Looking at the Bright side of the Muslim Ummah


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
The Muslim Ummah ( nation ): Looking on the Bright Side

Despite the sorry state of affairs of Muslim Ummah now, there is a glimmer of hope lying in the future, we would like to cite for you the following fatwa issued by the eminent Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi:

“Some scholars claim that the Doom is approaching and that the darkness looms large and there are troubles on the horizon. Actually, such premonitions bring benefits to none and make things get worse. This leads to the belief that there is no hope for a change or reform and that the coming days carry nothing but bad events. This is, in fact, a very wrong way of thinking and it is plainly a pessimistic approach to life. Muslims are to stick their mind to many glad tidings of the coming victory of Islam, and they should have faith in Allah that the coming days will be more bright and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Thus, it is necessary for Muslims to derive from the following glad tidings glimpse of light to fill their hearts with and let despair vanish and fade away. Here are some of the glad tidings mentioned in the Qur’an:

1-Almighty Allah says: “He it is who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the idolaters may be averse.” (At-Tawbah: 33)

2-Almighty Allah also says: “Fain would they put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light however much the disbelievers are averse.” (As-Saff: 8)

In these verses, Almighty Allah makes it clear that at the end sweeping victory and triumph will be for Islam and Allah’s light will cover all corners of the globe. ( amazingly, this is what's happening now, Islam is the fastest growing religion on earth ! )

The Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is also a record of many Hadiths that give glad tidings of the coming victory of Islam. Here, we would like to cite some of these Hadiths:

1-In his Sahih, Imam Muslim recorded that Thawban quoted the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: “Almighty Allah has gathered the earth for me so that I could see all its corners. My nation will rule over all that which Almighty Allah has gathered for me.”

2-Ibn Hibban quoted the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: This matter (i.e. Islam) will spread to cover all area where there is night and day. Allah will never leave a house in a rural area or in urban community without its people being Muslims. Honor is for those who embrace it (i.e. Islam) while disbelievers are doomed to disgrace and humiliation.”

This Hadith, along with many others, give us glad tidings that the patch of the Muslim state will expand to cover the whole earth and that the strength of this state will grow and become obvious to all. This also denotes good news for the long-cherished hope of revival of Muslims unity and rebirth of Islamic Caliphate.

Also, there are many other glad tidings in the reality of being a Muslim, for any wise man knows that no falsehood is to remain forever. Life has its ups and downs and days has their own vicissitudes. After hardship comes ease and every cloud has a silver lining. The bitter reality of the Muslim nation will come to an end, and tomorrow will be definitely better than today.

The emergence of the Islamic awakening has breathed in the Muslim nation a sense of confidence and hope in the future. Viewing this awakening as a threat, the enemies of Islam have tried their utmost to suppress it. However, it is Allah’s will that the Muslim awakening will endure all tribulation without being affected. Such movement is worthy of leading the Muslim nation to utter victory once there are leaders who are rightly guided by Almighty Allah and filled with wisdom.”

We plea to Allah Almighty to guide the Muslim Ummah back to the right track. This is the only way we can find a place in the modern world where non-Islamic systems impose distorted ideologies in the name of civilization."

PM fantasizes:

This Hadith, along with many others, give us glad tidings that the patch of the Muslim state will expand to cover the whole earth and that the strength of this state will grow and become obvious to all.

That would be an earth I would do everything in my power to blow up.

Just call me Blowfeld.
I think the guys with the white coats are pay a visit to PM and put him in a straight jacket, give him a shot of thorazine and lock him up with the other Napoleons.
I agree with (Q) on that...

Btw... you sound like a child whinning...
Sure there are many distorted ideologies, and the Muslim is one of them... or I should say Jihad?

Whichever ideology based on respect and care towards other people is good.
There should be at least one muslim nation. The rest of the world will be protected from the god squad by a gigantic shield of pork.
Maybe like a space based laser that fires a beam of vaporized spam, or a machine gun with those little appetizer weenies for ammunition...or troops of specially trained vietnamese pot bellied pigs, they are known to be smarter than dogs, so muslim troops would be no match!
TruthSeeker said:
How does a giant shield of pork looks like? :eek:

I can't picture that.... :D

Here's one version of a pork shield and the model for today is Sheikh Ahmed Yassin


...and they should have faith in Allah that the coming days will be more bright and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
hope its not just a train coming :D
Because Islam is coming, it is already the fastest growing religion on earth, it is everywhere, it will come and rid the world from the athiests and the haters, just wait and see !! :D
well, riding the world from haters and athiests is hardly a dark side, it is the best and the most astonishing service Islam can provide for the world, after all, it is the athiest pagan fools the ones who are spreading so much corruption and morale decay on earth.

Proud_Muslim said:
well, riding the world from haters and athiests is hardly a dark side, it is the best and the most astonishing service Islam can provide for the world, after all, it is the athiest pagan fools the ones who are spreading so much corruption and morale decay on earth.


atheist pagan's? i don't think so.......

and we don't won't you riding us.....

Do you ever post anything that has to do with non-religious preaching?

If you could show you had a side to you which was not fundamentalist and not obsessed with religion people might like you more.

just a suggestion.
Proud_Muslim said:
well, riding the world from haters and athiests is hardly a dark side, it is the best and the most astonishing service Islam can provide for the world, after all, it is the athiest pagan fools the ones who are spreading so much corruption and morale decay on earth.

Yeah, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi would agree with you . That "the bright side of the ummah is that it would spread all over the world as Allah promised." !

Even if that happens, the dark side would most probably would remain same. And you would be the shield of 'something' then also and fighting within your own ummah.
Nah !! Islam will dominate the world, the Muslim motto of NO GOD BUT ALLAH, MUHAMMAD IS HIS PROPHET will be flying all over the world, as for the dark side of the Ummah, this side will disappear because our ummah is like the moon, we have been in the dark side for some 3 centuries now, time to move to the bright side and we are doing just that.

it is in your best interests to have good relations with Muslims all over the world, Muslims tend to be very friendly and loyal to those who dont fight them, let us read from the Noble Quran:

''...God does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you over religion or driven you from your homes, or from being just towards them. God loves those who are just. God merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you over religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion... (The Noble Quran 60:8-9)
LOL - his fanaticism gets even more fanatical by the post.

My poor delusioned friend, Islam is not that big at all. Have you noticed advanced Islamic countries, are more western, than Islamic? ;)
Dear vienna, you are too coward, I reported you already to the admin of this forum, you will hear from them soon.
Proud_Muslim said:
Dear vienna, you are too coward, I reported you already to the admin of this forum, you will hear from them soon.

Getting a bit paranoid PM? Is everybody out to get you? Nobody likes you? Does life seem to be one bitch after another? Maybe it's time to try some good ole fashion religion. Jesus loves you.