.

'Was the universe born spinning?'

"The universe was born spinning and continues to do so around a preferred axis"

The Universe spins around a preferred axis because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is in, a jet; a larger version of a black hole polar jet.

'Mysterious Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Tracked Deeper into Universe'

"The clusters appear to be moving along a line extending from our solar system toward Centaurus/Hydra, but the direction of this motion is less certain. Evidence indicates that the clusters are headed outward along this path, away from Earth, but the team cannot yet rule out the opposite flow. "We detect motion along this axis, but right now our data cannot state as strongly as we'd like whether the clusters are coming or going," Kashlinsky said."

The clusters are headed along this path because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is in, a jet.

The following is an image analogous of the Universal jet.

The reason for the 'expansion' of the universe is the continual emission of aether into the Universal jet. Three dimensional space associated with the Universe itself is not expanding. What we see in our telescopes is the matter associated with the Universe moving outward and away from the Universal jet emission point. In the image above, '1st Stars' is where aether condenses into matter.

Dark energy is aether emitted into the Universal jet.

It's not the Big Bang; it's the Big Ongoing.
'Was the universe born spinning?'

"The universe was born spinning and continues to do so around a preferred axis"

The Universe spins around a preferred axis because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is in, a jet; a larger version of a black hole polar jet.

'Mysterious Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Tracked Deeper into Universe'

"The clusters appear to be moving along a line extending from our solar system toward Centaurus/Hydra, but the direction of this motion is less certain. Evidence indicates that the clusters are headed outward along this path, away from Earth, but the team cannot yet rule out the opposite flow. "We detect motion along this axis, but right now our data cannot state as strongly as we'd like whether the clusters are coming or going," Kashlinsky said."

The clusters are headed along this path because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is in, a jet.

The following is an image analogous of the Universal jet.

The reason for the 'expansion' of the universe is the continual emission of aether into the Universal jet. Three dimensional space associated with the Universe itself is not expanding. What we see in our telescopes is the matter associated with the Universe moving outward and away from the Universal jet emission point. In the image above, '1st Stars' is where aether condenses into matter.

Dark energy is aether emitted into the Universal jet.

It's not the Big Bang; it's the Big Ongoing.
If I didn't know any better I would say that you are just trying to sabatoge the ideas that you are giving out just to make people that make similar comments sound like cranks. The image you gave of this "universal jet" is not a jet. It is two dimensional slices of 3d space. The X dimension is time. So then the picture is two dimensional slices as they progress through time. If it had all three dimensions then it wouldn't look like a jet at all.

The universe is not spinning. If it was spinning then it would have a center that it was spinning around. Then objects closer to this center would spin faster than objects farther away. The expansion is the same across the universe so then this cannot be what is happening.
If I didn't know any better I would say that you are just trying to sabatoge the ideas that you are giving out just to make people that make similar comments sound like cranks. The image you gave of this "universal jet" is not a jet. It is two dimensional slices of 3d space. The X dimension is time. So then the picture is two dimensional slices as they progress through time. If it had all three dimensions then it wouldn't look like a jet at all.

The image more accurately reflects what is actually occurring physically in nature which is we are in a larger version of a black hole polar jet. The timeline more accurately reflects distance from the Universal jet emission point.


The universe is not spinning. If it was spinning then it would have a center that it was spinning around. Then objects closer to this center would spin faster than objects farther away. The expansion is the same across the universe so then this cannot be what is happening.

Your statement is refuted by the evidence.

'Was the universe born spinning?'

"The universe was born spinning and continues to do so around a preferred axis"

The Universe spins around a preferred axis because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is in, a jet; a larger version of a black hole polar jet.
The image more accurately reflects what is actually occurring physically in nature which is we are in a larger version of a black hole polar jet. The timeline more accurately reflects distance from the Universal jet emission point.


Your statement is refuted by the evidence.

'Was the universe born spinning?'

"The universe was born spinning and continues to do so around a preferred axis"

The Universe spins around a preferred axis because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is in, a jet; a larger version of a black hole polar jet.
"When asked if the preferred spin on a large scale could be induced by some other means, he agrees that, while it may be possible, a net universal spin would be simplest explanation and so probably the best-case scenario."

It could be the simplest explanation, but then it contradicts with the nature of the expansion of space. So then you would have to move to a more complicated explanation...

If the universe had a spin around the central axis in the picture, the galaxy's farther out from the center would move away faster than the ones closer to the center. The expansion actually acts like if you where just to blow that picture up to be larger.
"When asked if the preferred spin on a large scale could be induced by some other means, he agrees that, while it may be possible, a net universal spin would be simplest explanation and so probably the best-case scenario."

It could be the simplest explanation, but then it contradicts with the nature of the expansion of space. So then you would have to move to a more complicated explanation...

If the universe had a spin around the central axis in the picture, the galaxy's farther out from the center would move away faster than the ones closer to the center.
Exactly. And that is what was recently found. The Universe is speeding up.

Universe Speeding Up Discovery Wins Nobel Prize in Physics

"The expansion of the universe is speeding up."

The Universe itself is not expanding. The matter in the Universe speeds up as it travels further from the Universal jet emission point.

The expansion actually acts like if you where just to blow that picture up to be larger.

The expansion actually acts like a larger version of a black hole polar jet.

Dark energy is aether emitted into the Universal jet.

It's not the Big Bang; it's the Big Ongoing.