Lucid Dreaming


Registered Senior Member
Lucid dreaming, a report done in my psychology class is 2006.

To start, what is a lucid dream? A lucid dream is a induced visualization of the subconscious that the producer of the dream has at least partial control of the dream. Lucidness may be stated as controlling the environment, people or objects of the dream. As we continue, lucid dreaming has many plausible benefits which may include: Anything. The reason for that statement is that lucid dreaming is random at best and chaotic at worst. A person may have anywhere from as little as one a year or as most as three to five in a single night. I have studied this now for over two years and have come to the same conclusions. Lucid dreaming enhances the logical part of the brain. To take a dream into lucidness, one must first conclude that he/she is in a dream. This could be as easy as spotting a flying car or watching a pig fly but it may be as hard as real life. This is where the warning comes in. If you do not awaken if you are falling or drowning there is a possibility of being injured. I have had three close calls out of more than 3500 recorded lucid dreams in two years. The first was when I was eight. I was swimming and became tired, I sank into the water and could not breath. I awoke unable to breath for nearly two minutes. I awoke with a headache and terrified to sleep. The next occasion was falling from a building, as I fell I knew it was a dream, but then terror came over me. I could feel the wind. I awoke mid-air before I hit the ground. I fell from the bed. Finally, the last dream a Hmong had come over and threw a horse shoe at me and hit me in the face, sounds strange yes. Even stranger, I did not awake despite my pain. When I woke I noticed that my face still hurt.

Not that we are past the self testimony, I will explain how to increase the frequency of these dreams. Firstly, if you are unhappy and depressed you will have little or no luck at all dreaming for you more than likely find your day unfulfilled and wasteful. Therefore your conscious to subconscious transfer will not induce pleasant thoughts and turn into a nightmare rather quickly.

Recording of the previous dream unloads that memory from the human brain, you are no longer holing it in the subconscious but the subconscious may remember it vividly after it has been written. This has a two to three fold in the frequency of dreams.

To further increase the frequency of them there are many ways to induce a dream state but are mostly associated with a happy life, so whom ever reads this please take all necessary steps even as far as the job. There is nothing more important than happiness and these dreams are a result of that.

Now onto the studied part of Sleep

The sleep cycle takes as long as two hours and as little as one hour. This starts at level one where the mind and body become peaceful but conscious is still active

level two is when the conscious stops

level three is when the deep sleep starts, or the time between conscious and subconscious.

level four is something called REM (Rapid eye movement). At this point the body has a sense of all surrounding things, as explained I knew I was falling without knowing. The eyes move around looking in their sleep seeing things in the mind. Dreams may last for hours it seems but this is only a 10 to 15 minute interval. Your brain at this point is hyper active producing thoughts at nearly 1000% compared to the conscious, because it is the subconscious.

Onto conscious thought. The conscious may only take in up to and around 100 to 120 threads per second. A thread is a thought, object, sound, anything that requires attention or focus.

The subconscious may have up and past 1 million threads per millisecond which makes the human brains subconscious around the speed of the fastest computer in the world. it may be between 1 to 14 ghz in mental prowess.

Happiness is key to everything, cause when you are happy, you are fulfilled.
Dreams are a sign of fulfillment, don't let anything stop you. This is only in part of a three hour presentation broken up over a 6 day period.
As we continue, lucid dreaming has many plausible benefits which may include: Anything.
Kind of loose on the benefits, neh?
Any proof?

The reason for that statement is that lucid dreaming is random at best and chaotic at worst.
Then there isn't any control: therefore it doesn't fit YOUR definition of lucid dreaming...

A person may have anywhere from as little as one a year or as most as three to five in a single night.
I find both figures to be unbelievably large.

I have studied this now for over two years and have come to the same conclusions.
The same conclusions as whom?

Lucid dreaming enhances the logical part of the brain.
Not on the evidence so far.

To take a dream into lucidness, one must first conclude that he/she is in a dream. This could be as easy as spotting a flying car or watching a pig fly but it may be as hard as real life.
I ALWAYS know that I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming.

This is where the warning comes in. If you do not awaken if you are falling or drowning there is a possibility of being injured.
3 out of 3500 = 0.09%. You'd have a hard time reducing the odds of injury to that low value just standing in a building.

