LOL Tony blair said god told him to send uk troops to iraq

RAW2000 said:
With all tho's typo's people might come to the conclusion that your the idiot.
The root of the problem's oil and government brain washing any way. Religion's justs a scape-goat.

M*W: I see that you suffer from the pot:kettle syndrome. It takes an idiot to know an idiot.
vincent28uk said:
"Separation of church and state My arse.?"

Here is yet another example of hypocritical nonsense, the uk is a christaian & catholic country by majority, why the hell should we not show our faith.

Are you telling me iran or any muslim country keeps there religon seperate from there state, absolute nonsense, there governments talk of nothing but religon.

I think the UK & most western countries do a good job of keeping religon out of our politics, mostly at the behest of our muslim friends living in our countries who demand a religous free government, unless it is a islamic one.

Is it written in our laws no it is not, we only do it to appease our muslim inhabitants who are offended by symbols of our religons.

Would any muslim country bow to the demands of westerners living in there country demanding religon to be kept out of governments, no they damn well would not.

I believe alot of that to be true.
Sadaam is out... his murderous rampage and his taking advantage of his people are over.

I would have gladly been one of the 3000 soldiers killed in the middle east just to have this happen...

And who knows, i might be there in 3.5 years... And if im shot and dying, I will be proud of what we are doing... because its bettering the world no matter how you look at it.
geeser said:
there are a lot of people here, who's first language is not english, it is arrogant and rude, to pick fault with spelling, we all do it from time to time, so allowances are made.
you will notice, your posted, printed again in blue.
so what was that about grammar and typo's.
welcome to sciforums.

Thanks, U r right, i am new to English :)
Oy Vincent
See your still spewing shite across the board.

"Here is yet another example of hypocritical nonsense, the uk is a christaian & catholic country by majority, why the hell should we not show our faith."

christian and catholic?
You should not "show your faith" because it's superstitious bollocks.
Don't just take my word for it ask around.
"You wanna live in a theocracy?"

Are you telling me iran or any muslim country keeps there religon seperate from there state, absolute nonsense, there governments talk of nothing but religon.

Err so they do and ain't they bad?
You always did confuse me vincent

Dee Cee
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