Lucid dreaming


Yes, dreaming only occurs in REM sleep. Night Terrors and Somnambulism occur during slow-wave sleep, particularily in Stage 4, right before REM sleep.

In night terrors there doesn't seem to be any actual "dream material". It's almost completely emotional based. If you wake someone up from a terror, they won't recall what was happening but can recall certain emotions - fear anger etc.

In sleep walking, a person isn't acting out a dream, as commonly thought. Or at least there doesn't seem to be a dream. There is another disorder called REM without atonia in which the person will act out the dreams. REM paralysis is no longer present, this can be very dangerous, but is also very rare. -This occurs in the REM stage.

I don't know how this fits into your enema theory - you have to decide for yourself. I'm guessing that your theory states that sleep is the time to resolve and get rid of the shit. I agree to an extent but also there is good evidence that REM is a time for learning and integration, but this also means getting rid of the shit.

I would personally suggest that Night Terrors and Sleep Walking are kind of like dreams, but without all-the-right-equipment-turned-on. They seem to only appear in the stage right before REM. For instance, Night Terrors are like dreams but without rational content turned on, only emotional. Sleep walking is like a dream but without the rational stuff and paralysis turned on. This is just my hunch.
I think dreaming is both a mental enema and assimilating new knowledge and such. It's the brain sorting itself out in all things. But I think dreaming is such for the conscious mind which has to interact with the world outside. And night terrors and other disorders of that stage of sleep seem to me the same for the subconscious mind; both assimilating things, and a mental enema for the subconcsious, generally sorting things out or trying to.
Drawbacks of Lucid Dreaming

Caveat: Because I do not know the technical definition of "lucid dreaming" used by sleep researchers, I may not be addressing the drawbacks of true lucid dreaming.

My definition of "lucid dreaming": What I do and call lucid dreaming is a state in which I'm already in a "normal" dream (no matter how bizarre its content) and my "conscious" mind becomes aware of the dream. Any number of things can happen at this point, but these revolve around two reactions (which may both be present): (1) I start analyzing the dream--e.g. as someone said re: the movie trailer influencing the dream, I realize during the dream that I'm only seeing something because it's left over from a recent experience; (2) my conscious mind, unsatisfied with the dream's content, starts making changes (frustrating sometimes because my "dream mind" has a will of its own and often matches the change, putting me in a new peril and on and on in a battle between the two minds).

Drawbacks: You "wake up" feeling like you didn't get any sleep at all. The phenomenon is probably related to the fact that I also talk in my sleep (at one point, during intensive language studies, I even talked in Russian while I was asleep), used to sleepwalk extensively and still have mini sleepwalking experiences (e.g. will try to hold a conversation with someone who is talking to me while I'm still asleep).

Upside: If you're overly cerebral (which I've been accused of more than once), it's more hours of analysis and very creative analysis--can have epiphanies on work/school problems.

/s/ maleris

I think dreaming is both a mental enema and assimilating new knowledge and such.

I definitely agree with that. There are some theories that deal with Theta waves and memory that support both assimilation and enema happens.

But I think dreaming is such for the conscious mind which has to interact with the world outside.

That's kind of what I think... From what I understand with perception is that the brain is getting all sorts of sampled chunks of information from the environment, which forms a fuzzy picture. The brain fills in the gaps, makes images clear and pristine. What you are seeing right now is mostly made up.

All of this information being passed around in the brain during REM sleep is also being observed by centers in the brain that normally put those sampled chunks together (guess I can't name anything exact right now, would guess frontal lobe and parietal lobes), and tries to make a clear and pristine picture and situation. This is why dreams seem disjointed, but not a bunch of random chunks.

Lately I've been having really weird dreams which take place in the same surreal environment almost every night. I can even draw a map of it.
There's a big ancient gothic church and an old cemetery near it, then there is a forest near the church and a huge grass field nearby and then I remember my house back from when I lived in russia and three swimming pools two of which are smaller that the third.
I can also recall a sea or a lake nearby, but I can't place it on the map. I don't know its' exact place...
So every time I see that church or anything from the thing I've listed, I know it's a dream and that happens about three times a week, and everytime it's a lucid dream, but sometimes I loose control of them and they become really scary and twisted, especially after experiencing something spooky, even after watching a horror movie or something.
Once I had a dream where I went to the forest and there was that tree to which I came close and when I looked on it's branches, I saw amputated human wrists growing on it. They were flapping in the breeze and making weird sounds. After that I entered a wooden hut near that tree and it was full of body parts. The dream took place at night.
I woke up in cold sweat and I couldn't fall back asleep till the morning. That was like totally sick and twisted.
Sometimes there are "happy" dreams.
I recall one where I was flying in a bathtub (don't ask) on a sunny day over a grass field and... that's... it.
The weird thing is that I can remember only a dream, be it sick or "happy", which takes place around that church. Nowhere else.
Don't know why it's a church. I'm Jewish... :confused:
Has anyone experienced anything similar?
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May be you are seeing thru someone else's eyes. That person could be broadcasting the intense experience and you picked on a quantum entangled way....

Could be in another time or another earth....too....

There are trillions of possibilities.
oho..?? just oho!...nothing but oho?...that is all you have to say?...and I booted my computer just to read oho?...shame on you...:D
Neep Help?