I awoke unable to breath for nearly two minutes.
You couldn't breathe for two minutes or you had difficulty breathing for two minutes? There IS a slight difference....

The next occasion was falling from a building, as I fell I knew it was a dream, but then terror came over me. I could feel the wind. I awoke mid-air before I hit the ground. I fell from the bed. Finally, the last dream a Hmong had come over and threw a horse shoe at me and hit me in the face, sounds strange yes. Even stranger, I did not awake despite my pain. When I woke I noticed that my face still hurt.
Have you investigated and eliminated the possibility that the dream was induced by the fall (or punching yourself in the face somehow).
If not then the anecdote is of zero value.

Therefore your conscious to subconscious transfer will not induce pleasant thoughts and turn into a nightmare rather quickly.
But since it would be a lucid (i.e. controlled) nightmare that's irrelevant, no? Just turn it around and make it happy.

Dreams may last for hours it seems but this is only a 10 to 15 minute interval.
Hours? Not one to five years then?

Your brain at this point is hyper active producing thoughts at nearly 1000% compared to the conscious, because it is the subconscious.
Source for this 1000% value?

Onto conscious thought. The conscious may only take in up to and around 100 to 120 threads per second. A thread is a thought, object, sound, anything that requires attention or focus.
The subconscious may have up and past 1 million threads per millisecond which makes the human brains subconscious around the speed of the fastest computer in the world.
120 threads per second versus 1 million per millisecond is actually nearer 1 million%.

it may be between 1 to 14 ghz in mental prowess.
Mental prowess?

Happiness is key to everything, cause when you are happy, you are fulfilled.
Or maybe, just maybe, when you are fulfilled you are happy.
Cart before the horse.

Dreams are a sign of fulfillment,
No they aren't: dreams are a natural function and even "unfulfilled" people have them.

This is only in part of a three hour presentation broken up over a 6 day period.
Three hours of the lives of how many people that'll never be used for anything worthwhile.
Crying shame.
Lucid dreams promote the understanding of logic, logic was formed from chaos. The benefits are too numerous to list. Logic is the path to understanding. Not emotion or any other human thing. The fact is unhappy people do not have lucid dreams, or dreams, they have nightmares. The study concluded that there is around a 14% chance of establishing control of the dream. Creation may then ensue. This is imagining such as a new place or thing whereas it did not previously exist. I have had dreams of dashing on the moon so vivid I saw the suit I was wearing. Not bulky or white, but black with soft hydolics (sorry poor speller) that contured the human body. Lucid dreaming unlocks parts of the brain never studied before in psychology. New things are about to happen to us all. Many changes are about to come.
Lucid dreaming, a report done in my psychology class is 2006.

Hope you passed the class.

To start, what is a lucid dream? A lucid dream is a induced visualization of the subconscious that the producer of the dream has at least partial control of the dream.

Incorrect. A lucid dream is a dream (i.e. hallucinatory simulation) where the dreamer realizes the experience is a dream.

Lucidness may be stated as controlling the environment, people or objects of the dream.

Incorrect. Lucidness is the realization that a dream is a dream.

As we continue, lucid dreaming has many plausible benefits which may include: Anything. The reason for that statement is that lucid dreaming is random at best and chaotic at worst.

That was a great way to say absolutely nothing.

A person may have anywhere from as little as one a year or as most as three to five in a single night.

Can you show me the data for that statistic?

I have studied this now for over two years and have come to the same conclusions. Lucid dreaming enhances the logical part of the brain.

I would have to agree with your conclusion; however, your reason for the it isn't clear. I would assert that the enhancement is a result of being able to detect differences between reality and hallucination while having reduced brain functionality.

To take a dream into lucidness, one must first conclude that he/she is in a dream. This could be as easy as spotting a flying car or watching a pig fly but it may be as hard as real life.

That's the definition of a lucid dream. There are of course ways to nearly always tell that you're dreaming.

This is where the warning comes in. If you do not awaken if you are falling or drowning there is a possibility of being injured.

No there isn't.

