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Burn in hell Hippies
Registered Senior Member
Im not saying i believe in myths and i like to scare myself, anyone have any stories on the lizard men reported in south carolina or Ohio? i want stories, legends, anything
lizard men? wtf u talking about?

if ur talkin johnny quest lizard men, we gotta good thing goin here lol
I once had a hippie teacher that told us about Lemarians. She said that they were highly intelligent lizard men that disguised themselves as humans and they lived under some mountain. Lemarian sounds similar to Lemurian...... hmmm.....

Edit: Chupacabara, isn't that, that thing that pokes holes in stuff and sucks its blood. Is that on puerto rico or something?
i beleive the chupacabras (translation from spanish: goat sucker) is supposed to live in the baja peninsula regon of mexico. I dont know about any Ohio lizard men... although New Jersy does have a cloven hooved bat winged devil...
correct me if im wrong, but wasnt the chupacabra supposed to be further south? like peru?
Maybe you're thinking of the reptoids who live inside of our hollow earth, and come to the surface through a hole in the crust which exists in Antarctica which his 300 miles in diameter, and the government doesn't want you to know about.
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Thanks splunk.

Mystech, Reptoids are believed to be underground yes, however throughout the times of mining deep into the earth and having a whole labyrinth of tunnels, there are links to reports of people wandering around in these longtime abandoned mining tunnels and coming across what look like high tech tunneling systems (although very deep underground and far into the mining area). You may find links to this on enjoy.
Wow, those lizard men are all over the place, I really had no idea how wide spread they were, it's really kind of impressive when you think about it.
wow... lets try and stick on the same idea here people =P Lizardmen, as in the myths from South carolina, a lot of those links didnt work for me,
I had this strange dream tonight. When I read the word "chupacabra" here I suddenly remembered it. It was like a discovery program about this new monkey species they had found it Mexico. They were like one meter tall, with brown fur and big round eyes. They walked up straight on two feet and they said that these were the animals that people used to label as chupacabras. They were really quite peaceful and one could get very close to them, but they also said that they were easily disurbed and could then attack.

dont worry, ive got the "prefered enemy: Lizardmen" feat whitch gives me +1 to all saving throws VS Lizardmen. I can also do dule weild so get me a long sword and a short sword and i think we are going to be just fine. I still need a cleric, and hey, there is alwayse use for a wizard right? Ive got boots of reflexes +2 and they are sooo sweet.
god, I hate people with weapons that only add effects vs one race, Either that or your a smelly RANGER
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