love and relationships


Registered Senior Member
ok, this is a thread where we can talk about our problems, and get so advice about things , ok , have at it
ooooh.. errrgg..

Is it alright if I just lie here moaning in pain? Don't mind me.

*clutches chest*
eerrmmmmm... ooooooerg.....
Is iced_earth offering a counselling service or is there a specific problem the frozen one would like to bring to a larger group?

We're all ears honey:)

And porfiry...
Don't lie there in pain. Move to the corner dammit;)
Problem ...

I'll be sixty-nine next month and because of high blood pressure cannot
take Viagara and am therefore only good for two or three times a week.

Help me :confused:
If you can get sex three or four times a week you are doing better than me and I'm a young guy. :)
Deus ...

Who said anything about 'sex'?

Just getting it up two or three times a week is an accomplishment!

Take care :D
(shakes head then mutters:) god...

iced earth your creation has gone horribly wrong ,I'll notify the authorities immediately.
I am too confused and lonely at the moment to talk. I think I'll just move to the corner with Porfiry and drink some booze to the blues.
Originally posted by Pollux V
(shakes head then mutters:) god...

iced earth your creation has gone horribly wrong ,I'll notify the authorities immediately.

i agree fullheartly

"what have i done" :::falls to the ground::: "what have i done"

While there's no sex happening, maybe on your thrice weekly rising you could hire your self out to people with more money than sense.

You could be a coat hook, a tulip planter, rolling pin may be tricky.
How about a model in a sausage factory.

The endless possibilities will open a whole new world for you, sex will become a nonsense and you can live out your years in luxury.

Or perhaps you should just take the viagra and to hell with it:D

Make room in the corner guys I brung a bottle!
Well ... bbcboy ...

You see, it's not for me; it's for Lillith.

Ever since she's been a kitten she ...

I'm sorry, I'm just too embarassed.

Take care, and save a few dollops for me.

:D :D :D ;)
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DRagging this thread kicking and screaming on topic.

Any suggestions on what to do with a 5 1/2 yr old daughter with borderline ADD/Hyperactivity who can't sleep. I mean, she goes to bed at 9pm most nights then falls asleep in school. We put her to bed at 7pm but spend 2 hours putting her back to bed, repeatedly, every day. She is so impatient that in between asking for a drink and getting it she will ask for 20 other things, wanders off and forgets what she wanted, and why.

Also, suggestions on dealing with a 4 year old recovering from surgery (fundoplication to cure a hiatus hernia) who has little or no bowel control and severe constipation. The medicos keep prescribing stronger drugs but all they do is knock is her side ways. It severely affects her mood and makes her tired.

They share a room BTW.

A wife who can't control the situation and a 1 yr old chucked in the mix.

Any suggestions on managing this? :confused:
Re: DRagging this thread kicking and screaming on topic.

Originally posted by thed
Any suggestions on what to do with a 5 1/2 yr old daughter with borderline ADD/Hyperactivity who can't sleep. I mean, she goes to bed at 9pm most nights then falls asleep in school. We put her to bed at 7pm but spend 2 hours putting her back to bed, repeatedly, every day. She is so impatient that in between asking for a drink and getting it she will ask for 20 other things, wanders off and forgets what she wanted, and why.

Also, suggestions on dealing with a 4 year old recovering from surgery (fundoplication to cure a hiatus hernia) who has little or no bowel control and severe constipation. The medicos keep prescribing stronger drugs but all they do is knock is her side ways. It severely affects her mood and makes her tired.

They share a room BTW.

A wife who can't control the situation and a 1 yr old chucked in the mix.

Any suggestions on managing this? :confused:


I understand your situation completely as I have been in almost exactly the same situation recently. My 19 month old has recently had severe constipation and very difficult times with bowel movements. The doctor prescribed "Miralax" which is "Polyethylene Glycol 3350, NF Powder". This has worked wonders. We have given it to our daughter and it works well. According to the doctor it is basically just the equivelent of a lubricant that acts internally and facilitates bowel movements. After just a few doses in my daughter's milk in the morning, she has had little problem with bowel movements. If we think she is having a problem, we just give her a couple of doses and she has a good bowel movement.

In regards to your daughter with ADD, my 12 year old step-daughter has ADD with Hyperactivity and also has severe emotional problems. If your daughter is actively taking medications such as ritalin, then I would suggest having the last afternoon dose reduced. We had a similar problem when my step daughter first started her medication. It made it very difficult for her to get to sleep in the evening if she had a full dose of her medication in the afternoon.

If there is no medication involved I would suggest keeping a strict schedule and sticking to it as much as you possibly can. Children with ADD perform better when they have strict schedules to follow.

Also, and this is key, one thing you need to know is that parents, especially mothers, of children of ADD are very prone to depression and the feeling that they are not good parents. You have to help your wife, and yourself, understand that your daughter with ADD is going to be a challenge. Trust me, I know. Parents with children who have ADD have can have an extremely challenging time raising their children and the best thing I can recommend is to find all of the books you can on the disease and read them. Unfortunately it has been many years since I read them so I don't have any recent titles that would be good. Find some and learn as much as you can about ADD and you can help yourself, your wife, and especially your daughter.

Our eldest is not on Ritalin and yes, she responds well to a strice regime. Too stict some may say but it is the only thing that works some times.

The funny thing is, after reading about ADD, I suspect I have/had it. My mother certainly does. Having two hyperactives in the room is, errrr, interesting. :p

I have been diagnosed with ADD and my son who is now in first grade has been suspected of having it. We have an appointment scheduled to have him evaluated. So now we may have 3 people with ADD in our family.

The interesting thing is that the oldest is my step-daughter and not a blood relation. She had spinal menengitis when she was a year and a half old. It caused her to be totally deaf in her left ear and I suspect it is the cause of her ADHD.
They wanted to put me on ritalin, but my parents wouldn't let them. My parents just realized that making me run around the house until I could no longer be hyper worked better than making me be quiet in a corner. Later participating in sports really helped channel my energy. I don't know if that's helpful or not.

I find it interesting that other than Thed most of the comments seem to relate to love life problems. I have the problem that the only women I meet that I really like are always in relationships and I feel like an ass breaking them up (if they didn't want to be with the person they wouldn't be and even if there are problems my thinking I would be better certainly has an underlying bias). However, they usually remain stable though unsatisfying (I always end up a friend - despite sex being fun I would never want to date someone I wouldn't want as a friend) or someone else breaks it up and the problem remains.

Is it actually wrong to go in and break up a relationship if you like someone? How does one go about doing that in a respectable way if it is ok?
Thed , Seeker I have no advice to you, you seem very well equipped to deal with your children , so continue to love them and have patience. :)

Scilo, yes, it´s wrong in my opinion, very wrong. :D

I have this theory

if you are in a relationship, married or not, then love is not the issue, it's a given. If you have kids, or not, love is the last thing on your mind. Kids, mortgage, debts and so on are. Certainly has been for me.

If you are not in a relationship Love is the only problem. Barring excess baggage such as divorce, previous debt and such like.

Prioities change with circumstance.
Scilo, I totally feel what you are saying. On one side, it is wrong to break someone up. But on the other, if you really like them and they like you. Its worse off for the other person to be cheating on their mate. Doesnt love suck?!?:confused:
Re: I have this theory

Originally posted by thed
if you are in a relationship, married or not, then love is not the issue, it's a given. If you have kids, or not, love is the last thing on your mind. Kids, mortgage, debts and so on are. Certainly has been for me.

If you are not in a relationship Love is the only problem. Barring excess baggage such as divorce, previous debt and such like.

Prioities change with circumstance.

You hit the nail on the head for me also.