I have had three close calls out of more than 3500 recorded lucid dreams in two years. The first was when I was eight. I was swimming and became tired, I sank into the water and could not breath. I awoke unable to breath for nearly two minutes. I awoke with a headache and terrified to sleep.

If you couldn't breathe while conscious, chances are that is what caused the dream content of suffocating (not the other way around). Also, I doubt you were unable to breathe for almost two minutes while awake... you would have passed out by then at eight years old and your autonomic system would have restored your breathing.

The next occasion was falling from a building, as I fell I knew it was a dream, but then terror came over me. I could feel the wind. I awoke mid-air before I hit the ground. I fell from the bed.

Falling from your bed wasn't caused by the dream's content. It was a result of your reaction to waking up in a panic and being clumsy.

Finally, the last dream a Hmong had come over and threw a horse shoe at me and hit me in the face, sounds strange yes. Even stranger, I did not awake despite my pain. When I woke I noticed that my face still hurt.

How long did the pain last? If it was more than a minute then you may have hit your face in your sleep resulting in the dream content.

Not that we are past the self testimony, I will explain how to increase the frequency of these dreams. Firstly, if you are unhappy and depressed you will have little or no luck at all dreaming for you more than likely find your day unfulfilled and wasteful.

Incorrect. Everyone dreams every day regardless of disposition.

Therefore your conscious to subconscious transfer will not induce pleasant thoughts and turn into a nightmare rather quickly.

That kind of contradicted what you just said about not dreaming.

Recording of the previous dream unloads that memory from the human brain, you are no longer holing it in the subconscious but the subconscious may remember it vividly after it has been written. This has a two to three fold in the frequency of dreams.

I call bullshit. If you don't have a memory of something then a written story can't recall a vivid memory of something that doesn't exist.

To further increase the frequency of them there are many ways to induce a dream state but are mostly associated with a happy life, so whom ever reads this please take all necessary steps even as far as the job. There is nothing more important than happiness and these dreams are a result of that.

I call bullshit again. If you want to increase the frequency of lucid dreaming then a good way to do it is to wake up and go back to sleep. This will nearly put you into REM sleep. The next step is to look at your watch several times in a row. While your brain is good at simulating alot of things, it stinks at simulating text from human language. Numbers are no different. One moment your watch might say 9:30, the next it might say 'space invaders', and many times it's display will simply be blurry / incoherent. When you see that behavior then you know that your experience is hallucinatory.

Now onto the studied part of Sleep

The sleep cycle takes as long as two hours and as little as one hour. This starts at level one where the mind and body become peaceful but conscious is still active

level two is when the conscious stops

level three is when the deep sleep starts, or the time between conscious and subconscious.

level four is something called REM (Rapid eye movement). At this point the body has a sense of all surrounding things, as explained I knew I was falling without knowing. The eyes move around looking in their sleep seeing things in the mind.

You need to take a biology class. For starters the human sleep cycle last an average of 8 hours.

Dreams may last for hours it seems but this is only a 10 to 15 minute interval. Your brain at this point is hyper active producing thoughts at nearly 1000% compared to the conscious, because it is the subconscious.

Incorrect on all counts. A single REM cycle can last up to two hours. Your brain is operating in a reduced state while dreaming... which is why it is difficult to think clearly in a dream.

Onto conscious thought. The conscious may only take in up to and around 100 to 120 threads per second. A thread is a thought, object, sound, anything that requires attention or focus.

The subconscious may have up and past 1 million threads per millisecond which makes the human brains subconscious around the speed of the fastest computer in the world. it may be between 1 to 14 ghz in mental prowess.

I call bullshit. Show me how you measured all this. While the human brain has the processing power of many super-computers all at once, I do want to see how you define and measure conscious and subconscious thoughts. I think the field of neuroscience would like to do that.

Happiness is key to everything, cause when you are happy, you are fulfilled.
Dreams are a sign of fulfillment, don't let anything stop you. This is only in part of a three hour presentation broken up over a 6 day period.

I would have given your paper an F. Clearly you are making most of it up.
Lucid dreams promote the understanding of logic,

logic was formed from chaos.

The benefits are too numerous to list.
And apparently too nebulous. So far you haven't named even one.

Logic is the path to understanding. Not emotion or any other human thing.
Wishful thinking. There are many ways of understanding.