Well my dreaming is somewhat very weird (i think) For about a year now i have been having dreams where i know im dreaming i fall asleep already knowing im gonna be dreaming so when start sleeping i know if anything happens b4 i wake up its gonna be a dream but the problem is when im in my dream i talk to my dream and tell the dream that i know everything that is happening is not true and that its all a dream as soon i say that to my dream my heart stiffen's really firmly and i have to wake up cause i have severve pain in my heart. I can control my dream if i dont like it i can just wake up and i try to move myself cause i know movement wakes me up so its kinda weird...Some1 told me im figuring out my dreams and how they work and so therefore my brain doesnt alowe it to happen.. Please help if any1 knows what this is and if its normal.:confused:
I try not to be Lucid in my dreams , well not totally be lucid as if I control everything. Cuz I believe your dreams are from your higher self mixed in with your mind, and you got to find the answers your higher self is giving you cuz your mind is interfering, thats why I dont try to be too lucid. I would guess I'm an observer, even though its wierd sometimes cuz I would begin to notice myself doing things but Im not consciously doing it.
Anyway that martial arts thing ... hehe yes I've tried that too lol, i guess the question now is who hasnt =). But I belive you can learn moves and such but its much easier in dreams to actually do it, so plz dont try it when you wake up lol. But i guess thats the first step in learning is through the mind =) , then your body but you'd have to be very dedicated. Like those karate people say its the power of the Mind and Body, but I would guess ego would be very powerfull if you knew what kind of power you have, thats why they add Mind, Body, and Spirit =) , which I try to remember when I meditate for some reason. But anyway Lucid Dreaming is more dangerous than what people think, yes i know you can't get hurt while in dream... even though i woke up with sore chest after being shot in chest in a dream. But its dangerous to the mind, cuz you remember lucid dreams more clrearly in than most. And when your dreaming your in a higher dimension/higher frequency. And from what i read in the former Likes Attract and in the latter Likes Repel. But the thing about being in this higher dimension of dreaming, is that ego can easily take over when lucid and you can start thinking of bad things only for it to come true in the dream making it a nightmare. Cuz I believe dreaming is you in your higher self and when you realize your dreaming your mind starts to do its work , interfering.
Im not too sure how to say what I'm saying but I know what I feel about it. MIND-BODY-SPIRIT goes for dreams too i think, your dream being your true self, your body being your mind/lucid, and if you have spirit you would think of only good / attracting good.

Thnx Bye
that's wierd though, i always get the feeling that this isn't earth, i'm dreaming while i'm actually awake, i'm not real, life is a dream, then something happens.
One word: Punctuation! :p :D

Lucid dreaming for me consists of sleeping with my eyes slightly ajar, and waking up in a dream repeatedly until reality becomes a dream. Scary.

that's wierd though, i always get the feeling that this isn't earth, i'm dreaming while i'm actually awake, i'm not real, life is a dream, then something happens.
Like daydreaming?

Btw, nice takeover of the threads in Parapsychology. :D I was like, whoa...even I can't match that. And Welcome to SciForums, DJFreak! :)
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How do you STOP lucid dreaming?!?

I have been a lucid dreamer all my life. It sucks. I wish I could just have a dream where things happened like they normally should in dreams. Instead, it takes only a few seconds (dreamtime) for me to realize I'm dreaming. Then the unpredictability of dreams ceases to exist. It's maddening. It's like being a supreme overlord of everything and having everybody bowing and scraping before you when just once you want somebody to disagree with you. Everything goes exactly as you had planned or thought and there's very little genuine "holy crap! where did THAT come from?" involved. It might sound great in real life, but in dreams it sucks.
Re: Drawbacks of Lucid Dreaming

Wow, that's strange. I've never heard of anyone that couldn't stop having lucid dreams. I don't know how to help you on that one. I'll give it some thought.
Originally posted by maleris
My definition of "lucid dreaming": What I do and call lucid dreaming is a state in which I'm already in a "normal" dream (no matter how bizarre its content) and my "conscious" mind becomes aware of the dream. Any number of things can happen at this point, but these revolve around two reactions (which may both be present): (1) I start analyzing the dream--e.g. as someone said re: the movie trailer influencing the dream, I realize during the dream that I'm only seeing something because it's left over from a recent experience.
I agree with this definition.
Drawbacks: You "wake up" feeling like you didn't get any sleep at all. The phenomenon is probably related to the fact that I also talk in my sleep (at one point, during intensive language studies, I even talked in Russian while I was asleep), used to sleepwalk extensively and still have mini sleepwalking experiences (e.g. will try to hold a conversation with someone who is talking to me while I'm still asleep).
Doesn't happen to me. When I have lucid dreams, I still feel like I've had a normal nights sleep.
I have had one lucid dreams and in it my eyes exploded. Scared the crap out of me! How would I go about trying to lucid dream again? Id really like to.

Qxygen in my mind your damn lucky to be able to do that.
I don't know, Counselor. It gets pretty annoying. Last night I actually had an experience that I had to record, however. I was walking in downtown Modesto, which only stood to figure since I had walked there all day that day. I went through my usual routine, willing a cup of coffee into my hand and summoning up whatever I wanted. The day was kind of gloomy, so I willed it into a nice, sunny day and took a stroll down by the Brendan theaters. On two sides of that building are murals depicting life in California's Central Valley, the farms and the industry. As I looked at them, however, words melted through the murals.

"It will happen in forty days what you do not want to happen in 100."

I knew that the message was important, so when I woke up I looked at the calendar. The 40th day will be November 24th, a Sunday.

I confess, I am worried. My father has colon cancer and decided not to go through with the surgery, which he didn't stand a good chance of surviving anyway. (He's 76 and not in the best of health.) The last time I had a message this clear it gave a date of September 11th, but not the year. When something else happened on September 11th, 1993, I thought that had been it. I breathed a sigh of relief having gotten through it all right. (It had been a major auto accident involving five cars including mine, which was pulled from the bottom of the heap.)

I can only hope that 40 days is not all my father has left. It was a pretty intense message. Anyway, you guys are my witnesses to this message. I'll let you all know if anything happens. :confused: