Literally Crazy Behavior

The Bible says: you have God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are all part of the same God--the triune God. Christians know the Holy Spirit is real because He lives inside them. He does not live inside people who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Father/Lord and Savior.
Some non-Christians may think the Holy Spirit is real, but again, they do not know Him like Christians do.

Jesus has a very special love for you. As for me, the silence and the emptiness is so great that I look and do not see, listen and do not hear.
— Mother Teresa to the Rev. Michael Van Der Peet, September 1979​

Mother Teresa Did Not Feel Christ's Presence for Last Half of Her Life, Letters Reveal
I woudn't say 'insane', for that condition would pervade one's entire life and render it unworkable.

These quite regular folks have errors in thinking which are common and understandable in light of the human condition as it has come to be.

Some of those at forums are at least willing to discuss in depth, although some may still but merely repeat their pronouncements outright with no give, lending us some insight into the nature of strong belief.
You chicken fuckers are all going to get crazy when you see my show . You will shit you pants crazy . It may not happen the day of the show , but at some point you will let it all go . It be me embedded suggestions that the natural you can't let go , so you will let something else instead. Wa La
I woudn't say 'insane', for that condition would pervade one's entire life and render it unworkable.

These quite regular folks have errors in thinking which are common and understandable in light of the human condition as it has come to be.

Some of those at forums are at least willing to discuss in depth, although some may still but merely repeat their pronouncements outright with no give, lending us some insight into the nature of strong belief.

What exactly are there errors in thinking again ? What? Do they over consume ? What they try to sell you life as they see it through there idol image? What it is it that really bugs you? You want them all to be like you ? What is it tell Me? The way they dance and let it all hang out ? Is that it ? Dude They have something they believe in . It is better then believing in nothing by a long shot
Jesus has a very special love for you. As for me, the silence and the emptiness is so great that I look and do not see, listen and do not hear.
— Mother Teresa to the Rev. Michael Van Der Peet, September 1979​

Mother Teresa Did Not Feel Christ's Presence for Last Half of Her Life, Letters Reveal

I wonder if that was when I was born ? A yeah probably . That is when that Bantluyta can't remember her name . The New age gal from Russia. Blanu f-ck I don't know have to google her . That group did away with Jesus at that time . 57 and If you ask Me it is the same reason Eric Clapton sings about 57 chevy's and screaming guitars. I get off on 57 chey's , I get off on screaming guitars

Nice song . It makes Me feel like some one loves me
What exactly are there errors in thinking again ? What? Do they over consume ? What they try to sell you life as they see it through there idol image? What it is it that really bugs you? You want them all to be like you ? What is it tell Me? The way they dance and let it all hang out ? Is that it ? Dude They have something they believe in . It is better then believing in nothing by a long shot

Of course they are free to be, personally. That's the great thing about there being no strings attached.
who are you
Will tell you when I find out, I consider myself a seeker of true spirituality but that does not define who I am.

I am the fallen and I can't get up. You choose not to let me up ?
I would never choose not to let you up my friend, I know I may not be a wise man but I always try to bring people at least to my level of understanding. And if a person demonstrates a higher understanding than me, I try to at least not judge until I find out on my own.
I don't know the "Ultimate Truth", but I do know the "Ultimate Lie"; that only brings the manipulation of my fellow brothers and sisters. I will fight philosophically against all hypocrites and evil men in order to at least bring a few people to their own paths instead of following the mainstream lies and hipocresy.

Fine then for I am happy in my pig wallow. Nature is my friend . Nature listens to Me.
If you are hipnotized to believe that you are in paradise, you will be happy indeed, but it would not be the reality; and that paradise will not let you grow, as Truth does.
I still stand by my claim that many highly religious people are in fact insane on some level. I don't mean this as an attack, just voicing my opinion. I can't find any other explanation for their behavior. When someone gets THIS worked up over an illusion, I'd don't see any other alternative source than sheer insanity. Obviously for those that don't know, Borat is pickin' fun at them :) ... the day when the congregation confirmed that Jerome was gay. (remixed but still proves my point)

What's your opinion???

As a Christian i do not reject outright tongues. But i these latter days, (i believe Jesus will return soon) i am ultra cautious about any claimed manifestation of the Holy Spirit. From scripture i know that in the end times agents of satan will be able to perform lying signs and wonders. And tongues is a sign. I cannot and will not state that any of what i saw in the video's that i watch have there source by the Holy Spirit or by satan. Or even what was faked.

I did watch a few in the line and the one that happened in Ski Lanka did not sound like a tongues session :

The reaction of some of the crowed sounded more like an exorcism. The women that where rolling and screaming on the floor where not talking in tongues. This disturbed me. Some of the other videos where kind of funny but the Ski Lankan one was not funny at all. Some serious stuff was going down there.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Seems to me these believers need a Faith Healer on hand, throwing their bodies around like they are having grand mal seizures!

The elderly ones should save all that shaking and moving for the bedroom as it is a much better stress reliever, so why waste it on a circus act?

When you cannot reason there is this alternative(pure unadulterated emotionalism)
The Bible says: you have God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are all part of the same God--the triune God. Christians know the Holy Spirit is real because He lives inside them. He does not live inside people who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Father/Lord and Savior.
Some non-Christians may think the Holy Spirit is real, but again, they do not know Him like Christians do.
M*W: I was a christian at one time, so I know what the rules are. What I don't understand now and didn't understand then is where is the holy spirit in christians? I've known a lot of christians in my day, and I've yet to see anything spiritually special in any of them. Some of them spoke in tongues but were rude to their neighbors. Some of them interpreted tongues but were vicious gossips. Another went to church and prayer meetings regularly but was discovered to be having an affair with one of the married men in the group. Most of the christians I've known suffer from depression. Many were bi-polar. I've known several christians who were schizophrenic. Most of them refused to be treated, because they were waiting for the holy spirit to fix them. Christians are basically dishonest, especially to themselves. I believe non-christians, agnostics and atheists, will continue to see right through them, because there is nothing there... like the Emperor's New Clothes.
M*W: I was a christian at one time, so I know what the rules are. What I don't understand now and didn't understand then is where is the holy spirit in christians? I've known a lot of christians in my day, and I've yet to see anything spiritually special in any of them. Some of them spoke in tongues but were rude to their neighbors. Some of them interpreted tongues but were vicious gossips. Another went to church and prayer meetings regularly but was discovered to be having an affair with one of the married men in the group. Most of the christians I've known suffer from depression. Many were bi-polar. I've known several christians who were schizophrenic. Most of them refused to be treated, because they were waiting for the holy spirit to fix them. Christians are basically dishonest, especially to themselves. I believe non-christians, agnostics and atheists, will continue to see right through them, because there is nothing there... like the Emperor's New Clothes.

i got your holy spirit right here MW. :)