The fact is unhappy people do not have lucid dreams, or dreams, they have nightmares.
Rubbish: even happy people have nightmares, unhappy people can have dreams.

The study concluded that there is around a 14% chance of establishing control of the dream.
So that would be why you made the statement:
lucid dreaming is random at best and chaotic at worst.

Creation may then ensue.
Creation? Of...?

This is imagining such as a new place or thing whereas it did not previously exist.
Imagining is NOT creation.

I have had dreams of dashing on the moon so vivid I saw the suit I was wearing. Not bulky or white, but black with soft hydolics (sorry poor speller) that contured the human body.
Very useful. Not.
What's the advantage of "soft hydraulics" covering the body?

Lucid dreaming unlocks parts of the brain never studied before in psychology.
Some strange assumptions here: what makes you think that psychology has previously ignored parts of the brain? Sheer laziness? And how do you know that lucid dreaming "unlocks" parts of the brain?

New things are about to happen to us all. Many changes are about to come.
Sounds like you're going to be prime woo woo material....
Define "lucid dream", so far this this guy's only managed to contradict the only definition he's given.
And like I said, I always* know when I'm dreaming, but since I know I'm dreaming my only response is: let's see what what my subconscious throws up, this could be interesting.

* obviously I can only state this with any certainty for the dreams I remember, apparently some dreams happen without being remembered. :D
Anyone else have lucid dreams where they can manipulate anything in the dream?
I have had several lucid dreams. I used to have many more as a child but they are less common now I am older.

Yes I can manipulate anything I want. I specifically remember as a child being able to change my dream just like a tv set. I could instantly place myself in any situation in any time with anything I wanted. I spent most of the time flying around.

The most recent lucid dream I had, I was walking up a staircase when I had the realization I was dreaming. I looked to my left and walked through the window that was there and everything was just so vivid. Well I jumped of course and started to fly just like the old times. Manifesting things at will.

In many ways it is more intense that reality itself.
I can only hope death is not just a blackout, and instead some crazy lucid dream.
Lucid Dreams or Out of Body Experience

I have had lucid dreams and have also experienced what I think is out of body experience but again it can be ripped apart by anyone asking for proof. I have also read that as your IQ level increases so does your dreams. Having read William Buhlman's books I believe there is a quantum physics explanation to what we connect to when we sleep or have these OBEs. There needs to be an official research done by some premier institute on these things which affect all of mankind rather than creating wars and nuclear weapons. It is very cool to rip apart a person statement line by line trying make him feel like a fool but on some of these thread a person does not say anything because he has an agenda but he has experienced something which he wants to share. Unlike religion thread where people are peddling Jesus and Islam these threads are to be read a open chapters to unresolved worlds.
Anyone else have lucid dreams where they can manipulate anything in the dream?

I've had regular and lucid dreams with a high, medium, and low degree of environmental control. The longer my dream lasts the rate of natural change slows down and the less control I will have. I suspect it's a result of a tired mind becoming fresh with rest.
I have had several lucid dreams. I used to have many more as a child but they are less common now I am older.

Yes I can manipulate anything I want. I specifically remember as a child being able to change my dream just like a tv set. I could instantly place myself in any situation in any time with anything I wanted. I spent most of the time flying around.

The most recent lucid dream I had, I was walking up a staircase when I had the realization I was dreaming. I looked to my left and walked through the window that was there and everything was just so vivid. Well I jumped of course and started to fly just like the old times. Manifesting things at will.

In many ways it is more intense that reality itself.

Isn't it just fun to walk through solid structures in dreams? It's something I've done alot in the past 10 years or so just because it feels so awesome.
I can only hope death is not just a blackout, and instead some crazy lucid dream.

All evidence shows that when you die, all the functions of your brain (emotion, instinct, perception, memory, etc.) eventually cease. Without those functions, there is no experience. It's probably better to invest hope in something real.
I have had lucid dreams and have also experienced what I think is out of body experience but again it can be ripped apart by anyone asking for proof.
Having read William Buhlman's books I believe there is a quantum physics explanation to what we connect to when we sleep or have these OBEs.
There needs to be an official research done by some premier institute on these things which affect all of mankind rather than creating wars and nuclear weapons.

