LOL Tony blair said god told him to send uk troops to iraq

People love to use a god figure as some excuse its really pathetic, people need to take responsibility for their own actions.
I know. It was obvious that's what happened, but having him come out and say it just goes to show the perils of religion I guess. I've always said that anyone with deep religious beliefs is more likely to throw a stone at something, and that's what Bush and Blair have done.

Compare the UK and the US with Germany and France. All of the more secularist countries dodged war...
Yeah i agree and me being athiest i am moral by my own standards not what a silly contradicting book tells me, and i take my own responsibility for what i say or do.
I really used to like Blair, at one point.

Shortly after 9/11, Blair made a comment about the events being "an attack on people of all faiths, and people of none." My jaw hit the floor.

Here in the USA, no politician would ever say that. It is unacceptable to even acknowledge that there are nontheists, much less discuss them without being pejorative.
I think Tony Blair latter realized that Bush used him.

He couldnt figure out that if Saddam had WMD then instead of hiding himself in a den, he would have used the WMDs in the war itself.

Poor Tony Blair.
firstly I'm not a fan of Blairs, however he did not say what dug-t has suggested.when he was asked if he had sought holy intervention on the issue. he said "yes, of course, you struggle with your own conscience about it... and its one of these situations that, I suppose, very few people ever find themselves in."
and also he said, "In the end, there is a judgement that, I think if you have faith about these things, you realise that judgement is made by other people... and if you believe in God, it's made by God as well."

"When you're faced with a decision like that, some of those decisions have been very, very difficult, most of all because you know these are people's lives and, in some case, their deaths.

"The only way you can take a decision like that is to do the right thing according to your conscience."

I think anybody would struggle with there conscience, in such a situation.
wether your religious or not, I think you would be looking to your peers or beyond, given that your sending people to their deaths.
imagine what you would be doing in the same situation.

and lerxst: I think that Blair statement just shows, more sincerity.
case in point american idol, the only honest man there is simon cowell,
he does'nt say somebody sang great, when they did'nt, but the others do.
sincerity is not something, americans understand to well. and yes I know thats a generalisation, " have a nice day, missing you already" etc...
dont get me wrong I adore americans and america, but theres a lot of hypocrites there. mostly in the business world.
Blair shouldn't waffle about god while he's on the telly. Its not healthy.
Separation of church and state?
My arse.
The tit who listened to god and went to war by mistake.
I don't know how he dare show his face

Dee Cee
I agree with Geeser for the most part, it would be a very tough decision. However, I don't think God would want such a thing. I think He would want us to use the pen/voice rather than the sword if we thought our fellow Iraqi's were in trouble. And have patience in the process. Also to look at the splinter in our own eye first before we tell someone else, or some other country, to get it out of theirs. But we aren't God so I guess we all have opinions on what He would want us to do. That's just mine.
Here is the root of the problem,

Stupid Mouslims think Allaha is the God

And Foolish christians think Jejus id the god,

so they think they are doing good by killing the other.

Both are idiots as theres no god.
With all tho's typo's people might come to the conclusion that your the idiot.
The root of the problem's oil and government brain washing any way. Religion's justs a scape-goat.
What else should we expect from a country that still doesn't have a seperation of church and state?
Yea, ill make a comment about this when everyone in these forums gets a little more civilized and mature and recognizes that not everyone who disagree's with you is an idiot...
Alright, everyone stop the idiot calling so the almighty Provita can provide us with a comment.
RAW2000 said:
With all tho's typo's people might come to the conclusion that your the idiot.
The root of the problem's oil and government brain washing any way. Religion's justs a scape-goat.
should read
("With all those typo's, people might come to the conclusion that, your the idiot.")
("The root of the problem's oil, and government brainwashing, anyway Religion's justs a scapegoat.")
there are a lot of people here, who's first language is not english, it is arrogant and rude, to pick fault with spelling, we all do it from time to time, so allowances are made.
you will notice, your posted, printed again in blue.
so what was that about grammar and typo's.
welcome to sciforums.
DeeCee said:
Blair shouldn't waffle about god while he's on the telly. Its not healthy.
Separation of church and state?
My arse.
The tit who listened to god and went to war by mistake.
I don't know how he dare show his face

Dee Cee

"Separation of church and state My arse.?"

Here is yet another example of hypocritical nonsense, the uk is a christaian & catholic country by majority, why the hell should we not show our faith.

Are you telling me iran or any muslim country keeps there religon seperate from there state, absolute nonsense, there governments talk of nothing but religon.

I think the UK & most western countries do a good job of keeping religon out of our politics, mostly at the behest of our muslim friends living in our countries who demand a religous free government, unless it is a islamic one.

"Separation of church and state My arse.?"

Is it written in our laws no it is not, we only do it to appease our muslim inhabitants who are offended by symbols of our religons.

Would any muslim country bow to the demands of westerners living in there country demanding religon to be kept out of governments, no they damn well would not.
usp... i never EVER said i was almighty. For some reason it seems you were either aggrivated or offended by my post. I'm sorry, i just dont see the revelence in bitching, name calling, ilsulting, and other nonessencial attacks against other memebers (not saying you do that.) All i see is "God doesnt exist, you are all idiots!" or "God exists, convert ye fools!" but what many people here dont seem to grasp is... both thiesm, athiesm, and agnosticism, are beliefs, not facts, but beliefs, and to say otherwise is quite ignorant in itself. This does not mean the posters are ignorant, I just dont see the point in these discussions. Do some people jabe grudges gainst all thiests? Athiests? Agnostics? Just because someone disagrees with what you believe does not merit them an insult. For all you or I know, we could be wrong and they could be right. Or vice versa, or both of us could be wrong and some other guy be right. I'm just tired of all this bullshit "ur an idiot" crap that has no usefulness and meaning in these debates but to attemot to lower the reputation of someone against you. These are debate forums; Discussion forums; we discuss and debate, and we should do that with views but with an open mind... not take it personally and then retaliate with true personal attacks.