Love created God

Re: Re: Re: Love created God

Here, let me help...

GB-Gil Trans Global wrote:
Ekimklaw, I think you should really stop being mean to Fen, as you often make claims identical to his/hers/its.

First, You have never seen me be mean. Second, your attempt to place Fen and me in the same category is a blatant attempt to nullify my position, by linking it to Fen's position, when there is clearly NO similarity between them.

GB-Gil Trans Global wrote:
Such as something along the lines of "I believe Jesus is Savior because he rose from the dead."

I believe this because I believe the Bible is the word of God and it tells me that Jesus rose. Based on that and other things, I believe. Contact me if you want the "other things"...

GB-Gil Trans Global wrote:
Well, can you give us some proof? Oh yes, proof from scripture. Yes, thankyou for your proof that Christ is Savior.

Can you give me proof that King Richard III existed?

GB-Gil Trans Global wrote:
And often I've seen you argue that since Christianity and Christians have done so much good for the world, Christianity must be the TRUE religion.

Find anywhere that I have made this assertion.

GB-Gil Trans Global wrote:
What about all the bad it's done?

Sin is bad. When sinful man controls something, no matter what name it goes under, or what banner it flies, or in whose name deeds are done... the question comes down to good vs. evil, as it relates to *sin*.

Oh yes, and actually GB, there is more in common between the bilge that Fen spouted and your inane Cthulhu nonsense. For instance...

GB-Gil Trans Global wrote:
You cannot really reject Cthulhu, everybody knows, deep down in their hearts, that Cthulhu loathes them, and they yearn for him to rise from his tomb at R'lyeh and take them to paradise such as the world has never seen before. However, some people choose to hide from this part of themselves, and they pretend that they believe in something called "god", a very idiotic notion which I believe to be a highly irrational misinterpretation of the great Cthulhu.

See? :D :D :D :D

Nobody is stupid

I merely meant to say that the quantized computer surrounding your inquantized infinite storage is somewhat lacking. You yourself are free will and the infinite inquantized storage. You were created by Love.
Originally posted by Xev

A: Welcome to sciforums
B: Nice Mandelbrot.
C: Another athiest! We're taking over!


Why do you say that love exists without a biological basis? And what do you mean by "force"?

For that matter, what do you mean by "love"?

Why does the number 3 exist without 1 apple and 2 oranges? Ponder that.
Can you give me proof that King Richard III existed?

I don't know why Ekimklaw, but this statement made me laugh out loud, not antagonistically. It just seemed to sum up so much for me, what a fantastic statement!

King Richard III existed just as much as Jesus did! if not less so! I feel enlightened somehow, i'm serious. Jesus as a concious entity in our mindset has contributed and affected our lives far more than Richard III... albeit in war as well as peace... I have never pondered anything like this before.
Fen, can you start giving answers instead of imposing impossible (impossibly incoherent) questions?

If you started this to induce Flame . Congrats.
It seems quite likely that Fen is just another joke by a bunch of the atheists on this site.

Anyway, in the chance that he's not....

Why does three exist without one apple and two oranges?

1) your question makes no sense
2) how do you know three exists without one and two?

Fen - you will very soon learn that among sciforums users you will be like a character to laugh about over a drink some night in a small tavern. In short, you're quickly becoming one of the dumbest members I've seen. And there's been some really dumb members.
Let me get this straight. If love created god, then surely hate will kill him. Excellent, I now have a weapon so I can kill this warlord and free humanity.