Out of body experiences are replicable via several different ways. All studies in the past 10 years or so (and there have been quite a few) show that OOBEs are hallucinatory.

I have also read that as your IQ level increases so does your dreams.

Dreams don't generically "increase / decrease", so you might want to be clearer about what you are saying. Regardless, I would bet the farm that the only things higher intelligence results in dream-wise are better outcomes to the simulations and more accurate realization that a dream is a dream.

It is very cool to rip apart a person statement line by line trying make him feel like a fool but on some of these thread a person does not say anything because he has an agenda but he has experienced something which he wants to share.

There's nothing wrong with sharing an experience. There is soemthing wrong about claiming an experience is the result of *insert your fantasy here*. That would be a lie or delusion. There is also something wrong with creating a 'research paper' that is entirely made up. Even though this sub-forum is pretty much loaded with 'woo-woo' topics, this site is still a science site... which means pro-truth and evidence.

Unlike religion thread where people are peddling Jesus and Islam these threads are to be read a open chapters to unresolved worlds.

Religion, pseudoscience, and parapsychology are pretty much one in the same.
Well I jumped of course and started to fly just like the old times.

I often flew in my dreams as a child and young adult, but over time the frequency has slowly diminished to the point of near nonexistence. I think the last time for me was about five years ago. And, damn, I used to have a ball doing it... :D

Anyway, the question of why the sensation of flying seems to have more or less disappeared from my dreams has intrigued me for a while.

a. Does pretty much everyone experience flight in their dreams at some point?
b. Does this experience generally go away over time for most people?
c. If so, why?
I often flew in my dreams as a child and young adult, but over time the frequency has slowly diminished to the point of near nonexistence. I think the last time for me was about five years ago. And, damn, I used to have a ball doing it... :D

Anyway, the question of why the sensation of flying seems to have more or less disappeared from my dreams has intrigued me for a while.

a. Does pretty much everyone experience flight in their dreams at some point?
b. Does this experience generally go away over time for most people?
c. If so, why?

a) I've actually met a few people whom don't remember ever flying in dreams... but they are a minority. I've observed that most people do experience flying in dreams.
b) I've observed that for many people the frequency of special dream experiences (like flying) is reduced with age.
c) Dreams are hallucinatory simulations that are used to exercise the mind. When younger, those simulations can result in better decisions when awake and improve your chances of survival (being smaller and weaker). When you are an adult you are bigger and stronger so your body doesn't waste as much energy on specialty night-time simulation. I don't know what the survival value of flying dreams is; however, I suspect it's an exercise of control / empowerment which would feed into emotional health.
Last edited:
a) I've actually met a few people whom don't remember ever flying in dreams... but they are a minority. I've observed that most people do experience flying in dreams.
b) I've observed that for many people the frequency of special dream experiences (like flying) is reduced with age.
c) Dreams are hallucinatory simulations that are used to exercise the mind. When younger, those simulations can result in better decisions when awake and improve your chances of survival (being smaller and weaker). When you are an adult you are bigger and stronger so your body doesn't waste as much energy on night-time simulation. I don't know what the survival value of flying dreams is; however, I suspect it's an exercise of control / empowerment which would feed into emotional health.

Thank you, Crunchy Cat. :)

Very concise and informative. I was especially interested in "b", because I tried to find an answer on the net once (granted, a very long time ago) but was unable to locate anything relevant. As to "c", just curious, but is that theory mainstream? I truly do not know. Wondering if it was mostly educated guess, opinion or scientific study? I'm not asking for links or anything, just your assessment.

Thanks again...
Thank you, Crunchy Cat. :)

Very concise and informative. I was especially interested in "b", because I tried to find an answer on the net once (granted, a very long time ago) but was unable to locate anything relevant.

You're welcome,

I've seen that question pop up alot on the net and usually scores of people chime in "yeah I've noticed that too".

As to "c", just curious, but is that theory mainstream? I truly do not know. Wondering if it was mostly educated guess, opinion or scientific study? I'm not asking for links or anything, just your assessment.

Thanks again...

It's the theory that has been dominant for few years and it's very well supported with direct and indirect experimental evidence.