Lord Krishna

I did not find much mention on the bluish green skin but i assure you it exist, even on the walls in eygpt.

And that was precisely the one I wanted some evidence for.
An Egyptian wall painting isn't going to cut it.

Also, I don't see how that first link has got anything at all to do with it.
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Well Enmos, it seems that their is no reference on the internet, would I would advise if you have a interest is to find a book on dermitology and skin disorders, the most comprehensive ones are at Universities.

Bluishgreen skin is occurs most frequently in asia, south asia and india as well the yellow pigmentation of the skin. There may be less documentation with western skin experts so you may have to look at a more exstenive book. As i vaguely remember their are more than one cause for the bluishgreen skin complextion.

Extremely black skin occurs in almost every group of humans, but you find seriously black people in africa.
Extremely White(blanc) skin pigmentaion is found more common that the others and as well in all groups of humans. you can quite frequent documentation on this occurance in Western Documentation, its common name is vitiligo ( Printed in even old books).

Red skin pigmentaion is also another well known, it called Port wine, this condition when prominate makes the skin look purple (purple skin).

Any one of the various skin pigment conditions could cover the whole body to part of the body, or exist as a birth mark.

I agree that it would be nice to have documentation on the occurance of bluishgreen skin on the internet to show as a example and gain insight. But i guess you really have to know what words to type in the search engine to get a list you want. International access would be nice as well.

Well Enmos, it seems that their is no reference on the internet, would I would advise if you have a interest is to find a book on dermitology and skin disorders, the most comprehensive ones are at Universities.

Bluishgreen skin is occurs most frequently in asia, south asia and india as well the yellow pigmentation of the skin. There may be less documentation with western skin experts so you may have to look at a more exstenive book. As i vaguely remember their are more than one cause for the bluishgreen skin complextion.

Extremely black skin occurs in almost every group of humans, but you find seriously black people in africa.
Extremely White(blanc) skin pigmentaion is found more common that the others and as well in all groups of humans. you can quite frequent documentation on this occurance in Western Documentation, its common name is vitiligo ( Printed in even old books).

Red skin pigmentaion is also another well known, it called Port wine, this condition when prominate makes the skin look purple (purple skin).

Any one of the various skin pigment conditions could cover the whole body to part of the body, or exist as a birth mark.

I agree that it would be nice to have documentation on the occurance of bluishgreen skin on the internet to show as a example and gain insight. But i guess you really have to know what words to type in the search engine to get a list you want. International access would be nice as well.


Well, one would expect that typing in "bluish green skin" or "blue green skin" would do it.
If you are right about blue-green skin color it has probably got something to do with some kind of horrible disease. There should be records of Krishna having such a disease, or at least records that he had a disease.
How old did he get ?
At what age did he first develop his skin color ? Or was he born with it ?
I would suggest he wouldn't have lived very long while showing this skin color..
Well i supposed that being born with bluishgreen skin would startle the village, much simular to a albino born in Africa ( of which i here is rather frequent in certain parts of africa). Thing is with many tribal groups such births are seen as messages from the gods ect... this seems to be the case in both east and western tribal groups. So when Krishna was born in his bluishgreen birthday suit they probally saw him as a divinty, simular to the a Dahli Lama and how buddist look at their incarnate profit (buddist are actually a branch of hindu), and like wish that rare occurance is probally the reason as well that we find bluishgreen people in eygptian hieroglyphs.

In the more advanced social groups it was probally directly related to the stars. The heavens if you will.

Even so this may not be the case human chemistry has changed over the hundreds of centuries and so chemical pigmentaion may have changed as well, the skin is the largest and second or third fastest growing organ in the human body which make it prone to gentic changes.
So appearantly Krishna lived more than 5,000 years ago according to record, in conjuction with the time dating of the hindu religon by scholars.

Another example of the extreme would be the hermophidte which was considered to be a God in some cultures.

But none the less, some people in current times have blue eye. and amoung the human race we also have people with red hair. where 85% of the people on our planet have Black hair, and at least 95% have black eyes.

Even so this may not be the case human chemistry has changed over the hundreds of centuries and so chemical pigmentaion may have changed as well, the skin is the largest and second or third fastest growing organ in the human body which make it prone to gentic changes.
I really don't think you know how genetics work.

But none the less, some people in current times have blue eye. and amoung the human race we also have people with red hair. where 85% of the people on our planet have Black hair, and at least 95% have black eyes.
This has got nothing to do with skin color. It is very well understand how people get their different eye, hair and skin colors.
Well Enmos, just what is it that make blue eyes blue. As you must know blue eyes have a tendency to fascinate many of the blacked people.

Very interesting link on eye color pigmentation, great reading it.

seems like it might be simular to the occurance of bluishgreen skin.

Very interesting link on eye color pigmentation, great reading it.

seems like it might be simular to the occurance of bluishgreen skin.


Uh.. lack of pigmentation brings out the tissue color itself. People have pinkish/white skin without pigmentation.
Its why you can have albino's in Africa.
Well i would tend to disagree abotu albinos in africa as we find under record albinos in africa, it seems undisputable.

It would be interesting to find a red haired person that has red skin (portwine) with the addition of red eyes. it would be starling a completely red person.

Really I think what we would be talking about in most of these cases is the exsterme condition, where the condition is very prominent. But none the less the growth rate was higher in past times than in current time according to record so prominent conditions may occur more frequent.

Like with white blanc skin it is probally a lack of pigment under high growth rates. Same for extreme black skin (Coal black in color).

I will still argue that if animals can produce vibrant skin colors such as yellow, blue, and greens ect... than humans could have at any time made a simular adjustment of skin color in the histrory of the human race.

Pictures of the Green God Osiris


And pictures of the Bluishgreen God Krishna (India)

This one is not Natural, but this man appearamtly turned his skin blue by drinking silver water and know it is permeant.


I don't think we should take the skin colour of saints literally. When dealing with such symbolic images, the skin colour itself is most likely symbolic.
For example, Osiris is the lord of the underworld, he was dead, so, to show it, you paint him green.
Well you see i do not see it that way, I actually think that Krishna and Osiris are painted those colors because they are those colors. Their colors represent a time when humans where of another skin color.

That symbolic meaning of skin colors reminds us of the time before now.

Since god is an archetype, a personification of nature, not a factual historical figure, I don't see how you can think about their skin colour. It's the same as the invisible pink unicorn.
Well its not that i define their personality or even divinity by thier skin color, its that i think that it is a way of teaching newer generations about life and histroy before them. ( but it is actualy their skin color)
