Looking at the Bright side of the Muslim Ummah

Proud_Muslim said:
Dear vienna, you are too coward, I reported you already to the admin of this forum, you will hear from them soon.

Oh good!

And you have reported me for .....what??

Having an opinion?

Or for recognising a loser when I see one? :D
Proud_Muslim said:
You should find out when the moderators contact you !! :rolleyes:

All your posts smack of immaturity, including this one.

Grow up child.

** Can any moderator please confirm that I am not using any alias.
avoid talking to the proud, but delduded muslim......

i've not seen a single comment from it that makes it seem intelligent....

just ignore it....please.
i doubt anyone on this thread knows anything about advanced logics of politcs or much about history but ill try and explain something to you.

anyway, empires (or superpower nowadays) run in the logic of a pendulam swing, it rises stays at a similar level and falls.

this is a logic that applies to all empires (roman,mulsim,greek,muggle,turkish, american superpoower,germany so on) anyway ALL empires and powers go on this logic in the past a pendulam swing could last hundreds of years so empires lasted this long. in mordern time the pendulam is cut MUCH shorter to about a century. in this century alone we have seen powers suddenly come and go it starts off with the Muslim empire officaly breaking, bristish empire then the german power rise and fall and then its rise again 20 years later and then america and russia and then russias fall and then America dominates alone. Muslims have had 2 major empires at it best state and we are now in are WORST possible state. we are at the bottom of are pendulam but are pendulam is going to re start. america is the current super power but America is at its middle swing and will DEFINTILY fall and the next super power will come and it is INEVITABLE that one day Muslims will rule. look at small sign that lead to bigger ones! islams conversion rates are taking over the world and thats a good start to are pendulam...
So Munim, you feel that we are at a stage of history where the U.S. will soon fall as Rome did? Does this mean that it will be followed by a new dark age?

A reversion to a non technological civilization is certainly possible, though the deaths of billions would be an unavoidable part of it. That might be what it takes to bring your world of Islam to fruition. I can certainly see a Muslim true believer being willing to unleash a genetically engineered virus in order to slaughter most of the modern world in order to bring about your "Islamic paradise". Of course they'd have to buy the equipment and know how to make it from the west. But I have little doubt that for the right price it would be available.

But I can certainly see Islamic terrorists fulfilling the role of the Vandals.

If the M.E. is what we have to judge by, it would be a dark age indeed. Certainly for me, death would be preferable to living in any sort of Islamic theocratic state.
spuriousmonkey said:
You should be happy that they didn't ban your ass yet.

Why Monkey ?? too embarrassing for your self-rightousness ??? banned for what ?? for exposing your lies and hatred ?? :rolleyes:

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Proud_Muslim said:
Why Monkey ?? too embarrassing for your self-rightousness ??? banned for what ?? for exposing your lies and hatred ?? :rolleyes:


Well I certainly wouldn't want you to be banned Proud Muslim - you are a great example of how a muslim behaves, and you prove how vile Islam really is.

daisy250 said:
In the day of Judgement, Jesus will look at you, and say, "I don't know you"

Jesus said the exact words to Mohammed when he tried to sneak his way into heaven.